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Fellow introverts

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That shirt and reading off your SmartPhone will get a thread started here about how people today are not social. lol I take my iPad everywhere. I'm that mother at ballet with her technology. I wouldn't wear a shirt with words-- I don't want anyone trying to read it. I am pretty social, but sometimes I am cooked.

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That shirt and reading off your SmartPhone will get a thread started here about how people today are not social. lol I take my iPad everywhere. I'm that mother at ballet with her technology. I wouldn't wear a shirt with words-- I don't want anyone trying to read it. I am pretty social, but sometimes I am cooked.


:D I won't talk about ya', I promise.

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I'm that mother at swim team practice with her pile of books. :)


I can take only so much chitchat per day, and none at all before 8am!


My iPad is my pile of books. I tried knitting, but people kept bugging to ask where I got the yarn, what was I making etc. Knitting is an invitation to conversation. ;)

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I'm thinking about wearing this at least once a week this school year.



My dc are involved in a gazillion activities and I'm already exhausted just thinking about what my life is going to be like after next week :svengo:


Ha! That is funny! I want a shirt that reads, "Don't even THINK of speaking to me after 8p.m.!" 'cause by then, I. am. done.


That shirt and reading off your SmartPhone will get a thread started here about how people today are not social. lol I take my iPad everywhere. I'm that mother at ballet with her technology. I wouldn't wear a shirt with words-- I don't want anyone trying to read it. I am pretty social, but sometimes I am cooked.


This is me. And the sad fact is, I get a little peeved at my kids when they bury themselves in their gadgets. But then I have to remember who they learned it from...


I need this T-shirt! Extroverts just don't understand . . .


No, sadly they do not.

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Ha! That is funny! I want a shirt that reads, "Don't even THINK of speaking to me after 8p.m.!" 'cause by then, I. am. done.




I need one of these, too - I've tried explaining it to my kids, but they don't seem to get it. . .

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My iPad is my pile of books. I tried knitting, but people kept bugging to ask where I got the yarn, what was I making etc. Knitting is an invitation to conversation. ;)


Evidently, reading is also an invitation to conversation.

While sitting in the DMV waiting for dd to get her permit, a sweet old lady would not leave me alone while I was trying to read my Nook.

"What are you reading?" "Is it good?" "I like to read ...."


Seriously. Aren't DMV's supposed to be like elevators where you don't even make eye contact, much less engage...? :tongue_smilie:


I guess I agree with MM and the t-shirt may be a little too aggressive for me too, but I can dream about it, lol!

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Oh, I don't know. I have this fantasy about being in a crowded elevator with all those serious-looking folks who aren't making eye contact and saying (after the door has closed) -- "Well, I guess you're all wondering why I called you all here today."




please do it. And record it for sharing later.

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