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To balance the what you wish you hadn't read thread...which was your absolute FAV'?!

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Warning -- this may be hard (kinda like that favorite five movies thread). I want you to choose one book. Just one. Pretend you met my daughter (13) for the first time. You would understand right away how much she loves to read. You might have to pry her eyeballs off the page of whatever is in her lap just to get her to say hello in the first place. (I hope not...but I'm just sayin' ;)). You see that she is a mature, confident, intelligent young lady, but that she also has the twinkle in her eye of someone who loves an adventure and isn't entirely grown up yet. You feel compelled to invite her to read the book that was your most favorite during your own teenage years.


Which one do you recommend to her?

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Up through 11, definately, "The Diamond in the Window." I STILL like that book, and have thoroughly enjoyed sharing it with my DD and several of her friends in our book group.


12 and up, LOTR. It's still my favorite book of all time. But I have a feeling that she's read it already, right?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Little Women was one I read over and over, but I'm guessing your daughter has already read that one.


ETA: I was kind of hooked on Gothic romances at that age. I read a lot of Mary Stewart and Daphne DuMaurier, but I chose not to go that route with my dd.

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I would say The Count of Monte Cristo. I think I read that maybe just a year or two older. It is still my all time favorite book (although Les Miserables comes close~which I did read at 13 or 14). I've read TCOMC several times since then, which is quite a feat considering the length...


I'm assuming she's read The Secret Garden, Anne of Green Gables, Eight Cousins...

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They're like Pringles, you can't pick just one!!!


Okay, since I'm a rule follower I'll give you one.


"Witch of Blackbird Pond" I wanted to be Kit and grow up on an island. We did this as a read-aloud this year and I enjoyed it even more.


Here's a tip however, do not start "Pride & Prejudice" right after reading it. I had a hard time feeling anything for those poor Bennett girls after being immersed in the hard work ethic of early America.

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At that age?


The Outsiders.


Hands down. I think I was 12 or 13 when I read The Outsiders over & over. It really spoke to me. It blew me away. I absolutely loved that book. My copy was very worn (and much loved).


At an older age (high school/college), my 2 faves were: Heart of Darkness and The Count of Monte Cristo.

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Warning -- this may be hard (kinda like that favorite five movies thread). I want you to choose one book. Just one. Pretend you met my daughter (13) for the first time. You would understand right away how much she loves to read. You might have to pry her eyeballs off the page of whatever is in her lap just to get her to say hello in the first place. (I hope not...but I'm just sayin' ;)). You see that she is a mature, confident, intelligent young lady, but that she also has the twinkle in her eye of someone who loves an adventure and isn't entirely grown up yet. You feel compelled to invite her to read the book that was your most favorite during your own teenage years.


Which one do you recommend to her?


That's a series, though. Is that okay?


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Warning -- this may be hard (kinda like that favorite five movies thread). I want you to choose one book. Just one. Pretend you met my daughter (13) for the first time. You would understand right away how much she loves to read. You might have to pry her eyeballs off the page of whatever is in her lap just to get her to say hello in the first place. (I hope not...but I'm just sayin' ;)). You see that she is a mature, confident, intelligent young lady, but that she also has the twinkle in her eye of someone who loves an adventure and isn't entirely grown up yet. You feel compelled to invite her to read the book that was your most favorite during your own teenage years.


Which one do you recommend to her?


Preteen/young teen --


Gone-Away Lake by Elizabeth Enright

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It not only gives me reminders of books to suggest to dd, it reminds me of books I'd like to read or reread. AND....it gives me a glimpse of who you are/were. Fun!



Note: She has already read some of your favorites, but that's okay. I'm happy to know what you loved whether it will be new to her or not. ;)

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There are a lot of other books that have impacted me in positive ways, but that is my all time favorite.


I think I was 15 when I read that. I just realized you said 13. At 13 I read Dante's Inferno and loved it. It was my favorite book that I read up to that point. But my reading consisted mostly of Stephn King and Judy Blume.

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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith....one of my all time favorite books!




Diane beat me to this, so I second her choice!!!!!


If I could have another, it would be the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I spent a week at the beach at age 13ish hiding in a dark room reading this all week while everyone else was catching waves, etc.

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I have more than one, but since your dd is an avid reader you probably can use as many suggestions as possible.


The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy


Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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Witch of Blackbird Pond. Loved it, read it over and over.


At 10-13 I also remember rereading Just as Long as We're Together by Judy Blume.


And then a few years later (16 or 17), I read The Chosen by Chaim Potok, and that has taken over as my favorite book of all time.

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They're like Pringles, you can't pick just one!!!


Okay, since I'm a rule follower I'll give you one.


"Witch of Blackbird Pond" I wanted to be Kit and grow up on an island. We did this as a read-aloud this year and I enjoyed it even more.


Here's a tip however, do not start "Pride & Prejudice" right after reading it. I had a hard time feeling anything for those poor Bennett girls after being immersed in the hard work ethic of early America.



:grouphug: Yes! That was the first that moved me. I was 9 and I was awed. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. The next, neck-for-neck (??phrasing??) , was To Kill a Mockingbird, & The Diary of Anne Frank not long after.


Close calls: The Story of Hellen Keller, The Hiding Place, & Gone With The Wind.


Heidi, Jane Eyre, & Rebecca are all tied for first as well. P & P wasn't on my list until I was about 12/13.


My mother read me all of the Mary Poppins series, and I know that set me on my life -long love of books. She had to order each of them from a bookstore, and we would go together and fetch them. It was a treat each and every time. :) I was wee, and I still remember it. Barely, but I do.

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Sorry, my absolute favorite at that age was by Stephen King, ;)


BUT, I also loved Homer- The Iliad AND the Odyssey. :D


I was wondering if I was the only one who loved this as a 13 yr old. Absolute favorite for a couple of years. I actually told my 6yr old brother the story on a long drive (we lived in Germany at the time) one time. He deployed last year and asked my mom to send him some books...this one was on his list of favorites too!

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A Wrinkle in Time by Madelyn L'Engle. (Followed by a Wind in the Door and a Swiftly Tilting Planet. Sorry, I listed 3 but it's a trilogy. Actually, there are several more follow-up books L'Engle wrote before she passed away, but I don't think they are nearly as good as the first 3.)

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