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My husband bought me diamond earrings for Mother's Day!

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It's not about the expense of the gift. It isn't even about getting a gift or not getting a gift. He got here pierced earrings and she DOESN'T HAVE PIERCED EARS! For me, it is about her dh, after being married for a number of years, not realizing/knowing her enough to know that she doesn't have pierced ears! That would hurt...just as much as no gift/no "Happy Mother's Day"/no mention at all. Does anyone get that? As a pp said, it's more about being "known". She isn't bashing her dh, she is venting. She was hurt. It is understandable. Jane, :grouphug: to you my friend. I love you. I'm sorry this thread, as many others, has gotten out of hand and you were attacked.




This is how I perceived the post as well.

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I've been married 22 years and dh is still clueless when he goes shopping for me. He would be lost without my girls helping him.



We had a lovely Mother's Day. I was cracking up over the fact hubs served me breakfast in bed. And presented me with a box of chocolates with flowers -- which was sweet.


But, I found it hilarious he gave me assorted creams. I hate creams. I love nuts and chews. ;) Son and I giggled over the screw-up. But I daren't mention it to hubs. We've been married for 23 years. He is adorable but like most men, a space cadet when it comes to recalling small things like that. LOLOLOL :lol:

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{{{Jane}}} I haven't read all of the responses, but I'm sure not everyone will understand why you are upset. I do. I get it. I would have been upset too.


My dh and kids all asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day, so I told them what I would like. Guess what? I didn't get anything I asked for, because they obviously weren't listening to me....as usual. That's the part that hurts.:grouphug:

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:grouphug: I get it. I'm sorry his gift wasn't more thoughtful.


One year for at Christmas DH was supposed to have the 24th off work. He decided to go into the office anyway. (It really was his choice, he works in an office and there aren't scheduled shifts or anything and very few other people were there). So I was quite mad to start with because I had planned that day as family time. Then after lunch he called to say he was going to do some errands and come home. His errands turned out to be going to the bookstore across from his office and picking out a dvd for everyone as their present.


So come Christmas morning I have filled stockings for DH and the kids. I have several wrapped presents each for DH and the kids, things I have carefully selected over time. For me, there is an empty stocking and a plastic bag from the bookstore with a dvd of a movie we already have. Nothing else. And I know he bought it the day before on his way home from work since I saw the receipt later. Even the kids (they were quite little) asked why Mommy didn't get any presents.


I didn't need to say anything (which was good since I was really hurt and the conversation would not have gone very well, instead I just sat and took pictures of everyone else and smiled), since once he saw the presents and things for everyone else and opened his one by one he felt bad. We do set price limits on presents and don't do extravagant presents for each other, but that makes it all the more important to be thoughtful.

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Oh, no card this year either. Just a box. Yay me. :glare:


I guess it just hurts because he knows I don't like jewelry. I say it all the time. Heck, I barely ever wear my wedding band and engagement ring... not because I don't like them :) but because they get in the way and my hands are always so dry that I need cream & the cream gets in between the diamonds and drives me bonkers.


And yes, I've done the waiting in the car bit many a year. :glare: Usually a few times per year- mom's day, birthday, xmas. :rolleyes:


I wish he'd have put some thought into it and just taken the kids out to pick something but he never did that. Earrings from the kids, I can see and appreciate. From him? I have no idea what to make of it. :001_huh:


Next holiday/time shop online, have the items sent to your home and the boxes to your kids and say, "Oo, I bet this must be a gift for me, perhaps you should go warp it up!"


Exactly, but he never took my kids out to get something. :001_huh: They're sad and embarrassed not to have a gift for me. :(


See above!

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I agree. It sounds like he's not good at gifts and is trying to overcompensate for it. This gift says I love you and you are a queen.


:iagree:, but I would still be hurt.


My dh and dd got back from Paris on Mother's Day. I am honestly a little hurt- they went for a father daughter trip and all and I am thrilled for dd, but they didn't think to bring back anything at all for ds and I- a postcard from the Louvre, anything. Its petty of me but i am a little hurt- on top of nothing for Mothers Day. But...that was my expectation somehow- not sure why- and it's ok. But its ok because at other times, I am gifted beautifully with things that mean a lot to me. Generally, if I want something, I end up getting it.


I think just to soften any remaining feelings I have over Mothers Day I will go and buy myself a pair of shoes I want for this winter. I did that at Christmas one year, knowing I wouldn't get anything I wanted from anyone- I bought myself several things, wrapped them up and put them under the tree. I haven't had to do that since.


But seasons come and go and some seasons dh is spot on. If he never was...I guess it would take a lot of mature acceptance to not be hurt.


It is good to keep a sense of humour about such things though. I am always better off when I can be blunt and direct but use some humour, usually sarcasm, to get the point across.

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Beautiful, stunning, white gold with diamonds in the middle. They're really quite nice.


Thing is, I don't wear earrings. :glare: I haven't worn a single pair in 10 years. :crying:


I'm starting to wonder if they were for his girlfriend and he got the boxes mixed up :001_huh: or if he was really *that* desperate with the last minute shopping. :001_huh:


I feel like I've just been slapped in the face. :crying: I hate Mother's Day.


Hugs...same thing happened to me Christmas before last. I thought, "WOW you really don't know me well at all, do you?" Those weren't diamonds but very beautiful. I do wear earrings everyday, but I wear my gold studs he had bought me a few years ago and I recall telling him that I was good for jewelry for another 20years. So why a new set? :001_huh: But he works ALOT and had no time for shopping and I'm positive it was an impulse buy. Men!


OH no, I just read a post saying you were attacked about your post???? If so, I'm so sorry. I totally get what you were saying.

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My love language is words of affirmation. So you could hand me a box of cow manure as a gift, but if you said the right words to EXPLAIN how much you loved me and that the cow manure represented that love, I'd swoon.


If fact, you could actually skip the box of cow manure, and EXPLAIN that the cow manure store was closed, but that you WANTED to get me some because the cow manure represented how much you loved me, I'd still swoon.


Yes, this!!!


Perhaps it would help for the OP's husband to read the Five Love Languages???


Unless she was serious about mixing her gift up with his girlfriend's, in which case he needs to eat the Five Love Languages.



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Can you clue me in? Which is worse: doing the wrong thing, or doing nothing. My life would be better if I knew the answer to this question.


Well, I don't know that either one is better than the other...but I think that doing nothing isn't a good choice. How about a gift card (or even cash)? For girls/woman....Walmart or Target gift cards are great (you can tell we don't have many stores near us). For the guys...how about a Fleet Farm or Menards gift card? My oldest daughter get presents from grandma that are homemade earrings or store bought clearance clothes. Both of which my dd hates (they are never her style). She never wears them. Having the cash instead would be soooo much better. When I was younger, I knew people who always said that cash or gift cards were "too impersonal". But for us...heck, that's THE BEST gift! It's way better than getting something you don't want and having to pretend that you like it.


The OP isn't upset that the gift is wrong, she's upset because it was thoughtlessly given.


I think she's upset because the gift IS wrong. It's totally wrong to get pierced earrings if your ears aren't pierced. It's wrong and thoughtless....both.


And, speaking of diamond earrings....this seems a little over-the-top to me for Mothers Day. I think of Mothers Day as a day for the kiddos to give mom a homemade card, a macaroni necklace, and a fistful of dandylions. If dh gives you diamond earrings (and I mean *real* diamonds)....what's he gonna do for your birthday or Christmas??

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As someone who struggles in the extreme with gift giving, this is my worst nightmare. I often spend hours thinking about what to give someone special for their birthday/Christmas/other special occasion, and end up getting nothing, because I can always think of a reason why they would hate it. I am so sad that my worst giftgiving nightmares are all too real.

I know it. I've given gifts to people and endured so many complaints about the perceived insult. They also regularly complain about gifts other people have given them. Such as being deeply insulted that someone gave them slippers because that implies they're lazy and sit around all day long. Etc etc. I no longer give those people gifts. Seriously.


Even more horrifying to think of the recipient going online and posting about how awful my magazine subscription was or whatever.


The point of this thread seems to be more of a complaint about how thoughtless the husband is, which would seem to be in direct contradiction to the board rule against spouse bashing, especially since virtually everyone has jumped on board. (And yes, I honestly think many men don't understand about ear piercing.)


I feel like buying the guy a copy of BB King's How Blue Can You Get:


You're evil when I'm with you

and you're jealous when we're apart

Yes you're evil when I'm with you baby

Lord have mercy, you're jealous when we're apart

How blue can you get

Hey that's a writing in my heart


I gave you a brand new Ford

and you just said I want a Cadillac

I bought you a ten dollar dinner

You said Thanks for the snack

I let you live in my penthouse

You said it was just a shack

I gave you seven children

and now you wanna give 'em back

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For the guys...how about a Fleet Farm or Menards gift card?.


Ha. See, now the above gift cards would be the equivalent of me giving my husband diamond earrings. He has no use for them.


He would much rather get a Pacman t-shirt from Target ;). But I think that's the whole spirit of this- KNOW your spouse and KNOW what they would want. Mine wants a case of Coke, a bag of Doritos, a Pacman t-shirt... and most importantly, no guilt when he eats the bag of Doritos in 5 minutes while gulping down 3 Cokes. ;)


He's an elementary school teacher who also DOES NOT want a single gift with apples or chalkboards on it. He'd rather die than have any apple/chalkboard things in his classroom.

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Ha. See, now the above gift cards would be the equivalent of me giving my husband diamond earrings. He has no use for them.


He would much rather get a Pacman t-shirt from Target ;). But I think that's the whole spirit of this- KNOW your spouse and KNOW what they would want. Mine wants a case of Coke, a bag of Doritos, a Pacman t-shirt... and most importantly, no guilt when he eats the bag of Doritos in 5 minutes while gulping down 3 Cokes. ;)


He's an elementary school teacher who also DOES NOT want a single gift with apples or chalkboards on it. He'd rather die than have any apple/chalkboard things in his classroom.


Well, see...then you wouldn't give your guy a Menards or Fleet Farm gift certificate. You'd give him a Target gift card so he could buy his own Pacman t-shirt, Doritos, and Coke. He'll be thrilled.


I guess if you don't know if the guy likes Menards or Fleet Farm (most guys we know would be in heaven with this) then cash is the best thing. :001_smile:


Where in the world did the teacher and apple thing ever get started anyway??

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I know it. I've given gifts to people and endured so many complaints about the perceived insult. They also regularly complain about gifts other people have given them. Such as being deeply insulted that someone gave them slippers because that implies they're lazy and sit around all day long. Etc etc. I no longer give those people gifts. Seriously.


Even more horrifying to think of the recipient going online and posting about how awful my magazine subscription was or whatever.


The point of this thread seems to be more of a complaint about how thoughtless the husband is, which would seem to be in direct contradiction to the board rule against spouse bashing, especially since virtually everyone has jumped on board. (And yes, I honestly think many men don't understand about ear piercing.)


I feel like buying the guy a copy of BB King's How Blue Can You Get:


You're evil when I'm with you

and you're jealous when we're apart

Yes you're evil when I'm with you baby

Lord have mercy, you're jealous when we're apart

How blue can you get

Hey that's a writing in my heart


I gave you a brand new Ford

and you just said I want a Cadillac

I bought you a ten dollar dinner

You said Thanks for the snack

I let you live in my penthouse

You said it was just a shack

I gave you seven children

and now you wanna give 'em back


:iagree: I could not agree more. The op comes across quite spoiled, wahh I got DIAMOND earrings. I don't care that her ears aren't pierced. I asked Dh about it and he said, sounds like her dh wants her to get her ears pierced. Then when I said she doesn't like jewelry he said well why doesn't she take them back and use the money for something she likes. I then told him about the person that was upset about their starbucks card and bath and body works card. He said "Women!!" :lol: Then laughingly said, no wonder the divorce rate is so high.


For me that's what it comes down too. This is not about a wrong gift, this is husband bashing, a clear violation of board rules.

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I know Jane, we've talked multiple times off board. Her plate is full, her kids are little. My gut reaction to her post was well at least you got a gift. :glare: But knowing Jane I understand why she was hurt. Tone is hard to read over the internet, but I've known her long enough to know she isn't being ungrateful. She'd just like her dh to know her a little better, that's something I hope all of us married women can understand.

Hope you don't mind, but I think the above post is worth repeating. While I did not necessarily agree this was the best place to air the story, I did not see the OP as bashing or tearing down the character of her husband. My husband & I have a great relationship but gift-giving, due to our backgrounds has been interesting. So, maybe from that experience I know that someone that is puzzled or hurt by a gift (even a fancy one) may not be putting down her dh or bashing. And again, I also do know of someone (not a perfect gal, either) who got both piercing and fancy earrings as a gift and it was mostly so the man got to look generous on the outside ... not for her happiness.


I don't bring those cases up to make it seem like this is Jane's case at all. Just hope some people will realize that sometimes there is more to the story. It's so easy to sit back and judge people. I don't know Jane but I've cast too many stones before. I realize how often I've misjudged and been misjudged. Kind counsel is one thing, accusing them and telling her she sounds spoiled doesn't really help her. We can disagree without attacking.



Thank you for posting this.


We're going through such rough financial times right now, I could only dream about getting any gift much less diamond earrings. I think my post might have been too harsh.


I'm sorry, Jane. :grouphug:

I love sincere apologies :) They are sometimes hard to make (not saying it was for this time!), as I know all too well.

Edited by Clairelise
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Sounds like something my fil would have done. He was forever dragging mil to the mall to buy dresses she didn't need and jewelry she didn't wear, and to the beauty parlor for a dye job and manicure she didn't want. She was the humblest, most frugal woman on the planet. He did it to make himself look good - "Look what I can afford to give my wife! Look how good she looks!" :tongue_smilie:


Perhaps your dh really thought diamonds are what women want. If you watch the d*mn tv, you'd certainly think so. Those diamond commercials seriously make me gag. Either way, I understand and I'm sorry.

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:iagree: I could not agree more. The op comes across quite spoiled, wahh I got DIAMOND earrings. I don't care that her ears aren't pierced. I asked Dh about it and he said, sounds like her dh wants her to get her ears pierced. Then when I said she doesn't like jewelry he said well why doesn't she take them back and use the money for something she likes. I then told him about the person that was upset about their starbucks card and bath and body works card. He said "Women!!" :lol: Then laughingly said, no wonder the divorce rate is so high.


For me that's what it comes down too. This is not about a wrong gift, this is husband bashing, a clear violation of board rules.


If the moderators agreed with you, the thread would have been closed long ago. As it wasn't, I'm guessing they saw something different in the OP's post.

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Yes. I'm not a person who enjoys receiving gifts. I reeeaaaalllly mean it when I say I don't want anything. Please, don't have guilt. :001_smile: I know I'm not the only person that feels this way.


You're not. I'm pretty much a take-at-face-value kinda gal. If I say I don't want something, it's not a manipulative way to get you to get it for me. I just really don't want it. I abhor it when people say, "Oh no, I don't need/want/expect XYZ!" and then get mad when they don't get XYZ.


Hope you don't mind, but I think this is worth repeating. While I did not necessarily agree this was the best place to air the story, I did not see the OP as bashing or tearing down the character of her husband. My husband & I have a great relationship but gift-giving, due to our backgrounds has been interesting. So, maybe from that experience I know that someone that is puzzled or hurt by a gift (even a fancy one) may not be putting down her dh or bashing. And again, I also do know of someone (not a perfect gal, either) who got both piercing and fancy earrings as a gift and it was mostly so the man got to look generous on the outside ... not for her happiness.



I love sincere apologies :) They are sometimes hard to make (not saying it was for this time!), as I know all too well.


Sounds like something my fil would have done. He was forever dragging mil to the mall to buy dresses she didn't need and jewelry she didn't wear, and to the beauty parlor for a dye job and manicure she didn't want. She was the humblest, most frugal woman on the planet. He did it to make himself look good - "Look what I can afford to give my wife! Look how good she looks!" :tongue_smilie:


Perhaps your dh really thought diamonds are what women want. If you watch the d*mn tv, you'd certainly think so. Those diamond commercials seriously make me gag. Either way, I understand and I'm sorry.


My EX would do this, too. It was all about what a great guy he was for buying the little wife an expensive gift. I hate that.


And, that stupid heart necklace created by Jane Seymour for Kay Jewelers is ugly.


I think that before couples marry, they need to sit down and discuss gift giving, along with how many kids to have, who to visit on Christmas and who is going to manage the checkbook. Seriously. If the subject is demystified from the get-go, then there's no question about what and how to give gifts to each other. It would certainly solve a lot of problems!

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I didn't see the OP's post as husband-bashing. A lot of men are bad at gifts and shopping; it's missing from their DNA. It doesn't mean they're schmucks all the time or that they're awful husbands or fathers. It just means they don't know how to make people feel special with gifts. Gift-giving is truly an art, and the best gifts usually come from the people who know you best and are selected accordingly.


I can understand the frustration, although my husband's gift-giving abilities have improved over the years. He's learned to pay attention to what I actually want and like rather than going on a shopping trip and throwing loads of money at the *problem.* I'm a practical person, and I don't enjoy receiving things that I have no real use for, and I don't like useless knick-knacks to line up on my dresser. That said, I've ALWAYS shown appreciation for whatever he bought, no matter what it was. I appreciate the effort, however small. It shows that he loves me, even if he doesn't get the "art" of gifts. It may disappear into a yard sale or Goodwill donation box later, but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the thought, even if it was misguided.


I don't expect my children to buy me gifts because they don't have their own money; their Dad will usually remind them to make me a card, which I love, and I think it's a little silly for him to take them to the store and spend lots more money just so they can bring home a token. Spending time with them and enjoying them is the best mother's day gift of all. (And it sounds like that's what the OP did yesterday--spent the afternoon with her kids.)


I think what is particularly shocking is that the OP's ears aren't even pierced. That's a pretty egregious oversight, IMO--my ears aren't pierced either, and my husband knows that I wouldn't be willing to pierce them--even for him. (It is MY body, after all, and my decision completely as to whether I add holes or ink.) So on that note, it does seem like a pretty thoughtless gift. I would be insulted if my husband gave me a pair of earrings. That, or very confused. I would probably say that they were beautiful, but they would have to be exchanged since my ears aren't pierced. And go with him to the store to choose something else. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I got a Kindle instead of the Bible I asked for. The reasoning being that I could get the Bible I wanted and so many other books at a less expensive price than a paper book costs. I love books and have commented that I prefer to use a book than an electronic device.


I've never shown anything but frustration in handling ds's Kindle. I've never said or done anything that would give the impression that I wanted a Kindle.


I smiled, said thank you, resolved to not worry about what credit card the gift was charged to. Dh just wants to "top" what ever gift I ask for. He wants to be thoughtful.


I've decided to use the Kindle, mine is easier to use than Ds's 1st generation. I ordered some books and began reading. It's the thought that counts. Yes, I was disappointed that they didn't get me the Bible I asked for; I don't agree with their reasoning. I also know that they think they did good (like the cat that drops the bird parts on your doorstep).


Dh also got me a bouquet of flowers. It has taken years to convince him to just buy me the d*mn flowers. He thinks it's a waste of money because they only last days. I've convinced him that I love them and that because he loves me he should buy them for me on special occasions.


Oh, and I did receive a Zen garden one year for Christmas, we had 2 cats. I didn't even know what it was. Dh, again, thought it would help me reduce stress. Him and Ds play with it more than I do. But I display it and make sure dh sees me use it occasionally.


Really, what does it hurt? Dh and I love each other and we try to please each other; sometimes we fail. I try not to take it personally; the same with him. I've bought him lame gifts as well. Not that I think the Kindle is a lame gift; I like it; it's just not what I asked for and not what I would have spent money on for me.


Spending time feeling hurt only drags out the bad feelings. I found I needed to make a conscious decision to accept that even the bad gifts were meant with love. Dh and I have a rule: Assume that the other party has the best intentions.


ETA: I don't ask for anything for special occasions. If Dh asks, I tell him what I want. If a special occasion slips by un-noticed by him, I go buy myself what I wanted. I don't harbor bad feelings. It has taken 15 years to get here. It was quite a journey!

Edited by Cheryl in NM
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Dh and I have a rule: Assume that the other party has the best intentions.


This is one of the single best pieces of marriage advice! Better than reflective listening and "I feel" therapy speech, better than mandatory date night, better than don't go to bed angry. This one thing circumvents so many hurt feelings and accumulated disappointment.

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Your Dh gave you a present and you are upset??:svengo:


I would be happy with any present. It is the thought that counts not the gift.


I have had probably 4 presents in 18 years of marriage. they were a necklace, a vacuum cleaner, a block of land in the middle of the bush ( it is indistinguishable from all the bush around it), and a wedding ring.

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Your Dh gave you a present and you are upset??:svengo:


I would be happy with any present. It is the thought that counts not the gift.




While I'm quoting you, this is not just directed at you but this thread has been bugging me all day. :001_smile: But I think the OP's point and many others, is that you are exactly right. It's the thought that counts and the OP felt that this gift was THOUGHTLESS. She does not have pierced ears nor has she said that she expressed a desire to have her ears pierced. It's like your DH brining home dog food for a dog you don't own. What if I have a prosthetic leg and my mobility is decreased but DH buys me a rock climbing vacation? Would I be happy w/ that and think it was the thought that counts? Ah nope.


I think it's sad that the OP obviously wanted some commiseration and not to be judged or called evil by so many for having very human feelings.


There I said it. I'm sure I'll be stung by the hive.

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Your Dh gave you a present and you are upset??:svengo:


I would be happy with any present. It is the thought that counts not the gift.


I have had probably 4 presents in 18 years of marriage. they were a necklace, a vacuum cleaner, a block of land in the middle of the bush ( it is indistinguishable from all the bush around it), and a wedding ring.

I've seen this sentiment a few times on this thread, and I fail to see how your resentment at the lack of gifts in your marriage means that someone else doesn't have the right to feel hurt or disappointed at receiving an outrageously inappropriate gift in their own. Haven't we come further than this? Petty is also judging others according to our whims and assuming that everyone should see their world through our personal filters rather than taking their feelings at face value.
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Sorry for not taking the time to read through all of the other posts - but couldn't he just return them and get you something that you would like?? Seems to be the reasonable solution if you are that upset about it. I on the other hand, am happy with whatever my DH gets me; diamond earrings or a new set of oven mitts....its all good :001_smile:

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I didn't see op's post as bashing her husband. She stated what he did and how it made her feel. I did see quite a few attacking and insulting her. Which I'm pretty sure is against the board rules as well.


If one hasn't been on the receiving end of gifts that are more about the gift giver than the recipient, I guess it would be hard to understand. But certainly not cause for name calling. Or better yet, getting your husband to chime in with a few jabs as well...charming. Talk about kicking someone when she's down!


Oh and I have to agree about that 'open heart' necklace... Bless Jane seymour's heart, those sure are ugly.

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"And, that stupid heart necklace created by Jane Seymour for Kay Jewelers is ugly."


:iagree: Stick to acting, Jane. :D


And what about that one ad for it where she paints it OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN?!! :lol:

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It's the thought that counts and the OP felt that this gift was THOUGHTLESS. She does not have pierced ears nor has she said that she expressed a desire to have her ears pierced. It's like your DH brining home dog food for a dog you don't own. What if I have a prosthetic leg and my mobility is decreased but DH buys me a rock climbing vacation? Would I be happy w/ that and think it was the thought that counts? Ah nope.


I think it's sad that the OP obviously wanted some commiseration and not to be judged or called evil by so many for having very human feelings.


There I said it. I'm sure I'll be stung by the hive.


You won't be stung by me, :iagree: with you 100%.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
You won't be stung by me, :iagree: with you 100%.


Emerkaza, it just occurred to me that you have flame-proofed all of your posts by using that avatar.


Even if you post something very controversial, nobody is gonna get mad with Johnny Depp looking right at them.

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Emerkaza, it just occurred to me that you have flame-proofed all of your posts by using that avatar.


Even if you post something very controversial, nobody is gonna get mad with Johnny Depp looking right at them.


:iagree: Totally unfair! Whenever I see it I smile and giggle a bit.:tongue_smilie:

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Guest Dulcimeramy
:iagree: Totally unfair! Whenever I see it I smile and giggle a bit.:tongue_smilie:


Me, too! And then I think, "Wait, what did she say?" :lol:

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While I'm quoting you, this is not just directed at you but this thread has been bugging me all day. :001_smile: But I think the OP's point and many others, is that you are exactly right. It's the thought that counts and the OP felt that this gift was THOUGHTLESS. She does not have pierced ears nor has she said that she expressed a desire to have her ears pierced. It's like your DH brining home dog food for a dog you don't own. What if I have a prosthetic leg and my mobility is decreased but DH buys me a rock climbing vacation? Would I be happy w/ that and think it was the thought that counts? Ah nope.


I think it's sad that the OP obviously wanted some commiseration and not to be judged or called evil by so many for having very human feelings.


There I said it. I'm sure I'll be stung by the hive.


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"And, that stupid heart necklace created by Jane Seymour for Kay Jewelers is ugly."




And what about that one ad for it where she paints it OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN?!! :lol:


I KNOW! It makes me think of when you're back in high school and you have a new boyfriend so you write his name in hearts all over your notebook cover. If you're 15, fine. If you're 50ish, silly.

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I didn't see op's post as bashing her husband. She stated what he did and how it made her feel. I did see quite a few attacking and insulting her. Which I'm pretty sure is against the board rules as well.


If one hasn't been on the receiving end of gifts that are more about the gift giver than the recipient, I guess it would be hard to understand. But certainly not cause for name calling. Or better yet, getting your husband to chime in with a few jabs as well...charming. Talk about kicking someone when she's down!


Oh and I have to agree about that 'open heart' necklace... Bless Jane seymour's heart, those sure are ugly.


AMEN! I told DH never to buy me anything from Kay Jewelers. Don't they have the ugliest things?


Emerkaza, it just occurred to me that you have flame-proofed all of your posts by using that avatar.


Even if you post something very controversial, nobody is gonna get mad with Johnny Depp looking right at them.


:iagree: and *SIGH*:drool:

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Do none of you ever forget your own anniversary?


On the eve of our 31st anniversary, my husband asked me what day tomorrow was. I replied with the day of the week. He responded, "No, I mean what day is it?" I told him the date. Finally he relented and reminded me that it was our 31st anniversary.


I have been married 20 and forgotten most. :blush:

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Emerkaza, it just occurred to me that you have flame-proofed all of your posts by using that avatar.


Even if you post something very controversial, nobody is gonna get mad with Johnny Depp looking right at them.


:lol: I hope he's not TOO distracting.

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Perhaps your dh really thought diamonds are what women want. If you watch the d*mn tv, you'd certainly think so. Those diamond commercials seriously make me gag. Either way, I understand and I'm sorry.


The worst is the Kay Jewelers commercial where it's storming outside. There's the sound of thunder and the woman gets all scared and needs the guy to protect her. Drives me nuts every single time I see it. What do they think woman are??? We need a guy to be there to protect us from the sound of thunder?? It's not like we are 5. Here's a



I agree about Jane's open heart necklace. Really???? Who'd want that dangling from their neck? :tongue_smilie:

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