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What are you reading?

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I think the heat is getting to us. Let's talk books. What are you reading? And, while you are reading, what are you drinking? And where are you reading it? The beach? By the pool? In your rocking chair?


I'll go first.


I'm reading an EXCELLENT romance novel by Jo Goodman called, "One Forbidden Evening." While I read, I drink copious amounts of coffee. Bet you couldn't have guessed that. ;) Oh, and I sit in my air-conditioned living room because it's too hot to read outside.


When I'm done with that, I probably should read something homeschooly, but I probably won't. I'm procrastinating.


So, what are you reading?


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When I am being a responsible home-educator, I am reading art history.


However, I'm more drawn to my copy of Temple Grandin's "Animals in Translation" and the current issue of Hobby Farm Home magazine.


I am inhaling coffee when I need a buzz to think and iced tea(unsweetened) the rest of the day. I am ingesting a lot of iced tea. When the heat index is this high, I find that sweet drinks such as lemonade just don't work for me. Dh wants LOTS of lemonade or grape juice.


Ds has chocolate truffles (leftover from the 4-H culinary arts competition this week) and it is VERY hard to avoid inhaling the last of them. My hips do not need them; the taste buds yearn for them.



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Right now I'm bouncing between Terri Blackstock's Restoration series and my son's Gregor the Overlander series by Suzanne Collins. Light reading for the last horrah - always inside because outside is too hot or too mosquito-y for me! Sipping sweet tea by the gallon it seems, too.

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The Mysterious Benedict Society. Drinking anything w/ Sonic ice in it, but usually water or iced tea. Where? Hmmm...occasionally in bed at night...sometimes in the tub...otherwise just here & there between stuff, while I cook dinner, whenever my current occupation bores me. :D


I'm reading it BECAUSE I just finished a series called the Cronus Chronicles that was wonderful. That was school-related prereading, but it made me notice how pg I am & how much I don't want to DO the stuff I need to do & how scrumptious a book can feel, so I started looking for something else good but not nec hs related.


Sadly, the whole Benedict Society was avail on the Nook for $10 last week. I waited until Friday to buy it, & by then it was already up to $21 again. :glare: The kids & dh are all reading it w/ me, so I think it would be great fun to have on the move w/ us (current copy is library, which is why I hesitated to spend the $10 on a <set of> book<s> I hadn't even read)--but we won't be able to take that one w/ us, obviously. :glare:


I'm supposed to be reading Hittite Warrior, though, so that's in my bag.

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Does the RR catalog count as reading? If not, then I'm reading New and Selected Poems by Mary Oliver, Moby Dick (again), and Les Mis. Ghost Story by Jim Butcher is preordered and should arrive Tuesday.


I'm drinking water right now.


And in my air conditioned office.


The RR Catalog! I'm sleeping w/ it at night. And I've already done all my curric shopping, so that's stranger even than it sounds. :lol:

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I'm reading Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks. I've been reading in bed, mostly, though today I'm going to finish it up on the couch, while eating Rice Works chips and drinking my tea from Kenya (I'm so addicted to this tea that my FIL has missionary friends bring it home when they are on furlough).


This is the third book that I've read by Oliver Sacks, and I love his style. He also wrote The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, which is probably my favorite of his. Very engaging, very fascinating - he makes me feel like I just might understand neuroscience. :)

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I've read almost 7 James Patterson novels this past month. I am about to wrap up #7 shortly. I read (almost) 4 "Alex Cross" novels (currently reading one right now) and the first 3 "Women's Murder Club" novels.


I also read my Bible daily (currently in Luke and 1 Corinthians) and am working through Becoming a Woman of Excellence by Cynthia Heard.


I usually read at night before going to bed....either on the couch or in bed. I read my Bible in the morning in bed. I don't eat or drink while reading.

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Nothing to brag about, but fun, good reads:


Both by Lisa Scottoline.


My Third Husband will be a Dog




My Nest isn't Empty, It Just Has More Closet Space


A friend -- who is super cool -- recommended The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris. It's supposed to be excellent.


I usually just read in a "catch-can" kind of way. Which is sad. I need to fix that.



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Well, I had read the first two book in the Game of Thrones series and really loved them. When I went to order the third at my library, I saw that someone had it out, so I had to wait for it.


In the meanwhile, I read "Hit List" by Laurel K. Hamilton- the latest in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series. And I'd hoped that by the time I finished it, my other book would be in at the library. Since it wasn't, I started "Blessings" by Anna Quindlen. But yesterday the book came in at the library! So I put Blessings aside and I'm reading that one now instead. :D


I pretty much only have time to read in bed at night these days. I'll be bringing it along with me on the camping trip we are going on shortly, too (we'll be going Monday-Thursday).

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I'm in the middle of Color Blind (by Melanie Meadow)... sweet, incredible fictional story of a church in the south, in the 1960s, that crossed the racial divide. You can "hear" the characters voices in your head. Slightly biased since Melanie is in my homeschool group.... but she really is a terrific author.

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I'm reading 'Tough Customer' by Sandra Brown in the living room and drinking way toooooo much Dr Pepper.


We discovered Mike's Black Cherry Lemonade last week. Mmmmmm.......


Still looking for a romp of a fun, adventurous read...eagerly looking at your reads for ideas.

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The Metro Farm, Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, Teaching Philosophy Through Children's Literature and The Giver. Reading the Metro Farm for me 'cause I love reading about self-sufficient living. I read that in the evenings with a glass of wine and a notebook for copious note taking. Am reading Carry On, Mr Bowditch aloud to the kids. Read it with lots of coffee. Using the Philosophy book to work on curriculum for a class I'm teaching in the fall. It gets read with iced tea or lime water. Reading The Giver in bed. No beverages or I'd be up all night. :)

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I've a few books going depending on my mood:




  • Waking Up to What You Do: A Zen Practice for Meeting Every Situation with Intelligence and Compassion by Diane Eshin Rizzetto
  • Chakra Yoga: Balancing Energy for Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Well-being by Alan Finger, Katrina Repka
  • Chi: Discovering Your Life Energy by Waysun Liao
  • Meditation in Action by Chogyam Trungpa, Sam Bercholz
  • The 17 Day Diet: A Doctor's Plan Designed for Rapid Results by Mike Moreno
  • Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts


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The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis (we are reading this as a family) and The Curse of the Holy Pail by Sue Ann Jaffarian. It was free on kindle. I read on the couch or in the bedroom. It's so hot--I've been drinking water or cokes.

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I am reading Into the Fire by Suzanna Brockmann, it's #13 in the series. Also, Living with less so your family has more by Jill Savage; Frugal living for dummies and Traditional Kitchen Wisdom. I am drinking water because we finished off the chocolate milk with dinner. As for where, well all over the house basically. Into the fire I mostly read while lounging on my bed, or as I will be doing as soon as I get offline, while soaking in the tub. THe other 3 are on my kitchen table amongst all my lesson plans and school books and I read a chapter here or there as I need to take a break from the lesson planning.

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I just finished Stolen Life - The Jaycee Lee Dugard story. :( Heartbreaking. Now I am reading The Book Whisperer which so far, I am really enjoying.


I always drink water. I know - it's boring, but it is what it is. :tongue_smilie:

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I JUST finished Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon (#7 in the series). I'm drinking ice water laying on the couch in my living room/great room.


Not sure what fun book I'll read next. I'm also reading Driven to Distraction by Hallowell to help me understand my son.

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I've just finished Cutting for Stone (Verghese), Inspector Lynley - This Body of Death (George), and Corduroy Mansions (Mccall Smith). While I wait to get to the library, ds has told me I should read 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. So I am. Oh, while drinking coffee or tea. It's not very hot here this summer, or that might be cider. :D

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Well, I have been reading a bunch of great lit books, but the last couple of days I'm reading more science oriented books: one about the connection between our beef industry and the increase in Alzheimer's, and the other about Area 51 (based on recently declassified stuff)....


I'm nearly always sitting in my air-conditioned house reading, although sometimes I'm waiting for my son somewhere and reading while I wait. I'm generally drinking unsweetened (decaf) iced tea with lots of lemon, but I sometimes also drink milk....

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It's cold here in Australia. I've just read Loss by Tony Black. It's the third in a crime series, and I thought it was fantastic. It's described as "Scottish noir" and is heavy on the "Scottish" and on the "noir", although it's not a depressing book - sad, definitely. I'm not used to crime novels with complex characters, and I'm definitely impressed.


I'm also reading The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood - the Odysseus myth from Penelope's perspective.


I'm drinking latte made using my recently acquired and much loved expresso machine...

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Currently Reading: This thread, in my reading chair, no drink ;)


Really I am reading;


Love and Logic

The Well Trained Mind

Plato's The Republic (off and on for about a year, I read a book and take a break...then go back to it.)


Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (bedtime read aloud)


And I am trying to decide on a fiction or historical novel for myself....I may Try North and South again.

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Plato's The Republic (off and on for about a year, I read a book and take a break...then go back to it.)



I've also been reading The Republic for a little over a year. Thanks for the reminder. I always enjoy it when I'm reading it, but I get to a point where I just have to take a break for a bit. :tongue_smilie:

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The summer The Classical Teacher from Memoria Press. It just came today with an order. :D


Also A Father Who Keeps His Promises - Scott Hahn

and We Live: To Know, Love, and Serve God -Lukefahr


Finished this week Dances with Dragons- George R.R. Martin


Tonight I'm sipping Corona Light with a wedge of lime, waiting for it to cool off tomorrow, and questioning the wisdom of going without air conditioning this summer.

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I am drinking water and reading several books right now


Family feasts for $75 a week : a penny-wise mom shares her recipe for cutting hundreds from your monthly food bill


In their own way : discovering and encouraging your child's personal learning style / Armstrong, Thomas.


America's cheapest family gets you right on the money : your guide to living better, spending less, and cashing in on your dreams / Economides, Steve.


And I was reading the Heywood Wakefield furniture guide to see if my new to me dinette set was in there. Nope.


And finally I am reading it for the kids, but enjoying it almost as much as I did at their age, The Boxcar Children. We read 6 chapters today we were enjoying it so much.....

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I'm being a good homeschool mom and reading all the classics I've never read. I want to know which will be required reading for my kids.


I just finished Uncle Tom's Cabin. LOVED it. I cried through most of it. It should be required reading for everyone.


I've just started To Kill a Mockingbird.


I usually sit on my couch and drink ice water.

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I wanted to repeat the mention of "In the Garden of Beasts." Subtitle is "Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin. I found it very interesting and am glad I read it.


Today I finished "The Tenderness of Wolves" by Stef Penney. It starts slowly, but pulled me in after about 100 pages. Lots of scenes of the frozen north.


Recently finished "Three Cups of Deceit" by Jon Krakauer.


Can't multitask... don't normally drink and read at the same time.

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