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Would you give up the internet for 1 million dollars?

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yes, easily - but then I am over 50 and know how to entertain/inform myself without it. I would use the money to provide for my son with autism, educate the other three, then save for the old age which is trying to sneak up on me.


Of course, I'd hate to give up all you guys! ;-)

Edited by JFSinIL
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Interesting... I've never really put much thought into it. I truly don't know if I'd give it up as I use it for so much. Having a place like this forum has been incredibly helpful to me. I'm not sure I can put a price on it. On the same token, I often yearn for the world to return to more simpler times without all the negative ramifications of an internet society.


With the demise of the library system in this country as well as newspapers, and even some bookstore chains, I'm not sure we could still access the variety of information as well as we used to be able to prior to the internet. The internet is beginning to control where we get our information, how much, and when.


We are a society (and one could argue a world) that bases our lives on convenience. For most it would be very difficult to go backward, if not impossible for some.


What's incredibly amazing and in some ways, frightening, is the immense speed that technology has moved in the last century; its path is not slowing either.


One thing that does irk me is that society is demanding the use of the Internet, and it is incredibly cheap to provide, yet the monthly fees for access to it are ridiculous.


A lot can be pondered from this brief video...

Edited by jenL
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FOREVER? Nope. I don't think it's wise or practical. That would be like asking someone if they'd give up having a telephone--sure there was a time when people didn't have them, but now they're necessary. Internet may not be strictly NECESSARY for EVERYONE yet, but mighty close to it. And who knows what changes will come in 20-50 years?

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With the demise of the library system in this country as well as newspapers, and even some bookstore chains, I'm not sure we could still access the variety of information as well as we used to be able to prior to the internet. The internet is beginning to control where we get our information, how much, and when. QUOTE]



Yes, I could give it up, but it's my main source of information and way to communicate with family/friends out-of-state, so it would be hard. Also when it comes to my dh's school work, research, and future job search, it is almost all done via the web/email. There is a beautiful 3-story college library full of books down the street, but the students really don't need to check any of the books out because everything is on the internet that they need.

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Not for a million - our businesses are completely internet dependent so that would be foolish. I would consider it at maybe 5 mil to replace future income and retirement. But even then it would be a long shot because all of our skills are computer based so we wouuld really have to trust that we would not need to work again.

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Here's the thing... it would need to be a lot because if we never used the internet, some of the things we do for very little now (order books, find information, watch TV shows, listen to music, supplement school, etc.) would suddenly go up in price. In some cases a lot. And for many of these things, I would also have to spend a lot more time, and, as they say, time is money. Plus, I would be cutting myself off from ever having many different jobs again - and not just a few jobs, but the majority of jobs I might be qualified for. So it would need to cover the cost of ensuring I didn't need to work at any point in the future.


Also, parsing out what would be allowed and what wouldn't would become difficult. What about texting? I assume the iPod is out? Could I listen to things already loaded on it? Would I lose the money if I walked into the coffeeshop and they were streaming music through Pandora? What if I went to the bank and they checked my balance online for me? What if I went in a store and they ordered something by finding it online and having it delivered to me?


I guess, basically, I think that one couldn't practically achieve this very well. And if one could, the amount you'd be giving up might actually be worth more than a million dollars.

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FOREVER? Nope. I don't think it's wise or practical. That would be like asking someone if they'd give up having a telephone--sure there was a time when people didn't have them, but now they're necessary. Internet may not be strictly NECESSARY for EVERYONE yet, but mighty close to it. And who knows what changes will come in 20-50 years?



:iagree: plus, a million dollars isn't what it used to be. Now maybe for 10 million....then I could hire someone to do all of the research for me that I currently do on the internet.

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forever? That would be a really tough choice.....could I take the million and then only access the internet at a library or someone else's home?


Yeah, and what if we go to hyperinflation and in the futura million bucks only buys us a month of cable TV? So sorry, we'd be!

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I totally would. I would even wear an ankle monitoring bracelet. Giving up the iPhone would mean dry heaves for quite awhile, but for <one million dollars> ? I would get peace of mind in other (educational) areas. Yeah. I'd even do if for the 450k after taxes. Where do I sign?

Edited by LibraryLover
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Forever? No. I'm an unlucky person when it comes to social contacts. Without the internet, not only would I be lonely for adult conversation (besides DH), it would interfere with my education and my children's education. DH works online but with a million dollars he wouldn't need to work, so that isn't a point.

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My gut reaction was YES! But then I thought about what I use it for - online banking, library book management, Amazon orders (saves me from having to drag three uncooperative children out shopping). I can't imagine going back to paper bills and writing checks and having to drag my boys around to get things I need. But when you put a price of a million on it, it really is tempting. I could give up the social and recreational aspects without a doubt. I would just have a hard time letting go of the practical things that would take up so much more time and effort.

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I watched the whole video and now I realize I'm a millionaire, and I wouldn't change it. I love all the technology in our society. There is still some technology you can pick and choose, but there is other technology that affects your everyday life. For example, can't we call electricity technology? There were people who didn't see the need for it when it started becoming more popular. But eventually, it's become part of daily life for many people. We use it without even thinking about it. I wouldn't want to live without it.


The internet is just becoming part of daily life. I've been sitting here wondering if I could really live a life that didn't involve internet. The video asks if I can give it up. That would need to be defined more specifically. I guess I could turn it off, but it would mean my DH would have to give up working from home, no more online banking, no Netflix, no online educational programs for the children, no online shopping, and I would have a really difficult time accessing even the smallest piece of information. However, I could likely give that up if I could access internet in other places. Like a pp mentioned, bookstores use the internet to find me products, the library uses the internet to find me information, doctors use the internet to look up medical information that could possibly save my life.


I do not see a way that someone can live without being affected by the internet in some way.


Basically, I stand with my gut reaction when I first posted. No, I wouldn't give up the internet for a million dollars. I love the convenience of technology in our society. I would feel like I was living on a deserted island if I had to live without the internet.

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Having a place like this forum has been incredibly helpful to me.


Heck, I think I'd do it for a million! :D Hmm....let's see....I could pay off the mortgage, buy a small fuel-efficient car, and then frugalize my way around North America to go visit my favourite WTMers to get what I need for homeschool support that I'd be missing from here! :D That would be even better!

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Here's the thing... it would need to be a lot because if we never used the internet, some of the things we do for very little now (order books, find information, watch TV shows, listen to music, supplement school, etc.) would suddenly go up in price. In some cases a lot. And for many of these things, I would also have to spend a lot more time, and, as they say, time is money. Plus, I would be cutting myself off from ever having many different jobs again - and not just a few jobs, but the majority of jobs I might be qualified for. So it would need to cover the cost of ensuring I didn't need to work at any point in the future.


Also, parsing out what would be allowed and what wouldn't would become difficult. What about texting? I assume the iPod is out? Could I listen to things already loaded on it? Would I lose the money if I walked into the coffeeshop and they were streaming music through Pandora? What if I went to the bank and they checked my balance online for me? What if I went in a store and they ordered something by finding it online and having it delivered to me?


I guess, basically, I think that one couldn't practically achieve this very well. And if one could, the amount you'd be giving up might actually be worth more than a million dollars.


:iagree: completely. I divided it out and if I only live another 20 years (which would even be retirement age) a million dollars would be 50k a year to live off of, which is approx an 18% income cut for us. Doable? Maybe if you have Internet to help you save time and money and get a job! Even then that is going to be very tight to raise a family on in many places. If I were single? Sure.

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Yes. I just went for almost 16 months with no internet. Just got it hooked up again yesterday and that is only because ds is going to do an online school program next year or I would have remained internet free. I would have no problem cancelling it again today if someone was offering me a large sum of money.

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I would feel like I was living on a deserted island if I had to live without the internet.


I have not watched the video yet, because (and this is ironic....) my internet is not working well enough today to stream video. :lol: BUT, I would not give it up for a million, not right now.


For me, living in Brazil and family in 3 states in the US, and some family in still 2 other countries, internet is how we see family face to face more than once/year. Internet is how we talk to them without going in the poor house. Internet is how we stay connected, so that my boys still maintain that their best friends are kids they knew and were close to before we moved to Brazil nearly 4 years ago, even though they only see those kids for 2 days out of the year.


Internet is how I was able to shower my oldest son with words and cards and notes from all his loved ones on his 13th birthday, even though not a one of them was here with us in person.


Besides family, internet is how we stay connected with the hs world, read news in English, shop for birthday & Christmas gifts (for ourselves, our boys, our extended family), and keep up with what is going on in the hometowns of our loved ones, not just in our own little slice of the world.


Internet is how, in the absence of a library, I find demos on how to sew the border onto a quilt, how to fold a proper paper airplane, how to do, well, just about anything. It is where we go to print blank color sheets that become holiday decorations for all the American holidays we celebrate (in private, at home).


Nope. For me, at this time in my life, the internet brings far greater richness into my life than a million dollars would. International travel would eat up that million awfully quickly, and even if it were enough for us to quit work and relocate in the US, again, travel to see all the far flung relatives would go through the $ quickly.


Right now, with the internet, I can have all the grandparents in my living room on Christmas morning, one at a time, and yet none of them can fight with each other. Each one can watch the boys open whatever gift is from that grandparent, we can chat and oooh and awww and it's wonderful. Even with a million, I couldn't do that, because to replicate it IRL, they'd have to all be physically present, which would lead to arguments and discord.

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giving up the internet would be agreeing to cut yourself off from most of our society and not be able to work most jobs. So, you'd have to fund your retirement from now. And everything you did would be more expensive or you might not be able to do it at all. My dc sports rec league sports can only be registered for online now--they have no way to accept other registration, if you do not have home internet you must set up an account at the library and register your dc there. Many businesses are going to this model. Many businesses are going to paperless billing. What happens when the electric company does that. I guess you better include enough money for a property that permits you to be off-grid --you with a lot of solar and/or wind power. In a few years you may not be able to have a cell phone if you don't use internet. I think living without internet will be amazing expensive.


Now, if the question were rephrased to state would I live without internet access at my home--but I could use it elsewhere, I might be able to consider it, but that would still be hard.

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giving up the internet would be agreeing to cut yourself off from most of our society and not be able to work most jobs. So, you'd have to fund your retirement from now. And everything you did would be more expensive or you might not be able to do it at all. My dc sports rec league sports can only be registered for online now--they have no way to accept other registration, if you do not have home internet you must set up an account at the library and register your dc there. Many businesses are going to this model. Many businesses are going to paperless billing. What happens when the electric company does that. I guess you better include enough money for a property that permits you to be off-grid --you with a lot of solar and/or wind power. In a few years you may not be able to have a cell phone if you don't use internet. I think living without internet will be amazing expensive.


Now, if the question were rephrased to state would I live without internet access at my home--but I could use it elsewhere, I might be able to consider it, but that would still be hard.


This is why we ended up getting internet - we were without for the first 3 months after we moved, but I kept having to run up to the library to use it to do regular, everyday things.

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forever? That would be a really tough choice.....could I take the million and then only access the internet at a library or someone else's home?


Yes, I woudl give it up in my own home if I could access it somewhere.


That's addiction talking, right? :)

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No. We use it for too many things that are important to us, and I doubt a million dollars goes all that far anymore.



:lol: I was gonna say that I wish I lived in your world...but then I realized I can't afford to. 1 million would be whole heap of awesome here!!

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I keep thinking that people who responded yes so quickly aren't thinking it through fully. I mean, there are basic financial and civic tasks that are difficult to do without the internet now and will likely be impossible in just a few years. Plus the issue that you would make yourself practically unhireable for nearly any job makes it seem like an extremely foolish thing to do... you know, were it a real question.


There's a lot of tasks that seem like... oh, I can just do it the old-fashioned way where the old-fashioned way no longer exists. I mean, even at the library, you wouldn't be able to use the catalog. You'd just have to wander the stacks and no requesting holds either.

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I keep thinking that people who responded yes so quickly aren't thinking it through fully.


You're right - I didn't think it through fully, and I knew that. I didn't WANT to think it through fully - I just want to imagine my house paid off and me being able to travel around for awhile! Ooooo, and someone else mentioned using the interest, too - I forgot about that part!! whoohooo!!! :D

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I think a million dollars in the bank today, if you were lucky, would generate $20-30K per year to live on.


The amount is very dependent on the interest rates and all, but really, that is not a lot of money to live on.


In my particular situation, I could still make this work. Esp. with the mortgage paid off. And then have capital sitting there? This interest is actually a lot more than I would have thought it would be.


Them giving me a million dollars doesn't mean I have to hand over all other assests, investments, or any salaries now, or in the future, right? I wouldn't want to do that. ;)



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For one million, no.


For 5 million, yes.


For one million, no.


For 5 million, yes if that amount was tax free.


Giving up the internet would mean DH would have to stop practicing medicine so he'd have to retire. We couldn't do that well for $1 million right now but for $5 million tax free? We could do that! :D

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I keep thinking that people who responded yes so quickly aren't thinking it through fully. I mean, there are basic financial and civic tasks that are difficult to do without the internet now and will likely be impossible in just a few years. Plus the issue that you would make yourself practically unhireable for nearly any job makes it seem like an extremely foolish thing to do... you know, were it a real question.


There's a lot of tasks that seem like... oh, I can just do it the old-fashioned way where the old-fashioned way no longer exists. I mean, even at the library, you wouldn't be able to use the catalog. You'd just have to wander the stacks and no requesting holds either.


Not necessarily.


A) I survived a great many years without it, with only my own wits to utilize...and I lived. Productively.


B)The library? Really? Dewey and I had a complete understanding way before the internet ever showed up. I don't believe it has changed. I'll bet I could work it out again for 1 million dollars.


C) My interests lie entirely elsewhere. I don't need to be connected to people or information 24/7 to feel I'm getting my life's worth. Yes, I learned a lot online. But, I was completely able to learn a lot way before "online" became one word.


I'll take the cash now, please.

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Not necessarily.


A) I survived a great many years without it, with only my own wits to utilize...and I lived. Productively.


B)The library? Really? Dewey and I had a complete understanding way before the internet ever showed up. I don't believe it has changed. I'll bet I could work it out again for 1 million dollars.


C) My interests lie entirely elsewhere. I don't need to be connected to people or information 24/7 to feel I'm getting my life's worth. Yes, I learned a lot online. But, I was completely able to learn a lot way before "online" became one word.


I'll take the cash now, please.



It's the amazing race now, girl!

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Right now, that's about $20-30K a year.


I could do that, with what I have already put away, easily. If I didn't have to "work" outside the home, I would be set up to garden and mend, and generally make do. I even know how to dye whites that have gotten grubby from the peels of black walnuts and onion skins (no "fixative" needed, and a very nice color). I am "vested" in an insurance plan that would give me decent rates, and what money I got from my folks was immediately tucked into a college plan for kiddo. Hubby's wants and needs are even more primitive than mine. Oh, and we'd move to a cheaper place. Quiver might find me in her back yard.


Actually, I'd really like to do that. I worked or studied over 70 hours a week for huge chunks of my life, and I'd really like to pick up being the jill-of-all-trades I was when I was an emancipated teen living on $1.25/hr wage. I remember buying my first bit of new clothes. I was 26, and I bought a bra. My first piece of furniture was purchased when I was 31. I am very comfortable with very little.

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