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Do you ever homeschool outside the home?

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Today I got up, packed up our school materials, and headed to Chick-Fil-A. The kids think this is so great. We school for about 20 minutes, then I send them off to the play area for about 10 minutes. We've accomplished reading, math, and vision therapy work in record time. Next up is language and Bible, then we will head home for science.


When I came in I bought us all lemonades, and we ate lunch here as well. I wouldn't just come in to sit without purchasing something.


We may try this a few more times this summer!

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We've been using the library with great success. We ask for a meeting room, which has two desks, a large table and a white board - everything we could possibly need. We've been going once or so a week but in the fall I think we will use it most days. Dd is very focused there since we have no puppy distractions.

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Ds does any workbook stuff while I do a morning kickboxing class twice a week. Then we go grocery shopping afterwards, so if he got all his schoolwork done he gets the free cookie at the grocery. Also, while we are shopping on Tuesdays I quiz him on the spelling words for the week. We get very strange looks sometimes. ;)

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Quite a few times this past year, I took a kid or two with me while at the Community College with my oldest (It's an hour drive for us, so we I stay until his classes are over. He'll be taking his driving test today, so we hopefully won't be going with him next year.).


We got a few looks at first, but everyone eventually realized my kids were the quietest people in the library.


It was kind of nice. Not as many distractions & there are lots of sort of cozy out of the way places to study all over campus. My dd liked the cafeteria best. (She got to meet real live lunch ladies and eat greasy pizza! :tongue_smilie:)



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We do this on the Thursday mornings when my oldest has riding lessons. I have to keep everyone in the van for an hour & a half, so they don't run around & spook the horses. We get our school done so efficiently and peacefully on these days. I love it!


Going to chikfila sounds even better! Maybe we'll try other places, too.

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We once did some Mathcounts practice at a Starbucks; I'd read a problem and the kid would have to answer it as quickly as possible, with a 45 second limit.


After about five minutes, we had an audience (and I promise we weren't being loud or obnoxious :)). Pretty soon, a few people were participating, trying to answer the questions themselves. Very helpful, actually, as it was closer to the real competition situation of having to respond sooner than your competitor. As I recall, Soy Caramel Latte Guy was quite good at percentages.

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We once did some Mathcounts practice at a Starbucks; I'd read a problem and the kid would have to answer it as quickly as possible, with a 45 second limit.


After about five minutes, we had an audience (and I promise we weren't being loud or obnoxious :)). Pretty soon, a few people were participating, trying to answer the questions themselves. Very helpful, actually, as it was closer to the real competition situation of having to respond sooner than your competitor. As I recall, Soy Caramel Latte Guy was quite good at percentages.



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I do for appointments, like today two of my kids have orthodontist appointments so I'll take our read aloud for when we're waiting. But I've never tried a fun outing, I might try that as a treat now and then. I have a feeling my kids will be too distracted at fun places, it's worth trying though.

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Often! Yesterday, we did school in the kids' playroom at the car dealership while my car was getting worked on. It's a nice little set-up with toys (for DS5) and a chalkboard that DD7 could do math on. The car was done before we were finished, so we hung out for another 20 minutes to finish up. Nice! Otherwise, we can often be found at Chik-fil-a, the library, a coffee shop, etc. I like that there's fewer distractions, for them and for me. DS5 will be going to PS next year, so I'm thinking DD and I will spend every morning at the library.

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They have school bags and pack their own. Today one had piano and I worked with the other at the piano teacher's dining room table during the lesson hour. Then after lunch they packed up and schooled in the waiting room while I had my physical.


We do it so often that I'm afraid that it is not a novelty around here ;).

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We did well at the library a few times, but not at the park. I was called 'mean' by other homeschooling moms for making my children do schoolwork instead of letting them play on the playground.


I've done a little work with one child while the other was doing something, like a meeting or an appointment. But that was only specific situations when I needed to make sure the work got done. Otherwise, I keep schoolwork at home.

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Yes, I love summer. We sometimes do a little schooling while we're on vacation in our hotel room. I slip it in before we can hit the pool.


Any locations more exotic than that and school won't get done. No parks, beach, library, etc... Well, maybe we could try again this summer...


We schooled outside on our deck today. Sometimes we migrate to the playhouse and work on the upper deck floor.

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We did well at the library a few times, but not at the park. I was called 'mean' by other homeschooling moms for making my children do schoolwork instead of letting them play on the playground.



:ohmy: Well, that's not very nice. I guess I've never experienced that, as we usually go to a quiet one near the river for nature study when we're done with bookwork.

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We do school while dd has a ballet or gymnastics lesson and then switch with ds, while ds does social skills, when we have a half an hour to kill before picking up ds1, etc. I keep our school books in a tote and haul it along when we have some time. I love Starbucks because it's quiet and has lots of tables.

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We're going to start going to the library 2 or 3 times a months. My daughter found it easy to concentrate there and my son liked checking out books related to his science lesson on the same day as his lesson.


One of the librarians loved it too. She told us she hadn't heard some of the words we were using (predicate, participle) in years and smiled. When we mentioned that my daughter was also studying Latin her smile only got wider. She thought it was wonderful. :D

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We have tried Starbucks, the library, and our backyard. Apparently my kids are very easily distracted because all three times were a bust:(. I wish we could do that......


This is my ds too. When I first started researching homeschooling I had all these great plans to school outside in the fresh air or at a coffee shop or at the library, etc. making our schooling flexible and not being confined to a room because that's I would have loved to have been schooled.


Alas, just can't make it work with ds6. Even at home, he gets distracted and say's the birds are chirping to loudly!

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We have done school work in almost every restaurant in town plus the library, some doctor offices, a church classroom, my dd's therapy center, and my dh's office. I have streamlined it down though. When we need a change of pace I just grab the bag with flash cards and any homework pages I haven't gone over yet with my son. Or I will grab whatever tests he is ready for and take those. I don't do any heavy duty teaching anymore because I want to be ok when we have interruptions and so I don't have to carry as many things with us.

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Last year when I had to have a 3 hour glucose test the kids and I did our school work in the hospital atrium. They were very productive that day. It only worked for us because my husband had my younger son at Micro-center with him.


I had forgotten how well that day worked for us. Maybe we should pack up and get out more.

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We did well at the library a few times, but not at the park. I was called 'mean' by other homeschooling moms for making my children do schoolwork instead of letting them play on the playground.

We had several moms in my old HS group who did this - generally an one sibling finishing up their work while the others played.


I admit, I kinda thought it was mean, but my oldest was only K-ish at the time :)

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We once did some Mathcounts practice at a Starbucks; I'd read a problem and the kid would have to answer it as quickly as possible, with a 45 second limit.


After about five minutes, we had an audience (and I promise we weren't being loud or obnoxious :)). Pretty soon, a few people were participating, trying to answer the questions themselves. Very helpful, actually, as it was closer to the real competition situation of having to respond sooner than your competitor. As I recall, Soy Caramel Latte Guy was quite good at percentages.

Love it!


When DS was little there was one time when we had to take DH to a doctor's appointment, and I brought along the Story of the World to read to him (DS that is!) It was a chapter about Vikings... and by the time I was through reading, the whole waiting room was paying attention!

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Some things, like audio books, practical application of math via shopping, and reviewing memory work we do pretty regularly. Seat work, however, is not something I can do in an "on the fly" sort of way with my crew. My eldest son really needs predictability and even trying to switch up the order of seat work, chores, and read alouds can throw him off for the rest of the day.


that being said, during the PS year my littles go to a reading program at the library and the rest of my DC work on assignments during this time. The first week it is rough, but after that he falls right in line because it is the routine. *sigh* I do fantasize about schooling at Starbucks though.

Edited by BLA5
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Yes I have done the same thing at Chick-fil-a, and the manager/employees at ours are all wonderful about it. They never complain about us being there, that may have something to do with the franchise owner being a homeschool dad with about 7-8 children. His wife is often there with their children schooling and having lunch as well.


I've also done this at Panera Bread, but we have to do it in the morning and then wrap up before having lunch. Not because they don't want us there but because it's a major hot spot for all the office workers to have lunch at and it gets really noisy.

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We've homeschooled outside in the park, in the car, at Starb*cks, at wrestling practices, in other coffee shops, in the waiting room at music lessons, etc... In other words, we school wherever we can fit it in. We especially love to do it outside unless it is 96 degrees like yesterday (ugh!)

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That's not fair... we have no Chick-Fil-A restaurants around here. I like the chx sandwich with the pickles ;)




Is there a McDonald's? Their Southern Style Chicken Sandwich is pretty much a Chick-Fil-A copy. It's not exact, but it's pretty good!

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