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Homeschooling poll

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?



3. Why do you homeschool?


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?

I haven't started anything official yet as dd is only 14 mo. We have planned to homeschool if and when we had kids for a long time.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

I like a lot of the ideas behind the classical education. I am already reading aloud classic literature to dd. We will do lots of hands on for math and science. We will travel a lot. We will also try our best to teach leadership.


3. Why do you homeschool?

For academic and religious reasons both.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Don't get discouraged. You can do as well or better than a brick and mortar school can do.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

I have spent a lot of times with friends that have home schooled. I have seen how well it can be done when the effort is put into it. My friends have been inspiring and encouraging.

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


From the beginning. My kids have never been to school.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


A combination of Charlotte Mason, WTM style classical, and my own philosophies about learning that come from the reading I've done about education and life in general.


3. Why do you homeschool?


All the reasons. :tongue_smilie: The short answer is that I can provide a better education and lifestyle while allowing my kids to be kids.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Math programs that I bought based on reviews, sight unseen, because I had never been to a HS conference to see them firsthand. If samples were more thorough, I would have saved a lot of money.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


The Well-Trained Mind, every CM book I ever bought, teacher books (Nurturing Inquiry, Writer's Jungle, Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics, About Teaching Mathematics, Social Studies That Sticks, etc.), Singapore Math, WWE, MCTLA, my Landmark/Signature book collection, all classic literature.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Every single science program for elementary. Nothing is exactly what I want. RightStart math. WinterPromise, Sonlight, and other complete programs. I'm apparently way too picky. :tongue_smilie:

7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


WWE, Rosetta Stone

8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Keep thinking for yourself. Remember the reasons you started homeschooling. Quit the boards when you get bogged down by all the ideas, curriculum suggestions, and other extraneous information that might paralyze you and keep you from moving forward. Yes, occasionally you will need guidance. No, you don't need encouragement to second-guess every curriculum choice you make.

9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


We were very laid back when they were little, as I believe in learning through play. I don't require Kindergarten (although all 3 have learned to read and do basic math by this time) and we start formal schooling in 1st. I absolutely do not regret these two things but with my oldest, I let the casual go on too long. I think his flame went out a bit in first grade when he was primed for learning and I wasn't challenging him enough. Striking a balance is good. I'm happy to report his fire is back. :) Now DD is in first and DS5 is doing voluntary Kinder every day and we are much more schooly. :tongue_smilie:Everyone seems much happier this way.

10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


One thing I've learned in my few short years is that there will be highs and there will be lows. Take the time during the highs to plan for the lows. Then, when you arrive in a low, you can keep on going.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?

We are just starting. Technically Monday is our first day.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

A combination im sure. I have read lots of books and I know certain philosophies I don't agree with, but haven't really figured out the ONE i believe in the most. So for now, Im winging it. As I figure out what works best, I'll adjust.


3. Why do you homeschool?

I worry about the direction the world is going in and disagree with many of the things the public schools are teaching now. I also worry about trusting my child to strangers. There is a lot of evil in the world and children are becoming more and more violent and I want to keep my child out of that. From a religious stand point I feel justified in my reasons for wanting to keep my child home, and also led to do it.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

I haven't bought any sort of curriculum except the complete set of Hooked On Phonics, but that was $7 at a library sale. Everything else is just basic supplies like paper, scissors, etc. My mom got us a 1-100 counting poster. So so far, nothing has been wasted. I plan on spending very little money on homeschooling for as long as I can, so hopefully there will be little money wasting for the next few years.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

The $7 for the hooked on phonics for sure. And the $2 to restore my library card. :tongue_smilie:


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?




7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?




8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Have faith in yourself and stick to your guns. There are people in your life that will try to scare you into putting your children in school by suggesting "all the things they will miss out on," maybe even question your abilities to teach or keep "organized." You need to be able to look them in the eye and let them know your serious about homeschooling and that it isn't a subject up for debate. You're the parent, and you do what you know is best for your child.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?



10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:



I wanted to add my daughter is in Kindergarten. ;)

Edited by Caterpiller
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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

Older ds, three years. Dd, almost one whole year! And youngest, one year.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?



3. Why do you homeschool?

Older ds had a baaaaad teacher. Dd was developing an ulcer thanks to the awesome socialization at the local ps. With my youngest, we decided that if I could teach him to read before his 5th bday he wouldn't go to school. He turned five on Sunday and finished reading his third Little Bear Book that Friday :D


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

TWTM, I have the two newer editions and TWEM on my Kindle.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

It was an art program... but the name escapes me. Oh! And the Biology text I bought dd for this year and the history book I bought BEFORE I bought SWB's Ancients :glare:


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

I tend to think I will love everything, or else I've just forgotten I was ever wrong about anything :lol:


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

It's okay. It is possible to fail at hsing, but you really have to put effort into it. Do something every day, keep up with readin', writin' and 'rithmatic and cover all the other stuff when you get the biggies done.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Television, we didn't read together nearly enough and I put them both in ps to start with. Oh, and science. Yeah, science. And art.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

School year round. Then, when it starts to feel like you're going to lose your mind, you can take a week off, guilt free. Really. It's a sanity saver.

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?

nine years


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

whatever works. Some texts, some living books, a smidge of this and that.


3. Why do you homeschool?

because I want my kids prepared for the future. Local schools are iffy on quality, completely dependent on the teacher you get. And it works best with our lifestyle.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

those texts that I thought would be great, but just didn't work out well. Sometimes that happens


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

can't think of it right off the top of my head


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Charlotte Mason, post 3rd grade.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

The Story of the World. First time we tried it it was a total failure, This year it rocks.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Do what works for you and your kids. Yes you can learn from others, but each family is different and you are not a failure if things don't pan out for you the way it works for other families.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Chill out in grades K-2


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


We are in our 8th year.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


We follow LCC mostly, with our own twist. I call it adapted classical.



3. Why do you homeschool?


Best educational choice for this child, our only child.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Three years of using a box curriculum. :glare:



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Pro-click binding machine. :D Book: The Latin-Centered Curriculum, both first and second editions.



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Classical Writing. I love the idea, it made me pull my hair out and didn't work for ds.



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


? I generally don't buy curriculum I don't think I'll like.



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Forget about "they", whoever they are in your life. Find your own drummer for your own homeschool.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


I only have one, so I'm not allowed to make mistakes. :lol:


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


Look in the mirror and reflect once in a while. This is the picture (physical and emotional reflection) that your children will have of you as their teacher. Is this the reflection you want to give? For instance I thought pjs would be a great thing for first grade. I looked in the mirror one day, I looked sloppy and baggy (think no bra). I know some people can be comfortable like that, I felt frumpy. I opted to get dressed everyday after that. *I* felt better.

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling? We've just started our 11th year.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use? Mostly classical (WTM), with a bit of CM.



3. Why do you homeschool? We started homeschooling for academic reasons (DD15 would have been bored at school). Family relationships, frequent moves, and religious beliefs have also played a part in our decision.



4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling? The couple hundred dollars I spent to be part of a co-op. It was a huge wast of time and my kids didn't learn a thing.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent? Building a home library of living books.



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you? Apologia science (my beliefs and those of the curriculum were incompatible), Noeo (I actually do love this curriculum, but have decided to take a different approach to science), L'Art de Lire (good curriculum, just not right for my kids), SWO (my ideas about how to teach spelling have changed), Traditional Logic (couldn't get into it), Shurely English (same as TL).



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't? Faith in Life, BFSU



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out? Enjoy your children. This time that you have with them is precious. Don't worry about keeping up with the Jonses; do what works for your family.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles? I will focus on teaching my children, rather than the children that I wish I had. I will also recognise that each of my children is unique, and therefore their needs will be different.



10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

Enjoy your journey!

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


It feels like forever, but really it's about 13 years. Neither of my kids have gone to brick-and-mortar school (except a year of two-mornings-a-week preschool for my daughter).


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Mine. My husband and I call it the "innoculation theory of education." Essentially, we believe in exposing our kids early and often to all kinds of things so that they get familiar with ideas and concepts early and aren't frightened of them later when they have to learn them for real.


So, we started taking the kids to museum exhibits and Shakespearean plays and listening to classical music and all of that while they were still preschool age. What I really, really didn't want to turn out was a kid who got to high school age and was terrified of or bored by Shakespeare, like the kids with whom I went to school.


So far, so good.


I read TWTM when my daughter was about nine, and so much of it sounded like our own innoculation theory, just formalized. Since then, we've loosely followed TWTM structure, although we always select or assemble our own curricula.


3. Why do you homeschool?


Neither my husband nor I had what one would call "good" experiences in public school. We were both gifted kids who were bored and ignored and eventually got into all kinds of trouble avoiding the tedium that was school. We knew we wanted something different for our kids. We couldn't afford any of the private schools we thought we might like. So, we decided to give homeschooling a try.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


One year when my daughter was doing high school, I decided we needed to sign her up for some correspondence courses for subjects I felt I couldn't teach well. We spent, I think, about $700 on three classes that she ended up hating and dropping (with my consent). We learned our lesson and went back to doing things the way we always had before.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


I'll probably say the money I spent to buy my own copy of TWTM, because even though I don't follow the recommendations closely, it's a never-ending source of ideas and inspiration. There are some other resources that I bought cheaply that we've used a lot (a music curriculum called "Classic Tunes and Tales," from which we still sing the little songs to remind us of the names of composers and works, for example), but nothing else stands out in my mind.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


The Galore Park Latin books weren't the hit I hoped they would be. I really wanted them to be like Minimus, but for older students, and they just weren't. Both of my kids tried them, and neither ended up using them for long.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


I can't think of anything, actually. We don't use a whole lot of "curriculum" most years. Usually, I pull together resources on my own.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Be brave but realistic. Homeschooling isn't brain surgery, but it is work. Trust your insticts, and be ready to roll up your sleeves.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


My kids are such different people that I don't really think the lessons I learned with my daughter are terribly applicable to my son. He's taking a different path, anyway.

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


Starting my 5th year


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Eclectic. I take a bits from many different philosophies.


3. Why do you homeschool?


The main reason is to give my children a better education.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Rosetta Stone


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Singapore math


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?




7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


None. I usually only buy ones that I like :)


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


If your child hates something change how you teach the subject.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


With my oldest I made the mistake of expecting a certain rate of progress and didn't know what to do when he did not match that.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!


The way we homeschool makes it a full-time job for me, but it is the best job in the world.

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?

Ten years.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

Eclectic classical/Charlotte Mason/my own common sense



3. Why do you homeschool?

To grow that love of learning that is natural for a child...other forms of school seem to hinder that love or at the least make it as unnatural as possible.



4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Veritas Press Phonics Museum (just used How to teach your child in 100 EZ lessons)...I still loved the art cards and other aspects of it...but my children learned to read in 3 months and all those readers were not used..they jumped into 2nd and 3rd grade level books...



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Ooh, hard to narrow it down, I'll say my top five:

1. Catherine Vos's "A Child's Story Bible"...have read it aloud more than 3x.

2. Foerster's Algebra..just love this book!

3. Fees for Speech and Debate..kids have grown immensely in their confidence and research skills.

4. Monthly internet fees...I have downloaded more resources for free online than I could ever find from a pre-packaged curricula.

5. All the (probably thousands) I have spent on the great literature lists...we read, read, read.



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Most grammar programs (First Language Lessons, Rod & Staff..but I now do love Analytical Grammar)



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

None, I research immensely and do not buy anything that I don't already convince myself I will love.



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Do not try to reproduce school at home...go with your children's interests and let them soar...avoid workbook type curricula as your mainstay...we almost have never used workbook types and happy to say there are options.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

My three were born in 4 years, so they're not that far apart...this does not really apply to us.



10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

Honestly, whenever I am in doubt, God has never failed to bring all the answers to me-whether it be through more experienced homeschoolers, opportunities, or simple wisdom...I have really no anxieties about homeschooling due to His consistent provision...that takes a lot of worry out of it and enables me to thoroughly enjoy this amazing lifestyle!




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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?


9 years; i.e, always.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


I guess I'm relaxed Classical, if you could label me with anything.


3. Why do you homeschool?


Love the lifestyle, time with my children, superior interaction, prevent slipping through the cracks, nurture my child's talents while supporting their deficiencies, protect them from some negative ideas for a while.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Probably Sonlight. Certain books that were long on theory but short on practical application.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


The winners long-term have been: Math-U-See, Handwriting Without Tears, NOEO Science, History Odyssey.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Sonlight. Anything for learning Latin. :tongue_smilie: Spelling Power orange book. ETA: Life of Fred. I thought it was so great...at first.



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


Probably HWT. Originally, I didn't see the reason for a handwriting "program." I was wrong. HWT is awesome.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Don't try to copy the school experience. Remember why you do this. Love your kids.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


I was too unstructured at first. I thought I would be an unschooler, or somewhat of an unschooler. TWTM is what really made me aspire to higher goals. It did not really "harm" my older kids, but I lost time waiting for certain things to "click" instead of working on them diligently.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


Care a little less about what others think, but look hard at what you see in front of your eyes. Savor your kids; love them constantly.

Edited by Quill
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1. How long have you been homeschooling?
15 years. 2nd big kid is graduating this year. Then we will be starting all over (we're hoping to finalize the adoption of three of our foster children in a few months). If we make it all the way through with the youngest of those (and don't adopt anyone younger!) then it looks like I'll have 31 years of home education.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

I don't. My children are each individuals. Trying to commit to one philosophy with ONE kid would be challenging enough. I certainly can't do it with several. In general? I want my kids to be able to "be kids" which translated into being quite relaxed. Yet I love Classical education as well as believing STRONGLY in "the basics." It's just a weird combination which plays out differently for each child.



3. Why do you homeschool?
I started primarily so my children could have individualized educations. This was very important as I was researching it as my 3yr old was on about a 4th grade reading and math level. It became even more important when working with my next child who had some learning differences and delays. Now I respect it even more as I have more children to add to the continuum. My hubby's first reason was socialization. And of course there are various other mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and family-based reasons. You can really accumulate reasons in 15 years :)


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Trust yourself and your children. If you are conscientious and hard working, you are very unlikely to damage your children. Of course, BE conscientious, diligent, committed. Homeschooling doesn't just happen.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?
Worrying too much.

Changing grade levels we called kids along the way. Seriously, use the age-based grade. Tweak it in 8th grade if you need to.

I will be even stronger on the 3Rs with the next set. For example, reading at a high level doesn't mean a 1st grader doesn't need a phonics program.

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?

This is our 2nd year. We started in Kindergarten.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

I am following the Classical model as much as possible for us. We are doing a lot of memory work and following the history and science cycles in TWTM.


3. Why do you homeschool?

DS started reading at 4.5 years old. His b-day is late September and he missed the cutoff for Kindergarten by 22 days last year. He wanted to start school and wanted to homeschool. He is in first grade this year, working at a second grade level. It also works much better for our lifestyle and schedule.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Shurley English. Not much though. I got the first set for about $30 on eBay. It is the only thing I purchased that I have not used. It just did not work well for us (I don't like the scripted text in the teacher manual.)


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

SOTW, DS loves it! It is his favorite part of the day!


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Shurley English. It came highly recommended, but it was just too much for me.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

R&S Grammar! It is quick and easy to get through. We are doing very well with it.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

You don't have to "do school" at home. I have had to learn to let my son lay on the floor, spell on the fridge, do gymnastics while I read...As long as he is grasping the concept and remembering the material, I try and let him have some fun.:001_smile:


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

My oldest is 5 almost 6...I don't know yet.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


Have fun with everything!! Don't stress too much and if you get "behind," you can always catch up later. It's okay to take a day of too ;)

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


3 years

2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


We like to pretend that we're relaxed homeschoolers following TWTM, but if we were categorized accurately...we probably follow the Charlotte Mason philosophy more than anything else.


3. Why do you homeschool?

1 kid in special ed in ps - he needed individual attention

1 kid very advanced - she needed individual attention

1 kid with SPD - she really, REALLY needed individual attention

the 4th kid will come up with her own reason, I'm sure :tongue_smilie:

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


anything Abeka

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 EZ Lessons

Horizons Math (the dude cried his eyes out)


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Miquon Math

McGuffey Readers


Primary Language Lessons/Intermediate Language Lessons


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Abeka K4

CLE LA 100s - just the 100s

Horizons Math

100 EZ


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

A Child's Geography

FLL 1/2



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

May the force be with you! :tongue_smilie:


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Using spelling programs for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. We're using Webster's Speller and I've seen gigantic light bulbs light up...

Too much co-op/enrichment classes put us WAY behind one semester, so we don't do co-ops anymore... I do let the kids take one class per semester, tho.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other


Good luck! :D

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

9 years if you count preschool

2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?



3. Why do you homeschool?

There are about 1489 reasons but the one in the #1 spot is academics.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Some crazy math that cost hundreds but we ended up not using because it didn't make much sense.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

See my siggy for my curriculum choices. They are all winners after several years of trial and error. But while they work for me, they might not work for you.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Writing With Ease


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

Math U See. After so many trials and major errors I didn't think any math would work.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Don't give up. Don't make yourself crazy with choices.

9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

I only have one so dd is the guinea pig.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!

Good luck in your journey.

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


This is our first year homeschooling all three of our kids, the older two were in ps and the youngest one was in pres last year.




2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

I don't really know, I have read and researched so many things and came up with my own ideas, but have borrowed ideas from a classical/charlotte mason approach with a twist of regular ps school qualities still seeping through since that is what I am used to and the older two kids.




3. Why do you homeschool?

My husband has encouraged me to homeschool after talking together about how things would have been wonderfully different for both of us, if we had been homeschooled. I was going to college to get a degree, in what I did not know, and for what, I did not know. I only knew I did not want to go back to work, and not because I am lazy, but only because I feel like my place is here with the kids.



4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Buying books at book fairs that are great to have, but ones that I could have easily found at our local library.




5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


$5 including shipping for The Writing Road to Reading. I find myself using that as my teacher's manual for The Phonics Road

that I spent considerably much more $ on.

6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

We have only been doing school for the last 4 days, and I dont see that anything is absolutly not working, but Im hoping I get the hang of doing all the stuff Ive chosen.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

We can do this(I hope:)


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

I can tell you that my oldest son is 11 and has been in ps for the past 6 years, and I feel like Im getting to know him all over again. Its great, I only wish I would have homeschooled him sooner.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


This is our first year!!!!


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Classical, CM and unit studies


3. Why do you homeschool?


God led me to this decision, but I also feel that the academics will be better at home as well.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Handwriting and phonics programs (we went through two handwriting and four phonics programs). I also bought way too much on the used curriculum board that I will probably never use!


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Right Start Games and Miquon! I love them!


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


OPGTTR (I loved it, but it was just too boring)


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


First Reading Lessons by Memoria Press. I thought this had way too much writing and wrote it off completely. In desperation (and through prayer), I was led to this and my son loves it!!!


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Don't try to explain yourself to your friends. Just matter of factly tell them that you are homeschooling and leave it at that.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

My son taught himself to write. He still fights holding his pencil the right way and always wants to write in capital letters. My littles will learn lower case letters first!


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


Thanks to everyone who has helped me make curriculum decisions!

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?

Since oldest, now 20, was in kindergarden, youngest is now a high school senior.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Relaxed, eclectic, unschoolish


3. Why do you homeschool?


Wanted to spend time with my girls. I liked the independence and the out of the box experience of not going to school. I think it has made all the difference to my girls, and to my dh's and my attitudes toward life.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Pretty, pretty curriculum. Even though we were toward the unschooler end of things I loved conventions and vendor halls. :tongue_smilie:

5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Travel with the family. Ruth Beechick books. Buying dd20 a piano, buying dd17 a horse.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Sonlight - I used the book lists but could not do the daily lesson stuff

GREAT book lists. I tried to show my appreciation for their research into books by buying some from their catalog, but I only bought one Instructor Guide.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


Best guide ever - Ruth Beechick's You Can Teach Your Child Successfully

Best book lists - Sonlight

Best theory - Borg Hendrickon and all the Unschool writers


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Relax it will be okay


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


Do not have any littles. If I did I would wait later to introduce textbooks and I would do a lot more history/science and less language arts as a separate field. Grammar can wait.

10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


Don't forget or forgo your own interests, the homeschool journey ends and then you look around and think ...."what happens next?"

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

6 yrs (counting preK for the oldest)


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

Well Trained Mind



3. Why do you homeschool?

Lots of reasons. Began looking into it because we couldn't move to the school district we had planned to (recession hit, jobs disappeared and suddenly selling our small house in the "bad" district wasn't the best plan like when we originally married.) We decided to stay in the small house and research school options. Also, private schools, our #2 choice was out of the question when the jobs disappeared. Now, it doesn't matter where we live. This is what we do! That is just how we got started.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

hmm. I don't think I have ever wasted any. I do spend too much on books.. picture books, chapter books, etc. that we could get easily from the library. I like books, but we are running out of space, so I am cutting back.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Books! All kinds of books :)


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

I have never actually switched. Sometimes I use things only partially, but have never bought anything and not used it.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

None that I can think of.



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

I don't have any. I am really no good at this poll I think!



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Hmm, parenting stuff I think mostly. Trial and error stuff on discipline methods and things like that. Nothing with school. They are so individual that I have to "relearn" everything before I work with younger. Because their needs are so different.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


I can't help on the curric. switching. I found what I liked from the beginning. I use WTM to help me make new selections for each upcoming year if it is something that we don't just move up a level in, and it has always worked ok.


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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


Let's see. My response may sound complicated, because I had a child out of wedlock when I was 25. I wanted to homeschool her from the beginning, but had to work. So she went to school for pre-school through K, first at a nice public then parachial. I got married. HS her for first, with a baby in tow. Put her back in for 2nd-4th when I got pregnant for the third time (2 babies and a 2nd grader-uh-uh!). Did preschool with littles for one year, while she was in ps 4th. Then took older out for 5th and taught them all. I have continued teaching all 3 since then, 5 years with all 3. Whew!

2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

I am loosely Charlotte Mason, WTM classical and Montessori.


3. Why do you homeschool?

It just seems so horrible to subject them to school. It's like, "I went through labor, nursing, potty training, etc. so I can send them off to a retraining concentration camp where they'll get bullied, learn bad words, sexual lies, bad science and a hate for books?! Are you nuts?!"

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Hmmm...Online tutoring in Algebra for 3 months, during which time she never logged on was one. Not too many others.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

WTM, any Montessori books, any classic literature, yearly out-of-district fee for library cards, Teaching Textbooks and Apologia Science. HOD Little Hands to Heaven was a mixed bag. Great for mom who is a newbie and wants a low-key fun preschool, and relatively inexpensive. But do not feel you have to do all the stuff. Some of it is just dumb or silly.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Life of Fred, Sonlight. I still like Sonlight, I just find I have to modify it and ignore the scheduling. Life of Fred came so highly recommended on here, and dd14 just did.not.get.it!


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

HWT, Miquon math.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Don't overload for your first couple of years. If you are taking a child out of school, you must deschool for how ever long they need you to, during which time you focus on routines, habits, attitudes and gentle intro to the fun of learning.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Maybe requiring a hands-on timeline or lapbooking? I thought dd14 would like this since she is artsy. But she hates these! My two littles do not like them either! Sorry, Holy Grail of hs, you flunk! I get it, ok, not more drawing or writing in timelines and no more lapbooks.

There are premade timelines etc. which dd14 seems to prefer.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!


Be goofy occassionally. Have periodic fun days, mud days, days in your sheet tipis. Field trips, time spent looking at butterlies eat. If they need to diagram sentences, spend maybe 1 whole hour on that and if she needs more for college, she can cram. I mean, good grief! Some of that stuff is so torturous it rivals water-boarding!

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


6 1/2 years


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Charlotte Mason


3. Why do you homeschool?


It's just better all around: academically, socially, emotionally. And tailored to individual needs.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Those "complete curriculum" books from the bookstore.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Teaching Textbooks (over $100)


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Not a curriculum, but radical unschooling was a turn-off for the kids (I, on the other hand, had very high hopes for it)


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


I love everything we use.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Relax and don't stress yourself out over what gets done. Kids are hard-wired to learn - and they will.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


A little too much academic freedom. I mean, it has its place, but too much, not properly thought out can be detrimental.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


There's so much wonderful stuff out there to take advantage of. Go on lots of field trips and hook up with at least one active homeschool group in your area. Enjoy your kids, enjoy the process, listen to what your kids have to say, and take lots of pictures. :D

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

4 years!


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

Charlotte Mason, Eclectic, Classical!


3. Why do you homeschool?

The Answer to this would not fit on the page.:lol:


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Horizons K Phonics.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

20 dollars for Phonics Pathways!


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Horizons Math and Phonics.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

Heart of Dakota and Rod and Staff grammar.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Give things a real try before giving up. It takes time to find a groove and to train your children.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Forcing developmentally innapropriate sit down and worksheet driven work.

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


That depends on your definition of homeschooling. Technically we're not. In reality, we've been doing sit down work since before she turned 3. That was jigsaw puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and more jigsaw puzzles for the first year.

2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


WTM inspired, but deviating a bit when I find an idea I like better. At least that's what I think I'm doing. My eldest is only a preschooler, after all.

3. Why do you homeschool?


Coz I like a bit of power with my responsibility!

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


What?:svengo: All my books are necessary! Well maybe not all of them, but that's Amazon's fault for not having a foolproof "look inside this book" feature.

5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Hmm. So far, the replacement magnetic erase boards. I'm going to have to buy a fourth one soon.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Too soon to say about that. We don't use any curricula yet.

7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Figure out why you want to do what you want to do, because they are sure to ask eventually. :lol:

9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Ask me again in three years :tongue_smilie:




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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


8 years


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


I'm now heading full steam towards Classical but started off as a Radical Unschooler. How different can a person get, eh? :)


3. Why do you homeschool?


Because it's what we're used to now. I used to have some radical ideas and a big problem with traditional schools and while I've still got some issues the reality is we homeschool because we've gotten used to it. To not homeschool would be...Weird.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


All the curriculum I thought I'd use but never did. Two biggest specifically would be Teaching Textbooks 6 (not challenging at all for my dd) and the old format MUS beginner and intermediate (too much work for me and now I don't know if any wants the older style with VHS tapes). Both were around (gulp) $75 used. If anyone wants to make me an offer on the old MUS PLEASE let me know.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


This unique chess board that was supposed to be a gift for my husband but has inspired all kinds of play and Dancing Bears and Apples and Pears which finally got my son reading, showed me he was one bright, quick little guy and lit a fire under me to get him assessed for an auditory processing issue.


Lots of bang-for-the-buck with both.



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


MUS. It looked SOOO good. It IS good. But it was not a good fit for me at all.



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


The Jensen's line of books for vocab, punctuation, etc. So dry, so boring, so dull....So effective!



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Start out slowly. Don't go whole hog from the get go. Either unschool/delay schooling for a few years or work on finding a few key programs for the core subjects that work for you (not just the children but you) and slowly build on that. By the time your children hit high school you should have a bit of a clue as to what you're doing. :D


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


I jumped around too much. I should have stuck with some of what we used right from the get go rather then jumping around, looking for the "best" thing.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


Don'' be afraid to fully embrace a style of homeschooling and don't be afraid to completely ditch it when it doesn't work for your family anymore. I spenta couple of years thinking I had to get back to my unschooling roots befor relaizing that, no, no I didn't. I could just appreciate what we did them and move on to something else.

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling? 5 years and counting!



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use? Classical (I think :))



3. Why do you homeschool? That is a long story but mainly because the school was failing my child.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling? The first three years while I was figuring out what I wanted :)



5. What was the best money you have ever spent? You want a list or just the top 10?



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you? *sigh* MCT



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't? Saxon Phonics



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out? Research everything ad read the WTM forums :)



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles? Switching curriculum to much!


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol: That is to mcuh thinking there :)


I love Q&A :)

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


This is our third year.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?





3. Why do you homeschool?


Well, we began for academic reasons. Now, it includes increased family time (DH works swing shift), and more time to influence the DC positively. We enjoy the lifestyle.



4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


I don't consider any of it a waste. Were there things that didn't work? Sure. But we learned something from the experience, so it wasn't a waste.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


We replaced our 12-year-old car. I know, not really about homeschooling, but it actually is. It's so much more convenient. Oh, and the cheap laptop I just bought for school. Worth every penny.



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Writing Strands. Sonlight.



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


I love them all.



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Stay organized and keep an eye on your priorities.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


Letting people watch tv before school. Too hard to tear them away.



10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


It's the best thing I've done for my kids.




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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

We are beginning our 4th year


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

We tend more towards eclectic/relaxed, but ironically ended up using lots of texts lol


3. Why do you homeschool?

I started because my oldest daughter is dyslexic and the public school system was failing her miserably. I figured I couldn't do any worse. Once I made that decision, I pulled the other kids as well.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Oh my...pick one! So many to choose from!


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Teaching Textbooks! Expensive, but worth it. And if you have more than one kid, you can just pass it down the line. Plus, it has great resale value.

6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Total Language Plus, Apologia Science...I am sure there are plenty more.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


Rod & Staff. I really wanted to hate it. LOVE IT!


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Relax. Try not to over stress every little thing. And don't be afraid to be flexible in your plans for the day/week/month. Some days it's just not worth forcing a "school" day. Scrap it and go to the park! It is ok to do that!! And kids learn much faster/easier when having fun.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


Sending them to school at all is the biggest one. And I was so worried about cramming it all in that I made it not fun for any of us.


10. Anything else you want to share?

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?


"Formal" academics - 5 years.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?




3. Why do you homeschool?


Mainly academics. Lifestyle also plays into it.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Fortunately, nothing...yet.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


OPGTR - taught 3 kids to read so far. Also Knowing and Teaching Elementary Mathematics by Liping Ma


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Haven't found one...yet.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


Can't think of one I was hesitate about prior to using.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Don't overload your littles. You truly don't need an expensive program for pre-K and kindergarten.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


Introducing silent reading time earlier -- even if that reading time is just looking at pictures.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:


Have fun! Realize that your attitude profoundly affects your kids and their attitudes. Don't stress about "being behind" or "accelerating past" PS kids - meet your kids where they are and enjoy the process.

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?


My oldest child is a 12 year old 7th grader. He has never been to school outside of our home. We started formally when he was 5.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Mostly Charlotte Mason but I've been influenced by TWTM and Teaching the Trivium (the Bluedorns).



3. Why do you homeschool?


For us, it's mostly a lifestyle choice. We enjoy being with our children. We think they should be raised at home. Regular school would require them to be away from us and the home too much. We want them to spend the bulk of their time with us, each other, our extended family, and our church family. We enjoy the lifestyle of learning that homeschooling provides and would feel like we had really missed out on something wonderful if we sent them away to school. We want them to grow up in the real world and not be housed away in a school for years. We think schools are unnatural environments for children. We want to provide them with opportunities to grow and develop into the unique persons that God created them to be and we believe homeschooling provides us the flexibility to do that better than an institutional school.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


I've bought alot of things just to get them in my hands to look at them. I guess I have wasted alot of money overall but I don't worry about it or keep up with it.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


Our Sonlight cores are probably our greatest investment.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


My Father's World, Latina Christiana, Singapore Math


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


Heart of Dakota, Teaching Textbooks, MathUSee


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Enjoy your children, you'll have an empty nest before you know it. Don't compare yourself to other moms, don't compare your children to other children, trust your instincts, and place relationship above performance.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


I don't have any regrets. I've always done the best I knew how to do and if there have been mistakes, they haven't been monumental.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:



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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


This is the beginning of our second year.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Whatever works. Last year, we were deschooling so unschooling worked well. This year we are doing a more of a classical approach. We are secularly homeschooling so we don't use any religious books.


3. Why do you homeschool?


It is the best way to meet my son's needs as a gifted student and he had a terrible experience in K and 1st grade overall with boredom, and then in the second year being the target of bullies.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


None so far. Still pretty new. Talk to me in a year. :001_smile:



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


The CPO Middle School Science has been great and we are in awe of the wonderfulness of the MCT materials we just received.



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Too new for this one as well. So far we are loving all that we have bought.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


I was really unsure if SOTW would work for us but it has been awesome!


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Not plan too much, buy used stuff, don't spend too much all at once.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


Honestly? At this point, I would have to say sending him to K. We are heavily inclined at this point to homeschool our youngest right from the start (he is coming up on 3)


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!


I was really resistant to homeschooling as a concept a few years ago and now I am so thrilled that we are doing it and absolutely convinced it is the best choice for our family. Never say never and all that.

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

7 years now.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

We are more traditional, but love hands on and using our travels to visit places to round out what we are learning at the time.


3. Why do you homeschool?

For many reasons...the schools are ick here, I could do a better job than the private school we were spending too much money on and we love to travel as a family (and do so on the off seasons to avoid the crowds :D-makes for a much more pleasant trip).

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Not anything so far really. I've been pretty careful with my purchases, doing research and asking questions. Plus I've been able to resell anything that didn't really work for us so I've not really been out any large amounts of money.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Music lessons so far.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

None so far...


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

None yet...


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Ask questions, order catalogs, research, watch your kids to see their learning styles and start there when picking things out. Let your kids relax for a bit and just work on a few basics, but have fun together. Realize that there will be days when you'll want to toss them outside and lock the door behind them :tongue_smilie:, not that I've ever done that or thought about it...


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

We only have two children who are close in age and so far what we are doing seems to be working well.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!


Have fun, enjoy your children...they grow up so fast.

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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?


About 4 years (they went back to school for 1 semester a few years ago big mistake.)

2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Ummmm.... Eclectic? We do some traditional textbook work, video's, lots of disscussion, and hands on stuff.

3. Why do you homeschool?


Lots of reasons. Mainly I don't want the state raising my child for me. Also I don't want them exposed to the "meaness" of students and teachers and not being able to do a darn thing about it. My DS is dyslexic and struggles at reading but he excels at math. The PS system would not adjust for him. My DD has a serious stomache ailment that causes her to need to use the restroom immediately. PS only made her sicker. Lastly I know even in our "havey cavey" way they learn more then they ever would at a PS.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


I haven't really wasted much, I'm very cheap! I would say latin, we just couldn't get into it.

5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


G3 Forum costs $60 (I think) and I have access to brainpop and Discovery Education. I was unwilling to shell out $200 to see if I liked DE, now I know how great it is! Next year I'll purchase the DE plus version.

6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


WWE 3. Like the premise, we have always narrated, I didn't like the selections in the WB.

7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


SOTW. We are very secular so I wasn't sure if the religion aspect would be to much. But I simply start each Chapter with a reminder that nothing should be taken at face value.

8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


If your children are young don't try to overplan, they don't need 5 different kinds of Language Arts programs. Try to have fun. If they are older then I would focus on the core subjucts and still try to have fun.

9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Umm... mine are only 2 years apart and DD is included in all of DS's lessons.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!


I would take it slow, don't worry if you fall behind, it's easy to catch up when you Homeschool. Just have fun.

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

Starting our 21rst year on Tuesday


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

neo-classical with some true-blue unschooling thrown in.


3. Why do you homeschool?

So many reasons that include academic, moral, theological, social, political.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Videotext Alg. Good program, not enough repetition, way too much money. Apologia Chem- we needed a teacher. CCLA- on line. Total waste of money.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

IEW, TeenPact, travel, books,



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

I've always had a pretty clear idea about what to love regarding curriculum ;) but really Saxon and Videotext algebra


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

R & S grammar.



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Love your kids well and intentionally. Show up to homeschool. Show up to parent. Spend time educating yourself about homeshooling, education, parenting. Have a blast, be thorough.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Not expecting enough from them or me. Giving in to attitudes of laziness and giving in to thier weaknesses (be that because they were gifted or challenged in an area). Working more diligently at shoring up their weaknesses.

Reacting to them, vs. being proactive and firm.

Not having a clear, to be followed course of study that I was willing to tweak vs. trying to make everything "fun" and "workable" for them.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

Spend time working developing your vision for your family. What kind of people do you want to be interacting with when your kids are adults? What do you have in your control to make that happen? Do it. What things can you not control as you raise/educate your kids? Turn that over to God/ let it go.

Great curriculum is a blast but true education doesn't require a lot of bells and whistles. Educate with what you have.

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]1. How long have you been homeschooling?

10 years.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

The 'Academic curriculum' model of the early 20th century reform of the 19th century 'Classical curriculum,' before said reform movement was hijacked by the Progressive education reformers.


More generally, a broadly understood Liberal Education.


3. Why do you homeschool?

Academic reasons.


4. What was your biggest waste of moneyAlan Jemison piano.

ETA: How could I forget MCT?


5. What was the best money you have ever spent? Artes Latinae, and Art of Problem Solving.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Getty-Dubay Italics. SonLight.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

Handwriting Without Tears. Magic Schoolbus Literature Units (not actually literature study, but science)



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Think hard about what you want as an outcome; let that inform your philosophy of education (not the same as your 'homeschooling approach'). Only then shop for curriculum.


Work hard not to show disappointment in a child's academic failures, large or small.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Making the child my one hobby.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!

Be gentle, always. This is not incompatible with either academic rigor or firm discipline.

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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As a newbie, I have already learned a lot, but would love to hear what other newbies and veteran homeschoolers have to say!!!!!



1. How long have you been homeschooling?

August 1995


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

If it works, it works.

No educational model is perfect. None is superior to any other, if followed consistently, with discernible educational goals which end up having been met. (classical ed, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, etc.)

Multiple sizes required to fit all students.

Homeschooling is NOT a good fit for every family, nor is homeschooling axiomatically the best choice for every child.


3. Why do you homeschool?

In order to custom-craft curricula for each child.

In order to have the freedom to live the year-round rhythm of the Orthodox Christian liturgical cycle, which is essential for raising children well-grounded in the faith.

4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Calvert programs. Sonlight language arts. Apologia science. BJUP social science courses. some others, too. Sonlight Core 300 (aaaaaurgh !)


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Internet access and a printer. Prior life as a researcher has helped me know how to locate excellent supplemental materials, as well as free or low-cost online coursework and/or lessons.


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

TRISMS. It would have been a joy forever for myself as a student, but is a nightmare for a teacher to implement for students. Too many rabbit trails.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

Nothing. If I thought that I/we would not enjoy a product and do well with it, I refrained from purchase.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Plan carefully for the high school years. Most of the time, it is an "all-or-nothing" commitment, in the sense that there is a very low chance of convincing a public or private school to grant full acceptance of what your child has completed, should it become necessary to stop homeschooling and shift to an outside school.


Do not confuse other people's opinions with authority. This is your family.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Fearing that the smallest gap in subject coverage equates to your own failure.


Failing to recognize that a textbook/curriculum/method needs to be compatible with the teacher's own "learning style" just as much as it needs to be compatible with the student's "learning style." Some years ago there was a rash of books and articles about the necessity of discerning and supporting each student's individual learning style. This is a very good thing. What was ignored, however, is that the teacher, also, must be able to work readily with the materials in order to teach them. Once I figured this out, I began to make better curricula selections.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

Have a thick skin when visiting message boards. The majority of people are very kind-hearted and bend over backward to be helpful. Yet one unexpected, boorish, ill-natured attack on you can ruin an entire week or longer.


Allow your student to fail, if a "F"-quality work is what she or he has submitted. Always allowing the student to redo work until an "A" grade is achieved fosters an unrealistic sense of how the greater world functions. It could be overwhelmingly painful to be cushioned in this way for years, only to go to college, or to enter the work force, and discover that real life simply does not play by homeschooling rules.


LOVE YOUR CHILDREN ! ! ! Each one is a blessing and a joy. Even with "special needs", learning disabilities, behavioural struggles.




Edited by Orthodox6
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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

12 years


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

Mostly secular classical.


3. Why do you homeschool?

I can provide a better quality education.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Probably Rosetta Stone Homeschool Latin-it was an older version and never did work right.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Discovery Streaming & Lit Lessons From Lord of the Rings


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Some of the Great Courses-but it was a long time ago and vhs. I think we'd like them better now that they are dvd.


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

A Beka Mathematics (before higher maths)


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Make schedules and stick to them. Don't jump around with curriculum choices too much.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

A little too much 'quantity' instead of more focus on 'quality'.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

Don't feel you need to 'socialize' via coops. Socialization will happen with or without a coop and socializing with mainly homeschoolers is IMO not much different from 'socializing' in public school. Focus on a variety of experiences and exposure.

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

I am just starting my 3rd year as a homeschooling mom. However, I have identified as a "homeschooler" for 25 years, since I was in kindergarten myself.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

Loosely classical.


3. Why do you homeschool?

Because homeschooling is part of my life and I can't imagine doing anything else. Because it's been my dream to teach my children. For educational reasons. For religious reasons. becuz i dont wunt my kids riting sentinces that look lik thiss. :001_smile:


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Not too much, yet. Give me a few more years! We haven't had anything that was a complete flop yet, just single books here and there that didn't get used.


5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Phonics Road. And my $50/year fee for an out-of-county card to an awesome library!


6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

None yet.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

You'd think I'd have lots, right, since I was homeschooled? There are some ways in which I feel experienced and others where I've just started myself. One step I was able to skip was uncertainty. In K, I jumped right in choosing my own eclectic curriculum, making up our own science program, etc. Most moms I know who are just starting use A Beka or Bob Jones or some other already put together curriculum. And my advice would that it's okay to do that. Don't feel like you have to stress over what to use. Choose something that you trust. I think year 1, for most people, is more about gaining confidence in yourself. Use whatever makes you feel confident. Through experience you'll learn what works for your child. You'll gain confidence when your math book isn't working out well. Now you know your child! You'll gain confidence when your science curriculum is boring you all to tears. Now you know what you're not looking for! You'll get there, so don't worry:)


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Thinking that "earlier is better."


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!

Nothing off-hand:)

Edited by myfatherslily
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1. How long have you been homeschooling?


This is our first year, started 3 weeks ago.



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?


Classical/Secular with my own personal twist.



3. Why do you homeschool?


I have a job that allows me to provide the education my kids deserve. The public school system is crap, at least in our area it is.


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?


Atelier Art. Just sold it on eBay.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?


I love all the English curriculum I've purchased so far (list in sig).



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?


Atelier. SOTW is OK, but I find it lacking in the areas I believe kids could really benefit. It's as if each topic skirts around the more important facts of whatever period we're studying and focuses on arbitrary or non-critical subjects within the time period.



7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?


I was skeptical of WWE, AAS and FLL at first. But now I'm fully supportive and love each one. Even though AAS requires a lot of hands-on, it's worth it. The jury is still out on Killgallon. We're still "chunking" in week 3 and it's becoming boring for my kid. Hoping it picks up speed soon.



8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?


Relax. I created my schedule and added a pre-season week to the school year. This allows you to make mistakes the first week and make changes. Keep reminding yourself the first week, "this is pre-season and doesn't count". Allow yourself to make mistakes the first week and make needed adjustments.



9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?


I haven't ran into this problem.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!


Have fun!

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

9 years



2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

I read up on just about everything, keep what works/applies and dump the rest (Eclectic )



3. Why do you homeschool?

Because the public school system doesn't have the resources to meet my kids' academic or other needs ... I tried to sign them up for Catholic school when we moved here, but was informed that I had too many dc to expect to get them all in :glare:


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Whole, boxed curricula -- we used several -- Calvert, Seton, Sonlight ... I just don't have one size fits all, boxed curriculum kids.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

Usually, these have been overall lower cost items -- Singapore and Miquon for elementary math, SOTW for elementary history ... I don't always use the extras for SOTW, usually don't for Singapore, Miquon doesn't really have many. Right now, my best course choice is probably an MIT open course for my oldest, and all it's costing me is a cheap ($15), used textbook.



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Sonlight. I even consulted for them (at a few conventions and informally on their boards before they were pay-only), but I ended up tweaking it so much with every child that it was completely unrecognizable, and therefore saved me no effort.

7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

Latina Christiana -- my oldest needed foreign language, wanted Latin and it was something that I could get quickly. It turned out to be a really good introductory course, and my younger ds will start it next month.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Relax. You've taught them a lot already -- they're walking, talking, etc. right? What? You didn't teach them those? Well you provided an environment where they had the opportunity to learn those things, and you can keep on the same way.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Formal academics too soon. I tried not to do much with my younger two, after completely burning my oldest one out on school very early (like, 7). Now, my youngest is at almost the same age that my oldest was when he started showing burnout signs, has just started regular, formal, schoolwork, and is at about the same place academically as my oldest was at the same age.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!

Don't let anyone try to sell you on the concept that there is a 'best' curriculum or methodology that fits every situation. Use what works for you. If a curriculum isn't working for yo or your child(ren), feel free to either adapt it or chuck it and move on to something else.

Edited by higginszoo
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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

Just started August 1 :)


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

We're Classical with a Charlotte Mason feel to it - if that's possible ;)



3. Why do you homeschool?

I need to write this all out soon so that when I get discouraged (because I'm sure it will happen), I can look at it and remember why I made this choice. We got into homeschooling by God's pushing. I have several friends who hs, but always felt very happy with our PS choice. Near the end of last school year, I happen to be more involved in the online homeschool community and just couldn't leave it. I learned that it was more than just sheltering my kids from a bad school environment (which is what I'd felt from my friends' who were doing it). I learned about all of the amazing things my children were missing out on by being in that school building for 6 hrs a day. They were missing out on an entire world of learning because they were being forced to learn in a box. They were missing out on a fabulous sibling relationship because many of their friends viewed siblings as an annoyance instead of a blessing, and that attitude was starting to rub off. There's so much more as well. It wasn't that I thought that something bad was happening to them at school, it was that there was so much more that I was hoping I could provide to them at home.



4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

Oh I've had alot so far, but I don't actually consider them wastes. Simply learning experiences. I was sold on Biblioplan, but got 1 week into it and just couldn't bring myself to do it. Same with a couple others.



5. What was the best money you have ever spent?

So far...hmmm....not sure :). We LOVE our white board that we got for FREE. It's is a massive, wood bordered conference room style white board that I got off of Freecycle. It is worth over $1000 when I googled it!



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you?

Biblioplan, SOTW for now (still like it, but not starting with it)


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't?

I don't know that there's any that I didn't think I would love - I wouldn't have bought it if I thought that :)


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out?

Well, I'm just starting out, so I can only say to be ready to go along for the ride and make sure you are doing what is best for YOUR family, not necessarily what is best for every other homeschooler's family :)


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

Keeping her in PS through 3rd grade ;). I see a whole new opportunity by starting with my 1st grader in HS and I can only imagine how great it will be for my pre-ker to be brought up in this from the beginning. It's a struggle to find the right curriculum for my 4th grader knowing that I wish she had had the last 3 years in that same curriculum.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!!

Stand your ground as a hs'er and don't feel pressured by anyone. You came into this world by doing your own thing, so make sure you don't feel pressured by the hs world to do anything but your own thing :)

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1. How long have you been homeschooling?

8 years on November 17th.


2. Which homeschool philosophy(ies) do you use?

Charlotte Masonish.


3. Why do you homeschool?

My husband would say because we can teach them better than the school system can. I would say we homeschool for the religious side of homeschooling as well. :001_smile:


4. What was your biggest waste of money in homeschooling?

This year on ABeka materials for 7th grade. Why did I think I could try it again! :tongue_smilie:


5. What was the best money you have ever spent? On MUS and MFW. Thank God for Mr. Demme!



6. Which curriculum/curricula did you want to love, but didn't work for you? ABeka! However, I love their phonics program and highly recommend it!


7. Which curriculum/curricula did you end up loving that you thought you wouldn't? CLP's Building Spelling Skills.


8. What is your best advice to anyone just starting out? For those with littles I'd say to enjoy them. Learning will and does get done just not always in the 'traditional' way.


9. Which mistakes have you made with your olders that you will not repeat with your littles?

I'm afraid the two I have are stuck with my mistakes.


10. Anything else you want to share? This isn't a "real" poll, but I still feel compelled to have an other!!!! :lol:

Enjoy your days and spend time with your children...not just schooling. I am bad about getting busy and forgetting to just be!
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