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s/o Do you have a crazy life?

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Yes. Truth is stranger than fiction. It HAS calmed down, but there's always something happening round here. Disclaimer, because I'm an introvert-EVERYTHING to me feels like drama. So there is that. Even taking Catechist classes twice a week almost drains me.

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I was just reading the thread from AngelBee about being nice to new posters. It hit me that SOOOO many people say that their lives are crazy/full of drama. Many don't post about it because they figure no one would believe them (one even said she wouldn't believe herself!:lol:)


Is *everyone's* life so crazy? Or is it just some of us loons? Is it out perception of what is crazy that makes it so? If I make a list of what has happened to our family over the past 3-4 years, *I* don't believe myself. Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?


Yes. Most intermediate and nearly all long term posters know that. I didn't post *half* of my experience with the Making Homes Affordable drama because is was absurdly unbelievable (and a fair amount of judgment and assumption exists on that topic here. Not towards me, necessarily, but towards the current economic situation, foreclosures, etc).


I haven't posted half of what my xh has "done".


And even with censored posting, my story is nuts. I know it. Just my schedule alone is crazy and unbelievable {she says while posting from work}.


But I've been here long enough, and have met enough people from here or have real life ties.

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Our life is what some would call boring, but we think of it as peaceful. We are all just laid back. My mom's side of the family is full of drama, but we just stay on the fringes and don't get involved. I gravitate away from chaos and drama, though I don't mind debate online on occasion and have pretty thick skin.

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Seriously. When I was talking to my dr at my last yearly, he said, "Gosh, I need to take something just thinking about your story."


1. Big family. I always wanted a big family and I've got my wish. What I didn't know is that a mom of a big family needs herculean organizational skills, and I wasn't organized when I was single! Oh, well. We love each other through it.


2. Special needs dc. A mom with only one child can be overwhelmed with a child whose special needs involve more than the average medical, pharmaceutical, and educational needs. I have two. I went for what I thought was a "routine" consultation about my ds's soon-to-be braces and he'd discovered something unusual on the x-rays. We're off to the ENT next week and who knows what will come next . . . I'm praying it's nothing . . .


3. Financial concerns (exacerbated by the above). I've had to go to work to pay for some of the therapies/doctors we wanted to try. So now our schedule is whacked out, too. Homeschooling is more complicated since I'm working and taking classes myself. And since I'm going to school less than 1/2 time, my student loans are due . . . before I've even finished my program.


4. Lack of networking or community. My mom was a great support with my big family, watching the other kids while I took one or two to specialists. She's gone. :crying: I miss her terribly, and the dc miss her, too. Practically speaking, now we have no one else to depend on. We have too many dc and we have special needs, so there has not been another family or friend to offer help . . .


That's all I've got for now. I try not to think about all of it at once.


Treading water here . . .

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Seriously. When I was talking to my dr at my last yearly, he said, "Gosh, I need to take something just thinking about your story."


1. Big family. I always wanted a big family and I've got my wish. What I didn't know is that a mom of a big family needs herculean organizational skills, and I wasn't organized when I was single! Oh, well. We love each other through it.


2. Special needs dc. A mom with only one child can be overwhelmed with a child whose special needs involve more than the average medical, pharmaceutical, and educational needs. I have two. I went for what I thought was a "routine" consultation about my ds's soon-to-be braces and he'd discovered something unusual on the x-rays. We're off to the ENT next week and who knows what will come next . . . I'm praying it's nothing . . .


3. Financial concerns (exacerbated by the above). I've had to go to work to pay for some of the therapies/doctors we wanted to try. So now our schedule is whacked out, too. Homeschooling is more complicated since I'm working and taking classes myself. And since I'm going to school less than 1/2 time, my student loans are due . . . before I've even finished my program.


4. Lack of networking or community. My mom was a great support with my big family, watching the other kids while I took one or two to specialists. She's gone. :crying: I miss her terribly, and the dc miss her, too. Practically speaking, now we have no one else to depend on. We have too many dc and we have special needs, so there has not been another family or friend to offer help . . .


That's all I've got for now. I try not to think about all of it at once.


Treading water here . . .

I'm sorry Tanya. :grouphug:

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Mine is crazy, but I usually don't post about those parts because I don't want you all to think I am a troll.


I think a lot of my craziness is peripheral, like extended family drama, drama with the kids' activities and issues with the lousy economy. My center, which is my immediate family, church and friends, is actually really, really great. So in that respect, I am really blessed.

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I was just reading the thread from AngelBee about being nice to new posters. It hit me that SOOOO many people say that their lives are crazy/full of drama. Many don't post about it because they figure no one would believe them (one even said she wouldn't believe herself!:lol:)


Is *everyone's* life so crazy? Or is it just some of us loons? Is it out perception of what is crazy that makes it so? If I make a list of what has happened to our family over the past 3-4 years, *I* don't believe myself. Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?



I don't know about everyone else but life life really is. Some I have managed to bring on myself. Some is due to the kids issues, particularily DS. Some is actually do to other crazy people ending up in my life in some way. And some has been by pure freak of nature.


Things like the guy that smashed out my van windows and threatened us for a while because I accidently splashed him with a mud puddle. or CPS getting involved and making my life h*ll for a year, because I had been too sick to clean up, and then refused to put the kids in ps. or DS7 getting hit by a semi, or only 10 months earlier breaking his arm in a simple fall. The issues with crazy neighbors. DS12 having a stalker at our last home. Issues with my mom and sister. The list goes on.


Most of the chaos/craziness that happens here is tied into ds12 and his behaviour. When something more than the usual chaos happens it tips the balance I have found and then I am here posting about it. Because so much of it is off the wall crazy it does seem unbelievable. Heck looking back at my own life, especially in regards to ds, I often find myself thinking "did that stuff really happen? was it really that bad?" The various dr's and experts we see are always overwhelmed with the list of stuff and that is only what I tell them.

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Seriously. When I was talking to my dr at my last yearly, he said, "Gosh, I need to take something just thinking about your story."


1. Big family. I always wanted a big family and I've got my wish. What I didn't know is that a mom of a big family needs herculean organizational skills, and I wasn't organized when I was single! Oh, well. We love each other through it.


2. Special needs dc. A mom with only one child can be overwhelmed with a child whose special needs involve more than the average medical, pharmaceutical, and educational needs. I have two. I went for what I thought was a "routine" consultation about my ds's soon-to-be braces and he'd discovered something unusual on the x-rays. We're off to the ENT next week and who knows what will come next . . . I'm praying it's nothing . . .


3. Financial concerns (exacerbated by the above). I've had to go to work to pay for some of the therapies/doctors we wanted to try. So now our schedule is whacked out, too. Homeschooling is more complicated since I'm working and taking classes myself. And since I'm going to school less than 1/2 time, my student loans are due . . . before I've even finished my program.


4. Lack of networking or community. My mom was a great support with my big family, watching the other kids while I took one or two to specialists. She's gone. :crying: I miss her terribly, and the dc miss her, too. Practically speaking, now we have no one else to depend on. We have too many dc and we have special needs, so there has not been another family or friend to offer help . . .


That's all I've got for now. I try not to think about all of it at once.


Treading water here . . .


This I understand fully, I can relate a lot to this.

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Seriously. When I was talking to my dr at my last yearly, he said, "Gosh, I need to take something just thinking about your story."


1. Big family. I always wanted a big family and I've got my wish. What I didn't know is that a mom of a big family needs herculean organizational skills, and I wasn't organized when I was single! Oh, well. We love each other through it.


2. Special needs dc. A mom with only one child can be overwhelmed with a child whose special needs involve more than the average medical, pharmaceutical, and educational needs. I have two. I went for what I thought was a "routine" consultation about my ds's soon-to-be braces and he'd discovered something unusual on the x-rays. We're off to the ENT next week and who knows what will come next . . . I'm praying it's nothing . . .


3. Financial concerns (exacerbated by the above). I've had to go to work to pay for some of the therapies/doctors we wanted to try. So now our schedule is whacked out, too. Homeschooling is more complicated since I'm working and taking classes myself. And since I'm going to school less than 1/2 time, my student loans are due . . . before I've even finished my program.


4. Lack of networking or community. My mom was a great support with my big family, watching the other kids while I took one or two to specialists. She's gone. :crying: I miss her terribly, and the dc miss her, too. Practically speaking, now we have no one else to depend on. We have too many dc and we have special needs, so there has not been another family or friend to offer help . . .


That's all I've got for now. I try not to think about all of it at once.


Treading water here . . .


:grouphug: I get it.

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Not crazy here. A few bumps - my mom's health, my dog died, my crazy neighbor yelling at us from the end of our driveway - but mostly things are calm. Our biggest excitement lately has been getting a new dog. And karate of course, we are always excited about karate. :)

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I figure that a) posting about it helps me not to lose my mind completely, and b) if you can't be a good example, be a cautionary tale. If the crazy in my life helps anyone else at all, it serves a purpose.


Haha to b) my mom says that to me all the time.


As for a) I am this way too. I process things by talking (or typing on here since I have no one to talk to). I can come up with a plan of action, see answers I couldn't see before etc. It is my way of dealing with stuff. I don't post everything that goes on here, but the major stuff yup I do. I post when I need some virtual hugs/support for those things. For things like the neighbor driving up the lawn and nearly hitting my dd, I post because if I don't get that kind of stuff out to someone, I am likely to go across the lawn and b*%$^ slap the woman for being such an idiot. Since that would bring more drama that is very much not needed, I come here and get my wit's about me before doing what needs to be done in a mature manner.

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We are a military family (which means moves) and everyone except dh has medical issues that impact our lives quite a lot. But once we had all those determined, life assumes a new normal. So PT, allergy shots, lots of doctor appointments, frequent blood tests (me), are all regular things in our lives. These medical issues complicate our lives but don't make them crazy. I don't do crazy well- I like normal much better. So when we had a crazy period in our lives, I didn't post about it hardly at all (and a lot of it, not at all) but just kept praying.


I don't really have other things in my life that would make it crazy- no inlaw issues (they don't communicate with us), no financial issues, no crazy neighbors or neighborhood. On the other hand, I want people to feel free to post about their troubles. I know that the online world has helped me become a much more praying person.

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I will admit that I wondered if people would think I was a troll when I posted that I was diagnosed with leukemia. I wondered the same thing back in 2005 when I posted that my sister died. Both times, everyone was very supportive and no-one accused me of trolling. :001_smile:

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My life is full of ups and downs.


My stepdaughter is struggling. Her mother and grandmother have mental health issues, and we worry that she is struggling with the same kinds of issues. She moved three days after she turned 18, and now her boyfriend has kicked her out. She does not want to move home because we have "too many rules." (Adults in out home must help around the house and either be working or looking for work and/or going to school.) I am so worried about her.


I have a teen dd with high-functioning autism and anxiety. Lots of up and down there.


And then the little things. Ds6 has nut allergies. I have friends with odd issues. Our neighbors across the street in our nice family neighborhood might be dealing drugs. I threw my hip out and it's not getting better. Argh.


But you know what? Overall, life is good. We're staying afloat. My husband loves me, my kids are fun to be with, and I've got fresh tomatoes in my garden finally.



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Not crazy but lots of challenges.


Actually, all the challenges in my life are related to DS8 (he has Asperger's Syndrome). Aside from that, our life is very stable/normal. Good marriage, excellent financial stability, no extended family drama whatsoever, good friends and support network and we're all in perfect health. So, I guess I should just be thankful that DS keeps things interesting... :tongue_smilie:


The more I hang out on these boards, the more thankful I am for my life - there are so many people here going through incredibly difficult experiences. It's opened my eyes to how much suffering is going on around me, and made me realize that "things are not always what they seem"...

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I was just reading the thread from AngelBee about being nice to new posters. It hit me that SOOOO many people say that their lives are crazy/full of drama. Many don't post about it because they figure no one would believe them (one even said she wouldn't believe herself!:lol:)


Is *everyone's* life so crazy? Or is it just some of us loons? Is it out perception of what is crazy that makes it so? If I make a list of what has happened to our family over the past 3-4 years, *I* don't believe myself. Is it because I think other people have boring, normal, stable lives when in reality none of us do?


I think that there are lots of people who have relatively calm lives with an occasional hiccup. When they come online and see nothing but people posting crazy things, they likely believe that since their life isn't like that and no one they personally know has a life like that, that the poster with the crazy life must be a troll imitating tv drama. You know, 'that doesn't happen in my world so I'm nearly certain that would never happen somewhere else.'

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I don't consider my life to be crazy, but we've been through some very challenging things the last eight years or so. Mainly with our finances and trying to run a business. Prior to that there were issues with me trying to get pregnant.


It certainly isn't about drama. Neither of us get too involved with extended family. We don't have many close friends. All of our family lives far away, and we are too far to get that involved.

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If by crazy you mean full of drama, then no. There's some drama among dh's extended family, but we stay out of it.


Sometimes we get so busy it gets crazy, and when that happens we pull back on commitments, even the fun ones.


When does it cross over the line into drama? I know someone that I consider always starting drama, but it is because she and her dh are always fighting/arguing with friends. They go through friends like crazy because something will happen that they don't like and then the fights start, people get "blocked" on FB, etc. Always something, KWIM? But *they* are starting the drama.


The other kind of people I think of are people who just have lots of bad and/or crazy things happen to them. Do bad things just follow some people around? Or is their perception of it cause the problem? (Meaning they just see all the negative in life and none of the good.)

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we've been through some very challenging things the last eight years or so.


We've also had some challenging things happen in the last few years. I broke my ankle, my mother passed away, what seemed like a minor accident caused State Farm to total our van. That to me isn't drama. It's just life's ups and downs. Some are harder than others to get over. When I think of drama, I think of other people being involved, and creating a difficult situation for everyone around them. Maybe it's all in how one defines drama.

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I don't consider my life to be crazy, but we've been through some very challenging things the last eight years or so. Mainly with our finances and trying to run a business. Prior to that there were issues with me trying to get pregnant.


It certainly isn't about drama. Neither of us get too involved with extended family. We don't have many close friends. All of our family lives far away, and we are too far to get that involved.


Is the definition of drama then something that involves other people? Do most people have really rough times in their lives regularly or do they pretty much stay the same all the time with a little blip here and there?


ETA: I see now someone already answered my question. :D

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Our life is definitely crazy, no doubt about it. This is because of DSs severe special needs and problems. We were very boring, peaceful people before that. Lack of sleep, isolation, watching your children in severe pain, medical problems with no solution, always second guessing yourself, lack of time and so much to do, people giving up on your family and complete fear for the future make life crazy in ways most people could not imagine. I really hope it gets better soon because it's so hard to live this way but we have no choice.

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Nope, my life is stable and happy. And I also think some people are so extroverted that they will share everything about their personal lives with anyone. My aunt will literally over share with people she is standing in line with at the grocery store. Everybody has problems - money, health, marriage, sick relative, etc. but some people really need to share about it to deal and process with their situations and then I think it feeds itself because the sympathy comes pouring in and they think, "wow, my life really is difficult!". It's personal perception more than reality.

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The past 8 years have been quite the ride for my family...and not in a great way. I'm starting to think that is just how life is. I do notice that some people seem to have pretty sedate lives. I, however, am not one of them. Although I would have gladly skipped a lot of the difficult and painful parts of the past few years, I would not particularly love "sedate" so it works for me that my life is not.:001_smile:

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We have our ups and downs. Right now we are having marital trouble, but it is not craziness like some relationships/divorces I hear about. I have a son with ADHD, which is a bit crazy in and of itself, but nothing like the soap operas of some people I can think of (not on this board by the way).


I grew up in a seriously dysfunctional family (serious abuse) so I consider my own family now nice and boring.

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Spurts of craziness. Usually the result of things going on in extended family. My life with the kids and hubby is pretty calm overall....However, what I hate is when I let other people's crazy become my crazy......I have to remember to just sit back, relax and enjoy the show ;) Their crazy doesn't have to become my crazy...

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I homeschool, isn't that crazy enough? :D

Seriously though, my life has had periods of craziness. This summer was one of them. We moved house, one child was hospitalised because of an allergic reaction to a wasp sting, another child broke his foot, a friend's daughter died in the attacks in Norway, my MIL's health took a turn for the worst and DH went to visit her on the other side of the country at the same time as the wasp sting incident, and there have been my ongoing mental health issues. I didn't post about any of it here because I barely had the energy to get through each day, let alone write about it.

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I don't think everyone's life is crazy. I think everyone has some crazy moments, but not their whole life. Having said that... my life was, is and will continue to be crazy. People tell me all the time that I need to write a book. I have been though a lot of crazy. Now, my heart is just too broken to deal with much crazy - so I ignore a whole lot of it.

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When does it cross over the line into drama? I know someone that I consider always starting drama, but it is because she and her dh are always fighting/arguing with friends. They go through friends like crazy because something will happen that they don't like and then the fights start, people get "blocked" on FB, etc. Always something, KWIM? But *they* are starting the drama.


The other kind of people I think of are people who just have lots of bad and/or crazy things happen to them. Do bad things just follow some people around? Or is their perception of it cause the problem? (Meaning they just see all the negative in life and none of the good.)


I think it becomes drama when everyday (or worse) bad spots take on a soap opera / Jerry Spring quality. It doesn't matter the topic, it's the quality/disproportion of emotionality that kicks it into the drama department.


(and, yes, I know a couple of families irl whose perceptions/choices seem to invite drama and misfortune. )

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I don't think everyone's life is crazy. I think everyone has some crazy moments, but not their whole life. Having said that... my life was, is and will continue to be crazy. People tell me all the time that I need to write a book. I have been though a lot of crazy. Now, my heart is just too broken to deal with much crazy - so I ignore a whole lot of it.




I'm so sorry. I didn't even know him, but I know your son's light meant a lot to many. The stories you've shared make me smile. What a wonderful young man! :grouphug:

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I think it becomes drama when everyday (or worse) bad spots take on a soap opera / Jerry Spring quality. It doesn't matter the topic, it's the quality/disproportion of emotionality that kicks it into the drama department.


(and, yes, I know a couple of families irl whose perceptions/choices seem to invite drama and misfortune. )

There are times when I feel like I live in a soap. But it's not one of the soaps where everyone is beautiful and rich. More like a made for tv drama on the lifetime network.

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