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Strange compliment

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At least I'm taking it was a compliment.


The other day Indy and I were at the commissary (military grocery store) during the middle of the day. A lady parked next to us was loading her groceries at the same time we were. She looked at Indy and said something like not in school today? He told her that he was homeschooled. She looked at me and asked if I was his mom (why would he be with someone else?) and I said that I was. She looked me up and down (weird) and said "Well, you don't look like a homeschooling mom." I didn't know what to say, so I just said "Thanks" and got in the car. I was wearing jeans (nice, dark jeans with a large cuff-about 6"-that hit me just above the ankles), a solid color t-shirt, scarf and of course heels (pointy toed black pumps with a 2.5" heel). I wasn't dressed up, just decent. What do you think people think hs moms look like?

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I had no idea about the jumper thing until I went to a convention. Most of the moms in the hs group we used to be part of wore slacks and nice blouses. A few schlepped around in jeans and t shirts like me. But man, at least every third woman at the convention wore a jumper, and about half the rest wore long skirts. Being in FL in June, the rest of course wore shorts and tank tops. :tongue_smilie:

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I've heard that from people more than once. In our area, homeschooling is associated with dresses and long hair. I believe I was wearing a cute t-shirt from a microbrewery and jeans the last time I heard it :D.


:lol: I have long hair because I'm too cheap to go get it cut, and I wear long dresses because I'm too fat for pants and I don't shave my legs. I sort of enjoy breaking a few stereotypes by being a godless humanist with one child and a career. :D

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and of course heels (pointy toed black pumps with a 2.5" heel). I wasn't dressed up, just decent. What do you think people think hs moms look like?


I learned about the jumper requirement online. I had no idea. Maybe homeschoolers in my area are rebels?


I do take issue with the quoted statement. I'm all for looking hip, but raising the bar with the heels at the grocery store is uncalled for!

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I do own a very cute denim skirt. I often wear it with a hoody and flip flops ~ but that is the normal attire for SAHMs in this area, not just the hsing ones.


I do admit, though, that since becoming a hs'er, I'm much more self conscious when I wear it :D


Everytime I put it on, DH says "I see you're wearing your uniform today" :glare:

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Denim jumpers or ankle length solid color skirts with "practical" shoes.


Would you believe that the only person I know in real life who dresses like that is a public school teacher?!??!



Yep, my neighbor wears this uniform every day it seems. She's a middle school teacher.



I once had a man say to me when he found out I home school, "You home school your boys? Those boys in there? But, but.....they're so normal!"


Um, thanks? :001_huh:

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I wear jumpers in the UK. But I think the UK is so cold that you pretty much have to. We used to have the thermostat in the house turned down to 16 degrees (celsius) to keep the heating costs down! Worse than that I like wearing my dh because they are thicker and warmer than mine. All right, now you can shoot me...

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I wear jumpers in the UK. But I think the UK is so cold that you pretty much have to. We used to have the thermostat in the house turned down to 16 degrees (celsius) to keep the heating costs down! Worse than that I like wearing my dh because they are thicker and warmer than mine. All right, now you can shoot me...



Wait a sec...by jumper do mean what Americans call sweaters or do you mean the long (usually denim) dress with wide shoulder straps under which one might find a white shirt?


And, as to the bolded, I'd like wearing my dh, too; but, I find him too heavy to carry around no matter how warm he might be. :lol:

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Wait a sec...by jumper do mean what Americans call sweaters or do you mean the long (usually denim) dress with wide shoulder straps under which one might find a white shirt?


And, as to the bolded, I'd like wearing my dh, too; but, I find him too heavy to carry around no matter how warm he might be. :lol:




Sweaters we like. Jumpers, as in the wide, A-line, usually denim dresses, no way. Dh, even better. :lol::lol:

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I wear jumpers in the UK. But I think the UK is so cold that you pretty much have to. We used to have the thermostat in the house turned down to 16 degrees (celsius) to keep the heating costs down! Worse than that I like wearing my dh because they are thicker and warmer than mine. All right, now you can shoot me...


LOL. Jumpers are sweaters in the US. I know this from reading Harry Potter. :D


This is more what we're talking about, only the ones some hs moms wear are far less fashionable.

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We have some VERY unfashionable HS moms in the large group in our area. We're talking ankle length denim jumpers with white turtlenecks, no makeup of any kind, no jewelry, and long unstyled hair.


We also have a bunch of "medium" type moms like me who do the khakis and classic shoes like Borns and an easy tunic or dress shirt.


And we've got one mom who wears three inch heels to park day and expects everyone else to go traipsing after her DC because she cannot go off the path.


So I've seen the scary unfashionable moms too and whew, they scare me a little bit.

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And we've got one mom who wears three inch heels to park day and expects everyone else to go traipsing after her DC because she cannot go off the path.




Well she's just a slacker. :glare: I can totally walk out onto the grass in my heels. The trick is to lean forward a bit (a big no-no on flat surfaces BTW) so your weight is on the balls of your feet and not the heels.

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Well she's just a slacker. :glare: I can totally walk out onto the grass in my heels. The trick is to lean forward a bit (a big no-no on flat surfaces BTW) so your weight is on the balls of your feet and not the heels.


She likes to play the part of the helpless princess and it doesn't work in our group. We have two dads. One is a lumberjack type who lives to take his family on extreme camping trips and the other is a good friend of mine who is full on Aspie to the nth degree. He does not "get" her at all and it cracks me up to watch her do the eyelid flutter thing at him. He never catches it and she might as well be flirting with the park bench for all the good it does her. :lol:

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Hey! I like denim skirts!


-Chubby people with strange waist to hip ratios fit better in skirts!

-Skirts are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter (you can wear leggings and things underneath).

-Skirts force people to notice more of my weird homemade socks.

-With the right skirt, you can pretend you are a governess in a romance novel and only teaching all of these kids until a rich, handsome, titled guy sweeps you off your feet and takes you away to a life of leisure and luxury.

-The other soccer moms leave you alone if you wear a skirt. Of course, they would leave you alone if they know you homeschool, too.


And I do own a denim jumper, but it is above-the-knee and not A-line. It looks nice with a t-shirt.

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At least I'm taking it was a compliment.


The other day Indy and I were at the commissary (military grocery store) during the middle of the day. A lady parked next to us was loading her groceries at the same time we were. She looked at Indy and said something like not in school today? He told her that he was homeschooled. She looked at me and asked if I was his mom (why would he be with someone else?) and I said that I was. She looked me up and down (weird) and said "Well, you don't look like a homeschooling mom." I didn't know what to say, so I just said "Thanks" and got in the car. I was wearing jeans (nice, dark jeans with a large cuff-about 6"-that hit me just above the ankles), a solid color t-shirt, scarf and of course heels (pointy toed black pumps with a 2.5" heel). I wasn't dressed up, just decent. What do you think people think hs moms look like?


:lol: I have heard something similar before! When it was said to me, I was wearing tan boot-leg chinos with a fitted red long-sleeve tee and black boots with a heel.


I think shoes with a heel really throws 'em. :D

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Hey! I like denim skirts!


-Chubby people with strange waist to hip ratios fit better in skirts!

-Skirts are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter (you can wear leggings and things underneath).

-Skirts force people to notice more of my weird homemade socks.

-With the right skirt, you can pretend you are a governess in a romance novel and only teaching all of these kids until a rich, handsome, titled guy sweeps you off your feet and takes you away to a life of leisure and luxury.

-The other soccer moms leave you alone if you wear a skirt. Of course, they would leave you alone if they know you homeschool, too.


And I do own a denim jumper, but it is above-the-knee and not A-line. It looks nice with a t-shirt.


:lol::lol: I love long skirts, too, and for most of these reasons. Reason #4 was why I got a beautiful, long, light blue skirt that made me feel like Jane in Tarzan (the Walt Disney movie version) when I was 13 :)

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*SNORT* Do you not see my user name? I wear heels almost everywhere. Heels are my thang. :D


Well I have a few questions for you! I love the look of heels. I need some serious shoe help and you sound like the woman to help me! :) I own several pairs, but usually only wear them to church, etc. because they just aren't comfortable. How and where do you buy high heels comfortable enough to wear on a regular basis and even go grocery shopping in? And do they make heels with arch support?

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I do not own a jumper.


My MIL does...maybe that is the reason she taught my kids when they watched them for us while we were at our 20 year reunion recently!! :lol::lol::lol:


It was nice, though, our reunion came at a bad time for a break, so it was good to keep them working instead of doing school for a week, then a break, then start up again.

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Hey! I like denim skirts!


-Chubby people with strange waist to hip ratios fit better in skirts!

-Skirts are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter (you can wear leggings and things underneath).

-Skirts force people to notice more of my weird homemade socks.

-With the right skirt, you can pretend you are a governess in a romance novel and only teaching all of these kids until a rich, handsome, titled guy sweeps you off your feet and takes you away to a life of leisure and luxury.

-The other soccer moms leave you alone if you wear a skirt. Of course, they would leave you alone if they know you homeschool, too.


And I do own a denim jumper, but it is above-the-knee and not A-line. It looks nice with a t-shirt.



You know, we're going to need to see pictures of those socks.


BTW, is there a starter shoe for moms who realize their sneakers aren't fashionable, but aren't willing to wear heels every day? One that lets you wear socks (boughten or homemade)? One that FEELS like running shoes but looks like something else?

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I like jumpers and long skirts! I don't still own any, but I'll buy them whenever they come back in style....and you KNOW they'll be back! lol I live in the country and don't know any homeschoolers IRL. Wouldn't know one if I saw one! I wear shorts and t shirts or tank tops. flip flops, sandals, tennis shoes daily. It is hot and humid here most of the year. When it's cold, I like long sleeve t's and jeans or sweaters. would love to see the socks, too! :)

Asta is so funny! good night, ladies!



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Well I have a few questions for you! I love the look of heels. I need some serious shoe help and you sound like the woman to help me! :) I own several pairs, but usually only wear them to church, etc. because they just aren't comfortable. How and where do you buy high heels comfortable enough to wear on a regular basis and even go grocery shopping in? And do they make heels with arch support?


No kidding! I have a C forefoot and a AAA heel. Shoes don't fit in general, but heels - urg. I constantly feel like I am walking either on my toes or the ball of my foot.


I know I can put those little pads in the back to make the heel stay put, but nothing helps the whole "kill the ball of the foot" thing.


My hubby would be SO happy if I wasn't wandering around in crunchy granola shoes all of the time...




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ohhhh you have NO idea how glad I am that this thread has been disambiguated.


I was seriously wondering if things were so very different in your part of the world that I was committing some kind of shocking fashion faux pas by wearing jumpers/sweaters/jerseys out side my own four walls. I don't think I've ever seen a real life person wear a dress like those ones.

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Well I have a few questions for you! I love the look of heels. I need some serious shoe help and you sound like the woman to help me! :) I own several pairs, but usually only wear them to church, etc. because they just aren't comfortable. How and where do you buy high heels comfortable enough to wear on a regular basis and even go grocery shopping in? And do they make heels with arch support?



Crikey, I wrote and entire post and lost it. Grrr.


To answer your question, to get comfy heels you have to spend a bit more than you would at say Payless. Not that there's anything wrong with Payless, but if you want comfy shoes that last more than a few months, you need to spend more. If you have a DSW (Discount Shoe Warehouse) near you, they have nice shoes and aren't too expensive. Bakers has surprisingly comfortable shoes too.


If you want to find a comfy shoe, you need to buy shoes in the late afternoon or early evening, when you feet are slightly bigger (I don't know why they are, they just are). If they fit you in the evening, they'll be comfy during the day. Try them on and wear them around the store for at least 20 minutes. Walk in them, site down and stand up in them and crouch down, like you would if you were trying to be eye to with a small child, and then stand up without holding on to something. If you can do all that and they don't hurt, you're good.


Yes, you can put arch support in heels. Dr. Scholls makes special inserts for heels, including arch support, heel liners (if the shoe rubs your heel), ball of the foot inserts and rub relief strips, which IMO is genius. You can put it on the underside of any part of the shoe that rubs you the wrong way. I usually don't wear stockings with my shoes unless it's for a dress up or formal event so these are important. They keep down the friction and the straps or edges of the shoes from causing blisters.


Many women don't know how to walk in heels and this can make them uncomfortable and painful. Many women lean forward in heels, but you have to lean slightly back (pull your shoulders back and stand up straight) and make sure you're hitting heel then toe. This will make a big difference in how they feel. Also the height of the heels will determine how you move your legs. If you're wearing 3-4" heels (and yes, I have some), you have to lift your leg a little bit higher when you walk. If the heels are high, it doesn't look weird, I promise.


If you want to see some of my shoes, you can see them here:


Fall/winter shoe sampling


Red, white and shoes


Shoe show (Scroll down and ignore all the stuff at the top of the page if you like-though I am terribly witty if you want a laugh :D )

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Crikey, I wrote and entire post and lost it. Grrr.


To answer your question, to get comfy heels you have to spend a bit more than you would at say Payless. Not that there's anything wrong with Payless, but if you want comfy shoes that last more than a few months, you need to spend more. If you have a DSW (Discount Shoe Warehouse) near you, they have nice shoes and aren't too expensive. Bakers has surprisingly comfortable shoes too.


If you want to find a comfy shoe, you need to buy shoes in the late afternoon or early evening, when you feet are slightly bigger (I don't know why they are, they just are). If they fit you in the evening, they'll be comfy during the day. Try them on and wear them around the store for at least 20 minutes. Walk in them, site down and stand up in them and crouch down, like you would if you were trying to be eye to with a small child, and then stand up without holding on to something. If you can do all that and they don't hurt, you're good.


Yes, you can put arch support in heels. Dr. Scholls makes special inserts for heels, including arch support, heel liners (if the shoe rubs your heel), ball of the foot inserts and rub relief strips, which IMO is genius. You can put it on the underside of any part of the shoe that rubs you the wrong way. I usually don't wear stockings with my shoes unless it's for a dress up or formal event so these are important. They keep down the friction and the straps or edges of the shoes from causing blisters.


Many women don't know how to walk in heels and this can make them uncomfortable and painful. Many women lean forward in heels, but you have to lean slightly back (pull your shoulders back and stand up straight) and make sure you're hitting heel then toe. This will make a big difference in how they feel. Also the height of the heels will determine how you move your legs. If you're wearing 3-4" heels (and yes, I have some), you have to lift your leg a little bit higher when you walk. If the heels are high, it doesn't look weird, I promise.


If you want to see some of my shoes, you can see them here:


Fall/winter shoe sampling


Red, white and shoes


Shoe show (Scroll down and ignore all the stuff at the top of the page if you like-though I am terribly witty if you want a laugh :D )


I am in awe....

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