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What is your latest grocery store sticker shock?

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I pick up the boys candy bars once in a while and for years they have been $.33/$.48 at WM last week $.74. Also my favorite bagles were $1.99 and last week

$4.50:001_huh: It feels like it went up over night or I am just becoming more aware of how much things cost.

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I mostly notice the fluctuations in the price of brown rice. And vanilla extract (though now that I've found Trader Joe's vanilla, it isn't so painful).



I've been stocking up on big bottles of vanilla and most of my baking ingedients. I would hate not to afford to bake bread, cookies, cakes etc for my family.

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I went to Costco yesterday for the first time since, oh maybe May. We spent the summer in Chicago (actually Evanston where taxes are through the roof) so I thought my sticker shock was a regional thing. Anyway, I couldn't believe how high prices had gone in just a few short months. Food across the board seemed to have jumped 20-30%.

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Everything at the grocery store seems to have jumped in the past few weeks. :tongue_smilie:


On the 'eating out' side:

We eat at this certain place every week or so and always order w/o looking at the menu - just get the same thing every time.

We got our bill the other day and nearly flipped out. Our regular dish went up from $12 to $17 in one week. :001_huh: Times the two of us, that was $10 more than what we were expecting and - even though we are not hurting financially - that is past the point of what we are willing to pay for a weekly night out.

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I mostly notice the fluctuations in the price of brown rice. And vanilla extract (though now that I've found Trader Joe's vanilla, it isn't so painful).


:iagree: Vanilla extract would also be my sticker shock item. I didn't even realize TJs carried it. Thanks for sharing!

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We use a lot of cashews. We purchase them by the 50# and grind them for flour. Last winter they were $200, about May they went up to $254. I went in to put them in my cart for my food club order and...they...were...$375!OUCH! We are making due until next month. Hopefully they will come down by then.

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Butter and cheese. I'm trying to stock up when I find sales. Used to be able to find 2 lb blocks of cheddar on sale for $4 (a year or so ago). Then $5. I needed to buy cheese for VBS and the 2 lb blocks were $6.50--not on sale. One store did have them back on sale for $5 this week so I bought 2 (the limit). Butter is also very expensive if you can't find a sale--like $3.69 for a 1 lb box. I used to find sales for $2 for a pound, but the best I've been able to find this year has been $2.50 a pound. I buy and put it in the freezer whenever I can find that price.


For vanilla I always get the large bottle at Costco--it's a great deal.

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Yes, the coffee is pricier now. I've also noticed that cheese has gone up. The bags of shredded cheese used to be $2 on sale for the generic, 8 ounce packages, and now it's more like $2.50 on sale. Not a huge price, but still.


I *never* buy potato chips, but I was astounded when I saw how expensive they are! $4 for a bag that's going to be eaten so quickly -- wow!! And that's not even the organic ones.


Other than that, I haven't really noticed a lot that is crazy expensive. I usually buy staples when they're on sale anyway. We buy local beef and milk, and those prices have not gone up, though I am anxious to see how/if the lack of beef from Texas this year will affect local beef. (I'm thinking it actually may not affect it much here, because the small farms where we get our beef aren't likely to be supplying people outside of the small area anyway, but I really don't know.)


I had to laugh, because I remembered a thread here about how ice cream containers hold less these days. Our Giant's store brand was on sale this week, so we bought a couple, and they had big labels on them saying, "25% larger than Edy's or Breyer's." Go Giant!


(And really, even with 4 or 5 of us eating ice cream, it's still a good bang for the buck as far as a treat goes. $5 for two containers, and that's at least two desserts for the bunch of us. $.50 each for dessert that is fun and satisfying -- not too bad, IMO.)

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A standard bottle of soda. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up three bottles of soda- I thought we'd save a little money and go there instead of the convenience store. We seldom have soda, so this was a little treat... I couldn't believe they were $1.85 for a 16 ounce bottle of soda. I still bought them, but will think twice before doing so again.


I used to work at a convenience store and clearly remember when they cost 85 cents, and then went up to a buck- Oh, did the customers complain!

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And vanilla extract (though now that I've found Trader Joe's vanilla, it isn't so painful).


Cheap, great vanilla-

Cheapest bottle of vodka you can find (~$5)

3-4 vanilla beans at the health food store (~$4-$9)


Put beans in the vodka. Store in cool, dark place for a couple of months. Shake every now and then if you want.

Voila. Couple liters of vanilla- should last awhile ;)


Cheese, milk varies by the week. Everything is going up. TP at Sams. I've been buying the same brand for 20 years. It's 1/2 as big and double the price.

This thread is making me feel better about all of the canning I've been doing this week!

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Butter and cheese. I'm trying to stock up when I find sales. Used to be able to find 2 lb blocks of cheddar on sale for $4 (a year or so ago). Then $5. I needed to buy cheese for VBS and the 2 lb blocks were $6.50--not on sale. One store did have them back on sale for $5 this week so I bought 2 (the limit). Butter is also very expensive if you can't find a sale--like $3.69 for a 1 lb box. I used to find sales for $2 for a pound, but the best I've been able to find this year has been $2.50 a pound. I buy and put it in the freezer whenever I can find that price.


For vanilla I always get the large bottle at Costco--it's a great deal.


Thanks for the heads up about the butter. Last December I bought butter on sale for under a dollar a pound. I've been using this freezer stock all year and I'm down to 2 pounds.

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Bacon, I bought a pack about a month ago and it was $2.49, the same as it has been forever. Last week it had gone up to $4.00. Seriously? They didn't even have the decency to let the price creep up. They just hiked it up all at once.


On a good note, I usually pay 2.99 a lb. for chicken breasts but I found it on sale for 1.87 lb. I bought 12 packs!!

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Oh yeah - coffee is off the charts lately!


Check Amazon though - they have Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf varieties (12-ounce bagged), including organic in the subscribe and save section - you have to watch for it, but twice this past month they had the two-pack for $8.50 - or $4.25 a bag! When it goes that low, I order a few at a time so I can wait for it to go on sale again!

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I was buying Ezekiel bread that the local HFS when it was on sale. It was selling for $3.50 per loaf. I think it used to be $4.50 per loaf when not on sale. When the sale ended it was up to $6.50 per loaf!!! :svengo: It's still cheaper at Trader Joes but I got their California protein bread, which also has sprouted grains, for cheaper. Dd11 likes it better anyway.


I don't drink much beer but since I hadn't had my wild blueberry beer all summer, I went out to get some. A few months back I think I had some in the spring and it was $11.99 for a twelve pack. A couple of weeks ago I got a six pack for $8.99.


Produce. It's never really come down like it normally does over the summer. Can't WAIT to see the prices of it in the fall.:glare:

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I pick up the boys candy bars once in a while and for years they have been $.33/$.48 at WM last week $.74. Also my favorite bagles were $1.99 and last week

$4.50:001_huh: It feels like it went up over night or I am just becoming more aware of how much things cost.


I've noticed an increase, too. I buy dh 2 candy bars every week, and we had the exact same jump at WM. Apples were ridiculous, too. Everything else is slowly creeping up, and the quarters or dollar here and there really add up and put a pinch in my budget.

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We have cherries here, mid winter, from U.S.A.- best tasting cherries ever and far cheaper than our own local cherries which come at the beginning of summer.

It's nuts.

Local cherries here are generally $20 a kg- the U.S.A. ones are $12 a kg, and someone said at their supermarket they were $9 a kg.


And here in West Australia- an environmental scientist friend told me that 80% of our local produce is exported out of the state, and 80% of what is in our supermarkets is imported into the state. I know they grow a lot of oranges down south, but the ones in our supermarket are from another state.

That is nuts!

We are all paying shipping companies a lot of money- no wonder food is so expensive!


I shop at the Farmers Market now to get local produce.

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Butter-double yikes!

Looks like we applied for food stamps just in time. We ran out of money and there is no way we could have afforded all these inflated prices without the fs.

I have always shopped with unit price foremost in my mind. But it has been a struggle to find anything at a reasonable price lately. I don't shop by brand, because the famous name brands are rarely better and cost way too much (with the exception of only buying Dole canned pineapple-none other tastes decent.) You really have to be clever and plan ahead these days, don't you?!


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Last year I paid $3.50 for a lb. of bacon. This year it is 4.50 on sale, up to $7.00 not on sale.


Flour is the one that kills me. $3.50 for a 5 lb bag of regular unbleached flour. A year and a half ago I could get it on sale for $.99. Sugar has also increased this month. Cheap bread is no longer cheap.


Canned green beans- $1.25 a 16 oz. can. It takes two cans to feed our family. I'm so glad we bought hardly any veggies this summer. We ate out of the garden, but that is not going to last much longer.

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Not specifically grocery item, but I about passed out in the aisle when I saw the price of razor blades. Are you kidding? Who can afford to shave their legs these days?


I had stocked up on my favorites a while back so I was shocked.


I just paid $11 for the Intuition blades and that was for a pack of 3. Older dd and I both use them so it's ridiculous.

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It's coffee I've noticed the most lately. I know everything has been going up but the price of dh's coffee just seems to have skyrocketed. :glare:


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


What I used to pay 5.99 for was 9.99, up to 14.00 for the richer blends of Folgers and Maxwell House. :svengo: I found a Maxwell House on sale for 6.99. I can do without a lot of things, but not coffee.

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It wasn't the grocery store but the craft store that almost made me PASS OUT today. Literally everything had gone up. The wood crafts were outrageous.


Pine nuts have been terrible for a loooong time around here. Easily $14 a pound.

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The price of sugar in Kyrgyzstan recently increased 25% in one week. Apparently the government usually fixes food prices during an election season, but this time we don't have an incumbent running, so maybe we're out of luck. (I'd like to point out that this is the first election in any Central Asian country that won't have an incumbent running- the current president is voluntarily not running so there will be a more open election.)

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I paid over 3.00 for a 4# bag of plain white sugar at the base commissary the other day. Since when is sugar sold in a 4# bag? I know I used to get a 5# bag at Walmart for much less.


Maola milk was under 3.00 a gallon at the commissary the last time I purchased it (we usually buy Organic Valley but when the budget is pinched we grab Maola instead). Anyway, today I saw that a gallon of Maola brand whole milk was nearly 4.00.


The price of Organic Prarie meat products went up a dollar each at the commissary as well. Now 12 oz. of ground beef, chicken, or turkey, or a pack of hot dogs, is 4.99.

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