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Humbly asking for WTM prayers

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Dear WTM Hive -


I've not been that active on the boards recently, but I need all the prayers I can get.


My dh has been out of work for almost 2 years. We are at the bottom of everything - our emotions, our hope, our finances.


This week, he interviewed for a position that seemed very promising, he was so excited.


He just found out he's not been chosen as a finalist.


I'm just hurting, and struggling, and sad. I know God is good, but it just - hurts - right now.


I don't even know what to ask you to pray for. Just - pray, think good thoughts - anything.



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I've missed you Heather. I'm sorry things are not going well. Will be praying. :grouphug:


Thanks, Pam - and everyone.


You know, I read a bunch, but most of the time feel like I have not much to add.


Y'all are sure entertaining, though!


(And if anyone wants to throw a kilt picture on this thread, I wouldn't complain)

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We are at the bottom of everything - our emotions, our hope, our finances.


I'm just hurting, and struggling, and sad. I know God is good, but it just - hurts.



In all honesty, I completely understand.

:grouphug: and prayers.

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I will pray.

Heather, we have been the exact same position - 2 years of next to nothing but dh got a job last January. I know when you are in this dilemma, it seems that he will never be employed again - but he will, unfortunately we never know when and waiting is so hard.

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Thank you guys, really.




I just started to barely hope again, think about some things we could maybe look into/think about.


It was like I started to breathe, and tonight I'm just being sucked down a big dark black hole of water that's going to drown me.


This stinks.


And my son is starting his Eagle Project tomorrow. Not the excited, celebratory time I had hoped.

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Thank you guys, really.




I just started to barely hope again, think about some things we could maybe look into/think about.


It was like I started to breathe, and tonight I'm just being sucked down a big dark black hole of water that's going to drown me.


This stinks.


And my son is starting his Eagle Project tomorrow. Not the excited, celebratory time I had hoped.




We were there. Well, my dh had jobs, but they were $8-10 an hour jobs. He worked in a liquor store, he worked in a kitchen as a fry cook, and then he worked as a landscaper. After 2 years, he finally got a really good job with a city government.


It will get better.

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We were there. Well, my dh had jobs, but they were $8-10 an hour jobs. He worked in a liquor store, he worked in a kitchen as a fry cook, and then he worked as a landscaper. After 2 years, he finally got a really good job with a city government.


It will get better.


That's what my dh has been doing. Lots of $8-10/hr. I'm working 3 jobs right now, trying to help over the summer.


I have a whole new appreciation for the phrase, "The Working Poor"


Thanks Renee. It will get better? You promise? I've got no hope tonight, I need folks to hope for me.

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That's what my dh has been doing. Lots of $8-10/hr. I'm working 3 jobs right now, trying to help over the summer.


I have a whole new appreciation for the phrase, "The Working Poor"


Thanks Renee. It will get better? You promise? I've got no hope tonight, I need folks to hope for me.


It has for us, and it was pretty hopeless at one point. Things are better now for us, but getting here was very, very painful. I am just glad that dh has a job that he likes and that pays more than $10 an hour. It's still manual labor, but I have hope that there is room for advancement, even.


So, yes, it will get better. I bet if you really thought about it, you could pick some good out of all the bad. For me, it was that I learned that even my worst fears about the situation were not the end of the world. When the worst happened (financially), I realized that it wasn't all that important.


There is hope - I promise!

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I've got no hope tonight, I need folks to hope for me.


2 Corinthians 4:16-18 So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.



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That's what my dh has been doing. Lots of $8-10/hr. I'm working 3 jobs right now, trying to help over the summer.


I have a whole new appreciation for the phrase, "The Working Poor"


Thanks Renee. It will get better? You promise? I've got no hope tonight, I need folks to hope for me.


Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God. Which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is. Which keepeth truth for ever. Which executeth judgment for the oppressed. Which giveth food to the hungry. - Psalm 146:5-7, KJV


Prayers for you and your family, Heather. :grouphug:

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What does your husband do and where do you live in AL? Networking is the last hope for many....we had our struggles with 2 mortgages for 31 months...hopelessness was a frequent visitor...but we kept looking ahead, knowing that one day we would not be in that situation...it's here, still not rosey, but much more tolerable!


We've had dear friends who, due to NASA cuts lost their livelihood, today was his one anniversary without a job....my husband was able to find something for our friend that he's well overqualified for but it may open up doors for him down the road...praying one job at a time! Putting word out to local churches (emailing resume to secretaries with a note of needs) really helps, churches have a variety of parishioners and you never know when those doors open up!

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Hi Heather,

I will pray with an understanding heart, as we have faced a long time of hardship and discouragement ourselves. Please know that you are not alone, although I also understand that being aware of that isn't always enough. But one thing I do know, and that is the fact that God loves us no matter what. And when we are dealing with tough things like this we need to -- more than ever -- pray for others who are also in need.


"You will keep him in perfect peace,

Whose mind is stayed on You,

Because he trusts in You." Isaiah 26:3




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I'm so sorry you and your dh have been going through this. I have been hit with something that has completely changed my world as well. Since I'm pretty much in constant prayer nowadays, I will be blessed to lift you and your dh before God and ask Him for a miracle and to bring you and your family securely through this difficult struggle. Are you in the Word? That has been my only comfort; I'm so broken that every bit of scripture seems relevant.


God's promises are sure. Continue with whatever mustard seed of faith you have, give it all to Him and I can't wait to see how God provides for you all.


Many hugs to you as you continue to hope when your circumstances seem hopeless,


Psalm 119:92

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