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S/O Leaving kids in cars unattended POLL

Have you ever left a child or children unattended in a car for any reason?  

  1. 1. Have you ever left a child or children unattended in a car for any reason?

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Have you ever, for any reason or length of time, left a child or children alone in a vehicle (locked, unlocked, running, not running etc)? Just curious. No judgement, please.


ETA: A child is defined, for the purposes of this poll, as a person under the age of 18.

Edited by cdrumm4448
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No. My kids are still pretty young - plus they'd find something to fight about if I left them in there by them selves! :tongue_smilie: Maybe when they're a little older, but really if I feel comfortable enough leaving them in the car while I shopped, I may as well have just left them at home -- at least they'd have all their toys to play with.

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How old are the children?


I've left my kids in the car at 11 and 12 years old while I ran into the grocery store for a few things because they didn't want to come in with me (and who blames them?). When they were younger, I went inside the gas station to pay for gas.

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Yes. I leave mine in the van with it running when I run into the gas station. My oldest two (10 and 8) are always with us, and the littles are always strapped into their seats, and can't get out. They haven't figured them out yet. (Well, the 4 yo has, but the way the seats are arranged, he can't reach it to get himself out.) BUT, we live in a VERY small town, in a very safe area.

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Yes, my oldest is turning 13 next in line is 12. I leave them all when I go in to pay for gas, or with the olders if I am running into the store to buy milk or bread etc. Or to drop something off/or pick something up from somewhere. Like the other day I stopped by Imp's place and left all the kids in the car. I leave it off and locked usually, but on occasion leave it on to have the air conditioning or heat on depending on the weather. I should point out that generally this is in my tiny town with a crime rate of 0, though I have done it in the city it is just far less often.

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Yes. Outside my parents house when I'm running in for something. Outside our house when I run in for something I forget. I don't leave them outside stores or the library etc. even when the weather is cooler than it is now because strangers have a tendancy to call 911. A lot.

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Definition of "child" in this question?


Would I leave a 5 and/or 9 yr old? No as it's against the law and unsafe. Would I leave my 16yr old? without thinking twice.


I have left my 3 littles in the car with my daughter (18) as I run into pay the tags on the car (took 3 minutes, tops).

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I'll admit that I have. I'll finally get them buckled and then remember I forgot something and run inside. I feel very safe and comfortable doing this in my neighborhood. I also trust my judgment in public places. If the keys aren't in the car I might walk a dozen or so feet to put away a cart in a parking lot if I feel I'm in a safe area.

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Well my 15 year is allowed to drive, so I figure he should be allowed to stay in the car by himself, even if it is running. I will let him watch the younger children in the car as well. I will also leave my 13 year old, but not with the car running. However, I am more likely to send either of them into the store and stay in the car myself if it is the kind of short trip I would have extra persons along for and be willing to leave them. Otherwise, I leave them all home in the first place.

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Funny story about leaving my kids in the car. I parked outside the sushi shop and ran in to buy lunch on the way to the zoo. The sushi wasn't quite ready, so I had to wait a minute or two.

While I was in the store, C (7 at the time) got out of his seat, got into my purse and found my lipstick which just happened to be that stuff with pepper in it that plumps your lips. Then he painted himself and his sister (3)liberally with the stuff. I wiped it off as soon as I saw, but it was too late and the plumping effect happened anyway, they had bright red faces for a couple of hours :rofl:

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Interesting....I just googled to see what states have laws on the matter. Here is the list I found:


Washington -illegal to leave children under 16 years old unattended in a car that is running, in a public place



California - illegal for caregiver to leave a child ages 6 years or younger alone in a vehicle without supervision of person over age of 12 when engine is running or keys are in ignition or there are risky conditions present


Florida - illegal to leave child younger than 6 in car with motor running at all; or for more than 15 minutes when car is not running


Illinois - illegal to leave child in car unattended for more than 10 minutes


Maryland - illegal to leave child under the age of 8 in car unattended if car is out of sight of the responsible adult


Michigan - illegal to leave child under the age of 6 for period of time that results in "unreasonable risk of harm or injury to the child."


Nevada - illegal to leave child of 7 years or younger unattended by someone over age of 12 if the motor is running or the situation is risky/dangerous.


Oklahoma - illegal to leave child 6 years or younger "unattended" - with unattended defined as "beyond a person's direct ability to care for or come to the aid of the unaccompanied person" if conditions (e.g. extreme weather, inadequate ventilation) pose a risk to the safety of the child.


Connecticut - illegal to leave child under age of 12 in a place for a "period of time that presents a substantial risk to the child's health or safety ...."


Hawaii - illegal to leave child under the age of 9 car alone for more than five minutes.


Louisiana - illegal to leave child under age of 6 when car operator is more than 10 feet away from vehicle.


Pennsylvania - illegal to leave child under 6 years alone in car when vehicle is "out of the person's sight" and under dangerous circumstances - if they are on public roads and traffic ways, including parking lots.


Tennessee - illegal to leave a child under age of 10 alone in car


Texas - illegal to leave child under the age of 7 alone in car for more than five minutes

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Nope. One of my friends had to take parenting classes because it turns out that it is illegal here and someone called her in. Her baby was napping in the car seat and she was sitting on her front step with a book because she didn't want to risk waking the baby. Lots of people do that sort of thing here.


It stuck with me though, and when I had my kids I made a point of not doing it. And getting to know my neighbours so that I knew they wouldn't be the kind of jerks to do that sort of thing.

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Michigan - illegal to leave child under the age of 6 for period of time that results in "unreasonable risk of harm or injury to the child."




WOW!!! I live here. That law is SO subject to interpretation! So, if you leave your child and he/she does NOT get hurt, it's legal. If you leave your child and he/she DOES get hurt, it's illegal?!

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In Washington it is also illegal to leave your child unattended in front of a liquor store or gambling establishment even if the car is not running. I have a feeling that this was legislation that came into existence after specific tragedies.


I have never left my kids in cars that are running or in front of liquor stores or casinos. I have left my kids in the car while I run back into the house to find my cell phone - but my kids are 9 and 14.


Oh wait - I did lock my toddler in a running car once - I started the car to warm it up because it was winter and was very cold out, I buckled him, placed the keys on the seat next to him and shut the locked door:svengo: My house keys were on the same key chain so I couldn't even get into my locked house to call anyone. It was midnight (I was going to pick up my dh who was working swing shift). I ended up pounding on my neighbor's door and risking his wrath to get help getting my toddler out. Obviously that was not on purpose.

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I've left dd in the car to pay for gas when we lived in her home town. I've not felt it safe enough in any other place we've lived to do that.


I was never so angry at another mom than when I let dd go with a friend and friend's mom left dd and friend in the truck at Wal-mart! The only reason I knew about it was because I had to run to Wal-mart about 15 minutes after they left. I just happened to park in the same area and saw the kids in the truck. I sent dh inside to get the thing we needed and I stayed with the kids. Dh came out before friend's mom did. I know they were there half an hour at least.

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Have you ever, for any reason or length of time, left a child or children alone in a vehicle (locked, unlocked, running, not running etc)? Just curious. No judgement, please.


Yes. Often. And I will send one of the older two into the grocery store for me while I wait in the car.


They are 12, 9, and 6. But I have and do leave them unattended fairly often, as in 2-3 times a week, while running errands. I also leave them unattended at home, and I figure there is more trouble they can get into there!

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I think the age is the central factor. I don't remember at precisely what age I felt it was okay for all the children to stay in the locked car while I went to mail something at the post office, for example, but it was probably around when the oldest was 10 or so.


I do know for the longest time, I literally carried a spare key on my body because I was totally paranoid that I would accidentally lock the kids in the car before they were old enough to get themselves out.

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Isn't it interesting how different state laws can be about this?


I think it's obvious that this is not an age-based decision. We have to consider the maturity/responsibility level of the child, the environment, the length of time, etc.


Half an hour at WalMart, though?! That one freaks me out. I think I would have taken the children home with me. And I would have called her on her cell phone to tell her we'd not be doing a play date again.

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Yes. My kids are 6 and 4 and I have a few times since they were born when we were in our home town (under 1000 people and in the middle of no where in the mountains).


You have to go into the post office to get your mail here as it is not delivered to your home. There are large windows looking out over the parking lot and if it is wet/cold (often below zero in winter) or they are asleep I will run in and grab the mail with them locked in the car.


The only other time has been at home to run back inside and grab a coat/shopping list/etc but we have always lived on military bases or had a house with a garage that the car was parked in at the time.

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Oh wait - I did lock my toddler in a running car once - I buckled him, placed the keys on the seat next to him and shut the locked door My house keys were on the same key chain so I couldn't even get into my locked house to call anyone. It was midnight (I was going to pick up my dh who was working swing shift). I ended up pounding on my neighbor's door and risking his wrath to get help getting my toddler out. Obviously that was not on purpose.


ACK! That's exactly what I was just talking about in my post! And I thought I was just remarkably OCD for carrying that key around my neck for years...oh, wait, I actually am remarkably OCD, but at least I didn't lock my kids in the car! :lol:

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Definition of "child" in this question?


Would I leave a 5 and/or 9 yr old? No as it's against the law. Would I leave my 16yr old? without thinking twice.


I have left my 3 littles in the car with my daughter (18) as I run into pay the tags on the car (took 3 minutes, tops).



Its not against the law. Anyone OVER 7 can be left unattended in the State if Texas.



And I do, at gas stations, and the occasional trip to the post office or to go to Redbox (its outside).

Edited by Jryanbass
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I have left my little ones in the car before. When getting or paying for gas, running into the house to pick up something I forgot, that sort of thing. We live in a really safe neighborhood and there is usually one or two of our neighbors out when we are leaving the house. Our neighbors are some of our best friends so it's no biggie.


The thread that this spun off of - I've never done that before. My mom used to do this back in the day with us and we never suffered any harm from it but now a days, I shudder just thinking about what could go wrong.

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I'm not a black and white type person, I do see shades of grey on this one and yes, I've left my six year old in the car unattended in some circumstances - like in our driveway, running back into the house to get my cell phone I forgot or running into the gas station to pay for gas (car off, keys with me, locked). We live in a small town and there are times when it makes more sense to leave him in the car than to have him get out and come with me, like at the gas station or if it's pouring rain and I have to drop a letter in the mailbox and I can't drive up to it, but can park across the street and run back and forth.


That said, I wouldn't leave him in a car in NYC (I'm from NYC and know the level of risk is higher there than where we are now), or Chicago, or LA, or even a larger city in my own state. I wouldn't leave him in the car at this age if I couldn't see the car either because, well I'm from NYC and weighing risk/benefit, I probably would err on the side of caution and take him with me if I couldn't see the car (here). I wouldn't leave him, at this age, in a running car - or an unlocked car....but yes, I'll make a judgment call and if I feel it's safe, I will leave him in the car.


What's interesting is that our state doesn't have a law regarding the issue - in fact, leaving children alone at home is totally up to the discretion of the parents as there is no law specifying what age a child may be left unattended.

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I'm not a black and white type person, I do see shades of grey on this one and yes, I've left my six year old in the car unattended in some circumstances - like in our driveway, running back into the house to get my cell phone I forgot or running into the gas station to pay for gas (car off, keys with me, locked). We live in a small town and there are times when it makes more sense to leave him in the car than to have him get out and come with me, like at the gas station or if it's pouring rain and I have to drop a letter in the mailbox and I can't drive up to it, but can park across the street and run back and forth.


That said, I wouldn't leave him in a car in NYC (I'm from NYC and know the level of risk is higher there than where we are now), or Chicago, or LA, or even a larger city in my own state. I wouldn't leave him in the car at this age if I couldn't see the car either because, well I'm from NYC and weighing risk/benefit, I probably would err on the side of caution and take him with me if I couldn't see the car (here). I wouldn't leave him, at this age, in a running car - or an unlocked car....but yes, I'll make a judgment call and if I feel it's safe, I will leave him in the car.


What's interesting is that our state doesn't have a law regarding the issue - in fact, leaving children alone at home is totally up to the discretion of the parents as there is no law specifying what age a child may be left unattended.


I completely agree with you. Quite frankly it makes me angry when people automatically scream "CALL 911!" "That's child abuse!" There is no black and white in this instance. A trip in the grocery store, yes its irresposible. But paying for gas or something with the car in plain sight, I just don't see it that way.

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Yes, when the oldest "child" in the car was 13 and of legal age to be in charge. And it was only for a few minutes. Otherwise, with our weather it would be dangerous or really uncomfortable for about half the year. I wouldn't leave a child younger than that in the car. They can come with me or stay home with a responsible person.

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I was thinking, "Of course not!" but I didn't realize running back into the house was considered leaving them unattended. If I have several things to load or unload and don't have DH's help, I always have the kids buckled in car seats while I do that. If not, they run around the yard or run back into the house (or worse, they take off in opposite directions), let the cats out, slam each other's fingers in the screen door, play with the lawnmower, yaddy yaddy ya...


They are safer in the car and I don't look like a screaming frazzled lunatic.

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How old are the children?


I've left my kids in the car at 11 and 12 years old while I ran into the grocery store for a few things because they didn't want to come in with me (and who blames them?). When they were younger, I went inside the gas station to pay for gas.



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That's a pretty open poll. My kids are 12 and 16 and stay in the car all the time. That's their preference, they are welcome to join me anytime.


Dd locked herself in the car when she was 2. I brought my grocery cart to my car from Walmart, stuck her in the car, not in the carseat :glare:, she leaned on the window and locked the door.


She freaked out a bit at all the attention that garnered, and she was too scared to unlock the door. I finally got her to do it about 10 mins. later.


It was one of my early reasons for getting a cell phone.

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Only in front of the dry cleaner when I can park at the spot right in front of the door. The car is no more than 5 feet away from the door and the window of the store is huge, so I can see into my car when standing at the counter. I can see that my kids are not moving or touching anything. Other than that, I don't leave them alone in the car for any reason. I probably won't until they are teenagers.

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On a side note, I remember my mom leaving me and my siblings in the car in the sweltering heat while she literally did the grocery shopping for a family of 7! We hated it, I guarantee you, but it's sort of funny to think back on it. No one would have thought to call the police, even if a few passersby thought we were pretty pathetic.


It wasn't much better once she came out because we had a VW bus with no a/c and the only windows to speak of were up front!

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I have twice and both times I was more concerned someone would turn me in than that something would happen to the kids. The first time i was taking all 3 (age 3, 1.5, and newborn at the time) to my ILs who live out in the middle of nowhere. I had to use the bathroom so bad I really thought I was going to wet my pants. I stopped at a little general store that had several people at it. All 3 kids were sound asleep. I ran in, used the restroom, didn't wash my hands or zip my pants, and ran back out. I had the keys and the boys were strapped in.


The second time I had to run into the post office and it was snowing. I ran in, could see the car the whole time, and ran back out. There were no other customers.


Both times were less than 2 minutes.

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I answered 'other'. I have left my kids in the car (now 13, 7 & 7) at gas stations when I run in for something, but only if I can see the car at all times. I lock the car, and take the keys with me.


Come to think of it, I actually do leave them in the car unattended. I left my 13 yr old at the Kidstop (summer daycare) while I ran in to get the younger ones. I left the keys with her.

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