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Speaking of Random Acts Of Kindness...I have an idea. Who's in?! :)

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So, Kathleen in VA posted a link to a great blog from a woman who decided to perform 35 random acts of kindness on her 35th birthday. Kathleen said she wanted to do that on her birthday. I know a lot of us think that's a wonderful idea.


So, what if a bunch of us decide to do something like the "52 Books In 52 Weeks" challenge...but instead of that, it's A Random Act of Kindness A Week For 52 Weeks kind of thing?


We could start the week of Thanksgiving (with the first week running Sunday, November 20-Saturday November 26) and continue through NEXT Thanksgiving?


Each week, we can each plan and execute some sort of random act of kindness, charity, or whatever- something nice for someone else. It doesn't matter if it's a small act or a big one, if it benefits one person or multiple people, if it's within your community or outside of it- it just has to be something that brightens somebody else's day in some way that week.


I think it would be a great thing to involve our kids with, and think how much positive energy we can put out there collectively! :)


And then we can have a weekly thread about it here, sharing what we did that week to give each other ideas and share reactions and so on.


Is anyone interested...? If so, post here, make a notation somewhere to yourself to start the week of Thanksgiving, and let's see what we can do!

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That sounds like a fabulous idea, I'd love to give it a go.


Sometimes these days I feel so jaded with all the anger and negativity that there seems to be in the world, I'd really love to do something regularly that might make a small difference.



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If I have a group to be accountable to, I think I could actually follow through! I have planned to tale cookies or something to our elderly neighbor, but we just never did it....we can start with that :)


She always wants me to bring the kids over for a visit :)

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If I have a group to be accountable to, I think I could actually follow through! I have planned to tale cookies or something to our elderly neighbor, but we just never did it....we can start with that :)


She always wants me to bring the kids over for a visit :)


:iagree: This is my biggest problem too. I would love to do the random acts of kindness but I am the Queen of Procrastination. This sounds like exactly what I need.

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I'm a relatively quiet reader but may I join in? The girls and I would love to participate( and I'm feeling almost brave enough to post more!).





Of course! :)


Glad to have a group of interested people already! I have made a notation on my calendar for 11/20 that week 1 of "random acts of kindness" begins so that I don't "forget" to start!


I'm not sure how active this thread will be between now and then, but please look for a post from me on 11/20 which will get us started, and you can post to that thread anytime that week to let us know what you're doing, how it went, to see what other people did and so on. Don't feel like this has to be any big, overwhelming thing- any little thing we can do to make a positive difference will be great!


I'm looking forward to involving my family and getting started! :)

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I'm in for sure! What a neat idea!! I also think I will use Kathleen's original idea to have each of my kids plan their own Acts of Kindness Days for their birthday.


I have some ideas for the first few weeks:

* baked goods to my MIL's two neighbors who take out her trash can and watch out for her

* food donations for our church food pantry

* make Bags of Grace to keep in the car for the homeless

* loved her idea of taking goodies to the librarians!

* make some big batches of chicken soup and freeze so that I can deliver homemade chicken soup that very day to the next friend or neighbor I hear is sick


I will keep thinking about it too.


Here's a good story: just last week I approached an intersection where an obviously drunk and homeless man was begging on the corner. The car in front of me, who had just left the McDonalds I had, slowed down and handed the man a full meal. I teared up on the spot.

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I'm in for sure! What a neat idea!! I also think I will use Kathleen's original idea to have each of my kids plan their own Acts of Kindness Days for their birthday.


I have some ideas for the first few weeks:

* baked goods to my MIL's two neighbors who take out her trash can and watch out for her

* food donations for our church food pantry

* make Bags of Grace to keep in the car for the homeless

* loved her idea of taking goodies to the librarians!

* make some big batches of chicken soup and freeze so that I can deliver homemade chicken soup that very day to the next friend or neighbor I hear is sick


I will keep thinking about it too.


Here's a good story: just last week I approached an intersection where an obviously drunk and homeless man was begging on the corner. The car in front of me, who had just left the McDonalds I had, slowed down and handed the man a full meal. I teared up on the spot.


Great ideas!


Nance, thanks for starting this thread. I'm in.

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Here's a good story: just last week I approached an intersection where an obviously drunk and homeless man was begging on the corner. The car in front of me, who had just left the McDonalds I had, slowed down and handed the man a full meal. I teared up on the spot.


That's a great story!



Awesome, thanks for the links! I know I will need help coming up with 52 ideas! :D


Me too! I think this is a wonderful idea and would love to join in as well.


Welcome! :)

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Awesome idea. We are in.


Here is something that we have done and have been on the receiving end of; pay for the person behind you at the Tim Hortons/Starbucks, etc drive thru. It is always such a nice surprise to drive up to the window, money in hand, and be told that the person ahead has paid for your order and to have a great day. I think I read in our local paper that one coffee shop ended up with the act of kindness continuing for 50+ customers one day. It is fun!!! The kids love when we do this :)

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So, Kathleen in VA posted a link to a great blog from a woman who decided to perform 35 random acts of kindness on her 35th birthday. Kathleen said she wanted to do that on her birthday. I know a lot of us think that's a wonderful idea.


So, what if a bunch of us decide to do something like the "52 Books In 52 Weeks" challenge...but instead of that, it's A Random Act of Kindness A Week For 52 Weeks kind of thing?


We could start the week of Thanksgiving (with the first week running Sunday, November 20-Saturday November 26) and continue through NEXT Thanksgiving?


Each week, we can each plan and execute some sort of random act of kindness, charity, or whatever- something nice for someone else. It doesn't matter if it's a small act or a big one, if it benefits one person or multiple people, if it's within your community or outside of it- it just has to be something that brightens somebody else's day in some way that week.


I think it would be a great thing to involve our kids with, and think how much positive energy we can put out there collectively! :)


And then we can have a weekly thread about it here, sharing what we did that week to give each other ideas and share reactions and so on.


Is anyone interested...? If so, post here, make a notation somewhere to yourself to start the week of Thanksgiving, and let's see what we can do!


This does sound like a great idea! I'd love to try something like this. Honestly, I'm might wait and implement with the New Year after seeing how you all do and getting some ideas from you ;)

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Thanks for these links! Very helpful!

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Well, I share the throne with the other Queen of Procrastination, am terrible at follow-through, definitely need something to break the curse, etc., but I :001_wub: this idea, so I'm joining you all. :D



Here's a good story: just last week I approached an intersection where an obviously drunk and homeless man was begging on the corner. The car in front of me, who had just left the McDonalds I had, slowed down and handed the man a full meal. I teared up on the spot.


Whenever we drive through the little town of Mojave, CA, I always look for the homeless man who - I think - lives somewhere out in the desert and wanders along the highway pushing a cart with some things he keeps. When I have seen him, I have even turned around to go to one of the little fast food stops on that small strip (it's only about a mile's length, with nothing but desert before and after for miles) to buy him something to eat. Once, it was rather cold, and I bought him a meal with hot coffee. I wasn't sure how he'd appreciate having a car pull up beside him to give him food, but that man - face and clothing dirty like those you've maybe seen from Dorothea Lange's photos - looked at me with his clear blue eyes and said, "Thank you. Thank you very much." *I* teared up after I pulled away from him. I don't see him often, but we always, always look for him. I've wondered about getting together some clean blankets, some socks, etc., to keep with me in case we see him now that's it's getting cold again. I think I'll do that.

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:iagree: This is my biggest problem too. I would love to do the random acts of kindness but I am the Queen of Procrastination. This sounds like exactly what I need.


You may be the princess of procrastination, but I hold the title of Queen! I think this is a great idea, and especially getting the kids involved. I might make them do it for each other! I'm in!

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