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For how many minutes do you shower?

How long do you shower?  

  1. 1. How long do you shower?

    • 0-3 minutes
    • 4-6 minutes
    • 7-10 minutes
    • 11-15 minutes
    • 15-20 minutes
    • 20+ minutes
    • I bathe, not shower.
    • Other

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We have 2 renters who take 20 minute hot showers "which is normal for a lot of people" (their quote). I really don't bet that it is. My shower is 5-7 minutes I think.


ETA - The reason this came up is because they had some yucky mold in the room after just a couple of months (when we had spots here and there only occasionally in the 5 years the nine of us lived there), and their utilities bill is higher than ours ever was (in fact has increased by $60/mo. over what we paid -- again, there are two of them and were nine of us). And they don't think the hot, 20+ minute showers have much to do with either situation.

Edited by milovaný
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Well, I don't time myself, but I guessed 11-13 (or whatever the 11+ second number was). I take my time. I start my day being needed by the toddler, so it's my little reprieve before I am needed by everyone else. A spa retreat within my day, if you will. :) I just bought lovely-scented homemade soap to enhance the experience, actually!

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I thought it was about 15 minutes, but then once I actually timed it and I'm about 10.


I shampoo, condition and shave every day, though. I have thin oily hair and I cannot do this no shampoo, shampoo every three days, thing. Nope.


And if I could loose weight as fast as the hair on my legs grew I'd be Kate Moss.

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Guest submarines

I thought that I showered for 15-20 minutes, until we went camping and had a coin operated shower there, $1 for 5 minutes. I brought $5 with me, just in case. It was a very nice shower--great temperature, great pressure, very clean. Turns out I don't know what to do with myself in the shower for more than 6 minutes. :lol:

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I'm 11 - 15 also because I also shampoo, condition, wash, and shave every day. I move fast and am working the whole time. If I didn't do this I would be scratching the skin off my legs every day because stubble makes me itch like crazy and it grows fast. You wouldn't want to see me past 36 hours since last hair wash, let me tell ya. :)

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I voted the 0-3. I'm guessing most times it takes me 3 minutes or less. I grew up in a big family and our hot water tank would only hold the hot water for so long before it ran out. So if you took a long shower someone wasn't going to get one. So it became habit. I shampoo, shave, wash my body and get out.

I take baths most days though. Even then I get in, wash my hair and body and get out. For some reason I just can't get relaxed in the tub no matter what I do.


Now my husband. He lives in the tub, and takes MUCH longer showers than I ever would. My children? They would stay in the shower until the hot water drained out of the tank if I let them. LOL

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On an average day, 4-6. I get completely ready for work in 25 minutes. That includes drying my hair, flat ironing it, makeup, wardrobe, hunting for shoes and dealing with at least one kid in my way.


10 minutes the once a week or so when I shave my legs.

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Is this every day? 20 minutes every day?



I'm guessing so. I remember showering every day, or nearly so, when I was their age. These days I only need to wash my hair every three days or so. They've never said, "But that's not every day!" when this has come up in conversation.

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I am shocked at how little time people spend in the shower. I think of the shower as my personal spa time to relax and rejuvenate...it's my one 'splurge' for myself each day (and yes, I took a daily shower even with newborns - I can count on two hands the number of times I have skipped it in the past decade).


DH is a really long showerer - he goes until the water is cold (25 minutes average). So I thought I was really reasonable with just a 15 minute shower time until I saw the posts here!

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Everyone in our family likes long showers. I'm easily in the 15-20 minute range for just a normal, everyday, not retreating and hiding type shower (can take longer on the days I need to hide), but dh takes much longer. He completely spaces out in there. I sometimes have to remind him he needs to get a move on if we have to be somewhere. Dd varies. Sometimes she just wants it over and done quickly, but more often she likes to linger.

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It just depends...some days are in and out fast. I would guess that an average week would be: 2 days of 10-12 minute showers, 2 days of 6-7 minute showers and 1 day just hair washing bent over the tub 1-2 minutes. I have tried the no shampoo thing, it wasn't pretty and my hair felt awful. I couldn't make it past 2 weeks, even with the baking soda/vinegar rinses.

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When I was living with my parents, there was a timer in the bathroom; if the timer dinged after five minutes, you were DONE. Shampoo still in your hair? Too bad for you. So I became conditioned to VERY short showers. Even now I can be clean, shaven, and dressed in ten minutes. Dh and the kids, on the other hand, view the shower/bath as their own spas. It drives me crazy!

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I also space out/relax/fall asleep in the shower. It's hard for me to shower in under 15 minutes, normal is 20-25, but I can easily spend 30-45 minutes in there :) A few times, I have been just SO exhausted, that I did actually fall asleep... and spent an hour in the shower... but that has only happened a few times.


The first shower I had after having my son? At least an hour....


Our LAST road march in basic training! BEST SHOWER OF MY LIFE!!! We were on FTX (out in the field) for THREE DAYS with no showers! In South Carolina, in August, "camping" and sleeping in a foxhole, in BDU's, wearing camo paint. :glare: We had to march back on the third night, around midnight, for MILES. As long as we made it through that, we would pass Basic. They made us run the last 1-2 miles. :glare::glare::glare:


We were N-A-S-T-Y!!!


That night, they put us in the barracks and left us alone..... a bunch of us girls went in the large shower room (with no stalls) and sat our nekkid butts (on washcloths) on the floor in the showers for-E-V-E-R. I bet we were in there for 2 hours!!

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Pre-kids I loved long showers. I still would love long showers but don't have the time or, often, hot water for one. Now my shower time really depends on what I'm doing. If I'm shaving legs it takes a while.


Could you make utilities their responsibility?


FWIW, we never had mold issues with my long showers. Steam is steam. Do they have a good/properly sized vent system? Do they run the fans every time and leave them on after?

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I voted 11-15 minutes, but I'm probably closer to the low end of that in reality. For me, even that feels like a luxurious amount of time. As a kid/teenager I was required to turn off the water mid-shower to soap everything up, then turn it back on to rinse. Yeah, I didn't much like freezing my tail off in the middle of my shower, so now that I pay my own bills, I take my time and enjoy it. I'm all for saving water, but I have limits (and a water-saving showerhead I might add).

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I take very quick showers. I'm usually in and out in 5 minutes, sometimes less. I get in, wash up, and get out. The exception is really, really cold mornings when I don't exercise (which would warm me up). Then I might be in for 10 minutes or so.


But, I don't know that 20-minute showers are all that unusual. My DH, if he stumbles into the shower first thing in the morning, stays in until he's woken all the way up, which sometimes takes quite a while. My DS also likes long showers. When I've waited for people to finish showering so I could get in as a guest at their home, I'm generally surprised by how long they take. So I think longish (15 minute or so) showers are pretty typical.

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My husband takes showers that long and sometimes more than once a day. He has arthritis though so he can barely get moving without it.


I take very fast showers but that is usually because someone needs me. "Moooooooooooommm, where are youuuuuuuu?"

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I shower for 7-10 minutes if I'm shaving; maybe 5 if I skip it. However, in my home, in my bathroom, I expect to be able to shower for 45 minutes if I see fit and the hot water lasts that long. And I don't see how it would cause mold to grow in a properly constructed and ventilated bathroom.


I don't see the difference between 2 people taking a total of 40 minutes a day and 9 people taking a total of 45 minutes, assuming all of you took 5 minute showers. :confused:

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I don't see the difference between 2 people taking a total of 40 minutes a day and 9 people taking a total of 45 minutes, assuming all of you took 5 minute showers. :confused:


Ahaha, most of ours are/were younger and took 1-2 showers a week. 3-4 of us took a couple more, some daily. I just did the math and it's their 280 minutes (ave. length of 20 minutes, 14 showers a week) to what was our 133 minutes (average length of 7 minutes, 19 showers a week). :tongue_smilie:

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I said 11-15 minutes because the question was about showers. I can soak in the tub for an hour at a time though. My dh and eldest dd often take 20 minute showers.


I could easily see a couple without kids taking leisurely showers. Asking on a forum of homeschool moms is going to give you a misleading result, IMO. I also agree with the other poster that 2x20=40 and 9x5=45. Maybe there other reasons for rising utility bills? Maybe prices are going up? Maybe it is the changing season? Maybe you have a water leak? Maybe they are watering the yard more? I don't see how a landlord should have any input on how long my showers should be.:confused:

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Ahaha, most of ours are/were younger and took 1-2 showers a week. 3-4 of us took a couple more, some daily. I just did the math and it's their 280 minutes (ave. length of 20 minutes, 14 showers a week) to what was our 133 minutes (average length of 7 minutes, 19 showers a week). :tongue_smilie:


What sort of jobs do they do? My dh runs every morning, comes home and showers and often needs a shower before bed, especially if he comes home smelling like jet fuel. Applying your own standards to a different family is not a reasonable expectation.

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Are they paying their own electric? If they are, then the only issue is how to reduce the moisture in the bathroom. You can have a fan installed - make sure it's vented outside and not into the attic, or you'll end up with mold there. If there's a window, they could open that a bit to let the moisture out too, but few renters would be willing to do that and take the hit on the heating bill. IMO 20 minutes is a long shower, but if I didn't have to worry about keeping moisture to a minimum, I'd be likely to take about that long. :tongue_smilie:

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