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How would your kids feel about you getting a tattoo?

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I don't know what ds16 would say. He is very religious, but also incredibly easy going. I don't know.


DD12, wouldn't care. She says they are stupid but pretty. LOL


Dd4, wouldn't care.


Dh would be adamently against it. He hates tatoos, especially on women. He likes a more natural look. He also doesn't like heavy makeup, fancy or colored hair.

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Mine would disapprove. The teenager would be embarrassed.;)


I considered getting one for my 40th bday but skipped it for multiple reasons including the fact that I have no family support - not family of origin, nuclear family, extended family or in laws. They would think I had taken up with drug dealers or something.:tongue_smilie:I still consider it occasionally because I'm rebellious like that. I have it picked out and a location on my body, too. I doubt I'll actually do it, though...don't want all of the pushback.

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Mine would disapprove. The teenager would be embarrassed.;)


I considered getting one for my 40th bday but skipped it for multiple reasons including the fact that I have no family support - not family of origin, nuclear family, extended family or in laws. They would think I had taken up with drug dealers or something.:tongue_smilie:I still consider it occasionally because I'm rebellious like that. I have it picked out and a location on my body, too. I doubt I'll actually do it, though...don't want all of the pushback.


Yeah, any comments I received on it would be negative. Still, I want to do what I want to do. I've always gladly done the right thing by my family, this small issue shouldn't make a difference.

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Yeah, any comments I received on it would be negative. Still, I want to do what I want to do. I've always gladly done the right thing by my family, this small issue shouldn't make a difference.


Exactly. You go girl! (even if I don't...;))


I want a multicolored phoenix about two inches high on my left clavicle - very artsy and lightly colored, no dark outline. It is symbolic. Maybe for my 50th...:D

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I keep thinking about getting one. Dh said he would love to design one for me. Nothing that anyone else would see though. Dh wants a Cherokee armband that he has designed. Not sure when/if we will ever get them done. None of the boys would have a problem with it, but then again, where we live, tattoos are fairly common.

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What they choose to do is up to them when they are adults. If they choose to consult me, I will point them to Leviticus 19:28 and other verses that discuss the way the body is to be treated.


ETA: OOOOps, I misunderstood the question originally (and hence, the replies made no sense!). I would fully expect my children, at this time, to do the above.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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I cannot imagine asking what she thought of anything regarding my personal appearance, demeanor or bearing. I think about getting a tattoo daily.




I just want you to know that I did a double-take to make sure I was reading this right. I wouldn't have expected you to want a tattoo.:D (Please don't be offended - I just have a different picture of you in my head!)


What kind of a tattoo do you want?

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They'd wonder what the heck happened.


My son has some he's given himself--he'd probably think I was trying to identify with him or something.


My mom would freak (I know you didn't ask about parents)--she still hates my double-pierced ears (even if I never wear earrings anymore).

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Being as I already have several, and being as my husband is a tattoo artist who owns his own shop, and being as my 10 y/o daughter has wanted to be a tattoo artist since she was 5.... I'd say reactions would range from interest to excitement to non-reactions over here. :D

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I think they would think its pretty cool but uncharacteristic of me.

Both mine have piercings now- eyebrow for ds15, belly button for dd17. I tihnk either are within the realms of getting a tattoo at some stage but they seem more interested in piercings.

Dh gets urges to get a tattoo on and off- I am really against it though, so that has helped him not actually do it (yet.).

I really have no interest, but I have seen some pretty cool ones...they look cool on ...other people.

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My DS7 says it would depend on the tattoo but thinks it would be cool. My DS6 has always loved tattos (he has been known to walk up to strangers and start looking at their art and discussing it with them). DD4 would be upset that it wasn't Hello Kitty or a pony. DD2 would just want to play with it.


If I ever get the nerve up, I have a perfect tattoo planned out.

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My teenager thought it was cool. Neeley thought it was cool. Francie cried and said I wouldn't look like me anymore (just like she did when I got my eyebrow pierced). Once I had the tattoo, she promptly forgot her concerns.



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My dad has 2 tattoos that he got when he was in the Marines, my Mom just got her first tattoo about 2 years ago (Age 59). They both knew I wanted to get one & were fine about it. I got mine a few months ago & my husband loves it. I showed the kids (12 & 9) the same day I got it. They liked it & were really unphased be the whole thing. Tattoos have become fairly mainstream, so I guess they're just used to seeing them around.

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I have one and they know I regret it, but if I got another one I can see my oldest rolling his eyes and telling me to grow up.

My 15 y.o. would just roll her eyes.

My 12 y.o. would be horrified and want to ask Ester Maria's children how to go about disowning a parent.

The rest would forget about it 5 minutes after discovery.

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I got my first (and only so far) tattoo when my oldest was 5 years old. He was in Pre-K that Mother's Day and the teacher had them answer questions about their moms. We came for a little party and she read them out loud. One of the questions was, "What is the coolest thing about your mom?" My son's answer... "her tattoo". As he grew up, he loved tattoos. His dad only had one and I only had one. The night before his 18th birthday, my dh and I took him to get his very first tattoo. It was the Chinese symbol for fire with some flames around it. Not long after I was looking at that and I noticed the symbol sort of looks like Gumby. I told him and his friend that, but they didn't know whow Gumby was! I had to find them a pic on the web. It was always a joke to us. As my son grew older, he got many more tattoos. His last being a sleeve he got on his last trip to FL with friends. I was not happy with him about it, but I (for probably the first time ever) contained my feelings and just told him that I didn't love it, but I loved him. The funny thing about this sleeve is that he got it all in 2 or 3 days. His arm swelled horrible. He was best man at his friend's wedding and his arm was like 2.5 times the normal size. We left for Disney after the wedding and we kept calling him the FAT HAND. I bought him a Mickey Mouse pot holder for a Christmas present - calling it the FAT HAND. One of the things my son had in his tattoo sleeve was arabic writing that said, "Appreciate what you have and never forget." He wanted that after his return from Iraq. I thought it was very special, but can't remember if I ever told him that. I am glad he got his tattoos when he wanted to and they made him happy. One of my favorite pictures of him is one he took of himself and it shows his sleeve.


I have spent a year thinking about the tattoo I will get to honor him. Haven't figured it all out yet, but when I do... I will be heading to FL to gather with his friends and I will get my next tattoo. There are 9 people with tattoos to honor him so far and I hope that list will keep growing.

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I've had a tattoo on my ankle that my kids barely even noticed when they were younger. I decided, for my birthday in May, that I wanted a tattoo to commemorate my sister that passed away 7 years ago in an accident. She had a purple & turquoise butterfly on her hip bone. DH agreed that it would be cool & paid for it as my present.


My kids were kind of surprised. When I got home, they were worried about the blood on the bandage, but when it came off, they thought it was really cool. My DD11 knows how to take care of a healing tattoo as mine in on my shoulder & was hard to clean. She did all of the care of it for me for a week and has decided she doesn't like the idea of a needle putting the ink under her skin.


DS8 already has the tattoo designed for his 18th birthday present:lol:.

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