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How do you wake up early?

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Start going to bed earlier, and have a plan (specific tasks) to do when you get up. My newest thing is to wake up, pray, then walk for 20-30 minutes before DH goes to work. But really, getting up early just one day (and not napping) helps start the cycle of "early to bed early to rise".

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I don't. I should... but DS usually wakes me up at 7, then I get him breakfast & we lounge on the couch (Mommy sleeps most of the time :blush:) until DD gets up around 9:30-ish. My doctor assures me that when I'm all done with my surgeries, I'll be back to normal and able to function without 9-10 hours of sleep. I don't know about that.

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I am HORRIBLE at getting up early. Like, seriously.

I love how my day goes when I get up early...love the way I feel, etc.

But seriously, I really am just awful at it. (example: This morning, I was vaguely awake/groggy when DH was eating breakfast/getting ready to go to work around 7. I thought to myself, eh, I should go ahead and get up, otherwise I'll fall back asleep and when my alarm goes off at 8 I'll be dead to the world. But I was just so darn comfortable...and still sleepy....so I didn't get up. And I remember nothing until I woke up at 9:30) :glare:

I'm a notorious sleeper. I sleep through everything. If any of the kids wake up at night, DH gets up and takes care of it. It would just be too much of a hassle for him to have to wake me up, may as well do it himself :lol: ...and in high school I was voted 'most likely to sleep through life' when we did our senior personalities.

Not much has changed...

ETA: Sometimes I wonder if I have some sort of health problem. I know it sounds stupid, but I'm like, seriously!!! Some sort of deficiency or something?? Idk...

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I've always been an early riser. Dh has the alarm set for 5:45am, but we're often awake before that. For one thing, the cat usually walks across me at 5:30 -- it would wake me up even more if I tried to smack her, so I just pretend to stay asleep so she'll go away (this is an improvement -- she used to try to jab me in the lip every morning with her paw with one claw just a teensy weensy bit extended -- THAT was a startling wake up!). Also, during the summer the neighbor's lawn irrigation system starts running at about 5:30, and we can hear it if the windows are open.


Let me know if you want to borrow my cat.

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Alarm clock, quick shower, dress fully, and throw myself into something. About an hour into throwing, I have my cup of coffee, which I pop out of a thermos cup hubby filled for me while I showered, and I drink it during a lively morning meeting or math, depending on whether it is a weekday or a weekend.

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My body pretty much wakes up daily sometime between 6 and 6:20. I lay in bed for about 5 minutes and by then my mind is already racing with what needs to be done for the day. I have never, not even as a teen, been able to sleep in and it just seems to be getting worse as I get older. At some point I'm sure I'll stop sleeping all together...that's when I plan to write the next great American novel:lol:

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I find it easier to ease into it if I've gotten into a sleep-in habit over a summer. I set my alarm 15-30 minutes earlier each day until I'm getting up at the time I want. This year hasn't been a big deal because I was getting up at 7am all summer. So I got up at 6:30 one day, then 6:00 the next. In the past, when things were really bad, I would put my alarm on the other side of the room so I had to get out of bed. Otherwise I would slap the alarm off and immediately fall back asleep. Like another poster I've decided that I prefer getting up to music, so I found a cheerful tune on my mobile phone and use that as my alarm instead of my clock.

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I have an alarm set for 5am. Now if I could only sleep until 5am.

I'm having real sleep issues AGAIN. Since part of it is anxiety driven

(I'm worried I won't hear the kids in the middle of the night),I'm going

to try to address that problem (baby monitor in the back hallway).

If that doesn't work, I'm going to temporarily take something to help

me sleep and hope. 5am seems like a very reasonable wake up time,

especially as my kids get up at 6am.

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No clue, but my body has always been on an early schedule from early childhood. Right now I'm waking up between 4 and 5am every morning without an alarm clock. I need to be up by 5:15 for work, so naturally waking up is a good thing, but even on days when I don't work I still wake up.


I've never been able to sleep in until 7 unless I'm sick. I can stay in bed until 7am, but I'm wide awake and bored if I do.


My brain tends to turn off by 9:30 or 10pm each night even if I stay up later.


I can stay up until midnight and still wake up around 5am unable to sleep any longer. I simply can't sleep in - ever - unless I'm sick.


I never drink coffee or other caffeinated drink in the morning. I sometimes drink a soda later in the day if I know I need to stay up at night (to watch a movie or something).

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I used to sleep til 10 or 11, given the opportunity. Since the boys were born - even in the depths of twin-infant sleep deprivation - I get up between 5:00-5:30. I set my alarm for 5:30, but I'm usually awake before then.


I think it's a self-preservation thing. By the end of the day, I'm pretty fried. Early morning, before everyone else gets up and the day gets underway, is my only time for quiet.

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I set my alarm for 4:30, and the 2nd alarm for 4:38. The alarm clock is across the room. If I'm really tired I shut the first one off and get back in bed until the second one goes off, but I often just grab my water and glasses and stumble downstairs for some coffee. The key for me is to have the clock not right next to my bed.


This is my only quiet time. We all head to bed at the same time (usually 9-10), so there is no peace and quiet at nighttime.

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Set the alarm, don't hit snooze, drag myself out of bed and drink a lot of coffee.

I am NOT a morning person, but I did get up at 5am this morning with DH. Most mornings I get up between 6:30 and 7:00.

It's odd that no matter how long I do this, I don't actually adjust. I guess I'll always be nocturnal :)

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We go to bed between 8:30-9:30, so then I wake up sometime between 5am-6am naturally. I don't use an alarm clock or coffee, I hate being woke up by anything!


I wish we could do that. Between Scouts, soccer, and football - we've been getting home between 8:30 and 9:30 every night. It's killing me. We aren't getting to sleep until after 10:30.

It is certainly making this "getting up early" thing much more difficult.:tongue_smilie:

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I hate the getting up part, but I feel so much better on the days I get an early start. I stumble to the coffee pot too, by about 6:30am, and wake my kiddos up at 7. More time for school early in the day means (hopefully) school is done by around 2pm. Sports start at 3pm, so there is a teeny bit of down-time.


Try it for a week or two.....you may love what the morning brings to you. :001_smile:

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I wish we could do that. Between Scouts, soccer, and football - we've been getting home between 8:30 and 9:30 every night. It's killing me. We aren't getting to sleep until after 10:30.

It is certainly making this "getting up early" thing much more difficult.:tongue_smilie:


I hate nightime activities! We've been out of the house the past 2 nights so we haven't gotten to bed until after 9. It drives me crazy that they have activities for kids at a time when they should be in bed. I can do ok with a few later nights and still get up on time but not if it is ongoing.

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Getting up early was probably one of the most difficult habits that I've had to instill in myself over the years.


Here are some of the things that I do in order to be successful in that area:


-my alarm goes off at 5:30 and no matter how much I want to, I don't hit the snooze button

- I prepare my coffee at night so that all I have to do is switch it on when I go downstairs in the morning

- I shower at night and then while I have my morning coffee, I dress, put on my makeup, and style my hair. After I have done that, I feel ready to face the day.

- I now have an hour to spend with the Lord, do a load of laundry, and go over the day's lesson plans before waking my son at 7:00.

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When I'm trying to get up early, one thing that really helps me is getting up early enough that I have time to settle into the day the way I like to (for me, that means time to exercise, to have some tea and read, and to maybe get online for a little bit, and get the house straightened up if there's anything out from the night before) before the kids get up. If I wake up and immediately have to start getting breakfasts ready and changing diapers, I'm much more likely to sleep in and let DH handle that. ;) So, for me, I'm a lot more likely to get up at 5:00 than I am at 7:00, because at 5:00 I know I'll have time to myself, but at 7:00 I know that in just a few minutes I'll have at least one or two kids up, if they aren't up already.

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