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Is it possible to loose 30 pounds in 4.5 months?

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So I really really want to loose 30 pounds by the end of January. I have wanted to loose the weight forever, but now I have a goal and a fun reason to do it. Not just the, "oh its good for me, yadda yadda" reasons (which are importaint, but frankly not much of a motivator) NOW I have the chance to go to Xena Con!!! :lol: and take a picture with Renee O'Connor http://reneeoconnor.net/ :D :D :D Who played Gabrielle in Xena. I really want to look nice in the picture because im sure it will be my favorite picture of me for a long time to come. LOL :)


So 30 pounds is my top goal. Do you think thats doable or do you think I should aim a little lower?

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Yep. I did the HCG diet (and I'm back on another round) and lost 18 pounds in 25 days. I've kept it off for a couple of months. I started a new round 3 days ago and have already dropped another pound and half. I cheated today though. Bad me. You have to be in the right frame of mind and dedicated, but it's not that difficult. I use the sublingual homeopathic HCG which cuts your hunger down to almost nothing. You have to stick to 500 calories a day of very specific foods (you're not supposed to stray from "protocol"). If you're interested, you can find out more here.

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You can figure 1.5-2 lbs/week. Four and a half months is 18 weeks, so 30 lbs is doable. Not easy, but doable.





The thing you have to account for are the weeks when you plateau and nothing happens. However, it's good to have a solid, measurable goal. Just don't beat yourself up if you have an off week here and there.

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I lost 33 lbs. in 3 months about 5 years ago. You definitely can do it. I did it on weight watchers online($18 a month) and exercised 6 days a week, walking 5 miles a day as fast as I could. Good luck and you go girl! :D


ETA: I didn't do anything special with foods except to cut my portions. I cooked for a family of five at that time. The whole family did great and it was just your usual foods.

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Absolutely-do the best lower calorie eating plan that works for you and start working out a lot, some good cardio intervals and weight lifting. Then don't fuss too much about the numbers b/c they will do what they do but you will look like a million bucks if you stay on plan until then!


Body for Life is a good combined program that I found pretty easy to stick to if you have access to a gym. WW for meals works well, especially with a low carb leaning.

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Sure, it can be done. 1-2 lb/wk is a moderate, safe goal. So, if you aim for 2 lb/wk, that'd do it for you.


If you both exercise and reduce calories, you can totally do that.


Running allowed me to easily lose 1 lb/wk for 6 months, getting to my goal (healthy BMI). I've maintained since then (another 6 months), still running. I didn't change my diet much. If I'd dieted at all, I could have easily doubled that rate.


Sweat (from exercise, not just heat, lol) for an hour a day, every day.


Watch your empty calories (junk, sugar, refined carbs, ugly fats) and double or triple your (not fried) vegetable intake and up your healthy protein intake (lean meats, fish, legumes) and drink lots of water. Two or more vegetable dishes with every meal is my favorite healthy eating trick.


It can definitely be done in a healthy way.

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If you exercise hard and regularly (cardio plus weights) and watch what you eat, absolutely, you can do this. Dh started to exercise (cardio 6 days a week...he built up to running 2.5 miles/cardio day and weights 4 days a week) and didn't alter his diet (but we do eat well...no processed stuff, whole grains, not too much meat) about 8 months ago. He just wanted to feel better. Well, he's lost over 30 lbs and has gone from a size 38 waist to a 31.


You can do this!

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If I wanted to lose 30 pounds in 4.5 months, I wouldn't cut calories dramatically, because metabolism may slow if the body starts worrying that it's going to starve. Instead, I'd cut simple carbs dramatically. No bread, no sugar, no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, very limited fruit...you get the picture. That's hard to do, but it gets much easier after the first week, because carb cravings go away. After that it is much more a social problem, because it is hard to be the only one skipping the bread, rice, etc. Your intellect can also be a stumbling block, because once you cut carbs you do need to increase fat intake. To remedy that I'd suggest this very well-researched book, which is a fairly quick read: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It. The appendix includes a recommended eating plan for weight loss.


And I'd exercise too, but I wouldn't go crazy. Research studies show that exercise can backfire as a weight loss strategy, because it increases appetite. You know that saying "work up an appetite"? There's more than a little truth to it.

Edited by jplain
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Yep, if you cut your calories to under 1000. dd#2 went to 500/day for 4-5 mths (I can't remember exactly) & lost 40 lbs. She's going to a U w/a beach & wanted to look & feel better before she got there. :o


I'd only go down to 1000 cal/ a day if you are petite (short). Minimum recommendation for women is 1200/ day. Granted the difference of 200 cal is not a whole lot but even people who follow restricted calorie for health reasons don't go below 1200 for women.


I am 5'9" and lose weight like crazy if I keep to 1500 or less a day and remain active. I am not an exercise person (ankle and wrist injuries, so any weight bearing floor exercise is out) but I love to walk. 2-4 miles a day (30-60 minutes) will do wonders and is easier on your body than intense exercise. :) As soon as this baby is born I hope to get back to 4 miles a day.

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So I really really want to loose 30 pounds by the end of January. I have wanted to loose the weight forever, but now I have a goal and a fun reason to do it. Not just the, "oh its good for me, yadda yadda" reasons (which are importaint, but frankly not much of a motivator) NOW I have the chance to go to Xena Con!!! :lol: and take a picture with Renee O'Connor http://reneeoconnor.net/ :D :D :D Who played Gabrielle in Xena. I really want to look nice in the picture because im sure it will be my favorite picture of me for a long time to come. LOL :)


So 30 pounds is my top goal. Do you think thats doable or do you think I should aim a little lower?


I lost 30 pounds from very end of Jan. to end of April. So, 3 months. I when to caloriecount.com and plugged in my info. It told me my target weight and that I would reach it in 13 months by eating 1200 calories per day. So I did. The weight came off so much faster than forecasted. I suppose my metabolism is higher than the computer guessed. I did click that I led the most sedentary of lifestyle options. Maybe I move more than I thought I did. It's definitely not on purpose. :D

I still have 30 pounds to reach my goal weight. But I'm taking a break because it is HARD eating only 1200 calories a day. :001_smile:

When I get ready to lose the last 30 I might do 1400 calories so as to lose a little slower and not feel so drained.

But, yeah, it's possible. Go for it. You will feel so amazing!! And I'm sure you will look amazing too.


ETA: I also should add that the trick that helped me with hunger was chewing extra sugarfree gum. I like mint chocolate chip. It did 3 things for me. Gave me a sweet fix. Gave me mouth something to do if I was just munchy. And "chewing the cud" like that, for some reason tricks my stomach into feeling full. It helped with morning sickness too enormously. Probably filling the belly up with air maybe? I don't know why. But it works for me. 1200 calories was hard for me not because I felt hungry because I figured out how to deal with that, but because I didn't have quite the same energy level and that was hard to deal with long term. Short term, I did it. Thinking of doing 1400 instead though because I don't really want to do it again.

Edited by silliness7
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Wow, I'm impressed with all of you, great job!!!! I've been taking vitamin d3 on a regular basis and trying to go gluten free. Without exercise I've lost a few pounds in the last few weeks. I don't own a scale, but my clothes are looser.


Aside from figure find an outfit that will photograph well. Something that flatters your figure and a color that complements your complexion.

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If I wanted to lose 30 pounds in 4.5 months, I wouldn't cut calories dramatically, because metabolism may slow if the body starts worrying that it's going to starve. Instead, I'd cut simple carbs dramatically. No bread, no sugar, no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, very limited fruit...you get the picture. That's hard to do, but it gets much easier after the first week, because carb cravings go away. After that it is much more a social problem, because it is hard to be the only one skipping the bread, rice, etc. Your intellect can also be a stumbling block, because once you cut carbs you do need to increase fat intake. To remedy that I'd suggest this very well-researched book, which is a fairly quick read: Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It. The appendix includes a recommended eating plan for weight loss.


And I'd exercise too, but I wouldn't go crazy. Research studies show that exercise can backfire as a weight loss strategy, because it increases appetite. You know that saying "work up an appetite"? There's more than a little truth to it.



I lost 15 lbs in about 6 weeks on Atkins Diet, a low carb diet. From this I realized how much I relied on carbs in my diet. I am not still on the Atkins diet, but I do try to keep carbs down and I have upped dramatically the amount of veggies I eat, increased my activity level and haven't regained. I make sure I eat a big salad every day. It is a very filling diet, and I did not lose if I tried to curb calories while on it.

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From now until the 28th of January (a random, end of January date I seleced :D ) is 20 weeks. A pound and a half a week and you are there.


Dh and I are working on changing our lifestyles - trimming portion sizes, minimizing sugar, moving moving moving... In the last 10 days or so, we have each dropped around 3 or 4 pounds. And it is a change in habit so we aren't worried about losing weight and then regaining by stopping dieting, kwim?


My goal is 40 lbs by the end of January/beginning of February as we want to TTC one more little munchkin before my "clock" stops ticking! :lol:

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It is doable. I need to do this as well. Good luck!



:hurray: Great job Daisy!


I've lost almost 30lbs in 3 months. It has taken a ton of hard work though. I'm keeping my calories below 1,200 (no junk food, low salt, no caffeine) and I'm working out 60-90 minutes a day, seven days a week.
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I am also doing the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 23 days on the first round and I am on day 5 of round 2 and I have already lost 6.6 lbs.


You cannot go down to 500 calories a day if you are not taking the hCG. Before anyone blows this off as a fad diet, it has been around for 50+ yrs. Google Dr. Simeons "Pounds and Inches". It explains the diet in great detail.


It is VERY restrictive to begin with, but it works. The first few days are very hard and you are hungry but around day 4-5 the hCG kicks in and you are NOT hungry. In the first round there were days when getting in 500 calories was hard, I just wasn't hungry. There are nights that I went to bed without having my snack, I just forgot to eat! For me, the mental part is the hardest part. You have to be mentally prepared to stick to this diet.

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I am also doing the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 23 days on the first round and I am on day 5 of round 2 and I have already lost 6.6 lbs.


You cannot go down to 500 calories a day if you are not taking the hCG. Before anyone blows this off as a fad diet, it has been around for 50+ yrs. Google Dr. Simeons "Pounds and Inches". It explains the diet in great detail.


It is VERY restrictive to begin with, but it works. The first few days are very hard and you are hungry but around day 4-5 the hCG kicks in and you are NOT hungry. In the first round there were days when getting in 500 calories was hard, I just wasn't hungry. There are nights that I went to bed without having my snack, I just forgot to eat! For me, the mental part is the hardest part. You have to be mentally prepared to stick to this diet.

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I lost 6.5 lbs a month on the Curves plan from the book on Amazon, and it is a healthy balance of food with no muscle loss (building actually) and no lowering of your metabolism (you alternate weeks of lower and higher caloric intake).


I've lost almost 30lbs in 3 months. It has taken a ton of hard work though. I'm keeping my calories below 1,200 (no junk food, low salt, no caffeine) and I'm working out 60-90 minutes a day, seven days a week.
No offense, but that just seems scary to me. I would really worry about my health if I tried that. Congratulations on making your goal!
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I am also doing the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 23 days on the first round and I am on day 5 of round 2 and I have already lost 6.6 lbs.


You cannot go down to 500 calories a day if you are not taking the hCG. Before anyone blows this off as a fad diet, it has been around for 50+ yrs. Google Dr. Simeons "Pounds and Inches". It explains the diet in great detail.


It is VERY restrictive to begin with, but it works. The first few days are very hard and you are hungry but around day 4-5 the hCG kicks in and you are NOT hungry. In the first round there were days when getting in 500 calories was hard, I just wasn't hungry. There are nights that I went to bed without having my snack, I just forgot to eat! For me, the mental part is the hardest part. You have to be mentally prepared to stick to this diet.


I agree. The first few days WERE hard, but after I got to about day 5, I was fine and frequently forgot to eat the food I was SUPPOSED to eat. I would look at the 100g of chicken on my plate and think "Ugh, how am I going to get all that down?"

I don't know if I put this in my post or not (and I'm too lazy to go back and look) but I use homeopathic drops that go under my tongue.

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That is almost 15 miles PER DAY! How does he find time to do that?


It takes me an hour to walk 4 miles and that is pushing it. I can't imagine spending almost 4 hours walking per day.




I just met a man who lives next to my in laws. He lost 190 pounds in 11 months!!!! He walks 100 miles per week.



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Yep. I did the HCG diet (and I'm back on another round) and lost 18 pounds in 25 days. I've kept it off for a couple of months. I started a new round 3 days ago and have already dropped another pound and half. I cheated today though. Bad me. You have to be in the right frame of mind and dedicated, but it's not that difficult. I use the sublingual homeopathic HCG which cuts your hunger down to almost nothing. You have to stick to 500 calories a day of very specific foods (you're not supposed to stray from "protocol"). If you're interested, you can find out more here.

This. Love, love, love hcg. Looking forward to going back on and starting another round in a few months' time.

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I started Weight Watchers in April and I am averaging about a 2.5 pounds loss per week. I am "results not typical" though. I started at a BMI of 36 and I am now at a 27. I am 15 pounds from a 25 BMI, which is "normal" weight. I am 6'.


I have eaten only normal food with no artificial sweeteners since starting. I eat fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast (or just fruit), a PB&J with Popchips for lunch (or something similar - a wrap. etc), a Special K protein bar for a snack, and a normal dinner. I love salads with fruit and chicken. We grill a lot. For those familiar with the program, I use my daily points, but almost never use my weekly or activity points. I eat 2 donuts every week. I eat out once a week. I am occasionally hungry, but not uncomfortable.


I do work out. I walk briskly for 4 miles every day. I also do a longer day once week. I am walking a half marathon in October and I do anywhere from 8, 10, 12 or 14 miles one day a week. For the first 4 months my walks were 4 miles with a 6 miler thrown in (so no one thinks that have to start at 6 miles! I started at one!!). I've only missed 4 days in the past 5 months.


I track and record everything I eat. I count every BLT (bite, lick or taste).


I don't drink any diet soda. I drink unsweetened tea or water.


I don't deny myself, but I am honest about portions. I weigh or measure most things. I serve food with measuring cups and salad dressing comes with a tablespoon measure now.


I haven't "cheated". In WW you get "points" or calories to use each day. Within that, you make whatever healthy choices you want. Nothing is off limits. So, yes, I have eaten FroYo with candy on it - but it's been tracked and within my daily points. I've not gone over or just skipped tracking anything. I consider "forgetting" or just not recording things cheating, not eating something that's less healthy.



I just wanted to throw in another option. I am not a fan of having weight loss goals that are time specific though. I think it will set you up for failure. I'm all for goals - but mine aren't within a time frame. Sometimes you can do EVERYTHING right and your body doesn't want to lose. I had one week were I was SPOT ON. I even did a 12 mile walk the day before weigh in. I ate perfectly.... and I gained! It would have been devastating if I had a "number" in mind. Yes, I was disappointed, but I figure that my body will catch up - and it did with a big loss the next week. SO please, be healthy. Make it a life choice. And do it for you - and not for anyone else.

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Joining in with the others offering encouragement. Yes, you can do it. I've lost 35 or so pounds twice in my life, in under 4.5 months. I did it by cutting calories -- I would eat only when physically hungry (so, a growl, or a very empty feeling), and then when I did eat, it was only until I was satisfied, not full. I didn't exercise.


I'm losing weight again now, doing the same (although I'm not as 100% as I was the previous two times, so it's taking longer). This time I'm also walking 3-4 miles a day, 3-5 days a week. The exercise isn't helping me lose, but it's making me more fit (as Patty Joanna said).

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my husband has lost about 15lbs in about 4 weeks by going on a juice fast. if you have netflix, check out "fat, sick, and nearly dead". it's certainly not for everyone but will, throughout the course of the fast, change your taste buds and shrink your stomach to where it will be difficult to go back to eating the way you do now. just a thought.

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I lost 80 pounds in about 6 months. I've been at that weight now for 6 months.:D I did a modified Eat to Live plan (lots of fruit, veggies, and beans, but I also added eggs in the morning and lean meat at night.) I exercised 90 minutes a day, 6 days a week doing a combo of cardio and weights. I also gave up dairy (allergic) and regular soda.


I quit losing when I started eating grains again, quit tracking my food, and mostly stopped exercising when we moved in March. At least I haven't gained it back!


I'm now ready for the next round - I hope to lose another 100 pounds or so.:001_huh::D

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That is almost 15 miles PER DAY! How does he find time to do that?

It takes me an hour to walk 4 miles and that is pushing it. I can't imagine spending almost 4 hours walking per day.

Dawn, I agree.

I've been thinking about this a lot. 15 miles per day is a heck of a lot. Wow.

I also do want to point out that the whole weight loss thing is different for men. I really believe that. Never mind that every single individual is different. Age is also a factor.

I've done 7 miles per day for a while. Made no difference in the weight loss department whatsoever. A few inches and more toned up. And I didn't even eat excessively. Exercise just makes me feel better and gets me more toned. But now that I'm in my 40s, exercise no longer helps me with weight loss like it did in my teens and 20s. Back then, I could eat that cheesecake or ice cream and then go for a run, and I was good to go. Not anymore. For me, it gets harder and harder, the older I get. The whole weight loss thing blows. :glare:


I have so much info on all this. Lots and lots. Here's just a little bit.


“Overexercise (and 15 miles a day to me is overexercise) —for a variety of reasons—actually makes it harder to lose weight. Overly strenuous exercise—especially combined with insufficient sleep, unrelenting stress, and poor eating habits—can push your body into survival mode, raising your level of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol’s job is to boost energy levels by any means necessary. If these levels stay high for too long, cortisol starts breaking down the cells in nerves, muscles, and bones, converting them into energy. In the short term, it’s a rush. In the long-term, it’s debilitating.

Cortisol has another job: storing energy where the body can get at it quickly. And guess where that is? In the most accessible place, biologically—belly fat. Ongoing high levels of cortisol lead to weight gain, fatigue, nervousness, and possibly osteoporosis (loss of bone mass).â€


Here's a great article if anyone is interested in reading 6 pages ...



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Add me to the hcg fan club. I lost 32 lbs in 57 days on an extended round 1, and I'm currently in round 2 with 3 lbs down (well, 8 if you count the load...)


I take the homeopathic pellets. We are going on a cruise in November and I want to be in the pictures this time.


My blood pressure has gone back to normal after being high for almost 4 yrs, too. I'm so glad I tried it!


Good luck with the plan you choose! You'll love how much better you feel and that picture will be awesome!

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Add me to the hcg fan club. I lost 32 lbs in 57 days on an extended round 1, and I'm currently in round 2 with 3 lbs down (well, 8 if you count the load...)


Wow! That is fantastic! Good for you. I can't believe you loaded 5lbs though! I was so excited for the load, but couldn't eat all that I had planned and only went up 1lb. I think that's why my weight loss wasn't as quick as I had hoped. Still, it wasn't bad.

I'm currently off HCG because my head just isn't in it. I actually started a new round a few days ago, but I couldn't get myself to do it. My main motivations (aside from wanting to feel better) was my 20th high school reunion at the end of this month, but now I'm not going so....eh. I've been off for about a week and a half and haven't gained any weight back so far. I can't eat nearly as much as I did before HCG. I've also found that I can't handle a lot of the foods I ate before. They literally destroy my stomach.

I'm planning on going back on in a few weeks (when I'm in the right frame of mind). I only have 12 pounds to get back to the weight I was at 3 years ago which is very comfortable for me. After that, I really want to drop another 10lbs so I can get back into my 4/6 pants.

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Go completely carb and sugar free. Not even fruit. The pounds will fall right off your frame.

This sounds interesting and possibly do-able.

Do you have more details/tips or is that a stupid question? Sorry. I'm a bit stupid/off today.

Just protein, correct? Chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.

Carrots and veggies are carbs - so avoid? Or, are veggies okay, but not other carbs such as bread, potatoes, etc. I assume the latter.

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This sounds interesting and possibly do-able.

Do you have more details/tips or is that a stupid question? Sorry. I'm a bit stupid/off today.

Just protein, correct? Chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, etc.

Carrots and veggies are carbs - so avoid? Or, are veggies okay, but not other carbs such as bread, potatoes, etc. I assume the latter.


I did this a year ago because of a massive candida infection.


No wheat, ever, no rice, no barley, nada. The only grain I ate was wild rice (the 100% kind, not the boxed mix).


When I started the diet I also was potato-free. Over time I added back in first sweet potatoes, then a month later, white potatoes. The thought on that is that the nutritional benefit exceeds the concerns about carb content.


I ate a LOT of vegetables paired mostly with meat or eggs. On this type of diet you need those veggies or you'll suffer.


You can also have nuts.


You will suffer some very real cravings for the first week or two. For this I made sure I had some very flavorful fixings on hand at all times. For me, this meant cajun shrimp or cajun something-or-other. The bigger the flavor, the better it tamed my sugar cravings.


After a couple weeks you will find that your taste buds change dramatically. At that point the sweet potatoes will taste like a dessert to you. I found at that point that shredded cabbage was sweet and delicious.


Because I was sick and trying to get well, I was originally also dairy-free on this diet. Over time I did add back in cheese and milk, but in moderation.


After several months I added back in fruit. The only reason I gave it up initially was to kill the candida (which feeds on sugar). Since you do not have illness as a motivator, I would think that eating fruit would be fine for you. I did find that even when fruit was back in my diet, I still continued losing weight.


In my case, I dropped fifty pounds in five months. I have gained some back as I no longer follow the diet, but the gain hasn't been that bad.

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Add me to the hcg fan club. I lost 32 lbs in 57 days on an extended round 1, and I'm currently in round 2 with 3 lbs down (well, 8 if you count the load...)

My blood pressure has gone back to normal after being high for almost 4 yrs, too. I'm so glad I tried it!

Great job! :D


I only have 12 pounds to get back to the weight I was at 3 years ago which is very comfortable for me. After that, I really want to drop another 10lbs so I can get back into my 4/6 pants.

Good for you also! :D


In my case, I dropped fifty pounds in five months.

Wow, you did great :)! Thanks so much for the detailed info. Copied and pasted them to look at and possibly consider. I need to be careful about candida diets. My dh had a horrible, horrible time with the anti-candida diet. I'm very cautious.

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Yes! This is definitely possible. I have lost 25 pounds since the first week of July and I am SO thrilled. I havent made my doctor very happy because my caloric intake is between 500-700 a day. I also dont eat sugar (much) or things that turn to sugar (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, etc.) because Im a diabetic. I also drink a ton of water and try to walk 30 minutes or more a day, but have been slacking on the exercise the past couple weeks. I hope to reach my goal weight by December and at that time will probably up the calories to maybe 800-1000 a day. I imagine that I will up the exercise a heck of a lot more when I do this. My phone has a weight loss app on it that tracks my exercise and it says that 30 minutes of walking burns 200 or 300 calories. I sure hope thats right but it really puts a perspective on exercise and how a little really does help. Good luck!!! :001_smile:

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Definitely. The hcg diet done according to Dr. Simeons' protocol will have you losing an average of 1/2 pound/day for 3-6 weeks. (You then continue the protocol in an easier way to reset your hypothalamus and stabilize.)


I lost 25 pounds in six weeks and then 20 later using this method.


(It does take a lot of self-control and support... which you can find online. Try the hcg yahoo groups.)

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