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Prayers needed again

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It seems like I'm always coming here posting a prayer request. There are so many hurdles to jump in this cancer journey. It's hard to wage war when you are tired and weary. If you have time to intercede on behalf of my family, I'd be most grateful.




I went to my thyroid doctor today and she had run many tests as she usually does. The liver and kidney levels do not look good. The iron level is very high as well. It was 44 last year and this year is 3000. It should be below 100. I've asked Dr. W (the oncologist) about how my kidney and liver were looking in the past and he always says fine. I've never seen the results, just trusted he knew what he was doing. I have been having trouble being anemic for the past week and a half. Things are not improving so I'm going to see him tomorrow. Please pray thatmy dh and I will have favor with him as we share the results from my thyroid doctor with him. I'm a little nervous about that plus I don't feel well and am tired and emotional. Something has to be done about my kidneys and liver levels though and the iron level as well. My dh said I looked yellow yesterday so my color is off. This is new territory for me and a tad bit scary.


Please pray for our children and that they will rest in the arms of Jesus as we walk through this. I've had a few breakdowns lately and as much as I try to be strong for them, I can only do so much. The reality of all of this hits hard when the Mama can't hold herself together, ya know?


Thanks for your prayers and I'll update when I can.


Love in Christ,







Good morning!


I had the blood transfusion on Wed. afternoon and all went well. I am so thankful for such a kind staff of nurses at our hospital. I've been there enough times now that they recognize me and call me by name. They also remember that I am a hard stick and I don't even have to remind them anymore. :-) I do have a little bit more energy this morning so hopefully by Monday when I go back for a check up, the numbers will be up. If not, then we'll make a decision about what to do then. I think Dr. Walker wants to get me strong and well again before doing chemo so I don't think I will have it this coming week. I told him I was tired of not feeling well and would prefer to get my body strong again. He agreed.


The reason for the kidney, liver, and iron levels being so high is it depends what week after chemo when you test them as to what level you will get. The thyroid doctor checked them the week after chemo so they would have been high. Dr. Walker checks them right before I get chemo because that is several weeks after the last chemo and gives a true account of where we stand. This week is week three after chemo and they were already back in the normal range. When I had the usual thryoid labwork done, I never even thought about that was the week I had had chemo. I just went that day because I had time. So, hopefully this explains any questions about this. I will be keeping a better watch on these levels because I know how much this scared me.


Thank you so much for lifting our needs to the Father! We're so thankful that there was a simple answer to our concerns. Please pray that the hemoglobin levels continue to rise so I will feel better. It needs to be 12.

Edited by MJN
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Have they checked you for hemochromatosis? My father died from complication of this because it was caught waaay too late. His iron levels were around 6000. You can find more information about this at:



They would need to do a couple of blood tests to check.


It is extremely treatable.


This may be way off-base, but wanted to throw it out there because you mentioned that your iron levels were high.


Will be thinking of you.



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Those numbers are high but not unheard of. If you are anemic as well, it sounds like you could possibly be iron avid. (I am myself.) It could very well be the drugs you are taking are causing your iron to get out of whack and it might be temporary.


Hang in there, Molly. Rest and take extra care of yourself if you can and try not to despair. I think of you often and remember you always in my prayers. Sending cyber hugs, too. ((( )))

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You are in our daily prayers but I'm especially praying for your liver and kidney today, and for you and your family as you go through these difficult times. I'm hoping that it's just a spike in numbers as your body has dealt with all the chemotherapy. Praying for your meeting with your doctor too. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Thank you for keeping us updated as it helps when praying to have specific needs in mind too. :grouphug:

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I just read your update. That's good your doctor was able to explain why those numbers were so high.


I will definitely pray for your hemoglobin numbers to rise and that you feel strong and energetic very soon. Take care, Molly.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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