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where do you keep your dirty laundry?

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I have a hamper in each of our rooms, as well as one in the bathroom. I do at least two loads every day and I STILL have dirty clothes/bedding overflowing out of the hampers!


I'm wondering if anyone keeps their dirty clothes in their closet or if that's gross? I'm so sick of the constant dirty clothes piles that plague my house :(


Am I alone?


(we all use a clean towel every day, I rarely use paper towels, and I'm constantly washing bedding because of the dogs! (don't get me started):001_huh:

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I have a giant sterile storage container next to the half wall at the top of the stairs. All of our dirty goes there. I have a large wicker basket in the kids' bathroom for towels and a small wicker basket in the kitchen for kitchen towels.


We reuse towels a few times, or until they begin to smell. I wash them about once a week. I re-wear jeans a couple of times, and I've got DH and DS9 on board with re-wearing non-dirty clothing. DD usually won't wear things again. The little kids are too dirty to wear their clothing more than once.

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This is a sore point with me. My kids put their dirty laundry in the hamper which is in the laundry room. One is good about it and the other two need reminders. My dh throws his where he happens to take them off. I've tried laundry baskets but he seems to think laundry goes outside the basket, not in it. Anyway, we try to keep dirty clothes contained in the laundry room.


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Hampers in the bathroom and bedroom BUT twice a week those hampers are totally emptied and put into sorted piles on the laundry room floor. I pick up, treat and wash, one pile at a time.


My washer/dryer are in my kitchen on opposite wall cubbies (hard to explain)....so there is no room to sort...which is part of the problem, I think. I would love a laundry room....although then I think I'd hide everything in there... :tongue_smilie:

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I have a large basket in the kids bathroom for all the dirty laundry. We get new towels twice a week and clean sheets once a week. The kids wear their clothes for 2 days unless they are dirty or smelly from the days activity. I'm lucky here, the older two are quite clean kids. I do two loads every day and stay on top of it quite well.

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Hampers in the bathroom and bedroom BUT twice a week those hampers are totally emptied and put into sorted piles on the laundry room floor. I pick up, treat and wash, one pile at a time.



I do this PLUS I have a dark and light hamper in the laundry room. All the delicates get put in the hamper in my room (where I can make sure it doesn't get abused), all the really dirty stuff goes in the hamper in hubby's room (he does the construction and gets the dirtiest).


We wash two times a week, and in between I put the towels and kiddo's clothes in the laundry room hampers a couple times a week. We do all the sheets on Sunday. You can hear us in our respective rooms having a how-fast-can-you-strip-the-bed and flip-the-mattress-contest.

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I have a laundry basket in the bathroom that dh and I and the youngers use.


The older kids have their own baskets in their rooms since they do their own laundry.


Re: bath towels, ours are washed once a week. After they're used, I hang them out on the clothesline to dry (in warm weather) or toss them in the dryer for a few minutes to dry before they're hung up (in cold weather).

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I don't want to be the "collector" of the laundry around the house and try to do laundry on a daily basis, so I definitely use our laundry room with an IKEA pre-sorter cloth hamper. Sometimes the laundry is flowing out the door of the laundry room - which is a present reminder to me, the household laundress - to get a load started. We each use a towel for one week, but sometimes more often with personal hand towels - and tend to use many washcloths. In addition to the sorter, I have a separate bucket for washcloths and one for our cloth napkins. I am diligent about family being responsible and taking their dirty laundry to the laundry room. I'm probably OCD about laundry - but if left out, it attracts other clutter.

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hanging from the ceiling fan....



Seriously, Dh and I share a hamper in our master bath. Ds has a hamper in his bedroom (he doesn't really use it:glare:) and I have a basket in the laundry room for towels. Note there are only 3 of us. Dh and ds re-use their towels until I remember to wash them (weekly). I change towels and wash cloths daily. I change kitchen towels and washcloths daily. Bedding is washed every few weeks when the weather is warm and about once a month in the winter. The only time laundry piles become a problem is on a bedding day if I get int erupted. Then I have piles of bedding in the hall waiting to be washed. Recently, I've had trouble getting the clean clothes put up. Currently, one load is in the dryer and 3 are on my bed. I guess they'll wait until tomorrow. :tongue_smilie:

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A basket in each room. When they get full, they go to the laundry to get washed, hung on racks, dried, taken back to room. Washing is done by the person so we skip the sorting. The only people who have overflowing laundry are the 2 teens who are still learning to remember to take the basket to the laundry when it gets full :)

We also have a large laundry basket in the laundry itself for bits and pieces, towels, sheets, kitchen towels and things that are too weird to wash with other stuff like shoes.


A towel per person per day? Dogs in beds? I would be working on laundry prevention.

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I have two giant upright hampers in the master bedroom closet and everything from upstairs goes in there. I also have a basket under a hutch in our kitchen. Our boys do a lot of clothes changes in the kitchen. I also have a bucket for rags under the kitchen sink.

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We have two large hampers in the laundry room. Each person is responsible for getting his/her dirty clothes into the hampers everyday. They are set up for sorting, whites in the light colored hamper and darks/colors in the black hamper. When I wash, I sort the dark loads away from the bright colors. I have a large capacity front loader and I do 8-10 loads per week, more if the guest room has been used that weekend.

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Each person has a laundry hamper. The boys are responsible for their own laundry. My hubby does his, too. My dd does hers with reminders and an occasional catch up load (I do this for the boys, too). In my bedroom, I have a hamper for my clothes, for our towels, and for hubby's clothes. The boys used to keep theirs in their closets, but don't, now. Dd keeps hers in her closet.


We don't usually reuse towels. I'd say the boys do a load or two each week (sometimes work clothes go separate, bc ds wears all black to work), dd does one, I do two or three (my clothes are bigger...lol) and dh should do two, but stuffs his in to make one (rarely more than 3 pair of pants, bc he wears suits and reuses his khakis or shorts);). I probably do 2 loads of towels a week, and ds throws in a load once in a while.

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Several collection points: light and dark hampers in a small "extra" closet in MBR, same in the girl's bath, one daughter has a hamper in her room (she can't walk across the hallway). Also a small basket in kitchen and a catch-all in the laundry room. When I need to fill out a load, I just make the rounds of hampers. I've had to increase my daily quota from 2 loads to 3 as we enter the teen years. Largely because there are more skip days when co-op and other activities put me out of reach of my laundry room.

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My laundry mates and produces offspring all over the house. I find it everywhere. I may need to find a good exterminator. Home remedies aren't working.


Yeah, what's THAT about?


We used to have two large lidded baskets (like toy box sized) at the foot of our bed. Now I have three labeled hampers in the hall.

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There is nothing I detest more than laundry. We currently live in an apartment and there is no washer/dryer hook-up. So, we constantly have dirty laundry... EVERYWHERE. We bring big laundry bags full of dirty laundry (typically 3 full ones) to the laundromat each week. Even then, we still have dirty laundry in our hampers, plus sheets and towels to wash... Oy!


How I long for a washer/dryer....

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I'm a bit odd when it comes to laundry. I don't mix anyones clothes together except for dh and mine. We have 2 laundry baskets in our room, one for darks and one for whites/lights. My kids each have a laundry basket in the laundry room and they put their stuff in there. They have a hamper in the hall for towels (which we only use one time before washing) and dh and I have a hamper in our bathroom for our dirty towels. The kitchen towels/bath hand towels are taken up each night on my way to bed (our laundry room is upstairs)


I do all the kids clothes and towels on Fridays, so 6 loads, one clothes and one towel load per child, I don't separate their clothes I just throw in a spray n wash color catcher sheet, and their towels have to be washed separately because they are color coded and I don't want to have any colors running that way. I wash my and dh clothes on Sat usually, sometimes on Mondays if he's gone so it's just my stuff. That's 2 loads, darks and lights/whites because there is just more of it so it must be separated into at least 2 loads, sometimes 3. I wash towels for dh and I when I notice we're running low, we have 14 towels to share between us. I wash sheets whenever I feel the nagging desire to, not as often as many would.

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We only have a set of hampers for all if us. It's in the hall landing upstairs across from the laundry area. Only our room is past it so not a big deal- it's my visual reminder when I need to wash.


I wouldn't put them in the closet. Our last house it was in the hall and people saw it. There is no where else to put it!

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The boys have a hamper in their room, there are three hampers in my bedroom. The three hampers = one for whites, one for colors, and one for darks. There are also two baskets in the laundry room, one for dish towels/rags, and the other for gentle care/dry cleaning clothes.

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I have a hamper in each of our rooms, as well as one in the bathroom. I do at least two loads every day and I STILL have dirty clothes/bedding overflowing out of the hampers!


I'm wondering if anyone keeps their dirty clothes in their closet or if that's gross? I'm so sick of the constant dirty clothes piles that plague my house :(


Am I alone?


(we all use a clean towel every day, I rarely use paper towels, and I'm constantly washing bedding because of the dogs! (don't get me started):001_huh:



I have three baskets in the laundry room. One for whites, one for darks and one for sheets, towels and kitchen items. When the basket is full it gets washed.

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Well, our washer and dryer are out in the garage. My dh and boys have terrible allergies and dirty clothes hang on to pollen. So, our dirties go straight out to the washer. I have a basket in front of it that mostly gets used otherwise it ends up on the floor. That drives me nuts. We don't have any hampers in the house at all.

I don't think keeping laundry in a closet is gross. That's where most of my cleaning clients keep theirs.

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A towel per person per day? Dogs in beds? I would be working on laundry prevention.


That's what I was thinking. When I think of the different standards of laundry compared in different societies, I must admit that many in the US leave me :001_huh:.


Glad, I'm not doing all that laundry. :tongue_smilie:

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Tried laundry baskets, didn't work. Dirty laundry is always on the floor, even mine. I don't have room in my bathroom for a basket so I just take it out every other day.

Kids just leave it where it lies in the bedroom. I don't do their laundry unless they put it in the laundry room. Well room implies something ours isn't. There is enough room for a laundry basket in front of the washer. Anyway. I got over the whole laundry thing. I get mine, dh and ds3's laundry done. The other two are on their own unless it gets in front of the washer.

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Where do I keep it...or where does DH keep it? :lol:


I have laundry hampers, and a bizillion washing baskets (I think at last count there was 12) I have a hamper in each room, but they always disappear with just the lids left behind on the floor LOL. The kids use them as a toy and hubby is forever disappearing off with one for one reason or another.


Both the kids and DH just drop their clothes everywhere, Im the poor darl that collects them. I gave up cajoling and yelling years ago and am resigned to the fact that I have to commando crawl under the kids beds to retrieve DHs socks, where they somehow end up rolling after he reads them their bedtime story.


With the laundry hunting I do, I think I am ready for seals training lol.


Our dirty laundry are kept in extra baskets in the bathtub at this house, as the bathroom & laundry are a combined small room.


When we purchase the house, I am planning to figure out a new arrangement lol.

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Everyone has a canvas hamper with their names written on it in Sharpie.


The bathroom has a canvas hamper with Towels Only written on it. Half the towels end up on DD's floor. When I notice our supply of clean towels has noticeably diminished, I hunt in DD's room for the lost sheep.


Where the laundry is kept is a different story. From what I can tell, and I try not to look, everyone in the family except for me keeps their laundry on their bedroom floors.

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One dark hamper and one white hamper in the main bathroom. Everyone takes their dirty clothes and puts the lights/whites in one hamper and their darks in the other, including dry towels. On wash day I dump the light/white hamper into the large front loader to wash. I sort the jeans and really dirty darks out of the other hamper and have another two loads.


I only wish I had started this years ago. Hardly any sorting dirty clothes.

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Our washer doesn't ever stop, I don't know for sure how many loads a day we do. The older kids do their own stuff, the younger kids have a wicker basket in their room that I have them bring out every day at least once to the laundry room. I give them the basket right back so they can put more stuff in it if they 'have' to, my kids are a bit OCD about spills and what not. We don't reuse towels, sheets get washed at least once a week. I wash all of the living room throws and pillows once a week also. I have a wicker basket in our bedroom also and I take that out as it gets full too. I guess I am a bit crazy about laundry......I very often end up loading clothes in the washer while they are still warm from the body of the wearer. I can't live with piles of dirty laundry, makes me nuts.

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