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Silly question that I need a non-religious answer to!

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Why do you keep a clean house? A schedule/routine? What motivates you to do this?


I keep coming back to this issue:glare: I want a clean house, organization and routines, but I cannot find anything that motivated me quite as well as the "religious cattle prod of shame."


Now that I have removed the, "You have to do this to be a Godly wife..." voice out of my head, I am a bit adrift. The thing is I really want to get back some motivation in this area. I just struggle with the "why."


Any ideas? :D


Simka, who still feels a bit lost after leaving a very conservative denomination. :001_smile:

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I try to keep a clean house, because it is more enjoyable to live in and it helps everyone be more productive in other areas, including work, school, and cooking - all of which we do at home!


I've never heard about housecleaning being a religious issue before.

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How about the non-religious cattle prod of embarrassment. If my house is a mess it is inevitable that someone fairly important in my life will show up and want to be invited inside.


According to Mr. Murphy and his law, keeping my house clean means no unexpected visitors. :D

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Shame factor: Can't invite anybody over other than the closest-of-close friends. No play dates for dc. No dinner parties.


Allergies: Mess breeds dust breeds sneezing breeds sinus infections breeds doctor expenses.


Accident-prevention: Not worth the ER expense of a broken neck or broken arm from tripping over clutter.


Aesthetics: Clutter is ugly.


Want more? :D


P.S. I did not affirm that I keep a clean house, or that I adhere to schedules/routines.

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I need an orderly home in order to think, relax, and enjoy my family. I just found out yesterday that I am a visual learner, and now it all makes sense why it is so important to me to have everything visually pleasing. I get to the point where I can't function if there is too much clutter or mess. Hth.

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Our whole family operates better in a clean, peaceful home.


DH doesn't trip over stuff and say bad words.


DC play better together because they have some space to move around that isn't covered in toys.


I don't go off my rocker when it has finally gotten to be too much because it is always easier to maintain clean than it is to get it that way in the first place.


The dog even sleeps better after I've vacuumed the couch :D

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Because I live here.


Because I spent a great deal of time and thought in decorating and it hurts my eyeballs when there's clutter and dust all over everything.


Because I want my guests to feel comfortable when they come to visit.


Because I want to be able to cook something in my kitchen without having to clean first.


Because when I get into my bed, I want the sheets to be smooth and unwrinkled and clean.


Because I want my children to be able to invite their friends over without embarassment, and I don't want them to think that it's normal to have to shovel off the sofa to sit on it.


Because I want it to smell fresh when I walk in the door; alternatively, I want to be able to smell the lavendar/rose/whatever fragrance I have going on with candles or potpurri or whatnot.

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How about the non-religious cattle prod of embarrassment. If my house is a mess it is inevitable that someone fairly important in my life will show up and want to be invited inside.


According to Mr. Murphy and his law, keeping my house clean means no unexpected visitors. :D



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I keep my house clean enough so I can enjoy living in it, but I don't go crazy with cleaning so I can enjoy living.


Clutter drives me batty. I need clean horizontal surfaces. I need sanitary floors, counters, sinks, etc. for my sanity. I am by no means a perfect housekeeper nor have I conquered clutter, but I have to have basic cleanliness.

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Why do you keep a clean house? A schedule/routine? What motivates you to do this?


I keep coming back to this issue:glare: I want a clean house, organization and routines, but I cannot find anything that motivated me quite as well as the "religious cattle prod of shame."


Now that I have removed the, "You have to do this to be a Godly wife..." voice out of my head, I am a bit adrift. The thing is I really want to get back some motivation in this area. I just struggle with the "why."


Any ideas? :D


Simka, who still feels a bit lost after leaving a very conservative denomination. :001_smile:


You should try Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Very effective! ;)


But my serious answer includes these:


1) I like order, not chaos.

2) I like beauty, not filth.

3) All people in a house are more serene when it looks nice, there's no danger of tripping, it's not embarrassing to have someone over.

4) All people in the home enjoy better health.

5) Clutter and mess are bad for my emotional health.

6) I don't want to turn into a hoarder.

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This is something I really struggle with because I just can't stand doing housework! However, I just bite the bullet & clean the house "good enough". It's not spotless or completely clutter-free, but I'm ok with that. It helps that I have a big dog that steps on or trips over any little thing left on the floor. Also, the big dog sheds & my son is mildly allergic so I have to vacuum, dust, etc, to keep the allergies under control.


My kids are constantly having friends over, so there is the shame factor for me. I don't want our house to be known as the "dirty house". I've also recently started adding to the kids' chore list so that I'm not the only one cleaning. Every little bit helps!


As far as organizing, I'm still working on that. :glare: If I don't have a schedule, I'm lost. This summer, we've been kind of winging it (no schedule) and it's driving me crazy! I'm always forgetting things, late getting dinner on the table, etc.


When I get to a point where I just don't want to do it anymore, I try to reframe how I think about it. For us, a family of allergy sufferers, it's medically beneficial. It also teaches my kids good cleaning habits. It also helps me to relax because I just can't do that when the house is dirty.

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1) Because it is my home and when I walk through it I want to feel a sense of pride and joy, not frustration and embarrassment.


2) Because I love my husband and do not want to be forced to beat him senseless for commenting on an uncleaned home.


3) Because the entire family functions better when the house is somewhere between June Cleaver and Rosanne Conner clean.


4) Because the moment the house looks bad, my crazy relations show up, with friends, to give tours of my house. (How I wish this was a joke!)

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I found that once I got rid of the "I need to do it to be perfect" mentality there were still other reasons.


1) Makes life easier. Easier to find things, easier when you live "ahead" (ie, easier to have the dishes washed before you need to use them, instead of having to wash them right when you need them), easier to maintain a clean house.


2) Less places for bugs and creepy crawlies to hide. I expect a few spiders, that's just kinda normal. But the trail of ants that came in, they did so for a reason (our vacuum broke and we procrastinated fixing it). Watch an episode or twelve of Hoarders and you can see the kind of "pets" that come in and live with them. Warning: the longer and messier your house, the bigger the pests seem to get.


3) Another common thing on Hoarders is the people putting their "stuff" as a higher priority than their relationships. I know this can often happen at the other end of the spectrum, so either way, I want my kids and husband to know that I value them more than my stuff.


4) I want to teach my kids how to be good stewards of their stuff and their space.


5)Another thing on Hoarders is that people are so embarrassed/ashamed by the state of their house they don't let people over. I don't want my stuff to get in the way of other relationships either.


That being said, I am a recovering slob and the downstairs is the only part of my house that is clean. And even then it's not museum or magazine cover clean. It's clean enough so I won't get embarrassed if someone stops by, which they did. And for the first time ever, I wasn't embarrassed.


ETA: I hate cleaning, but enjoy the end result. I had to struggle for years to really get the fact that I needed to focus on how much I enjoyed the end result and not focus on how much I hated cleaning.

Edited by meggie
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When my house is at its messiest, the doorbell will ring. When I am backed up with laundry, various people will start puking! When I've been lazy about grocery shopping the friends visiting will be starving!


If my house is clean and orderly, maybe everyone will leave me alone!! (I guess it isn't clean enough...I hear someone calling me.)

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Well, I wish I could say it was because clean is right for any number of reasons (Biblical, less stressful, etc).


In reality, I don't want to be embarrassed.

And in my world, when there are several visitors (caseworkers, social workers, therapists, lawyers, etc) per day?


Stinks I'm so motivated, huh?

At least it is clean regardless of the reasoning.

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Why I like a clean house: It makes everyone happy (most of all me), it is sanitary, and there is no excuse for me not to (I have no physical limitations or time constraints).


How do I keep a clean house: I do things as needed. i.e., I go to the bathroom and notice dried toothpaste on the sink. I then get the spray and a paper towel and wipe it down. You get the picture. Also, and this is very important - GET THE KIDS TO HELP!!! I'm shouting at myself here! :)


An aside to the OP: We recently left a similar church/way of life and I really get what you're going through. We are still in detox, but the freedom is amazing!!

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OOooooo I forgot. When I clean or do something productive, I feel better about myself. Even if it's just a load of dishes and making dinner, I feel so much less depressed and so proud that I did SOMETHING. Like I said, recovering slob. It's all about the baby steps with me.

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Work with me here. If your house is neater, it's easier to find things and you can spend less time searching for lost objects. If you keep your house picked up and cleaned regularly, you can have a nicer-looking house with less effort. It's easier to maintain order than it is to dig out of chaos. Wiping that tub down regularly means you are never, ever faced with scrubbing layers of soap scum. Keeping the dishwasher emptied means counters never get piled with dirty dishes. If company is coming, the thought doesn't exhaust you if your house is decent. Honestly, I think people with messy houses spend just as much time cleaning. You have to work smarter, not harder.


Have you ever tried the Flylady thing where you set a timer and spend ten minutes ONLY in each room? The results are impressive.



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This is what I have been using for motivation for the past 18 months or so.


From http://www.amongstlovelythings.com/2010/05/rather-long-homemaking-post.html


For years, I tried to fit in housekeeping tasks around the edges. I tackled various cleaning projects after I had noticed that they were in sore need of attention-- and often they all seemed to stack up at once to overwhelm me. I would clean my house really well if we were having company, and not so well for my own family on a day to day basis. What kind of message was I sending them? If I loved them more than anyone else and if I wanted them to feel valued and appreciated, then I ought to give them better treatment than random dinner company, right?


She also has some great ideas for actually accomplishing this.

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I've never heard about housecleaning being a religious issue before.


Have you never heard, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness?"


Maybe it was a spin off off the Old Testament clean/unclean issue, which really isn't the same thing, I don't think. Even though dirt can harbor bacteria.


Historically, some groups of people have found great pride in scrubbing everything till it shined, and you had to keep up with the Jones's. :D I think they had too much time on their hands.


Maybe ultra cleanliness on the outside was equated with ultra cleanliness on the inside too. But then again, the Pharisees were accused of being "whitewashed tombs."

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Why do you keep a clean house? A schedule/routine? What motivates you to do this?


I keep coming back to this issue:glare: I want a clean house, organization and routines, but I cannot find anything that motivated me quite as well as the "religious cattle prod of shame."


Now that I have removed the, "You have to do this to be a Godly wife..." voice out of my head, I am a bit adrift. The thing is I really want to get back some motivation in this area. I just struggle with the "why."


Any ideas? :D


Simka, who still feels a bit lost after leaving a very conservative denomination. :001_smile:


my mind functions better in a tidy house


clutter or need to clean is a great distraction for me -- so i try not to have the excuse tehre


the boys are more ordely (thinking, emotions) in a more orderly house

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According to Mr. Murphy and his law, keeping my house clean means no unexpected visitors. :D


Haha... so true!!


It affects my mood. Clutter and mess make me feel stressed out and depressed.


Plus, if all the dishes are dirty... 1) you have no dishes to use 2) the sink is full and can't be used 3) takes up counter space


If I don't do laundry, I won't have clothes to wear, LOL!


But mostly, it's the mood thing :)


Me too!

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Why do you keep a clean house? A schedule/routine? What motivates you to do this?


I keep coming back to this issue:glare: I want a clean house, organization and routines, but I cannot find anything that motivated me quite as well as the "religious cattle prod of shame."


Now that I have removed the, "You have to do this to be a Godly wife..." voice out of my head, I am a bit adrift. The thing is I really want to get back some motivation in this area. I just struggle with the "why."


Any ideas? :D


Simka, who still feels a bit lost after leaving a very conservative denomination. :001_smile:


Nobody has ever tried to motivate me with to keep a clean house with anything religious. That's new to me.


Shame factor: Can't invite anybody over other than the closest-of-close friends. No play dates for dc. No dinner parties.


Allergies: Mess breeds dust breeds sneezing breeds sinus infections breeds doctor expenses.


Accident-prevention: Not worth the ER expense of a broken neck or broken arm from tripping over clutter.


Aesthetics: Clutter is ugly.


Want more? :D


P.S. I did not affirm that I keep a clean house, or that I adhere to schedules/routines.

All of these run through my head on a loop pretty much.

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Why do you keep a clean house? A schedule/routine? What motivates you to do this?


Why - because I hate crunchy floors, and prefer to be able to find things; also, I find I can think better when the house is straight


A schedule/routine helps me delude myself that I'm organised


My motivation is that we all get a little cranky when the house isn't clean and tidy, and I could really do without that!

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Our house is clean because my dh is a neat freak. He likes clean and I like straight. Between us both it gets done. Okay between us three, ds has his own duties. Why do we clean? Because dh is a neat freak and I can't stand things out of order. :lol:


You have children that need to learn the art of cleaning. My mom did everything herself. She preferred to do rather than to teach. I didn't know how to clean hardly anything when I moved out.


Consider it an investment into happy future son and daughters-in-law. :D

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I keep a (relatively) tidy home because I am somewhat unpleasant to be around when the house is messy. It just drives me nuts. I cannot focus in a cluttered or dirty environment and I start getting snippy with my family. The truth is that my dh and children could not care less whether I sweep the floor or wipe down the countertops.


I don't have a schedule or routine, I just tidy up as needed.

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For the life of me, I cannot imagine a religious answer to this issue.:lol:


I don't see how God plays into my laundry habits. Don't bother explaining it to me. I don't really care to know.


My reason for keeping a somewhat tidy house is that I am very lazy. I am one of the laziest people I know. I am so lazy that I have figured out that by doing a little bit of pick up and cleaning on a regular basis it is actually less work than doing it in a panic when someone comes over. And, because I am so lazy, I hate to search for anything. I just hate it. If I keep things clean and where they belong (I am looking at you laundry and DVDs and books!) then I spend much time dealing with that thing. I like having things available to me when I want them.


It really does take less effort and time to be tidy and organized than it does to be sloppy and unorganized. Routine is your friend!

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It wasn't always this way for me and I am trying to find a way back to before ministry. I realize cognitively that I can do this for me and my family vs having to because it will look bad on my dh and God. It is a bit like going from one extreme to another, neither being healthy. Sometimes I miss the me before all this crud happened. If you came to my house it wouldn't be horrid, I just dont enjoy making it nice...but I want to. Ughhhh, I appreciate you guys letting me hash this out a bit.



Why I like a clean house: It makes everyone happy (most of all me), it is sanitary, and there is no excuse for me not to (I have no physical limitations or time constraints).


How do I keep a clean house: I do things as needed. i.e., I go to the bathroom and notice dried toothpaste on the sink. I then get the spray and a paper towel and wipe it down. You get the picture. Also, and this is very important - GET THE KIDS TO HELP!!! I'm shouting at myself here! :)


An aside to the OP: We recently left a similar church/way of life and I really get what you're going through. We are still in detox, but the freedom is amazing!!

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I am a very religious and devout Christian, but that plays no part in why I hate clutter and mess. (although my house is usually a disaster because I have no time to clean). Clutter and mess makes me claustrophobic and irritable and I just can't stand it.

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I also make a point of not judging people by the cleanliness, or lack thereof, of their house. I do not think a clean house is a 'better' house or a tidy and organized person is a 'better' person.


I don't attach moral value to the state of one's kitchen floor.


Sometimes you might come to my house and it will be very tidy. Other times (like today, before we go on a camping trip) it will not. I am the same person each time. It doesn't say anything about my family.


I also don't expect that just because the house is clean that is the female partner that did the cleaning. In my house, my husband is responsible for the laundry. If it is in piles waiting to be folded, that is not my job so don't judge me for it. He is just as likely to spend and evening cleaning the bathroom as I am so if it is grungy in there, please hold us both accountable. Or don't. It's up to you. But we are happy to see you no matter the state of our space.

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I do it because it enables our family to function more smoothly and with less chaos. I want to teach my children basic home-running skills and provide an example of "adequate cleanliness." Of course, for us, it is a family event....we all do the work, not just me (the wife).

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In the last year we've had four instances of spider bites which were under constant attendance by doctors for mrsa infection. My fella had a spider bite that led to a near full blown case of Stevens Johnson syndrome.


Google images for this. You will freak.


We've moved out of there due to the spiders as well as other issues, but now..today, after four bouts of infection which can be deadly, as in FATAL..I'm more intense than ever on cleaning.


So yes, spiders are my reason for being a weirdo about cleaning.


We lost a week in vacation time last year due to having to tap into the PTO time he had to use due to the infection.


It cost us about 2K to shuffle things on tickets which were already purchased, a loss on the hotel booking, etc.


I wasn't "dirty" before this or anything, but now I have a spider obsession and probably am a bit over the line on clean house issues. It's a problem for me now.



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Yeah - I'm in the "God could care less what my house looks like" camp....

But I do try.

If the house is a mess I get stressed out, can't relax. It's visually annoying.

Also - pests. Don't want those.

Uninvited/unexpected guests are truly one of the biggest motivators..... shame is an amazing thing :)

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