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POLL: Have you food-shopped yet for Thanksgiving?

Have you food shopped yet for Thanksgiving?  

  1. 1. Have you food shopped yet for Thanksgiving?

    • Yes, I have. I don't intend to set foot in the grocery store b4 Thursday.
    • No, I haven't. I still have to get everything.
    • Yes, I have but I will need to go back a few more times.
    • No, I haven't, b/c I don't have to/want to.
    • Other

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The poll is coming.


I'm just curious. I haven't. I pick up the turkey tomorrow from the butcher. I tried unsuccessfully to get into Wegman's parking lot today, and I turned around and came back home -- I KNEW that would be the case, but I was out so I figured I would try.


I am going tonight at 11. I am sure it will still be rather zoo-like, but I think it will be even worse at 6am tomorrow when they open. Last year, I did go at 6am on Christmas Eve, and I was able to finish everything in an hour. I am hoping for that same experience tonight.


I don't know why I haven't gone yet -- maybe because the grand-daughters are here and I've had fun stuff planned and I truly just didn't feel like shopping.


How bout you?

Edited by MariannNOVA
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Yes and everything is put away. Most everybody was nice except for an older couple that were complaining that that store was packed and how horrible it was to shop at ____ .:glare: I got out of their way and let them pass me by so I didn't have to listen to it.


My turkey is in my fridge and I am all set to make creamy mashed potatoes ala pioneer woman and some brown rice stuffing via a skinnytaste. It will be my yin and yang. LOL! And I have my veggie turkey ready to make up too.



Oh and I did forget the water chestnuts if I have some in the cupboard great if not oh well. I am not going near a store till next week.

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I went this morning to get the stuff for my two casseroles that I am contributing to Thanksgiving. I had to go to 4 stores to find fresh brussel sprouts. I make a killer brussel sprout and cauliflower gratin. I would hate to have to cook for the whole meal. There were some women in the different stores with a crazed look in their eyes. But it was nice to drool over all of the desserts in the bakery.

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Not only do I not plan to step foot in the grocery store before Thanksgiving, I don't plan to leave the house at all again until Friday morning, when we'll probably go buy our Christmas tree. I will definitely NOT be going anywhere near a shopping mall.:eek:


Me neither. I avoid them like the plague from now till Christmas. I hear you.

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I am usually a last minute person, but since I no longer have the stamina to cook everything in one day, I have to spread the cooking out over several. So not only do I have the shopping done, including the follow up to get what I forgot the first time, but the cheesy broccoli rice casserole is in the freezer, and the make-ahead mashed potatoes (9 lbs. worth─that's all my largest pot would hold), stock for the gravy, and sweet potato souffle are in the refrigerator. Tomorrow we bake 2 pumpkin pies, 1 deep dish apple pie, and 3 doz. rolls.

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I am usually a last minute person, but since I no longer have the stamina to cook everything in one day, I have to spread the cooking out over several. So not only do I have the shopping done, including the follow up to get what I forgot the first time, but the cheesy broccoli rice casserole is in the freezer, and the make-ahead mashed potatoes (9 lbs. worth─that's all my largest pot would hold), stock for the gravy, and sweet potato souffle are in the refrigerator. Tomorrow we bake 2 pumpkin pies, 1 deep dish apple pie, and 3 doz. rolls.



I am impressed! Really! That requires alot of forethought and planning.



Look up 'procrastinate' in the dictionary -- you will see a picture of me.:glare:

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I have to buy turkey thighs (it's just us and most of the kids don't like turkey). Then I have to remember how to cook them...


I need apples for pie and some sort of vegetable. We already have a few potatoes and sweet potatoes.


I don't plan to do any of this until late tomorrow nite - we're driving to the mountains tomorrow morning and doing thanksgiving up there. Better yet, I'll send DH to the store with a small list ;) - I wonder what time they close. I'm more concerned with having little things like enough lunch food and snacks.


Dd10 has decided she'd rather not ski with her brothers on Thursday - she wants to stay home and cook with me :)

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I did go shopping but I already know of atleast 1 thing I forgot. I am going to sit down and go through everything I am going to make and get everything I forgot. I think I voted for yes I got everything and I won't step foot in a store again, but I guess I should have chose other because I will only go 1 more time.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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I said Yes, but I'll have to go back a few more times. But really, I just have to go back one more time, because WalMart didn't have the apples I want for apple pie. I don't have to cook everything though, just a couple of pies, stuffing, and green bean casserole. I'll have to get it all done tomorrow (well, I'll do the stuffing on Thursday before we go to my sister's), so I'll be busy. But fun - I love this stuff.



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I voted I have it all, but we had our official T-day dinner on the 12th when dh was in town (he won't be back until summer now) so the one on Thursday is just because we like a good turkey dinner. LOL I originally wasn't planning to make anything special this Thurs, but the kids asked me to yesterday. DD and I stopped today on our way home from her check-up. It wasn't to crazy and they had plenty of turkeys and other fixings left. I would have had to stop anyway because oldest ds had called me when I was out at gymnastics with youngest ds to let me know we had less than a half gallon of milk left, but of course I forgot to grab it when I stopped at Target with youngest ds.


ETA: It will only be the 4 of us (me and the kids, no family anywhere near by, so it will be a nice easy day.) The whole meal will only take me about 1.5 hours total to prep and cook because I'm going to get out the Indoor electric Deep Fryer for the Turkey breast I bought, and the rest will cook while "Paco" fries. Yes we name the bird, or part of the bird as the case may be.

Edited by nukeswife
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I think I am all done with stuff for Thanksgiving #1 (at my mom's) to which I will bring three pies.


I am almost done with everything for Thanksgiving #2, which is Saturday at my house (dh's family celebrates then). For that one, I think I have everything except the turkey - I don't have room to store the darn thing for that long with everything else I have to make room for! I'll buy that on Friday.


There is always the possibility there is something I've overlooked, but I think I'm good....

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I intended on having it all done yesterday, but the we've been fighting PLAGUE in our home. I fell asleep this afternoon, and had to watch my mom this evening, so I'll be heading out later tonight or, most likely, early tomorrow :tongue_smilie:. My dad floated me a $20 to buy a fresh bird, so at least I won't have to worry about thawing!

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We went today and it was busy. However, it was well-organized and everyone was super nice even though TJs was out of two items that I needed.


Unless its a true emergency like spoiled milk, we won't be setting foot near any grocery stores til next week--the parking lots were nightmarish and didn't have anyone offering my kids balloons or stickers to keep them from crying. Once we were inside everything was great. TJs was giving pumpkin pie and cider samples which the kids loved.

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I said yes I have and don't intend to go again. However, dh is stopping by the store (he is probably there now). He had to pick something up and we needed asparagus for Thanksgiving. That is the last trip. I did the rest of the shopping last week and yesterday.

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I was too tired to go last night so I was there at 7am today. It was very pleasant -- shelves were stocked, staff was incredibly friendly and 'fresh,' other shoppers were so helpful - dh went to the other side of the store to get a container of candied ginger for a gentleman who was shopping for his wife.


My son in law will get the turkey from the organic butcher this afternoon and bring it here. I will get it rolled in prosciutto tomorrow and baked in time for dinner at 2:30 (we are eating early) -- it only has to cook for an hour after being braised on the stove top.


This afternoon the kids and I will make more doggy treats, dd11 and I will bake a pumpkin pie, and for dinner we are going to have 'make your own' pizzas -- Grand-daughter 7 wanted to go to Generous George's where one can make their own pizza, so in the interest of family economy, dh and I purchased pizza dough and toppings at Wegman's and we will do that here.


Wishing everyone a peaceful, merry day!:grouphug:


PS -- I am the one in our house wearing the reindeer antlers -- just trying to spread some merriment!

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