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I'm just surprised to realize that I might not be real because I don't have a blog. I have some unbelievable stories, but I'm not skilled enough to make up stories that can compete with reality.


I dislike blogs. I don't have one and I don't read any. The one brief time I considered writing one, I felt like I was just sharing diary entries. When I was a kid, we hid our diaries underneath our mattresses. We didn't pass them around for anyone to read! :tongue_smilie:


Yeah yeah, I know it's not the same. But still, it's all I can think about when I see a blog entry.


I think it's hilarious that people without blogs could be seen as trolls! :lol::lol:

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Overall? If history serves, most people think I'm a 'know it all, mouthy, mean, and sarcastic' individual.


People who 'know' me know I have Aspergers, research everything I say to within a hairsbreadth of a gnats @ss (e.g. don't spout off about things I have not educated myself / been formally educated on - by multiple sources), would give them the shirt off of my back, and am relatively clueless in regards to both verbal and non verbal communication 'signals' (leading to all sorts of lovely 'foot in mouth' events).


Hence, I spend a large portion of my time here banned. While being clueless as to 'why' I was banned.


My husband doesn't understand why I come here at all. Especially since I don't own a crockpot.




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Overall? If history serves, most people think I'm a 'know it all, mouthy, mean, and sarcastic' individual.


People who 'know' me know I have Aspergers, research everything I say to within a hairsbreadth of a gnats @ss (e.g. don't spout off about things I have not educated myself / been formally educated on - by multiple sources), would give them the shirt off of my back, and am relatively clueless in regards to both verbal and non verbal communication 'signals' (leading to all sorts of lovely 'foot in mouth' events).


Hence, I spend a large portion of my time here banned. While being clueless as to 'why' I was banned.


My husband doesn't understand why I come here at all. Especially since I don't own a crockpot.





I think you are just fine, asta. I'd rather have a very intelligent person who doesn't get the "signals" giving me REAL information than someone who has great social skills giving info that she got from her mama's best friend's cousin's sister that she swears is the gospel truth.


Wait....how can you ever be banned? Isn't Asperger's covered under the ADA?:lol:;)

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Well, shoot. I have no avatar - well, somewhere, on some external hard drive, I have an itty bitty picture I've used before, but I have not bothered to look for it. Perhaps I'll figure something out.


And I'm new, but I did jump in because I've been on message boards for what seems to me a rather long time (my first? Babycenter - for my ds's birth month!).


Also, I started a blog earlier this year. It has one real entry (and one that probably doesn't count), and you are welcome to see it as long as you understand before you click on the link that I have pictures of the day my daughters and I watched some baby goats being born...and one of those pictures is, well, kinda cool but maybe a little graphic. Actually, I think it's way more cool than graphic, but there you have it. I also have two blogs that are no longer maintained. I guess I'm a blog dropout, too. :blush:


Hmmm...I should probably somehow address that I am a real person - and not a troll - even though I'm linking to a blog which features goats. :lol:


ETA: Added an avatar - used a picture of my pup, Simon. Also, I thought watching the baby goats being born was fascinating and considered it an educational experience for my kids. I hope the pictures are not offensive to anyone.

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Well, shoot. I have no avatar - well, somewhere, on some external hard drive, I have an itty bitty picture I've used before, but I have not bothered to look for it. Perhaps I'll figure something out.


And I'm new, but I did jump in because I've been on message boards for what seems to me a rather long time (my first? Babycenter - for my ds's birth month!).


Also, I started a blog earlier this year. It has one real entry (and one that probably doesn't count), and you are welcome to see it as long as you understand before you click on the link that I have pictures of the day my daughters and I watched some baby goats being born...and one of those pictures is, well, kinda cool but maybe a little graphic. Actually, I think it's way more cool than graphic, but there you have it. I also have two blogs that are no longer maintained. I guess I'm a blog dropout, too. :blush:


Hmmm...I should probably somehow address that I am a real person - and not a troll - even though I'm linking to a blog which features goats. :lol:

That was interesting.









ETA: To clarify, I did really find the baby goat birth interesting. I wasn't being snarky or rude. Sorry if I offended anyone.

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Overall? If history serves, most people think I'm a 'know it all, mouthy, mean, and sarcastic' individual.


People who 'know' me know I have Aspergers, research everything I say to within a hairsbreadth of a gnats @ss (e.g. don't spout off about things I have not educated myself / been formally educated on - by multiple sources), would give them the shirt off of my back, and am relatively clueless in regards to both verbal and non verbal communication 'signals' (leading to all sorts of lovely 'foot in mouth' events).


Hence, I spend a large portion of my time here banned. While being clueless as to 'why' I was banned.


My husband doesn't understand why I come here at all. Especially since I don't own a crockpot.





I consider you a well trusted resource for many of the issues that are important in my life and I am surprised to hear that you have ever been banned. I have never found you to be inappropriate at all and I would definitely miss you if you were gone.

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If you go to the member's list and sort by posts (#), I recognize almost everyone on the first five pages and then about half the people on the next five pages. Out of all of those people I can only remember one questionable post. I know that there are quite a few posters who have a lot of difficulties that they are dealing with their lives but I don't question the veracity of their posts given the drama in my own life. I might not be the best judge though given that I never become aware of a troll until it has already all blown over. Any time I come across something that doesn't sound quite right, I assume that it was due to me misunderstanding something in the first place or that I remembered it incorrectly later on. As to me personally, I have been here a long time and I have posted a lot of details about my life so I would be somewhat surprised if someone thought I was a troll.

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I always liked your name!


I just recently put some curriculum in my siggy. It takes too much space to list what all the dc do so I never really knew what to put there. Then I decided to only post stuff I really loved.


Thanks :) Good idea on putting just the favorite curriculum. It does take a lot of space to list every thing they are each doing!


There'd isn't a single poster I could put on ignore. The problem i have is, i can't keep you all straight. For example, did you know Aubrey is a very different person then Audrey? I remember being proud and shocked that i managed to figure that one out.


LOL, I was so confused by that when I first started here too!! Got 'em all straight now, but man did that drive me crazy at first....I was constantly mixing them up! So glad I'm not the only one.




When I can't find my posts, I will LEFT click on my name and go to "find all posts." Then I can search through everything I've written to find the missing post. Usually, because the board is so busy, I've just overlooked it or it got pushed back further than I read back.


I hope that helps :)


Great tip, Pamela, thank you! Huge help for this fast moving board.

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If you go to the member's list and sort by posts (#), I recognize almost everyone on the first five pages and then about half the people on the next five pages. Out of all of those people I can only remember one questionable post.


That was interesting. I was on page 4. I never expected to be quite so high as I feel like I only look at a few threads and post on even less due to lack of time.


But, as you said, I recognized those on the top few pages. I don't recall any questionable posts, but then again, I probably wouldn't recognize questionable posts unless they seemed to purposely build a fire (not an innocent question or relating a story).

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Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be so anonymous, as I think it would help me to be more accepted here if I could use my real name, names of my kids, etc. But I really feel like I need to be careful online, so I don't. I don't have a blog either. I am on Facebook, but I have everything set privately.


Anyway, I am real and have real kids. I am NOT Princess Peach, though, IRL. Sorry if I've deceived anyone. :tongue_smilie: :D

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There'd isn't a single poster I could put on ignore. The problem i have is, i can't keep you all straight. For example, did you know Aubrey is a very different person then Audrey? I remember being proud and shocked that i managed to figure that one out.


I just have trouble connecting a name/avatar to a story/thread.


I will remember that someone is dealing with X or asking about Y. But I wouldn't remember that it's person A who is living in a shoe with more kids then she know what to do with, and person B is a crazy cat lady with only one child.


:lol: I still get them mixed up! I "know" them; I'm clear that one is the witch and one is the writer, but when I'm looking at just the name, I always have to ponder it for a minute. I'm even pondering it right now...Aubrey is the writer, Audrey is the witch. Right? :tongue_smilie: Man, I hope that's right.

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I don't have a blog.....hmmmm....I tried once. Dh set it up for me and I posted maybe three pictures of our church/house renovation in progress. Dh wouldn't let me post any pictures that had any people in it. He's an IT guy and wants me to be careful with identity issues. Anyway, I completely forgot about the blog after post #2. This was probably 5-6 years ago.


It took me forever to do things like insert a picture in a post and just two days ago, I managed to get an avatar (no personal pictures) and signature. I should be excused though because I have readily admitted to being the computer incompetent, non-technical board member.


DH and I have in several states, met a lot of people, and my dad is in business and through the course of my life I"ve known a lot of people. I tend to have a lot of stories, but personally, we don't have too much drama. We went through some during the time that our troubled niece lived with us, and we are currently having to help her again....long story, won't regale you, but for those that were around when dear niece had her baby last September and I was asking for prayers for her, she's made another dumb decision, grrrrr.....only this time it affects my precious baby great-niece.


That's about the end. Now, we do have a ot of pyrotechnic events here. Dh and boys love all things explosive and we have a 4-H club of science geeky kids who get a gleem in their eyes anytime we break out the chemicals from our chem lab!!! I have posted more than once that my job is to make sure everyone has approximately as much skin at the end of the day that they had at the beginning. I suppose my avatar should be a picture of a woman in a lab coat brandishing a kitchen fire extinguishers and screaming, "You do not have permission to use matches!"


But, other than knowing that I live in Michigan and that our home is a church building with stained glass windows and original woodwork that has since been renovated into a home, I don't give a lot of personal info because, well, we can never really know who is on the other side. I've talked some about dd's pre-med and paramedic training and our competitive rocketry team, but you'd be hard pressed to figure out who we are based on that. Michigan has a lot of good universities with pre-med and last year there were 23 or 24 competitive rocketry teams from Michigan.


So, I guess there may be people who do think of me as a troll. But, that's okay. There are a few people, a few, on this board to whom I have privatedly revealed my name and address...MelanieM, Aubrey, MarianNova, Imp...but they are very trustworthy about NOT giving that information out and I am very thankful. Otherwise, dh would put the WTM url's in the nanny/software/spyware/virus software programs on this desktop and I'd never get to log in again! This would grieve me greatly.


In order to return peace and love to the boards, may I offer all of you some of these? I thought they were perfect for the Hive - yes, they are chocolate.



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I know it seems really dumb but I usually only think about it if they have no blog. Most everyone here advertises their blog.


I don't blog. I don't do facebook. I am real :lol: I have met many people on these boards in real life that would vouch for me and I for them :D


that is just not a fair way to judge people :glare:

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I guess I could just truly care less. I have been here a long time and posted a lot of personal things...so, if someone doubts I am who I say I am then they can just not respond to my posts, I guess.


I have always been that way, though. When I was a kid, I would complain to my mom that so and so didn't "like me" and she always told me, "honey...when someone tells me they don't like me, I tell them they are just going to have to get in line." It stuck with me. You can't make everyone like you (or trust you, or whatever). Such is life.


:iagree:I don't really care what many people IRL think, either.

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I don't blog (I really doubt anyone is interrested and I don't have time to read anyone else's), I'm on Facebook under a pseudonym with only 11 friends who are all DH's family, and I try hard not to add many details here.

First, there is internet safety. But - in addition to that, DH is gone all the time - I don't really want someone figuring out who I am and when I'm alone. Also - his job is such that he - and every one of his family members - has to be very careful of what they put out on the internet....

Kinda going along with the "no one would be interrested" idea - I doubt anyone really cares if I am here or not, or whether they agree with me or not.

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I don't have a blog, I don't post that often and honestly can't remember if I ever introduced myself. I usually only post when I have a curriculum questions or I have some kind of drama. While I am surrounded by people IRL and very social we have a different views. If I had told my every day acquaintances that my DS has a girlfriend, the family would have probably been stoned/shunned from our co-op oh and I am the DIRECTOR of our co-op. :D The obvious answer is why would I hang around with others who are so different...for the most part I like them and they challenge me. I don't think I have ever meet someone on the boards IRL but I do see ever SWB presentation at the Cincinnati convention every year.

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Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be so anonymous, as I think it would help me to be more accepted here if I could use my real name, names of my kids, etc. But I really feel like I need to be careful online, so I don't. I don't have a blog either. I am on Facebook, but I have everything set privately.


Anyway, I am real and have real kids. I am NOT Princess Peach, though, IRL. Sorry if I've deceived anyone. :tongue_smilie: :D


No, I'm not going to give out a bunch of personal information online, either. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I'm not on Facebook. I actually have a blog and a website, but it is private for family only. I don't want to put something stupid or personal on the internet and then my husband gets fired...or something bad like that happens.

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I've been interrogated as if to determine whether or not I was a troll. The "evidence" was that I (like many others) was posting a lot on a controversial thread; I don't have a signature describing my children; and the interrogator hadn't noticed any posts created by me (though there were several, she had not seen them). Oh, and I don't have a blog either.


I was surprised. And there have been some other comments on here that have surprised me too. They felt like "you aren't enough like me, so please go away." Seems to me there is enough room here for all of us, but whatever. Most people here have been very nice. So I stay.

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Overall? If history serves, most people think I'm a 'know it all, mouthy, mean, and sarcastic' individual.


But, that's what I like about you! :)


I post a lot, but it comes in spurts and many of the posts consist of: :iagree: or :grouphug:.


I have an avatar that is a pic of me and has allowed many WTMers (even lurkers) to introduce themselves to me irl. :D


I don't have a blog. I tried, it just isn't me.

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I've been interrogated as if to determine whether or not I was a troll. The "evidence" was that I (like many others) was posting a lot on a controversial thread; I don't have a signature describing my children; and the interrogator hadn't noticed any posts created by me (though there were several, she had not seen them).


I was surprised. And there have been some other comments on here that have surprised me too. They felt like "you aren't enough like me, so please go away." Seems to me there is enough room here for all of us, but whatever. Most people here have been very nice. So I stay.


I try to stay on the curriculum board because that's why I'm on these forums - I need encouragement and to be able to ask questions about homeschooling. There are some very nice people on there (and on the other boards). I've met a few board members IRL and they were really, really nice people.

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I'm sure people think that of me.I'm more of a lurker here than anything even though I have been here for a couple of years, I think....


I often post questions that get ignored and have to bump up just to get a simple answer or when I answer other threads they seem to die:lol:. I think that there are a lot of people here that have been here a long time and if you don't participate in the lighthearted nonsense threads you tend to get overlooked...


ETA: About the blog thing, I do have a blog but it is a business blog and since it basically spells out where I live and I have had trouble with a poster from here harassing me (and others I was on another board with) I am not comfortable posting the link...

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I try to stay on the curriculum board because that's why I'm on these forums - I need encouragement and to be able to ask questions about homeschooling. There are some very nice people on there (and on the other boards). I've met a few board members IRL and they were really, really nice people.


I guess I feel sort of finished with the curriculum boards for the most part. I know what we're doing, I am happy where we're at.


I *do* wish there was a curriculum stickie thread where people could list what they used for various grades.

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I'm real. And I don't have a blog. :D


I've posted plenty of personal stuff on the boards over the years, but I tend to stay away from the General board and its drama. (Kinda got my fill during the whole Ken Hamm thing.) I find that some threads suck me in, then I spend the day at WTM rather than teaching those pesky kids. It never occurred to me that I might be considered a Troll when I *do* chime in once-in-a-blue-moon.


As far as posters who annoy you, that's what the Ignore button is for ;)


Where is this infamous Ignore button I keep hearing about? :willy_nilly:


Not that I want to ignore anyone. I just hate being in the dark.

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I'm sure people think that of me.I'm more of a lurker here than anything even though I have been here for a couple of years, I think....


I often post questions that get ignored and have to bump up just to get a simple answer or when I answer other threads they seem to die:lol:. I think that there are a lot of people here that have been here a long time and if you don't participate in the lighthearted nonsense threads you tend to get overlooked...


I answer a lot of questions here, asked by all sorts of posters. I even research stuff for other people. But, I cannot answer them all on my own! ;) And some I don't know. I cannot tell you what I liked best about Gettysburg if I haven't been there.


I am just answering this because I do feel a little guilty when people's questions go unanswered. It's me, it's not you. :D

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Overall? If history serves, most people think I'm a 'know it all, mouthy, mean, and sarcastic' individual.


People who 'know' me know I have Aspergers, research everything I say to within a hairsbreadth of a gnats @ss (e.g. don't spout off about things I have not educated myself / been formally educated on - by multiple sources), would give them the shirt off of my back, and am relatively clueless in regards to both verbal and non verbal communication 'signals' (leading to all sorts of lovely 'foot in mouth' events).


Hence, I spend a large portion of my time here banned. While being clueless as to 'why' I was banned.


My husband doesn't understand why I come here at all. Especially since I don't own a crockpot.




I'm glad you're here, Asta. It would be horrid if you left. :grouphug:

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I have no idea, but it wouldn't really surprise me. I try to keep my personal drama... personal and that's why I stopped blogging ;)


Life is hard. I'm always surprised when I meet people that seem to steer a smooth and even course. People with ups and downs and craziness seem pretty normal to me :p


I know Mrs. Mungo is real. :lol: No author could create such a rich character.

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I would like to clarify my "drama queen" comment - not directed to you specifically, Chris, but because I think when people are beset by carp in their life, they can feel as you expressed above.


When I say I'm sure we have drama queens, I mean there are some in every crowd who seem to go out of their way to set up drama and crises in their lives.


I do not mean that when our posters come here to vent, seek cousel/commiseration, or ask to be held up in prayer they are being "dramatic". Nor do I have anyone in mind as a drama queen. It was just an observation of social groups.


Thanks--I feel better now. I need to get over myself and the fact that I like to be liked.


Can we just let this thread die now and move on to other things? :001_smile:

Before anyone else gets all paranoid and insecure...LOL

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I know it seems really dumb but I usually only think about it if they have no blog. Most everyone here advertises their blog.


There was a troll on another group I was on who was outed as a troll because of her really wacky blog.


I don't have a blog. And the picture in my avatar is a few years old. Cough.

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The troll thing... Everyone wants/needs something different from the boards. I get that some people need to post what's going on in their personal lives. But that's not my style. I like sharing that stuff with my close friends. Putting it out there for the whole world to see just gives me the creeps.

I feel the same about blogs. I don't like them. I'm sorry. It's too close to diary reading for me OR the blogs are obviously commercial or fake.


There are some regular posters who are just too much for me but I do try to send hugs. I know I need to get better at that.

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The troll thing... Everyone wants/needs something different from the boards. I get that some people need to post what's going on in their personal lives. But that's not my style. I like sharing that stuff with my close friends. Putting it out there for the whole world to see just gives me the creeps.

I feel the same about blogs. I don't like them. I'm sorry. It's too close to diary reading for me OR the blogs are obviously commercial or fake.


There are some regular posters who are just too much for me but I do try to send hugs. I know I need to get better at that.


You know, this made me realize something. I don't really have any close friends IRL. I wonder if those that are more prone to posting personal things or drama are those of us who lack close friends IRL.

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You know, this made me realize something. I don't really have any close friends IRL. I wonder if those that are more prone to posting personal things or drama are those of us who lack close friends IRL.

Or those that have found their best friends here. Or those that have found that the hive is uber supportive and willing to pray.




I certainly hope that my online friends don't consider me a figment of their imagination :lol:

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Or those that have found their best friends here. Or those that have found that the hive is uber supportive and willing to pray.




I certainly hope that my online friends don't consider me a figment of their imagination :lol:


Very good point!! My BFF is someone I met online through Babycenter's birth clubs. We've flown over half way across the country to meet on several occasions.

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Or those that have found their best friends here. Or those that have found that the hive is uber supportive and willing to pray.




I certainly hope that my online friends don't consider me a figment of their imagination :lol:


Being able to ask for prayers and support is huge for me. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through some of the stuff without it.

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You know, this made me realize something. I don't really have any close friends IRL. I wonder if those that are more prone to posting personal things or drama are those of us who lack close friends IRL.


Or those that have found their best friends here. Or those that have found that the hive is uber supportive and willing to pray.


This is very interesting! I have one BFF in real life with whom I can talk about anything. Beyond that, I have a very hard time maintaining good friendships because I'm so easily overwhelmed by the responsibilities of friendship. I'm overwhelmed by the responsibilities of my own life :001_huh: I can barely keep up with my IRL friends on Facebook and email. That may very well explain why I'm so active here. The forum meets my needs in terms of advice, support, HSing info and advice, and friendship without a lot of the responsibility that I can't seem to handle. Huh...I never really thought that much about it! Thanks for the food for thought!

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Being able to ask for prayers and support is huge for me. I honestly don't know how I would have made it through some of the stuff without it.


All my real life homeschooling friends have flown the coop. This board is my only hs support, and I'm so thankful for the real people here.

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I did disappear from October until this month. It was actually a relief that no one seemed to notice, odd as that sounds. I did feel bad because HappyGrace posted a thread asking if she could interchange an ingredient in a recipe I had just posted and I couldn't answer her. Some other folks helped her out though. :D


Just had to tell you. I noticed. I was pretty new here and you helped me use the snapshot tool on adobe and fast draft on my printer to print MM. Then, you were gone. I may be a wierdo (actually, very likely) but it has bothered me ever since. Nice to see you back.:001_smile:



This thread has done tons for my ego. I lurk far more than I post and I feel pretty unnoticed around here. Mostly it doesn't bother me but some days I wish I were one of the clever, funny, interesting people. That is just human nature I guess.



BTW, I am real. My avatar is my oldest daughter playing with our puppy shortly after we got her. I would like to blog if I ever find the time but it will never be public.

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That was interesting. I was on page 4. I never expected to be quite so high as I feel like I only look at a few threads and post on even less due to lack of time.


But, as you said, I recognized those on the top few pages. I don't recall any questionable posts, but then again, I probably wouldn't recognize questionable posts unless they seemed to purposely build a fire (not an innocent question or relating a story).


p. 11 for me.... I found that I knew most on the first 5-6 pages and many on the next few....

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You know, this made me realize something. I don't really have any close friends IRL. I wonder if those that are more prone to posting personal things or drama are those of us who lack close friends IRL.


I know this is true for me. I do not have anyone to talk to IRL. I could try talking to my mom or sister about some stuff but that often devolves because no matter what I say they always bring it back to why homeschooling is to blame for every possible thing that happens to us etc. It means the list of things I can not talk about with them is very long. Otherwise I have no one else to talk to irl so I come here to get my fill. I do post personal things, I am not trying to creep anyone out when I do, I am jsut trying to share, and talk and outline where I am coming from when I am posting.

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I have a blog. But I am SO ridiculously bad at keeping up with it. And when I switched browsers, it became impossible for awhile.


I hope no one thinks I'm a troll. I recognize many people on here from MDC and other boards I've been on and I'm not a troll at any of those places, either. I know I take my drama online sometimes. But I only have one friend IRL because we move so much and I'm not very social. Sorry bout that, folks! I promise I'm real.

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Well, gosh, if I *don't* reply to this thread, maybe you'll think I'm a troll!


Here goes...


My avatar is not a photo of me. I am going gray, but not that gray yet.



I do not blog. I tried to, a couple years back, but for a number of reasons it just didn't get off the ground.


I have been homeschooling many years and no longer frequent the curriculum boards. Comparison is the death of contentment, at least for me. I'll just keep at it with my stockpile of non-consumables.


I don't post info about my kids in my sig line, but if you've read a lot of my older posts, you've been able to put together a snapshot of my family. I am learning the hard way to share less information online. But it does make me sad that I don't feel freer to share more personal information with you here. I have started communicating here with more pm's.


I don't post curriculum choices in my sig line. I see myself as a guest of Peace Hill Press on this forum, and I prefer not to give free advertisement to other publishers here. I AM NOT judging anyone else for doing this; it's merely something I choose not to do. But rest assured, I do own (way too much) curriculum and we do use it.


I don't *think* I have started too many dramatic threads, but in all these years there have likely been a few. If I post about a shocking, hurtful IRL event, it's because I'm usually looking for your knee-jerk reaction, mostly to see if my own feelings are valid. You all help me to gain a balanced perspective. At times I ask for advice, because a wealth of been-there-done-that knowledge resides with you.


Most of the time I am posting from my smart phone, and dang if the teeny keypad and autocorrect feature don't conspire against me to cause me to misstate myself at times!


I love the General Board because there are precious, precious people here. Repeat times ten.


You help me to know that I am mostly not crazy, and that I am *definitely* not alone on this journey.


You are the internet's single best source for breaking news. That is no joke. And your news is almost always accompanied by factual evidence and well-reasoned opinion, without the sensationalism of nearly all the major news outlets. From the hive I get a news event from a variety of perspectives. You've forced me to do my own homework about where I stand on certain issues. You've kept my current event awareness ramped up to "high." I believe my quality of life and ability to relate to the younger generation is greatly enhanced because of it. Hey now, no pun intended, but you've contributed to *my* well-trained mind! Or at least, to my mind-in-training...!


You challenge me to consider things from a perspective other than my own, which I am often forced to admit (and honestly, often surprised to realize) is kind of stiff and narrow. Yet you welcome me despite the fact that many of our worldviews are worlds apart.


You are faster than google and less judgmental than my mother-in-law. (I keep asking who first stated this truth so I can quote it properly, but no one has told me yet.)


I have never put anyone on my ignore list. Until about a week ago. And that's just the one. There are a few others whose threads I do not open, based on years of reading the things they post. I'm likely on a few ignore lists myself. But that's the reader's privilege, isn't it? I don't fret over who might not be paying attention to me. I tend not to open posts in which I am not interested. I find leading post titles (ie, "Would you be upset if....") rather annoying, but if I've got time on my hands I'll open them anyway.


Though I admit to having a sentimental attachment to this forum, rules of smart consumerism still apply. Eat the fish, spit out the bones, try-before-you-buy, don't believe everything you see/read/hear... I try hard to not forsake common sense.


Do I care what you think of me? Honestly, sometimes more than I should. But in the whole scheme of things, I'm just one strand of the fabric here. My virtual world is a vast thinking place, but my real life is where the rubber hits the road. That is where I have greater concern for what someone may think of me.


I am enjoying my time here during my last year of my home schooling adventure. After May 2012, I will be standing at the end of this path, counting as friends all those here who've kept me upon it, and, at times, eased the burden. I would list a few special ones by name, but that's an open can of worms, aye? The close ones know, I think.


So, for what it's worth, I am not a troll.


(And thanks for the chocolate, FaithManor. But I'm holding out for some of your MIL's rum cake!)

Edited by AuntieM
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When I can't find my posts, I will LEFT click on my name and go to "find all posts." Then I can search through everything I've written to find the missing post. Usually, because the board is so busy, I've just overlooked it or it got pushed back further than I read back.


I hope that helps :)


Thanks, Pamela. I've been on forums like this for a long long time, but this one is set up just a bit differently, so I've had trouble keeping up with things where I've posted. So if someone asks a followup to something I've posted, I'm likely not to see it because the next time I come on, that topic is long gone. This board is crazy busy! :D

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Alright, I guess I have to chime in now too since I have a cute, teeny tiny little post count.


But I do have an avatar picture and a blog, and I have been registered here for a few years (though I lurked for a while before that), I just don't post much. I was very active on another forum and met several people from that forum. Some of the folks I have met are on this forum as well.


I came here originally (in 2008) to buy and sell curriculum, and most of my posts were a result of trying to get my post count high enough to do so.


I have never worried that anyone might consider me a troll because I post here so rarely, most of you don't know I exist! But because of this thread I looked back at my posts to see if any of them could be suspicious, and was surprised to see that the very first thread I ever commented on was about s@x! Ha! What was I thinking? I'm lucky no one called me out as a troll!


I do come here and read quite a bit when I have time, and when I saw CarolfromIL post about the taxi situation, I was incredulous and wondered if her account got hacked. I didn't immediately think "troll". I was confused because she had posted in the Murdoch thread about how well her family and her neighbors were doing and that the economy wasn't that bad, but here she was saying she needed to bring in more income. Then I remembered that she had also posted about how their pastor wanted to charge them back tithes, and she said she was raised not to question authority, and just sounded vulnerable and maybe a little unbalanced. That's when it clicked that "she" had to be someone poking fun at homeschoolers and religious people in general. I searched her past posts and saw some snarky things she said that were obvious (now) pokes in which she tried to sound sincere but was really pot stirring. Bizarre.


Anyway, all that to say that I won't worry about people thinking I'm a troll. I don't think anyone should worry about that. As long as you're not dropping bombs and generally making a nuisance of yourself, just remember that most of us are more worried about how we're perceived ourselves.


Same as in everyday life, really.

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Where is this infamous Ignore button I keep hearing about? :willy_nilly:

Not that I want to ignore anyone. I just hate being in the dark.


I think there may be other ways, but one way you can get to it is to go to your profile, look along the left for "Edit Ignore List". You can type in the member's name you wish to ignore.


I think you can also ignore from the offending member's profile, but I don't remember now and have only used the feature twice.

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