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Morning/Evening Person (Poll)

Which best describes you?  

  1. 1. Which best describes you?

    • Morning Person
    • Night Owl
    • Neither. Give me the afternoon? (Might need to clarify)
    • Other. - Have I ever said how much I loathe this option, but there it is.

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My life would be soooo much easier if I could sleep till 11 am or later everyday and stay up till 3 or 4 am each night/morning. I am much more productive/energized in the late evening through early morning hours. Unfortunately, that kind of schedule doesn't work with being a single mom and needing to teach classes for my homeschool group for extra money.

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Night owl. I like to joke that I homeschool because I don't want to wake up early enough to put my kids on the bus!


I say it too, but it's not a joke! :lol::lol::lol: Fortunately, neither of my kids wants to get up that early either :tongue_smilie:

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Morning person, but that's relatively new in the past 5 years. Before that, I would be dragged out of bed my the alarm every morning, and was most alert and productive from 10pm - 2 am.


Now, I'm naturally awake by 5, no matter what time I go to sleep. 5-7am is my "me" time. :001_huh:

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Now, I'm naturally awake by 5, no matter what time I go to sleep. 5-7am is my "me" time. :001_huh:


How did you accomplish this miracle?! I lovelovelove the early mornings, and I'm so happy when I accidentally wake up early, but it's just so hard for me to do.

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How did you accomplish this miracle?! I lovelovelove the early mornings, and I'm so happy when I accidentally wake up early, but it's just so hard for me to do.


I don't know. I don't think I really had anything to do with it. I think it was a defense mechanism.


(I DO set the alarm on my phone for 5:30, but I'm generally up before that happens - sometimes long enough that the alarm goes off and scares me)

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I started dancing at 3. At 12, I started doing theatre and became a night owl. I would go to school at 8, be home at 3:00, take a nap or eat a snack, maybe do homework, then go to dance/theatre from 4:30ish until 10pm sometimes...then I would do homework. When I got to college, I never started class before 9 am, 11 if I could have my choice!


I only had a regular schedule job for 6 months...then I switched to teaching dance completely....I have been a mess every since. DH is also a night owl. He was homeschooled from 1st grade on and did theatre. Our kids take after us. DS has started waking up at 8:30 most days. Once a week he sleeps until 10 or 11.


I like to start school work by 9am if we can. That way we are done by 11am and can relax, play, run errands before we start our evening activities. On days DH works, our family time starts with dinner at 9ish and ends with bed time at 11ish. It works for us, but some find us a little crazy! (mainly my parents) It does make it hard to schedule daytime playdates during the week. We are ready to play while my friends kids are ready for naptime. :tongue_smilie:

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I am a morning person.


But since we have gotten our puppy (4 months old) I am a sleep deprived morning person. In fact, I get about 4 hours a sleep a night. :confused:


My son used to be a morning person but now that puberty has begun he needs to sleep to 8-9 in the morning before I wake him (any earlier and I can expect to get very little school done).


My daughter since birth has been a night person.

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I love it when the house is quiet at night. Dh and I have time to talk, I can read, I can look at these precious little sleeping cherubs. Mornings are coffee time. Once the caffine kicks in around lunch or so it would seem horrible to go to sleep right at dusk just as momentum starts for the day.:lol:

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Definitely morning. I cycle through phases of how early of a morning person I am, but I go through long periods of waking up at 5:30 and will then shift to 6:30 or 7:00. The early part of the day is when I have the most energy. I stay up fairly late -- 11:00 -- but I am pretty tired and often not too productive by the time I've finished preparing dinner.



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For the longest time, I did not think I was a morning person, because my mother is The Queen of Morning People. She would come into my room and chirp "Good Morning!!!" when she's been up since 5:00am. I always wondered why on earth she would get up at 5 when she did not "have" to. She would say, "I want to see your Dad before he goes to work."


I do the same thing, except I get up around 6:15. I want to spend an hour or so having coffee with dh and watching the news and weather. On the rare occasion I fail to get up and he goes off to work unseen, I feel so lost.


It's a good thing, though, that he doesn't leave for work as early as my dad did!

Edited by Quill
Sounded like I was talking about having coffee with my dad.
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I am a night owl and a morning person, is that crazy?? I like to get up early, get the schoolwork and housecleaning done, then have the rest of my day to do what I want. However, I also stay up late after dc and dh are asleep and do things I cannot do with them around, or just veg. I only need about five hours of sleep, if that much. It's herediatary!

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Morning person, but that's only because I'm reformed. A reformed night owl, that is. :lol:


Seriously, I was a night owl my entire 40-some years of life until about two years ago. One day it dawned on me that we can't possibly get everything done that we need to get done in a day's time unless we get our hineys out of bed in the morning. Combine that with the fact that while dh was gone to Ft. Benning for 8 months, I actually missed taking him to the bus at 6 a.m. :tongue_smilie: That's when I knew I'd been transformed. :w00t:

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I voted neither but I don't mean afternoon. I don't think I'm consistently better in the morning or at night. It all depends on the amount of sleep I've been getting, the amount of caffiene I've had to drink, & the number or arguments I've had to mediate lately.

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Night owl. I have tried and tried and tried to get up early, to reset my clock, just doesn't work. I get a second wind around 9 pm, no matter how little sleep I've gotten the night before or during the day. I totally give up.

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I said Morning Person only because I've been trained to get up early every day for work (I have had to be at work at either 7am or 7:30am every day for years). Before that I was a Night Owl. I think if I were to no longer have to get up by a certain time I'd stay up a lot later, but my natural clock is set to wake up at 10am, or it used to be.

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Sorry, Daisy, but I'm an "other." If I had my druthers, I'd stay up late like a night owl, get up early with the kids and be super productive in the morning like a morning person and then nap in the afternoon to make up for it. In fact, I do just that sometimes. Other times, it doesn't work out that way. I'm not a super early riser - 7:30 is my start time (unlike my up at the crack of dawn kids), and I can sleep late or go to bed early if need be, but that's my natural cycle, I think.

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I wonder how much is conditioned. I had to get up early for school when I was a kid- had to leave home at 6.45 am. I would even go jogging before that too. And my dad was up early to get to work before the traffic. Mum would sleep in and i would take her a cup of coffee if she was awake before I left home.

I spent most of my childhood having to get up early to get to school.

When I could sleep in, I did.

Then as an adult I went through times of sleeping in and staying up late, before kids.

Once I had kids, sleep became a precious commodity and going to bed early just seemed sensible.

I do like mornings. But I wonder if I am a "morning person" through nature or nurture. I wonder if its just habit, life circumstance, etc

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I actually wrote a blog post about this recently. I am not a morning person and I never have been. Then again, I'm not really a night owl either. It takes me a long time to get moving in the morning and I am ready for bed at night by 10 or 11. I'm at my best midday.

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I'm a night owl, but I get up with DH to make him breakfast and since I'm up I figure I might as well share the misery. DH is maddeningly perky in the morning. The DC are grumpy but they wake up when they hear us (small house) and they come out to investigate breakfast.


I need a machine that will make me one of those frozen mocha coffee drinks in the morning. Regular hot coffee is not working right now. I suppose I could freeze some coffee in ice cube trays and use the blender in the morning..........

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I'm a mid-day person. I can get up early, just don't talk to me for at least an hour. My most productive times are 9am to 3pm. My internal clocks shuts down at 10pm, has since I was a kid. Seriously, it's like 10:20 here and my body is begging me to go to bed. Dh is a morning person :ack2:, ds is night owl. We started school at 10:30 this year, that was the earliest we've done since early elementary.


Ds is not a morning person, so we mix well together. Prek and K in private school were absolute torture for ds and me.

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Definitely a night person. Unfortunately, my DD has always been a morning person. As an infant, she was up at 5am every day! As she got older, she started sleeping in until now, at age 6, she usually gets up between 6-6:30am no matter what time she goes to bed.

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Night owl...as a teen and now as a mom. Not always a good thing, but what can I do?! I've tried resetting my body clock, but it doesn't work.

I blame the genes, my dad is the same way. However, my mother says I'm terrible because I'm not a morning person, the one who's perky and is up before her children! Like she is! HA! I just don't take after her. This is a ongoing argument between her and me.

My daughter is a morning person, up and at it with the sun. My oldest and youngest, boys, are just like their mama, hard to put to bed, and hard to wake in the morning.

Yep, my house is fun!! :)

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I voted "morning person".


Usually I would vote "night owl" without thinking, but I've recently realized that all the times I'm up late (past 11) is when I force my body to. I cannot focus on any work after 8, I just can't.


When I get up early though, my focus is amazing.


When I was younger, I was naturally up by 5:30 or 6:00. My mom used to force me to stay awake at night (only until 7 or 8) because sometimes by 5 I was begging to go to sleep.


Now, I usually go to bed about 10:30 or 11:00 and naturally wake about 6:30-7:30. Winter, it's generally 8:00-8:30. I'd love to eventually wake earlier :001_smile: Getting out of bed is torture, but once I'm up, I don't feel sleep anymore. My body feels a bit tired, but I can no longer go back to sleep if I do anything more than walk to the bathroom and back. If someone stops me on the way to talk or something distracts me, I can't go back to sleep.

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I'm a never these days!


Was always a morning person. Became also a night person after kids. Now I'm so exhausted that, really, I'm a never.


I'm working on a secret plan to change it by being surreptitiously on strike all this week and next. I even had 2 naps yesterady. ;) Problem is, I seem more tired than ever! I figure it is just the bottoming out phase, and then I'll come back to life. :)

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