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S/O 10 things about your spouse

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The other thread made me really curious about spouse, especially the one who let her spouse give her 50 piercings. (I hope I got that right, I hope I didn't just dream it). So what are 10 interesting things about your spouse. Please don't post anything they would get upset with, remember this is a public forum.


My DH:

1) Spent two years in France as a missionary for our church. I really wanted him to teach our kids French, but he has forgotten a lot of it.


2) His dad is a logger and DH worked with him a lot. Big muscles.:drool5:


3) He's a nerd. He likes playing Magic. Every week he goes to play Magic with his nerd friends. I call it his nerd poker night. I'm hilarious.


4) He is so stinkin' good at strategy games. I cannot play any 100% strategy game with him, it's too frustrating. Two moves into chess and I'm throwing the board and saying, "Gosh darn you, why won't you just let me win?!" He was an only child until he was 17; he and his dad played a lot of strategy games. Games that have any element of luck, I can hold my own. I win Battleship 75% of the time.


5) His mom is only 15 years older than he is.


6) He is so stinkin' smart. Really high scores on the ACT and SAT. He was helping me edit an article I'm writing and he's so good at that. He was writing contracts for a film his friends are shooting and he was so good at the "lawyer-ese". Math, science, writing, history, sometimes I feel really stupid compared to him (not like he makes me feel stupid, but really, he's just so smart).


7) He started college as a computer science major and switched to film.


8) He used to be really bad in elementary school. Beating people up, clearing teacher's desks with a swipe of his arm. It's hard to believe because he's so stinkin' nice and patient now. He says he works really hard to suppress anger.


9) Working on a business plan to get funding to make a movie. This kinda goes back to his smartness. He's really good at the lawyer-ese and writing.


10) Thinks he has ADD since caffeine makes him sleep.


11) (I know, I know) He is a terrible night owl. It's not uncommon for him to stay up til 2 or 3 am working on something or reading. He lacks the ability to sense the passage of time. 3 hours to him sometimes seems like 20 minutes.

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1. DH was was a quadriplegic after a car accident in 1999.

2. He is the most stubborn person I've ever met.

3. He is also a very proud person & rarely lets anyone see any of the rougher side of our life.

4. He has always been the life of the party.

5. He is a risk taker & has an addictive personality.

6. He says he'd rather die than ever have to be in a wheelchair again. I have strict instructions to not ever allow that to happen.

7. He "secretly" worries that since his accident he is no longer desirable.

8. He knows more random trivia type information that anybody I've ever met.

9. He was a darn good mechanic prior to the accident & really wishes he could still do it.

10. He often feels like he lost himself & isn't even sure what his goals in life are anymore.

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1. He dropped out of high school, never went to college, never even got a GED, but he owns his own small business and is doing as well as if not better than a lot of people we know who went to four year colleges and can't find jobs in today's economy.


2. He won't go on any amusement park rides. None. Not even a merry-go-round. He's afraid of being in something he can't control himself (doesn't love being a passenger in a car, being in a plane, etc., either).


3. He's a good cook. A much better cook than I am! He'll cook breakfasts for us a lot before work, and on his days off, he'll be the one to cook dinners.


4. He's always moving from hobby to hobby. He's raced remote control cars, become a very good pool player, built up a big coral reef tank, learned to blow glass, can perform magic tricks, and has most recently gotten into balloon animals and face painting. I'm sure there are more I'm not thinking of.


5. He has a dentist phobia. Will not go to a dentist. Ever.


6. He doesn't like to read. I'm still not sure how I ended up with a guy who doesn't read, but there it is!


7. He gives people tattoos and piercings for a living. And he's afraid of needles.


8. He's good at fixing things. He can fix almost anything.


9. He lost not one but two brothers due to drugs. :(


10. He talks in his sleep sometimes.

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1. My dh is a chemical (BS) and mechanical (MS) engineer.

2. He got bored doing engineering, but it was a good steady job he's had for 20 years, so he started going to seminary for fun.

3. Last year his employer announced that the company would be sold. Dh organized an employee buy-out (ESOP) and is now the vice-president of the company...no more time for seminary, lol.

4. He is an awesome baker.

5. He brews beer.

6. He started lifting weights and running last fall and has lost 30 pounds and now has a size 31 waist (down from 38).

7. It freaks him out if I press on his stomach and tell him what lies beneath (liver, gallbladder, etc). I have no idea why but it's a great way to torture him :lol:

8. He is a good listener.

9. He was raised with a verbally abusive dad and a co-dependent mom, yet he's gentle and kind.

10. He's cried with me about our son being in Afghanistan. Real tears. He's not ashamed to let me know his feelings.

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Very cool idea!


1. He went to college just to play baseball. He got a full baseball scholarship and majored in physical education. It was pretty rough on him when he figured out he wasn't going to be a pro baseball player. After managing a sports store for 8 years, he is now an electrician. He loves it!


2. He hates to read and can't ride roller coasters. That's just two of the ways in which we are complete opposites.


3. He is the most amazing and devoted father I have ever met.


4. People often "feel sorry" for him because he didn't "get a boy" and that makes him really mad.


5. He loves fishing, and so do all three of our girls. They go fishing almost every weekend.


6. He puts up with a lot of crap from me. I came with a lot of baggage. A major turning point in our marriage came a couple of years into it. He sat me down and told me no matter how much I pushed, he wasn't leaving, so I might as well stop. I learned what it means to be truly loved that day.


7. His mother died when he was 12 of metastatic breast cancer. He was raised by his father, and thank God is nothing like his father.


8. He had never been to a zoo until we took our oldest dd when she was one.


9. He is very hard working and never sits still...unless a good football game is on.


10. Everyone who knows him loves him. He is a total people person and loves to talk!

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1. He's a chocoholic.


2. He's Belgian.


3. He hates hot (or even warm) weather.


4. He's a fabulous cook.


5. He loves to run.


6. He works better w/ women than men, generally speaking.


7. He's a team player.


8. He's probably the most genuinely nice, kind-hearted person I know.


9. He knows way too much about tv & tv programs, including being able to tell me tv show lineups from the major networks back in the 1970s. :tongue_smilie:


10. He's an introvert.

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10. My dh has an excellent vocabulary--what a turn on! LOL (I'm serious!)


9. He owns 8 websites and has plans for all of them... hehe, ADD anyone? ;)


8. He has mega-ADD. If that's not a real term, it should be.


7. If my dh got together with k2bdeutmeyer's dh for a random trivia marathon--especially if focused on books, movies, video games--I have a feeling we'd probably never see them again.


6. My dh is a whiny baby about scents. I can't wear perfume, even though he's not allergic, and he refuses to walk through the perfume and make-up sections of all department stores. I'm just thankful I can have scented candles in my house!


5. Dh is a talented cartoonist and animator, but it's not the focus of his career.


4. My dh just completed his bachelor's degree in Computer Science (and Religion), after 3 tries, at age 38. :D


3. I'm pretty sure that my dh has an intellectual man-crush going on with Tim Challies but just doesn't want to admit it. It's kind of gross. (Even though I like Challies, too.)


2. Dh would never agree, but he only loves football as much as he does because *I* love it and after he discovered that our married-life Sundays every fall WILL include watching at least one game.


1. Whenever dh draws or sketches, he tilts his head and sticks his tongue out just so and the kids and I crack up with love at his silly face.

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7. If my dh got together with k2bdeutmeyer's dh for a random trivia marathon--especially if focused on books, movies, video games--I have a feeling we'd probably never see them again.




I'm afraid you're probably right. And my DH is one of those people that everybody loves too. He can stay up until 3am talking to just about anybody.

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Let's see:


1. He's got a genius IQ but he is so calm, sweet, and normal (lol) that you would never know it.


2. His brain works the total opposite of mine. He is extremely left brained and things mainly make sense to him in linear fashion. I on the other hand am gathering random data from all over the place and it drives him crazy. We eventually come to the same conclusions, given enough time. :)


3. He's a mechanical/CAD engineer turned IT manager.


4. He is a great dad and so much more patient than me. Especially with myself.


5. He looks like a cross between Keanu Reeves and Nicholas Cage. Except a little more "slightly" built with less hair. ;)


6. He went to Australia after college and would move back if a good opportunity presented itself.


7. He'd love to do woodwoorking some day. We have all the tools but no space to use them. That and his back issues make it hard. But it's a dream of his...


8. He has two masters degrees. The second one almost killed me. :lol:


9. He waxes poetic about his lifeguarding days on a regular basis.


10. He has a (mental) list of reasons why he loves me. He jokes that he is on number 4,879, while I'm on number 7 for him. (See item #2 about how our brains work - he is linear and detail oriented and I'm global and think "He's a great guy!" covers everything.) :D

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1. He went to college then the Marine Corps (he went enlisted and many thought that odd)

2. He will forget to eat if I'm not here to remind him

3. He's an atheist but prays with our girls every night & goes to church with us

4. He loves to write

5. He faints at the sight of his own blood

6. He's an awesome artist

7. He was a surfer while growing up in CA

8. He's the baby of six and the only biological child of his parents

9. He's also the only white sibling in his family

10. He once played on stage at a jazz festival with Dizzy Gillespie

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Very cool idea!



Thank Nance for the original idea. I feel bad for stealing it. But it is really cool to learn about the SO that's always talked about and to see things they share in common with my DH. It's like on the original, I kept saying, "Oh me too, me too." Now I'm saying, "Oh yeah, him too. Him too.":lol:

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1. He is British. Very British with the dry sense of humor and all.


2. He married the crazy Yank that came to stay in his village.


3. He has possibly discovered a cure for Malaria (getting ready for human trials)


4. He is Brilliant (missed 1 question on the whole GRE)


5. He is one of the biggest procrastinators on the face of the planet.


6. Unless it involves super glue, he can't fix anything around the house.


7. He is an amazing Dad.


8. He will never climb to far up the ladder as he puts family first and won't work more than 40 hours a week.


9. He is a great cook.


10. He is insane. He loves me to pieces and thinks I am wonderful. He has never gotten angry at me (we have been married 10 years)

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This is fun!


1. He tripled majored in math, computer science, and business and managed it in the traditional 8 semesters with a 3.89 gpa.


2. He plays the piano very well, though not quite as well as me. Whew! I was the piano performance major. :D


3. He sings tenor. I am an alto/second soprano so we sing duets for church or trios with dd who is a soprano.


4. He is ADDICTED to candy.


5. He has smile lines in the corners of his eyes and his eyes twinkle when he laughs which I absolutely love!!!!


6. He's such a good labor and delivery partner that my midwife jokingly said he should be hired by the hospital to help every mom. :001_huh::tongue_smilie:No thanks!!! He's mine.


7. He is a science nerd extraordinaire (okay, so am I).


8. During his rare moments of free time, he flies remote control airplanes in addition to his more "explosive" hobbies. :D


9. He renovated our 113 year old church building almost completely single handed. He literally did 90% of the work. Occasionally, I or my family members came and held a wall into place or something. My dad did the other 10% which was the heating system. We never hired a contractor and he passed every inspection first time with pats on the back from the building inspectors.


10. He is the 4-H Youth Science superintendent of our county and has both a 4-h club and a competitive rocketry team, plus he does county wide science experiments with up to 40 youth at a time. (Oh, yes....it's not a single handed thing. DD and I get pressed into service regularly!)



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1. He didn't plan on being a father. His first wife couldn't have kids and it didn't bother him. He has been amazed at how awesome it is to be a dad.


2. He worked for RCA and was a programmer on one of the space tracking ships. Tracking missile testing was part of that.


3. He worked on the space shuttle range safety system.


4. He's co-written 2 computer books. (royalties are piddly though). :tongue_smilie:


5. He once ran a 5K in a toga.


6. He has at least some small knowledge of so many things because of the amount he's read in his life.


7. He's the only bald guy in his family, likely due to the major stress of his job with the space program.


8. He used to run Dungeons & Dragons games in his early 20s. He was also a member of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). I've got an awesome picture of hiim in medieval garb brandishing a sword. Picture major geeky guy with big round 70s eyeglasses trying to look like a knight.


9. He loves puns and thinks he's punny funny.


10. He has wide feet and I swear he's descended from hobbits.


11. ETA this because I was reading some of the other responses aloud to him and he informed me he got a perfect score on the GRE. I had no idea! Egads! See, I'm still learning cool things about him!

Edited by Night Elf
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2. He won't go on any amusement park rides. None. Not even a merry-go-round. He's afraid of being in something he can't control himself (doesn't love being a passenger in a car, being in a plane, etc., either).




:iagree: Sounds like a sane man to me.:lol:

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I love feeling like I sort of know people after these :D .

1. He is a body piercer. (I was that pin cushion.)

2. He plays Bass for church, and at home plays Sublime,Queen,and various other secular bands to try to get better.

3. He was abducted by his mom at age 8. He reunited with his dad at 19.

4. There is not a project he can't/won't tackle.

5. He is a perfectionist, and not easy to work with sometimes, but his work is always top notch.

6. He brews beer and mead, and steeps his own medicines.

7. He has a green thumb.

8. He was a surfer growing up in Cali.

9. He got bumped by a sea lion while surfing. This rates as one of his scariest memories.

10.He will win every time at Trivial Pursuit because he somehow knows all the answers to sports stuff, yet he doesn't ever watch sports. It is baffling!

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1. He is often misunderstood or taken as arrogant by his superiors because he is extremely smart (book and common sense), very confident, and is always looking for ways to make things better, safer, more efficient at work (some people seem to be threatened by a person like this).


2. He would do anything for his friends or family.


3. He has been drawing up plans for an underground hobbit house for years and is intent on building one for us when we finally settle somewhere.


4. He is a closet inventer (closet - because as a naive young man, he sent some designs to Teva and they ended up actually using the designs and then sending him a nice letter thanking him for the ideas):glare:


5. He could sew and cook better than most SAHMs before he was 19. He still makes all of Dcs Halloween costumes. And, he can fix/build anything - thus the Mrs.MacGyver.... :D


6. He has gotten the highest score every time on the Navy and Army physical readiness tests since he enlisted over 18 years ago, yet he never runs or works out. (I guess it is genetic - - - another :glare:)


7. He went to BUD/s - Navy SEAL training, was doing fine, and even broke the obstacle course record but dropped out after DS10 (who was 3 at the time) cried to him on the phone that he wanted Daddy to come home. :001_wub:


8. He waits until the kids are asleep at night and then sneaks into the kitchen to eat ice cream.


9. He is one of the best wrestlers I have ever seen.


10. He has had many encounters with "spirits" while working at Ford Island in Pearl Harbor and many other places (once with a Native American in the forest behind our house). - - I know not everyone believes in this kind of thing...but I believe him;)

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1) I call my dh my "back-up brain." I am TERRIBLE at remembering actor's names. All I have to do is go "Oh!" and he'll tell me the character in what movie/tv show I'm most familiar with, since the name wouldn't mean much to me. I really appreciate that because it drives me nuts when I recognize the face, but I can't remember from where.


2) Once we decided to homeschool he hasn't had a doubt since. And when I'm uncertain with what path to take, he has the exactly right perspective and if full of confidence in my abilities.


3) He's a Registered Dental Assistant. It's not what he really wants to be, but he does it because it makes it possible for me to stay at home and teach the kids.


4) He was so darkly tanned when I first saw him that I thought he had some African heritage. He's actually of German descent.


5) We met when he was 17 and I was 15. We got married when he was 20 and I was 18.


6) We met in Foods and Nutrition class. He walked in and offered to wash dishes in exchange for food (his friend was in my kitchen group.) It was a free period for him and even though he never officially joined the class, the teacher let him come every day for the rest of the year.


7) He's a very affectionate dad. His father was disabled physically when dh was a baby, and dh wants to do all the things with his sons that his dad wasn't able to do with him.


8) Once when he was a kid he pestered/annoyed his sister so much that she put him in the trash can (new bag, nothing else in it.)


9) He hid the fact that he could read in 1st grade until a teacher came up behind him when he was sneaking reading and asked him what it said.


10) He has written me some beautiful poems. The first one he ever gave me made me cry.

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1 dh is a college professor

2. we live about 30 min from where he lived his entire life except for when he went to college in Texas where he met me.


3. he grew up with 12 cats so our 8 are not too many to him lol

4. he is a great dad to our special needs son

5. he still has friends from his childhood

6. gets along with all his extended family

7. is NOT handy at all around the house, I do all that stuff

8. went all the way to the Phillipines in search of a cure when he was really sick (he is fine now)

9. had a thick head of hair when we first met, almost bald now

10. is a huge Disney World fan

11. is a huge Phillies and Eagles fan

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1. My dh grew up on a small farm and had to milk the family Jersey every morning before school.

2. He has a private pilot's license.

3. His brothers and his dad built a bi-plane in the garage. It won awards at Oshkosh and they were featured in Sport Aviation magazine.

4. He is fiercely devoted to both his family of origin and our family.

5. He can beat me at chess with his eyes closed. I never play chess with him anymore; he is ten moves ahead of me.

6. He loves the outdoors.

7. His garage is like his own private home. We call it the "Garage'Mahal." All he needs out there is a bed (and maybe a spot of teA :tongue_smilie:) and he would see no reason to ever come into the main house.

8. He owns 14 motorcycles. And yes, I think that is way too many. It's possible that I'm not even correct - my number might be low, because some are at the airport.

9. He can build or fix anything, as long as there are no computers involved. "Handy" is extremely high on my "like" list for husband material! :drool5:

10. He has more fortitude than most anyone else I've ever met, except maybe his father, who also had it in spades. He is the voice of reason when we're all going a little nuts.

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1) He's a huge Star Wars fan. He has his own bookcase in the man cave dedicated to Star Wars books.


2) He's in the Army Reserve. Sort of. He won't be if they ever get this medical evaluation board going.


3) He developed a gagging tic for a week after our eldest was born because he was absolutely terrified of caring for a newborn.


4) He's afraid of heights and spiders.


5) He comes up with crazy, ridiculous ideas and even though I should know better, I can't tell if he's serious or not.


6) If I say, "Can you pull the weiners out of the freezer?" he'll giggle and say, "Hehe, you said 'freezer'."


7) He has a neatly trimmed mustache and beard, which, while incredibly sexy, is still a bit weird since he was 14 and still had braces when we started dating.


8) He works in IT. Of course he does, see #1.


9) He puts Buffalo Wild Wings' Mango Habanero sauce on everything. Even mashed potatoes.


10) He's very quiet and introverted, but I think that's because he bottles all his goofiness up and lets it out at home.


I love this guy. :001_smile:

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1. He's no. 10 out of 14 children.


2. He's German.


3. He has the most adorable dimple, kindest smile and warmest laugh. (Hooked me the first night we met.)


4. However, he always wears a full beard. (His dds demand it, and without the beard he looks like a little boy. :001_smile:)


5. He's a technical writer.


6. He hates anything technical.


7. His dream is to be a modern day Pa Ingalls.


8. His shirts are sorted by material, sleeve length and color.


9. Eating noises drive him nuts.


10. He is a die hard Minnesota Vikings fan. Actaully, I think he's obsessed. (Our first dd was born 2 minutes before kick off....she must of have known.)


and one more....


11. He is totally dedicated to his family.

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The AH-64D Longbow helicopter. If your DH flies fixed wing, we could make a distinction between the coolest helicopter in the whole wide world and the coolest airplane in the whole wide world. I'm flexible like that. :tongue_smilie:


ETA: OK, I missed that your DH is Army too. I hope he flies Apaches or I'm going to have to start thinking of reasons that Chinooks and Blackhawks are alright too. :lol: Did you know Chinooks can fly faster than Apaches? That is crazy! :D


Apaches? Ack! Dh flies Kiowas. This could easily turn into a banned thread! :lol:


I guess that at least we can agree that helicopters with guns are better than lame old Blackhawks and Chinooks. LOL!

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1. My dh is one of 7 brothers, but there are no girls in his family.


2. All of the brothers are 6' or taller.


3. My dh and his brothers not only shared bedrooms, but he shared a queen size bed with *two* of his brothers *while they were in high school*. (To see why this is so funny, see #2 above! :D)


4. My dh drag races cars and his best time so far for the 1/4 mile is 7.91 sec/175mph. (That's pretty good!) He also owns an 1971 SS Chevelle musclecar, and that was the car he took me out in when we were teenagers. I didn't know enough to be impressed. :001_huh:


5. My dh has never used our oven, or our microwave, or our stove, or our washer/dryer. I've also never seen him wash even one dish. This is not a problem between us because we have this lovely compromise: He doesn't have to do those things, and I don't ever have to shove my arm (up to my shoulder) inside a cow's backside in order to do a preg check or assist a calf to be born. Seems like a good deal from both our standpoints. ;)


6. I make specialty desserts for a local restaurant, for catering jobs, and special order customers. Even though he has the hugest sweet tooth I've ever seen, he eats *almost none* of what I make, because he deems them "too fancy". :confused:


7. My dh is well-known for a lot of things in our small town, including being an active part of the farming community, church involvement & leadership, his drag racing, and his sports participation (rec. dept. b-ball, softball, and bowling league). At the same time, he's secretly pleased that more often than not now, people he meets comment, "Oh, your wife is the one that does those lovely desserts!!"


8. When our 5th dc contracted meningitis at 8 wks old and was hospitalized for almost a month at U.C. Davis (teaching hospital with a specialist in childhood infectious diseases), he wouldn't leave her ICU cubicle the first time until he'd tuned the t.v. to Winnie the Pooh. The nurse threatened to call security because she thought he was just stalling on leaving.


9. We are rural country folk, but 2 years ago I went to Paris & Rome with my oldest ds. We were gone for about 2 weeks. While I was gone, my rough & tough farmer dh literally worried himself sick. Just could not even eat, though he tried to hide it and praised dd's cooking skills to no end (she is an excellent cook, so it wasn't the food...). He cried when I came home.


10. My dh goes through a large bar of soap about every 3 days, and he uses roughly 1/3 of a cup each of shampoo & conditioner every day to wash hair that's roughly an inch long. He also uses about 1 1/2 linear inches of toothpaste every time he brushes. Truly, it's enough "products" to serve a whole family of four, but I don't complain because although he often mucks about in cow manure all day long, he doesn't ever ever *smell* like a dairy farmer. :001_smile:

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10. He takes classes for fun. Fencing, tap dancing, etc.


9. He does improv theater.


8. He can name every senator and governor as well as most of the House off the top of his head.


7. He takes the green ones out of the Spree and chucks them.


6. He is nocturnal.


5. He once threw up in a fancy bathroom owned by the Dalai Lama.


4. He won the down payment to our house on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire at the height of its network popularity.


3. He jumped out of a plane once.


2. He has very silly hair that grows ever more poofy the longer it gets.


1. He wrote his own memoirs and self-published them, you know, for funsies.

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10. He has had many encounters with "spirits" while working at Ford Island in Pearl Harbor and many other places (once with a Native American in the forest behind our house). - - I know not everyone believes in this kind of thing...but I believe him;)


I lived on Ford Island when I was in high school - I never met any spirits though.:) That was back in the early 70s and I was always afraid we would be attacked by the Viet Cong, not realizing that wasn't really possible.


About my dh:


1. He's the hardest working person I've ever met. He delivers mail all day and then clean doctors' offices at night.


2. He loves Filemaker Pro and would sit at his computer designing databases all day if he could.


3. He spends at least one day a month with his mom ever since his stepdad died in 2009 - takes her shopping at the grocery store, to the beauty parlor to get her hair done, to lunch at Red Lobster, etc.


4. When my grandma had to go into a nursing home after a bad fall in 1996, I was on bedrest with ds15. He cleaned her entire house for her so my uncle could sell it. He did this on his days off and Sunday afternoons.


5. His real dad died when he as about a year old and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.


6. He likes to do crossword puzzles with me. Between the two of us, we can usually complete them.


7. He has listened to the entire Bible on tape/cd/iPod about five times through and can tell you where just about any verse is off the top of his head.


8. He says he doesn't like Jane Austen movies and will slip off to the bedroom to work on his databases when we watch one. Then he'll come to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, start listening to the movie, start asking questions and sit down and watch the rest of it with us.:D


9. He hates to read. I noticed several others here with husbands who hate to read. Weird.


10. He quotes 60s and 70s rock and roll songs all the time - one little phrase that even hints at a lyric sets him off. I've gotten to where I can predict which song he will sing and will join him right at the beginning. Our kids just look at each and roll their eyes.

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1. He is a very hard worker

2. He is very honest and trustworthy

3. He loves his family more than anything

4. He went back to grad school after we were married

5. He is a former golf pro who loves golf

6. He has remodeled several houses by himself and they come out beautifully

7. He is far more introverted than I am

8. He loves living on LAND and would like 10 acres or more

9. He can fix anything, including cars

10. He is very financially responsible


really, he can do just about anything other than take out the trash and sing! hahahaha!

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1) He is an Eagle Scout.

2) He can fix anything. If he doesn't have the right tool/part for the project, he builds the tool/part first.

3) He was a NASCAR mechanic for several years. We even saw him on TV a few times.

4) He built the cabinets for our last house from scrap wood.

5) He is a huge "car guy". I believe he is up to 12 cars in some state of deconstruction or reconstruction.

6) He is very frugal.

7) His weight hasn't changed since high school. Some of his clothes are from high school!

8) Oh, he is an aspiring packrat...this I am trying to fight!

9) He bought a farm back home so that we have somewhere to retire to. ;)

10) I am his best friend. He tells me all the time...usually when he wants me to join him doing some "guy" stuff.

11) When my mother was dying and I couldn't be there the whole time he went and stayed with her (500 miles away).

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1- He is 8 1/2 inches taller than me.


2- He was studying to be a minister when we first met.


3- He has worked a few gigs as a roadie.


4- He plays multiple instruments.


5- He does not do snakes or spiders.


6- He loves to make the kids laugh.


7- He works two jobs so that I can be at home with the kids.


8- He traveled to Europe as a teen.


9- He started growing out a goatee just to mess with me, but I turned out to like it.


10- He is the most dedicated, conscientious, and loyal man I have ever worked with. He is also my best friend and the person I most like to spend time with. He is also the cat's favorite person, and, although he claims to dislike her, he

thinks being the favorite is awesome. He especially likes to watch the cat and I fight over the spot next to him in the bed. :tongue_smilie:



ETA- He also has his BS and is a HUGE technology guy, in fact all of his current positions involve technology.

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1. He was a merchandising manager for rock bands in the 70's and played one of the first pinball games with Pete Townshend of the Who.

2. He also was a professional dart player for a while.

3. We met at our companies bowling league.

4. He was the best player in the league but I actually beat him once.

5. My kids love him best.

6. He's an Vice President of Analytical R&D for a generic pharmaceutical company.

7. He is crazy smart and remembers EVERYTHING.

8. He never gets hang-overs no matter how much he drinks.

9. He looks just like Santa Claus if he grows his beard out a little.

10. He can catch, clean and cook fish. He does 99% of the dinner cooking in our house.

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1. He has a marvelous first tenor voice, and sings with our local chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (formerly SPEBQSA), where he is also assistant director.

2. He has GPS built in. (DS8 inherited this.) Somehow, he just knows how locations relate to each other and never needs more than a quick look at google maps to find his way to a new place.

3. He can pack a trunk like nobody's business. Probably related to number 2, as he just seems to know how things are going to fit together.

4. He knows what the next track is going to be before it starts on any cd we own, and can quote the entire dialog, line for line, from any of the original three Star Wars movies.

5. He's a big Star Wars fan and was even a member of the 501st Garrison for several years, for which he created a movie quality costume. (He chose biker scout.) He reluctantly quit when it started affecting his health. (They do a lot of charity events, in very warm costumes, and one of his meds makes him sensitive to that.)

6. He talked me into letting him get a motorcycle "because it gets better gas mileage."

7. He is a fabulous cook. He might be a super-taster, because he can taste something in a restaurant and make a very passable copy at home later. (He also refuses to buy some brands of milk because they taste "different.")

8. He is very good at connecting with small children, so in our capacity as nursery workers at church, he is often able to distract, comfort, and soothe children we ladies can't. He's not at all embarrassed to sing to them, either, which helps.

9. He irons his own shirts, when needed (we usually buy the "no wrinkles" kind). Technically, I don't even own an iron, since the one we have was his before we married. (Or maybe I do. This is a community property state.)

10. He even sews. When we were Cub Scout Den Leaders, he hemmed his own pants and sewed on all his own badges. Way back when we were doing all the last minute stuff for our wedding, he even sewed part of the petticoat for my wedding dress. (My mom was on a different machine finishing my wedding dress, and I had a stack of paper work that had to be finished for work if I wanted enough time off for a honeymoon.) (Yes, he married into a family of procrastinators.)

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He builds and flies radio controlled planes and gliders.


He rides a recumbent bicycle to work (weather permitting) and a mountain bike on his days off.


He has the most handsome, sculpted calf muscles that mesmerize me when we go riding.


He sometimes looks at me and says, "You look like you could use an herbal tea." And then he goes off to boil water and brew my tea, which is always caffeine-laden because he knows that's what kind I really like.


He will ride the carousel. And that's it. Do not put the man on a rollercoaster or ferris wheel.


He reads for an hour or two every single evening, usually in front of the TV.


All the ladies love him, because he totally admires, enjoys, and respects women.


He knows how to dance 70s-style on old-school quad roller skates at the rink, and just laughs and hams it up worse if I suggest he might want to tone it down a little bit.


He is loved by his own extended family, but he was absolutely adored by his in-laws when they were still alive.


He is Mr. Integrity.

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Thank Nance for the original idea. I feel bad for stealing it. But it is really cool to learn about the SO that's always talked about and to see things they share in common with my DH. It's like on the original, I kept saying, "Oh me too, me too." Now I'm saying, "Oh yeah, him too. Him too.":lol:


Oh, don't feel bad! This is fun, too!


:iagree: Sounds like a sane man to me.:lol:


LOL well, I don't mind it as much as I used to. My daughter's old enough to be my roller coaster buddy now hehe.

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2. he's X-military (Army)


3. He loves Vienna Finger cookies which taste like cardboard (to me)


4. He's a Sinophile and has been learning Japanese for the past 4 years. His hope was to travel extensively in Japan. He took the Tsunami thing badly


5. He's a bit of a hypochondriac, but just a bit


6. He comes from a long line of NYC cops - 5 generations


7. He quit college his sophomore year to form a rock band - he's an awesome guitarist - but returned the following year


8. he's a decade older than me.


9. He's a 3th degree Don (Aikido Master)


10. He's not at all ticklish.

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1) My hubby is very witty, hilarious and personable. People absolutely love him which helps them tolerate me.

2) Hubby's biological father was killed (they were unable to determine if by self or wife) when hubby was 6weeks old. He and his five older siblings were all adopted by his dad.

3) Hubby shaved his head about a year and a half ago and has kept it that way for the most part. It's PERFECT!

4) Hubby is very smart with learning disabilities (twice exceptional). Hubby dropped out of school the 3rd time through 9th grade. He later got his GED.

5) Hubby is highly addicted to coffee, drinking a couple pots per day.

6) Hubby works very hard to provide for us, willing to do whatever it takes, even when that was to travel around the country.

7) Hubby is currently doing Atkins and I can definitely tell the difference!

8) Hubby is having extreme back issues these days, seeing doctors regularly for it; but hasn't found relief.

9) Hubby does A LOT of the cooking, childcare, housework, etc.

10) Hubby would LOVE to be a full time dad, parenting the littles full time rather than working outside the home. Most people are very surprised as he's a bit "rough around the edges," "redneck-ish," and "Marlboro manly."

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1. He grew up on an island that had no electricity (the whole country) until he was about 5 years old. One person got a TV in his village when he was 10 or so. The guy let the local kids peep through the window and watch. ;)


2. He is the only person I know who has friends who are lawyers and friends who live in their cars.


3. He always rinses his utensils and plate before eating.


4. He is the 7th of 8 kids.


5. He played soccer in grade school, high school, college and old guy leagues.


6. He can play cricket. (I can't even understand it...)


7. He works in IT/Networking/Hardware and does component level repair for fun. We have some very nice electronics, all free!


8. He can fix anything, really.


9. Babies, even ones in the mom-only stage, universally adore him.


10. He was a Fire Fighter/First Responder/EMT for 16 years.



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1. He's 3 years younger than I am. Sometimes that's in my favor, sometimes his. :001_smile:

2. He is currently going back to college.

3. Both of our mothers are nurses (his is a Nurse Practitioner though).

4. He is an Army Brat.

5. He and his work pals like playing Magic. At least it makes birthdays easier. :D

6. He made me a Patriots fan.

7. He has an amazing voice (tenor). We love singing together.

8. He's an awesome cook!

9. He's proven over and over that he'll do whatever it takes to keep me home with the kids.

10. He loves bowling.

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1. He has sacrificially put my wants and needs above his since the day we met. I wish he would think about himself more.


2. He is brilliant and competes in chess tournaments.


3. He started to stutter at the age of 8 after a firetruck siren started right by the car he was sleeping in.


4. He went to college to become a scientist (forget which field) and half way through he changed his major. He doubled up on classes and still graduated on time.


5. He LOVES math and is annoyingly gifted at it.


6. He never takes care of his cars. Doesn't maintain them well, probably drives them through the car wash 5 times a year at the ABSOLUTE most.


7. EXTREMELY brilliant but it took him DECADES to learn about common sense. He learned from being married to me for so long.:lol:


8. He has artistic gifts that he rarely uses.


9. He doesn't like to go out with other men. He wants to spend all his time with me and his family.


10. He LOVES to cook, is FABULOUS at it, AND he makes the MOST FABULOUS cheesecake.

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1. He is the only person I could imagine would look sexy dressed as an orc (LARP orc, not LOTR style. Not even he could pull that off.) :001_tt1:


2. He's a good daddy :001_wub:


3. He's half deaf and epileptic


4. The only books he can read from cover to cover are Terry Pratchett and Dr Who novels. Everything else is read out of order, or abandoned part way through. Not even he knows why. :confused:


5. His food related weakness is kransky sausages. :drool5: (That would be him. I think they are gross.)


6. He is very good at strategy and can reduce almost all games to a formula. He beats people at games while they are teaching him. :001_huh:


7. He is the most sociable hermit I've ever encountered.


8. He can juggle and ride a unicycle. :biggrinjester:


9. He's so good tempered! The only time he is ever rude to anyone is to people trying to sell him things on the street. His anger in these situations seems way out of proportion. :lol:


10. He's committed to working through our smeggy marriage issues, :001_wub: so I'm sure we'll figure them out eventually.




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1. He can basically teach himself any language or musical instrument.

2. He is an amazing, hands on dad who is a full partner in parenting. IE He got up for overnight feedings and changed diapers and got me water and situated with nursing. He took 3 months paternity leave. He forces his most non-sporty, non-outdoor self to do scouts and sports because that is what our son wants to do. the examples go on and on. I am so lucky in this regard.

3. He was a very loving and gentle caregiver for my mother when she was dying of cancer.

4. He can spell nearly any word even if he has never heard it or seen it before. He was a regional spelling bee champion as a child.

5. He has been known to sleepwalk, sleep talk and be asleep with his eyes wide open (very confusing, sometimes you really have no idea if he is awake or not until he says something nonsensical.) To make sure he is awake when I am trying to tell him something, I usually demand to know what my name is, where we live, who the president is etc until it is clear he is aware of his surroundings. :tongue_smilie:

6. He started losing his hair when he was barely 18.

7. He has near Jedi like powers to deescalate angry and off kilter people and convince them to do what he needs them to do (very helpful working in a pharmacy!).

8. He won my heart initially by making me homemade bagels. And by being adorable in that goatee, short hair and big black glasses sort of urban hipster way.

9. He has a great singing voice.

10. He is extremely forgetful and can get lost in a paper bag. As in everything that is planned in advance must go into an iPod touch calendar or note or it does not happen. And we can be driving to our house, an he will make a wrong turn. The only exception to this seems to be with work (very techical and accuracy dependent) or with kids health related matters.

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1. He is adopted.


2. He has ADD.


3. He is an awesome dad! Loves to play and tickle and wrestle with the kids.


4. Everyone loves him. Seriously. My brother nicknamed him "Johnny-make-a-friend" because everywhere we go he can make a new friend instantly.


5. He can build a house or a car from the ground up. He knows everything about cars and construction.


6. He makes me coffee EVERY MORNING.


7. He pumps gas for our car ALWAYS. Seriously, I have not pumped gas in 15 years. I'm not even sure I remember how.


8. He cleans up all gross things... poop, vomit, garbage, etc. I have a weak stomach and so he doesn't make me do it.


9. He knows me. Really knows me. Inside and out.


10. He is my biggest fan.

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1. He is the 4th of 7 kids.

2. He was home schooled through 10th grade, went to work to help support his family after his mom died of cancer, took the GED and ACT at 20, finished college at 24 (with a GPA above 3.5)!

3. He was the first of his siblings to go to college.

4. He has a great voice. We started dating after I played Peggy Sawyer and he played Julian Marsh in 42nd Street. He sand "Lullaby of Broadway" to me in rehearsal/performances and I fell in love :001_wub:

5. He has a degree in music technology.

6. He owns a window cleaning business.

7. He has built some cool sets and designed some great lights for shows!

8. He has been planning, digging, and redoing his garden beds all summer....we have nothing growing in the garden this year so far...

9. He is an amazing cook!!

10. He is a great husband and father!

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Dh is just a regular, good guy. Nothing too fancy.


1. Dh is a workaholic and is starting his own business. If he hasn't spent 60-70hrs working for his own job, he helps a friend out who owns his own business to fill up his time.

2. He HATES to shop, but can fill an entire day looking at property online that we could never afford to buy (sometimes it isn't even in our area LOL)

3. He has 4 kayaks.

4. He likes roller coasters.

5. He finished his high school diploma in his 20s, that is all the education he has.

6. He is very, very frugal. (I am not).

7. He could see the ground, through holes in his bathroom floor growing up.

8. He snores.loud! (I haven't slept in my own bed in 5+ years)

9. He is well liked and has a good moral compass.

10. He plays the drums in Rock Band but doesn't play any real instruments.

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