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S/O From your parents down....how many children have been born?

How many have been born?  

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  1. 1. How many have been born?

    • 1-5
    • 6-10
    • 11-20
    • 21-30
    • 31-40
    • 41-50
    • 51-60
    • 61-70
    • 71+
    • Unknown or other

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My parents had five children.

My sister has had five and I've had four.

My sister's oldest has one.


That's all I'm counting although two of my sibs could still have children. My youngest sib has 2 foster kids, but I didn't count them because they weren't born because of my parents.


My MIL's legacy is a lot more impressive.

She had 6 children. There have been 18 grandchildren born. None of my neices/nephews have babies yet, but several are at the point where that could be in the picture soon.

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My parents have 3 kids, we're all married with children, but none of us are done yet (or hope not to be!). So far 8 grandbabies (4 for big bro, 3 for me, 1 for lil sis) 9 and under. 11


Dh's parents have 2 boys, dh has 3 and BIL has 2 (both of us still working on more hopefully). So, 7.


My MIL is one of 10 kids- the oldest died tragically at 12 yrs, the youngest was adopted as a baby and raised as a twin to their bio baby! Oldest child is 65 and the youngest is 40. Those 9 remaining children are all done having babies now and have a total of 40 grandchildren! The oldest grandchild is 40 (Mom and her oldest dd had a baby at the same time) and the youngest is 10. So far there are only 20 great grandchildren, oldest is 20 yrs, but they haven't even gotten warmed up! No great great grandchildren yet. So for dh's grandparents, the count is 70 and counting! What a legacy! It inspired us to have a large family, but IF has limited us, 3 is likely it for us.

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8. My parents had 3, I have 2, my brother who's not a brother anymore has 2 and my younger brother has 1.


NOW----if it was my husband's family. His mom had 5, those 5 have 12 kids and now there are 8 great grandchildren. Total of 25, but that is not counting step kids...

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My parents had three children.


I have five children. My sister has eight. My youngest sister has zero and blames me because I invited her to my son's birth. :D So...16, so far. My eldest daughter and my sister's two eldest children are rapidly approaching marriageable age/stage, so who knows how many we'll end up with.



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From my parents, 5, though that will probably increase in the next few years as my brother apparently does intend to reproduce eventually.


From my paternal grandparents: 7


From my maternal grandparents: 20 so far, if I'm counting right, with several of the grandkids not really at reproducing age yet.

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My parents had 4 (ok, one brother is a half-brother from a relationship that didn't work out after my parents divorced) and I'm the only one of my siblings to have children (or be married). I have 6. So that equals 10 and I don't think I'll be a grandmother in the very near future.

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My parents had 4 children.


Oldest is expecting #14

I have 5... maybe 1 more :D

Younger brother has 6... hoping for more

Youngest brother isn't married, and has no children that we've been made aware of (he's 35, single, and needs a life outside of sports.)

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My parents produced 5 children (all girls), 16 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren thus far. My own children are still young, 4 the grandchildren are adults but not married and one granddaughter is just getting started on her family, so the potential for great grands is quite large.


So their total is 43 currently.


My parents divorced after only 13 years of marriage and my father remarried and had 2 sons and now has 5 grandchildren from that union.

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My parents had 7, and now have 12 grandchildren with a 13th due this fall.


My ILs had 6, and now have 8 biological grandchildren. They have an 'unofficial adoptee' that they took in as a young adult, and he is now married and has 5 kids, so they say that they have 13 grandchildren :)

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My parents had 6 children (4 still living, only 3 had kids), 6 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandchildren. It wasn't until I typed it out that I saw the pattern. Weird. Further grandchildren is pretty much not going to happen, but more great-grandkids are a definite possibility.

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My parents have seven living children and one who is not. They currently have 19 grandchildren and one on the way.


My maternal grandparents had 11 children, and I have over 80 first cousins. I don't even know what the count would be if we backed up a generation.


Back in the late 80's I went to a family reunion organized for one of my paternal great-grandfathers. I vaguely remember the organizer stating that a conservative estimate of this man's descendants was more than 20,000. It's mind-boggling.

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My parents had me and I have two kids. - 3


My husband's parents had 3 and our two kids. - 5


My grandparents had 4 kids, they had a total of 9 kids, married people with 3 kids, the bio-grandkids have had a total of 21 kids, step-grandkids have had a total of 2 kids, the grandkids married people with 6 kids; and not all of the grandkids have had children yet. - 45

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I'm an only, so it's me and my two girls.


I just had to say, though, that when my granddad passed away (my dad's dad) he had 11 children, 52 grandchildren, and 18 great-grandchildren. That would have been 81 at his death!

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My dad has 2 other children, my mom has me. So they have a total of 3. My half-sister has 2 kids and I have 2 kids...so 4 more. Wow...we have a small family. Only 7.


Now...by simply adding my grandparents in, that number changes quite a bit. My dads mom and dad gave birth to 5 - who then gave birth to a total of 9 more. My mom's mom and dad only had her. So, if you go back to my grandparents, then the total is 22.


Go to my GREAT grandparents and the number explodes - probably in the 70's! My great grandma on my maternal grandfather's side alone gave birth to 12 children (only 9 lived). Each of them had 1-4 children and now those children have children and their children's children have children. :)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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My parents have 3 children. Between the 3 of us there are 8 grandchildren. So, thanks to them, 11 fabulous people inhabit the world! :D


I should probably also give them credit for my cousin's son. She got pregnant while in college, and lived with my parents up until he was born and then for a while after. I know she'd had a previous abortion, and I don't know that her fabulously talented son would be here today if my parents hadn't supported her!


It doesn't change our poll category though. :)

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MY parents had 2 children. My brother doesn't have any. I have 2 by way of adoption. That equals 4.


I like looking at it from my grandparents - They had 3, then 6 grandchildren, and now 9 great grand children. That's 18.


My other grandparents had 3 children (2 lived to adulthood), 5 grandchildren (4 lived to adulthood), and now 2 greatgrandchildren. That is 10.

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My parents had 2, and I have 3 (my brother doesn't have any), so 5 total.


Dh's parents had 3 who had 7, so 10 total.


My maternal grandparents had 3 children, who had 5 children between them, who have 7 children. So 15.


My paternal grandparents had 7 children, who had 13 children, who had 27 children. Out of those 27 children, there are 4 children so far. So 53 in total.

Edited by beckyjo
I added wrong...
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My parents have 29 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren (two in utero).


I have unmarried siblings under 20 who haven't begun families yet, and married siblings in their 20s who aren't finished with their families yet. Those of us in our 30s feel done, but haven't made any permanent measures yet.


Most of my nephews and nieces are under 18, too, so this number reflects only the few nieces and nephews in their 20s who have started families.


My mom comes from a similarly large family; it would take me forever to discern the reproductive legacy of her parents. My father was an only child of older parents LOL. They've only ever been married to each other.

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My parents had 7 children between them.


My siblings and I have 14 biological children (there are also 3 stepchildren that are not blood relations of my parents so I'm not counting them, even though there has never been a distinction in our family - it's just that they would still be here even if my parents never were).


The grandchildren have 10 children so far.



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I don't know how to answer the poll. My parents are divorced. My family is extremely complicated. I have to draw a chart so my kids can follow the relationships.


Mom-2 biological children, 2 step children, 1 step child with no contact since childhood, 3 biological grandchildren, 1 adopted grandchild, 3 step-grandchildren (1 from a step child's spouse's previous marriage, 2 from step child and his spouse) 4 step grandchildren from the step child with no contact.


Dad- 2 biological children, 3 biological grandchildren, 1 adopted grandchild, 3 temporary step-children from a brief 4 year marriage, the 3 temporary step-children (with 2 of whom I am in contact but he is not) have 7 biological children between them. I consider them my siblings, my biological brother does not, and neither does my father.

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