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Prayers for my 1yo ds

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Praise God! The surgeon just came out and finished surgery. All went well and we will be able to see him in 15 minutes :D


We will be here until they get the results of the tests on the material the surgeon removed. Some terrible yucky creamy yellow substance. I just can't believe that stage is over. God gave us the strength and comfort we all needed thus far. Thanks for your faithful and fervent prayers! You guys have been so good to my family!!!




:party::party::party::party: I am SO happy surgery is over!

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I sent my phone # in a pm a couple of days ago...you're probably exhausted & have a bunch of them...but I just wanted to mention again here...if you need anything, call me. I can watch your kids, whatever you need. Dh could come get them if you want...just let me know.


:grouphug: I missed the surgery until just now, but I've been thinking about you all & praying. SO glad he's doing better right now. I hope the tests come back really boring & he gets completely spoiled by the nurses. :grouphug:

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I thought I would post another update and my plea for prayers:


Jonah did wonderful in the evening yesterday. It was wonderful to see my baby back. But overnight he spiked a 104 fever and he had one this morning. The ENT team is concerned that there could possibly be another pocket that began to develop that was not on the original CT scan and therefore missed in surgery. If he continues a fever they will do another CT scan and surgery again. From the initial microscope lab viewing they found the bacteria taken out was a form of cocci. Further growth testing will identify if it was staph, strep, etc.


If you could pray: that his fever goes away, that all that needed to be removed was removed and that the antibiotics will be able to do there job. I would be so grateful for your continued prayers. It is truly wonderful to know that all of you are supporting us in prayer!

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Praise God! The surgeon just came out and finished surgery. All went well and we will be able to see him in 15 minutes :D


We will be here until they get the results of the tests on the material the surgeon removed. Some terrible yucky creamy yellow substance. I just can't believe that stage is over. God gave us the strength and comfort we all needed thus far. Thanks for your faithful and fervent prayers! You guys have been so good to my family!!!




:grouphug: Ooops! just saw latest update! Hang tough!

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I dont get on here a lot any more but did happened to read this. It has brough back so, so many memories of our time with our now 6 year old who contracted Bacterial Menigitis when he was 4 monthes old. Oh how my momma heart is so broken for yours....your poor sweet, sweet baby who only deserves health. May His strength overwhelm you in all ways....May His understanding trump yours and the doctors.....May His kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. In heaven your sweet Jonah is not sick so we clain this on earth right now is Jesus' name.

I remember in the bed that I dozed in next to my comatose baby clinging to the words of Psalm 91. These are truth words. If you haven't already and you have a moment read them. My prayers are with you dear momma and your sweet baby too.


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God has been so good! All of the prayers have been heard! He had a great night of no fever and he is back to his normal busy jolly self today. They will be in soon to take out the drain they placed in his neck. So, no more chance of surgery :party::party::party:


The pediatric team and the ENT team are not in agreement on when to let us try to go home. ENT wants us to stay until they grow the culture of grand cocci to see what strain it is. That way they will be able to access if it is a superbug that is resistant to all oral antibiotic. In this case, he would need to have a picc line in place to give him antibiotics at home.


So, we are hopeful we may be able to go home today. I will update everyone when I know specifically. I can not emphasize enough how much it has meant to know the prayers and support we have received from this community. I am beyond grateful!!!

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God has been so good! All of the prayers have been heard! He had a great night of no fever and he is back to his normal busy jolly self today. They will be in soon to take out the drain they placed in his neck. So, no more chance of surgery :party::party::party:


The pediatric team and the ENT team are not in agreement on when to let us try to go home. ENT wants us to stay until they grow the culture of grand cocci to see what strain it is. That way they will be able to access if it is a superbug that is resistant to all oral antibiotic. In this case, he would need to have a picc line in place to give him antibiotics at home.


So, we are hopeful we may be able to go home today. I will update everyone when I know specifically. I can not emphasize enough how much it has meant to know the prayers and support we have received from this community. I am beyond grateful!!!


What a relief! Praise G-d!!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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God has been so good! All of the prayers have been heard! He had a great night of no fever and he is back to his normal busy jolly self today. They will be in soon to take out the drain they placed in his neck. So, no more chance of surgery :party::party::party:


The pediatric team and the ENT team are not in agreement on when to let us try to go home. ENT wants us to stay until they grow the culture of grand cocci to see what strain it is. That way they will be able to access if it is a superbug that is resistant to all oral antibiotic. In this case, he would need to have a picc line in place to give him antibiotics at home.


So, we are hopeful we may be able to go home today. I will update everyone when I know specifically. I can not emphasize enough how much it has meant to know the prayers and support we have received from this community. I am beyond grateful!!!


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I wish I were closer so I could do something. So glad to hear the update!

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Just by way of encouragement—about a year ago, dd had a lymph node in her neck swell up big like that in a matter of hours. It was just a localized infection. The doc said nothing to worry about yet, gave her an anti-biotic and told me to watch it. If it went down, great, if not, then it would be time to worry. He had seen two similar cases that week. It went down right away with the antibiotic.


I pray the same happens for your little guy and you have good news for us in the next couple days. :grouphug:

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God has been so good! All of the prayers have been heard! He had a great night of no fever and he is back to his normal busy jolly self today. They will be in soon to take out the drain they placed in his neck. So, no more chance of surgery :party::party::party:


The pediatric team and the ENT team are not in agreement on when to let us try to go home. ENT wants us to stay until they grow the culture of grand cocci to see what strain it is. That way they will be able to access if it is a superbug that is resistant to all oral antibiotic. In this case, he would need to have a picc line in place to give him antibiotics at home.


So, we are hopeful we may be able to go home today. I will update everyone when I know specifically. I can not emphasize enough how much it has meant to know the prayers and support we have received from this community. I am beyond grateful!!!


Thanks be to God! And :grouphug: of joy.

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