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What's the longest you've been w/out power?

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What's the longest you've been w/out power?


Because here in Souther New England it's over 9 days and counting; may be on by tomorrow, Tues or Wed; (10, 11, or 12 days).


......what an experience; rounding up our neighbor's loose goats; giving away firewood; sharing generators; food etc w/ neighbors; showers at the senior center and getting to know others in town over hot food there

....it's been sorta - well really good; life changing in a good way - never thought I'd say that, but we take so much for granted and this has made us self-reliant, resilient and it's been good for our kids to see and experience....curious to know others expericences :) , etc.

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Parrothead: 27 days - Wow! What did you do? What was the weather like (cold/hot)?


Veritaserum: Yes, this past storm was very heavy, wet snow - I went around my garderns knocking off the snow off the hydrangeas, forthesia, apple trees, because some branches were bent into u's....

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What's the longest you've been w/out power?


Because here in Souther New England it's over 9 days and counting; may be on by tomorrow, Tues or Wed; (10, 11, or 12 days).


......what an experience; rounding up our neighbor's loose goats; giving away firewood; sharing generators; food etc w/ neighbors; showers at the senior center and getting to know others in town over hot food there

....it's been sorta - well really good; life changing in a good way - never thought I'd say that, but we take so much for granted and this has made us self-reliant, resilient and it's been good for our kids to see and experience....curious to know others expericences :) , etc.


Eight days due to Hurricane Juan, and we had the same types of experiences you describe here. In fact, we still keep in touch with two houses' worth of neighbours from that neighbourhood (we don't live there now), just because we got to know them that week with no power.


P.S. My brother is in the Hartford area, and I think he just got his power back a day or so ago.

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What's the longest you've been w/out power?


Because here in Souther New England it's over 9 days and counting; may be on by tomorrow, Tues or Wed; (10, 11, or 12 days).


......what an experience; rounding up our neighbor's loose goats; giving away firewood; sharing generators; food etc w/ neighbors; showers at the senior center and getting to know others in town over hot food there

....it's been sorta - well really good; life changing in a good way - never thought I'd say that, but we take so much for granted and this has made us self-reliant, resilient and it's been good for our kids to see and experience....curious to know others expericences :) , etc.


Sorry to hear this, my friend. I did hear CT was really badly hit. The longest we were without electricity was 11 days two years agi in the midst of a pretty cold winter and with a young toddler. I think it took us a day or two to locate a generator (very blessed as it was a matter of perfect timing in the store) and we got it wired to a few appliances so we had a spaceheater, fridge, ricecooker going. This time around my dh kindly asked his electrician friend tohook up the generator to the main line so we did not have wires all around the places and could have several things going incl. the heat, totally different experience!


Hope today will be your day of light!

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What's the longest you've been w/out power?


7 years. Yes, you read that right, years. For me, that was from birth to age 7, so I wasn't the adult having to shoulder all the hard work.


After the power lines reached our property & we became accustomed to electricity, the longest was 13 days. The same thing that just happened in the Northeast happened up here in the '90's - early, heavy snow before the leaves fell, crashed power lines, everything frozen up. Many people here have woodstoves or other alternative heating methods, and/or generators.


For those 13 days, everyone took turns showering at a neighbor's who had an artisian well, so it didn't rely on an electric pump to bring the water up. Everyone, even little kids and pregnant women, was outside shoveling snow. Before we could plow out the driveway, we had to dig out (by shovel) the plow truck. It really does become everyone pooling resources.


More recently, the worst was a whole afternoon at -50* F. A house can lose heat surprisingly fast at those temps. I started lighting every candle I could find and put them by the pipes; I started freaking out, thinking all the pipes were going to freeze and burst unless something was done. Just as I lit the last one, power returned (lesson learned: get a generator!).


Sorry you're going through this, and I do hope things return to normal for you & that whole region soon.

Edited by Annabel Lee
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It was one week after the tornadoes back in April. You are right we do take so much for granted. That week without power was a good experience. We were very fortunate to have had the best weather during that week. The kids were outside playing all day. We met some neighbors that we had not met in the 6 years we lived here for everyone is busy. We had a block party. We stayed out side at night until it got to dark to see. I think it will be an experience the kids won't forget.

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2 weeks, due to Hurricane Ike.


The first week was kind of fun. The weather was nice and cool. The hunt for ice was interesting. Cooking on the grill and our camp stove. Getting to know the neighbors. The kindness of those who had electricity and would share. I had a little 7 inch battery-operated black and white TV. Once stores opened and I could get some batteries, that was my connection to the world. :)


The second week, the heat returned and that wasn't so fun. We were able to borrow a generator, so we had some electricity, but no a/c. It was nice to have lights in the house at night, though. Who knew how dark it could get??


Overall, it was a valuable learning experience, but I have never been so thrilled as when the power came back on. :)

Edited by Rhonda in TX
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Wow... I thought 7 or 8 hours was bad...


We've been in our current home for a little over 13 years and the longest we have been without power is about 12 hours, maybe less. And we live on a back road right near the end of the power lines... It's certainly something to be thankful for!

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3-5 days. :) Wicked snowstorm in the south of the US. Trucks couldn't get through and rescue crews were out finding people in 6' snow because they'd warned us of snow 4 times and it didn't come so why should we believe them the 5th time despite warnings that this was for real and firm road closings.


The time without power wasn't bad, we actually look back on it with fond memories and LOTS of laughter.

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About 4 days. To me, the worst part isn't the lack of electricity (though that is annoying) but the lack of water (electric well). The no flushing, no washing, no cleaning up of messes really gets to me.


I'm glad you are finding good in the situation! It will be something you always remember, that's for sure!

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We were without power in August (hurricane Irene) - I'm also in CT. But this time we never lost power.


I just heard the news this morning - hopefully Wednesday - that's unbelievable.


We did not have a generator in August - so things got very interesting by the end of the week.


Thankfully I have a gas grill and the local high school opened up at night for hot showers - pure bliss to take a shower each night. They ran hoses for filling up containers for flushing toilets etc.


We are on well water - so no water was running.

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If I remember right it was 5 days for us, 11 for my parents with the huge ice storm a few years back. Some people south of us were out about a month though with the same storm. We have contingencies now, a generator and much more supplies. A low electricity(to use on with the generator) food source, we are currently working on finishing the basement so we have a more temp controlled environment and installing alternative heat down there as well. We have well water also, and I have to agree no running water was much worse. Thankfully once we got the generator we got one large enough to power a well for little bits of time.

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7 days 16 hours with Irene and we just went 6 days from the snow. We have a well so there's no water at all without power. Add in two little kids and cold and we go stay with my parents. Our house was down to 45 degrees last week. We have a wood burning fireplace but it's a concern with the little guys since there's not a lot of space to safely walk around it. We can only do a fire if we can watch them very closely and constantly.


Most of our neighbors have generators and we will be getting one very soon.

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Not long. Maybe a day and a half. Once when I lived in downtown Ottawa during the big blackout a couple years ago and last year during one of the hurricanes here in NS.


The power goes out here all the time. A whisper of wind and out it goes. We have a woodstove but we really need to get a generator to run our incubator and the electric fence.

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15 days after a January ice storm. Most miserable time ever. We had two little kids and no heat so we went to my inlaw's house because they have a wood burning stove so we could at least be warm. We carried out food every day, it got sooo old.

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Close to a week! This was after tornadoes came through the neighborhood. We're in a major city. The houses, wiring in our neighborhood is old though so sometimes it takes a while to get back. We lost all the food in our fridge and freezer.

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just over seven days. Since we'd had previous experience with multi-day outages, we installed a gas stove and gas water heater. dh has been looking at NG generators. we have a wood burning stove, and have a supply of madrona and cherry we only burn when we need it for heat. I saved hardwood flooring scraps too. (madrona puts out lots of BTU's, and it burns long)


that last time we ended up borrowing a generator. (and ran the furnace) the neighbors have a cell tower on their property, and the cell company brought in an enormous generator - on condition they could hook up to it. we used theirs.

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A day. By the next day, the landlord had hooked up a tractor in the barn to run the generator, after using it himself to milk the cows. The next couple of days, we would be without power for certain periods of time while the farmer used the generator.


We had a fireplace, but the fire wasn't near big enough to heat the room (it was a great room with 20ft ceiling). We cuddled as close to the fire with blankets as possible. At the time, it was us and two little ones. Body heat is wonderful.

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When I was a kid we lived in various places that didn't have electricity. But we are talking lifestyle here, not having it and then "losing" it.


Like another poster mentioned, there's some real benefits and sentimental fondness of that kind of life. And yes, it does foster positive communal / collective thought with your neighbors. Good stuff.

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....it's been sorta - well really good; life changing in a good way - never thought I'd say that, but we take so much for granted and this has made us self-reliant, resilient and it's been good for our kids to see and experience....curious to know others expericences , etc.


We were without power for about 7 days a couple of years ago after a particularly wicked ice storm. Some friends and my sister were without power for over 14 days. Looking back, although it wasn't easy, it was fun. The boys put their Boy Scout learning to work, everyone was less selfish, and it was amazing to see just what one was capable of when one is without what we often consider "basic necessities" of life. My dh was able to maneuver one vehicle through the pasture to head to the hospital, he picked up nurses and OR techs on his way through town (those who did not have adequate transportation), he showered at the hospital, and picked up shifts for docs who were unable to make it here from Tulsa. We cooked on our wood stove, played board games by candlelight, read books, and were generally cold enough that we didn't stink too badly :). We are much more grateful for those basic necessities now.

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What's the longest you've been w/out power?


Because here in Souther New England it's over 9 days and counting; may be on by tomorrow, Tues or Wed; (10, 11, or 12 days).


......what an experience; rounding up our neighbor's loose goats; giving away firewood; sharing generators; food etc w/ neighbors; showers at the senior center and getting to know others in town over hot food there

....it's been sorta - well really good; life changing in a good way - never thought I'd say that, but we take so much for granted and this has made us self-reliant, resilient and it's been good for our kids to see and experience....curious to know others expericences :) , etc.


We were without it for 5 or 6 days when we had that bad ice storm a few years ago. We spent most of that time at the IL's house. We bought a generator before the next big storm ;)


We were without power 4 days with this freaky, October snow. Branches are still down everywhere. Since we had the generator and could at least have heat, a cold fridge, and a few light on, we had people rotating in and out of our house.


I hope your power comes back soon!

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