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I can't decide when to start school.

When are you starting school?  

  1. 1. When are you starting school?

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My parents are coming out the first week school is open here, so we're going to officially start our school year the week after that-which means that not only will DD get a week to do fun stuff when all the other kids are back in school, so the museums, zoo and the like are empty, but she'll get to do them with her grandparents :). School here starts VERY early-like the 2nd week of August. I think we'll be starting August 21, which matches the University.

Edited by dmmetler
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We start August 15th. That is when my husband goes back to work (school teacher). We live in a very hot climate though and prefer to get out early in May when the weather is still nice. I'd start even earlier if my son & husband were not going to Mexico on a mission trip.

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This year we are starting before Labor Day, on August 8, then the next week taking a couple days off to go to my sister's wedding, and then going full bore. BUT, we are doing something new for us this year: we are having a 6weeks on, 1week off schedule, with about 3weeks off for Christmas break. I m hoping to combat some of the burnout this way. :D

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This year we are starting before Labor Day, on August 8, then the next week taking a couple days off to go to my sister's wedding, and then going full bore. BUT, we are doing something new for us this year: we are having a 6weeks on, 1week off schedule, with about 3weeks off for Christmas break. I m hoping to combat some of the burnout this way. :D


This is what we're hoping to do too Caitilin, but I haven't figured it out yet (obviously:lol:)! Maybe I need to get going on that schedule.:leaving:

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We are starting first week of August. Actually my son started today. We just received Prentice Hall Science Explorer earth science book and he has been reading it for hours. :001_smile:


I usually start mid-August but we have to take several days off in September so we are starting a little earlier this year. Plus this way I don't panic in December that we are behind.

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We started at the beginning of summer. With the temps over 100 every day, and no homeschool activities going, it's our hardest-working homeschool time. We work like dogs over the summer. Dh uses the summer to do intensive work he can't get done so well during the semester when he has classes and importunate students to tend to, so he's in his office all day, out of everyone's way.


So summer is the perfect time for us to really dig in with the new school year, and get a solid start. We'll start slacking when the temperatures go down to the 80's, probably around October. :glare:

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We've got a baby due the first week in August; I'm going back to work (just one class that meets twice a week) on August 31st. I'm thinking we'll get back to formal school around mid-September, so we'll have time to adjust to the baby and I'll have time to adjust to being back at work before we start with school.

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Normally we would have started back the first of July. I haven't even ordered most of the curriculum yet, so that ain't happening this year. I hope to order everything starting tomorrow (payday) for a start date of the first week in August. DD has that week off from gymnastics so it is easier to adjust to the full day of school without having to worry about that time sucking commitment.

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You mean we actually have to start back. :svengo: And I need to be thinking about it already? :willy_nilly:


Ugh. Where's the button for we're-taking-a-year-off-cuz-mama's-burnt-out-and-fried? :tongue_smilie:


In reality we'll probably start back whenever the baby decides to sleep for more than one hour at a time at night. :toetap05:

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We usually start 1-2 weeks after the ps kids go back to school. PS starts a few days after Labor Day. And our first week of school is spent mostly out-of-doors because the weather is usually do gorgeous we can't waste it!


But we do "light school" all summer, so that really means we start the full school schedule well after Labor Day but we're doing a little schooling nearly every day.



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August 15th. We'll take a fall break, Thanksgiving break, 2 weeks at Christmas, a winter break, spring break and be done before June starts. Woo Hoo!! I always pick my desired end date and count backwards from there to get our start time. I also need many breaks throughout the year (week long) to get through.

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You mean we actually have to start back. :svengo: And I need to be thinking about it already? :willy_nilly:


Ugh. Where's the button for we're-taking-a-year-off-cuz-mama's-burnt-out-and-fried? :tongue_smilie:


In reality we'll probably start back whenever the baby decides to sleep for more than one hour at a time at night. :toetap05:


:smilielol5: and :scared: I know how you feel.

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I'm very tempted to wait until later in Sept., but if I do, then we have to cut our breaks short or working past June. Nope, I believe we'll start on August 22nd, even if we don't do all subjects for a couple of weeks. (Especially thinking about that ALL/WWS curriculum I'm waiting for...)




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Realizing that once you're half-way thru July, you have only HALF your summer left!?!?! :001_huh:


That being said, last year we began the week before Labor Day. I met a little resistance (just my MIL commented to the kids.........who seemed to then think it "wasn't fair" :confused:)....but when we finished before their public school counterparts, they were THRILLED about that part! ;)


This year, I am thinking I will possibly begin even EARLIER but not be "full-fledged" until after labor day (i.e. just starting math/writing or something like that for a few weeks to ease into our routine).

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We're starting August 1. I try to schedule about 195 days in, because invariably I get tired and take un-scheduled days off here and there, so basically we get about 185 days of school in a typical year. We also vacation in the off-season, so we take time off in October, March and May. Besides, my kids are at loose ends. Everyone in the neighborhood is in daycare, so they have nothing to do anyhow. Might as well do school!

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We're starting August 1. I try to schedule about 195 days in, because invariably I get tired and take un-scheduled days off here and there, so basically we get about 185 days of school in a typical year. We also vacation in the off-season, so we take time off in October, March and May. Besides, my kids are at loose ends. Everyone in the neighborhood is in daycare, so they have nothing to do anyhow. Might as well do school!


Don't you find that sad? I do. Kids should be running and playing and staying out until all hours.


Sigh, I think I'm going to start August 15th. Ask me again tomorrow.:D

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Don't you find that sad? I do. Kids should be running and playing and staying out until all hours.


Sigh, I think I'm going to start August 15th. Ask me again tomorrow.:D

If my kids were running and playing and staying out until all hours, they'd collapse of heatstroke and CPS would be at my door.


Hey, our misery was on NPR yesterday! I was listening while stuck in unmoving freeway traffic, with the AC unsuccessfully fighting the 102-degree heat.


Back to supervising Latin and looking out the window to watch the yard crinkle and die....

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We start in 2 weeks, on August 1st! I think I am nearly ready...I have some lesson plans to finish entering....but I have all of my materials.


We are starting early to accommodate our crazy performance schedule in Dec/Jan.

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If my kids were running and playing and staying out until all hours, they'd collapse of heatstroke and CPS would be at my door.


Hey, our misery was on NPR yesterday! I was listening while stuck in unmoving freeway traffic, with the AC unsuccessfully fighting the 102-degree heat.


Back to supervising Latin and looking out the window to watch the yard crinkle and die....


I understand Sharon. I drove through TX last week and the highest temp we recorded was 108. I just think it's sad when kids are stuck in a daycare situation in the summer.

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