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Christmas 2011

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What are you getting your dc this year? :)


All of mine will get a new pair of pj's and a book to unwrap on Christmas Eve, in addition to the following:



wooden mermaid with pirates playset

landscape playsilk for the set

a Vera Bradley purse (she loves mine)

a well-being set (lotion, face wash,etc...)



wooden knights and castle playset

landscape playsilk for the set

shield and sword set




wooden gnome playset

landscape playsilk for the set

tree blocks

one other thing I haven't decided on yet


baby girl

teething ring with bits silk

mini playsilks

teething doll

one other thing I haven't decided on yet



no idea

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Oh, this is pretty early! They usually each get some books and a game. This year they may need snow gear.


DD (15) - a digital picture frame that rotates through her photos

DS (10) - erector set kit

DS (4) - something Star Wars, unless his obsession shifts.


I might get the older two a four-wheeler to share. They can ride it to school so it's practical.

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:willy_nilly::svengo:I'm still not settled into the new school year and you want to talk Christmas??? :lol:


It just so happens I actually know what DD is getting. Her big gift is going to be a keyboard- one of those that are like a piano, so she can take piano lessons (the lessons are part of her gift). She's also getting an electric guitar, complete with amplifier and everything. My boyfriend has thrown around getting her a set of drums (he plays, and wants to teach her). Our neighbors are really going to love us! :tongue_smilie:


Of course, she'll also get books, pjs, and some other small gifts- a lego set, some new dollhouse furniture, baby doll clothes, etc.

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I'm all ready for this thread this year!!!


We are toning down Christmas from here on out. DS, 7 years old, is getting a bit spoiled and we're wanting to have more meaningful Holidays, so we are only giving him 3 gifts from us. We told him why we were doing it, he seems fine with it. I was all prepared to use the, "Three gifts were good enough for Jesus, it'll be good enough for you" line.... but alas, there was no complaining.




1. Nintendo Dsi XL


2. Lego Airport


3. Hess Truck


That's it. Maybe some stocking stuffer candy, marbles, toy cars, type stuff, but that's it.


He'll get stuff from family, but I have already informed them of our desires to cut down on all the "stuff" and they are on board.

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"Three gifts were good enough for Jesus, it'll be good enough for you".



I LOVE this!! We have been talking for years about cutting down, and this year that is what we are doing! 3 from us and 1 from "Santa" because that is really important to my hubby.


We are doing a family membership to a snow tubing place, so all kids will get a new hat/gloves set.



DS16- futon /mattress for his room, 6 months of cell phone coverage, 1 more

thing, books

DS12- paintball set, cowboy boots ,knife for scouts, books

DD11- portable dvd player and dvds, atm bank, 1 more thing, books

DD7- portable dvd player and dvds, scrapbook set w/ pics , stamp set,


DD5- portable dvd player and dvds, imaginext aircraft carrier, gears set,


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DD is getting the 12 mini AG dolls and one big one but I don't know who yet. I'm waiting to see who/if a doll will be archived. So far, I've got 4 of the mini dolls, I started shopping last week!!


I ordered a tyrannosaurus skull for DS so far but I'm at a loss on him a bit this year. He wants more Wii games (ick) and I think I'll do a couple of good Lego sets.


DH is getting a remote control helicopter and more gun stuff.

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pigby will be getting a lot of beverly cleary books, depending on what's available on ebay. he's also getting a crocheted angry bird that I commissioned my friend to make.


digby will be getting play felt food. still researching which ones.


chuck will be getting some hair bows and hats (I'm not very good at crocheting them, so we will see how they turn out)


dh got the documentary "life" and I got "when we left earth"


sorry for typos, I'm on my phone

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A friend of mine has an American Girl doll she's willing to sell us, so dd might get that.


Ds may be getting the Roundhouse for his Thomas and Friends set.


We were at a friends house and they had a Nerf Dart Gatling Gun that Dh turned on the children to the delight of all, so he's probably getting that. :D


We usually do one "big" gift then smaller, stocking stuffer type things too.

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dd10 is getting a pair of slippers and 2 pairs of earrings; one small gold hoops and one small gold balls; the gold balls they pierce with are lock ons and she cannot get them on or off by herself.


Both with probably get Angry Bird tees


I ahve NO idea what tiny is getting. Ideally, a real live cat, but that can't happen with my allergies.



I think Gramma is getting both girls a new bike. Tiny doens't really need one, but she's never gotten to pick out her own bike before; just gotten the hand-me downs. This is important to gramma, for some reason. (5th child in a sharecropper family...Hmm)

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Dh wants a set of panpipes and The Yiddish Policemen's Union. I'm not sure why that book, but hey, why would I complain about a man who wants to read a book? I will also get him a book I think he should have but know he won't read, because it is tradition.


For dd:

A metre of yellow taffeta.

Doll bedding (those squares I'm knitting :) )

A doll house made from a converted book shelf.

Some magnetic dolls, like paper dolls. I've had them sitting around for years and she's finally old enough to like them!

The Chocolate Cat

The Magic Flute (Unless someone wants to suggest a better version?)

Possibly a new backpack because she likes to help us carry library books and shopping :)


For ds:

Block City

Blocks :tongue_smilie:

Puff the Magic Dragon

A bed spread with a lighthouse theme, I think.

A few other things I am yet to decide, or perhaps just lots of blocks.


I love Christmas shopping!




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I'm just in the thinking stages but I'm pretty sure ds8 will be getting the pet snake I said he couldn't have until he's 12. He's really shown us that he is responsible and can care for it. He's going to be so excited!

Both will get loads of pokemon cards and I want to get them a few funny tshirts. Ds11 has his eye on a wii game.

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We do 4 gifts in the categories of Read, Wear, Play, Share. So each kidlet will get a book (probably something from the Sonlight P3/4 list that we haven't gotten to before Christmas), a pair of Cmas pjs (wear), and they'll share a trampoline for the back yard. Their "play" will be:


DS4: castle with knights

DS3: something for the train table, maybe a roundhouse?

DD3: no clue. she's my tough one. still thinking...

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:toetap05: Neither are they, it seems. Here, I'll slide over; come sit next to me on my Bench of Denial. We shall stuff our ears with our fingers and hum.


Just please. Don't. Hum. Christmas Carols.


(my son has started practicing O Little Town on piano. . . .sigh. . . I can't escape!)

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I don't have it down yet. DDs birthday is close to Christmas, so I have one list for both events and then I just split it between the two. Soooo this is a "possibly" list since im still narrowing it down. ;)


My Little Pony Storybook Collection

Sparkly shoes

A board game (or 2... I'm not sure which I want but am leaning towards chinese checkers AND checkers)

Some kind of 'My Little Pony' toy

more Marble Works peices (from ebay) or another building toy. - She will get the marble works peices, they are one of her very favorite things. I just don't know if it will be birthday or christmas


For her stocking I want to get more reels for her view master, some play jelewry, and some pretty things for her hair. Edit to add: And more marbles for her marble maze.

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This year we are doing NO gifts as we are taking our first trip to Disneyworld around that time. So we have forewarned them that THAT is their gift. I may try and find Disney jammies before then, since new pj's are tradition, but that's it. Looking forward to not having to shop and wrap. :)



I want to do this one of the Christmases in the next few years! We've been to DW with the older two, but will go again when the new baby is older.

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  • 3 weeks later...

12 yr old dd

Betty Crocker cookbook with clear zipper bag with extra hand written recipes

PJĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s and slippers (for Christmas Eve)

hockey tickets

movie theater gift card

Gloria Jeans gift card (for frozen de-caf coffee drinks that she loves)

owl charm for a necklace


3yr old

Nursery Tales book

PJ's and slippers (for Christmas Eve)

Disney on Ice tickets

aquarium tickets

art/craft supplies

baby doll with a little diaper bag with things to play mommy with


35yr old ds AKA hubby LOL

remote control car

big coffee mug and some good coffee

Pj's and slippers



Pj's and slippers




I am so tied of STUFF. This year I decided to go with tickets for fun stuff to do as a family while husband is off for 2 weeks for Christmas.

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CHRISTMAS???????? NOW??????? (Fingers in my ears) LA, LA, LA, LA, LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!



Sigh....the most dreaded holiday of the year.


Okay, well, probably a Wii game to share, a little cash for spending, and a Lego Mindstorms to share. Ours is an old set, too old to be updated to the new software.


Stockings - A little candy for fun, a silver coin - usually a silver half dollar for their collections, batteries for their myriad of things that require batteries (we really should have bought stock in Energizer before the children were born), some crazy sciency thing - last year it was uranium marbles, this year isn't pinned down yet, and a map of a new country of choice. Last year ds #1 asked for Germany, ds #2 - Denmark, and ds#3 - Israel. I am certain ds #2 wants Iceland this year, but I haven't asked the other two. They have map collections.


If ds #2 asks to hang stockings for his lizard, he is going to be in serious trouble!



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Heres what my kids want. We don't have to buy too much because we have a large family, so we all tend to go in together on stuff. They all want a Wii and gift cards to Monkey Joes



DD9- american girl accessories and a nook


DS5- nintendo DS (I don't think 5 is too young, he took great care of his Leapster and I want something chargeable and we will buy used) and Harry Potter Lego sets


DS3- Toy Story Legos

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DH is so fed up with my Shenanigans that he has instituted a no decorating or playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving rule.




I found a loophole though, my village pieces are for my "Holiday" village and don't say anything about Christmas on them. Thanksgiving is a Holiday, so they get to come out after Halloween :)


We are going to Disney World Nov. 28-Dec. 9, then on the 10th we're going to go to Arlington National Cemetery and help lay wreaths on the graves. THEN, that afternoon is our annual US Army Band Christmas concert at the DAR, see the National Christmas Tree and dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill. THEN!! we have tickets to see The Washington Ballet perform the Nutcracker on the 22nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is going to be (Lord willing) a GREAT Christmas :) We really are trying to focus more on events/memories. We'll bake cookies for neighbors, do charity stuff with church, etc.


"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... evvvvvvvvvverywhere I goooooo-oohhhh......."

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Oh my well -


Ds 18 - easy - money. He is always saving for something. This time lenses for a new camera he is buying with money he is saving now (birthday is in October). Well, I might want him to open something so maybe some warm clothes for my texas ds who is in northern Indiana at college.


dd 14 - :confused::confused::confused: There how's that! Like to get earnings but she still has money she was given to buy some when she turned 13?! I figure if she can't find some in over a year - how can I.. So, I will hope more will respond to this thread to give me ideas.


ds 8 (9 in December) - he is always the easiest. Even with birthday one week before christmas - he still is easy. Loves to play. . . with almost anything. Cars, dinos., dragons, legos, blocks, trains, ANYTHING. Gotta love having at least one easy one!


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I don't know why I am so near to tears tonight about everything. This Christmas thread...

It's so hard for me to think happy about Christmas gift giving when I see what the having, keeping, caring for, picking up of stuff does to us. Deep breath. We will begin purging now so that there is room for the kids to get something new. But I just feel so irritated about getting them anything that is a thing. They don't need ANYTHING (except the kids who just grew out of pants and shoes.)

I guess I can talk about what I do know we will do--what we do LOVE to do for the kids. We do wacky stocking gifts. The kids get their favorite foods in their stocking. OK, so it's the usual 1970s holiday tradition treats of fruit and nuts, but also:

Ds13 always wants instant cheese grits and cans of mandarin oranges.

DD10 wants vienna sausages and cans of corn

DD8 likes lemons. yeah, no kidding.

DS6, DS4, DD3 will be happy with most anything.

They also like boxes of bandaids (which are gone by New Year's. :001_smile:, and, of course, tape, tape, and tape. What kid doesn't love tape. )


If we could give them what I just really WANT to give them, this year it would be:


DS13: a class on small engine repair or welding

DD10: art classes on drawing, oil painting, and watercoloring

DD8: piano lesson on playing chords and playing by ear

DS6 and DS4: a trip somewhere with just them and their Dad

DD3: an afternoon with just Mom at the Wonderplace or something like that.


Merry Christmas. Please forgive my momentary Bah Humbug.

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I am not babysitting anyone else's kids any more, so disposable income is down. It's a fair trade to not have to deal with other people's drama.


As a consequence, this year we will have more practical gifts for Christmas. Also, everyone in our family (except me) has birthdays within 33 days of Christmas, so some stuff may be moved around.



new gymnastics leotard....but it will be very pretty and soft

next level of piano books...but she may need them before then

barrettes for hair

character plate...the old one broke

dinosaur game (already in my stash)

some other stuff probably in the stash



cloth diapers and covers...she moves up to the next size in January

toddler "ride-on" toy (sister's old one)

character plate

pull toy with ducks that quacks

some other stuff form my stash



the expensive programmable legos (doubles as homeschooling)


other science stuff

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DH is so fed up with my Shenanigans that he has instituted a no decorating or playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving rule.




I found a loophole though, my village pieces are for my "Holiday" village and don't say anything about Christmas on them. Thanksgiving is a Holiday, so they get to come out after Halloween :)


We are going to Disney World Nov. 28-Dec. 9, then on the 10th we're going to go to Arlington National Cemetery and help lay wreaths on the graves. THEN, that afternoon is our annual US Army Band Christmas concert at the DAR, see the National Christmas Tree and dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill. THEN!! we have tickets to see The Washington Ballet perform the Nutcracker on the 22nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is going to be (Lord willing) a GREAT Christmas :) We really are trying to focus more on events/memories. We'll bake cookies for neighbors, do charity stuff with church, etc.


"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... evvvvvvvvvverywhere I goooooo-oohhhh......."

OMG I'm laughing LOL!!! I live within 5 miles of my parents, and since I can remember, my dad is worse than the guy on Christmas vacation, and we are close behind. My kids are obsessed with Christmas, we all are. I don't know what it is. It's NOT just the presents LOL!!! It's like once summer is over we are in Christmas mode. My mom and I joke about putting up the tree because every year we swear we will wait until after thanksgiving. My dad gets up the ladder I swear an extra week early each year. His neighbors think it's hilarious, but he started a trend and now the whole street gets traffic and people leaving baskets on his doorstep with thank you for lighting up the city cards :lol.


My sister is so bad about it I can't even explain it. She has worn out several copies of the original Home Alone and can quote every single child hood CHristmas cartoon word for word. I think people must think we are just nuts, but all in good fun. We probably go over board in every single way, but the kids just love it and we do alot of donating things and time , and baking for people etc.


This is my favorite time of year.

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I'm pretty sure ds8 will be getting the pet snake I said he couldn't have until he's 12.


Same here. I postponed it for his b-day this year because I thought he would let it go. Yeah...no signs of letting it go. He still wants that corn snake. I would say, come Christmas, he will have a corn snake to add to our family of 4 humans, 6 cats, and 1 dog.

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DH is so fed up with my Shenanigans that he has instituted a no decorating or playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving rule.




I found a loophole though, my village pieces are for my "Holiday" village and don't say anything about Christmas on them. Thanksgiving is a Holiday, so they get to come out after Halloween :)


We are going to Disney World Nov. 28-Dec. 9, then on the 10th we're going to go to Arlington National Cemetery and help lay wreaths on the graves. THEN, that afternoon is our annual US Army Band Christmas concert at the DAR, see the National Christmas Tree and dinner at Old Ebbitt Grill. THEN!! we have tickets to see The Washington Ballet perform the Nutcracker on the 22nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is going to be (Lord willing) a GREAT Christmas :) We really are trying to focus more on events/memories. We'll bake cookies for neighbors, do charity stuff with church, etc.


"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.... evvvvvvvvvverywhere I goooooo-oohhhh......."


a very good friend of mine loves Christmas so much that she dedicated one room in her home to it. She has a Christmas tree up year round, complete with all the decorations all around it. She will decorate the rest of the house in December. The room has a door on it, and she only shares what's behind that door with her closest of friends, fearing people would view her as weird.


Maybe you could do that. :001_smile:

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We are ready this year. I have been trying to buy little bits at a time, so that we are not scrambling all of Dec.


Each girls is getting an 18 in doll horse. We did not splurge for the A.G. one, but Walmart had a nice one that was only $20 this summer. So we got 2 and put them up.


I already have each girls' winter P.J.s (for Christmas Eve gift) bought.


DD9 wants a subscription to American Girl magazine. And then I will have to purchase something to read for dd7. Maybe a good book or maybe a subscription to something else for her.


For both I would like to add a Wii Just Dance game. They love that.


oh yeah... I almost forgot stocking stuffers. I like to put in practical things like socks and ponytails. But I almost forgot that I got them each something at the A.G. store this summer when we visited.. earrings for dd7's Elizabeth doll for when she dresses her modern and the accessories for dd9's Kit doll that we didn't purchase originally. They will be thrilled!!!

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
thought of something else
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a very good friend of mine loves Christmas so much that she dedicated one room in her home to it. She has a Christmas tree up year round, complete with all the decorations all around it. She will decorate the rest of the house in December. The room has a door on it, and she only shares what's behind that door with her closest of friends, fearing people would view her as weird.


Wow. I have a friend who puts up her tree in September - she first decorates it for Halloween, the autumn, then Thanksgiving, then finally Christmas. If she had an extra room, I suspect she would have a secret Christmas room all year, too.




DS(7) -

a nice magic set we found on sale at Hearthsong

a few more magic items to throw in his stocking


good quality art supplies

a molecular model kit

PJs and slippers

various stocking stuffers


DD(5 mos) -



Help! I think I need ideas. :)


DS (20) -


Gift cards to restaurants

various stocking stuffers - my favorite is Shakespearan insult gum.


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DH and I both grew up in over-the-top Christmas families and it's been really difficult to change that, even last year when we pulled back some on our gifts, the sheer volume from family and friends was just so crazy! And, it is enjoyable to see all the gifts under the tree and watch everyone open a pile of presents. But in the last year, DH and I have been discussing how to downsize our Christmas because it really is as over-the-top as we grew up with, but as we ask ourselves, why?


It's too much and isn't really keeping with the spirit, it's just a bunch of things....so this year, we're downsizing. Now that doesn't mean we're turning into scrooge, just that we're really looking harder at what we're giving and why.


I shop year-round for Christmas, on the look out for things that are perfectly suited for those we give gifts, so for those family and friends we exchange with, I'm mostly done.


I'm now working on what to do for DS7 and the baby; and I have no clue for the baby since anything I can think of, we already have (wooden puzzles, books, stacking toys, etc. since I'd packed up everything from DS that was in good shape), so it'll probably be just clothes and a few books for him.


For DS7 we're leaning toward giving him a week of snowboard school when we go to Beaver Creek in February (and a couple of gifts under the tree to open and enjoy).

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