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Where do your girls keep their AG dolls?

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After spending this past week with a horrid stomach virus, I'm really seeing the need for my girls to keep their AG dolls in a safe spot. :tongue_smilie:


I can't afford any of the storage things they sell on the website at the moment (and especially since I need 2) so currently my kids are keeping theirs in the box they came in. It's working (for now) but I'm concerned that over time the boxes will get ruined.


I'm curious what your girls keep their dolls in when they're not being played with (if anything) and where (in their room) they keep them (again, when not being played with).



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My dd keeps hers in the boxes they came in. The three boxes are stacked on a shelf. The oldest one is 1 1/2 years old, and the box is fine so far. She's 10, tho', I'm sure younger kids might be rougher on the boxes. If the boxes wear out, I'd probably buy . . . more boxes!

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When you can afford it, buy the AG trunks for each doll. They are worth every. stinking. penny. That's where my dd kept them when she played with them and where they're stored now that's she too old for them.


I just went and looked at the price. :svengo: Ugh. $159 each :svengo: And we were planning to get each girl one more AG doll (plus more outfits) for Christmas. :svengo::svengo:


Beautiful though. I can't even bring that up with dh, he'll put an end to the whole AG thing now. :lol:

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We have a wicker trunk that my girls keep their American Girls in. It is just a storage trunk that we bought at Target but it works really well. It is large enough for 4 American girl dolls and all the accessories they have.


A friend of ours just got a padded storage bench (or ottoman?) to store her daughters AG dolls in that is very cute (also at Target).

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Ours spend most of their time on the floor.:glare:


We have one of their doll stands, it is nice.



At the AG store, in the bathrooms, they have hooks that you can hang your doll on while you're going to the bathroom. They hook right under their armpits. I have been thinking putting some wall hooks up for the same purpose.

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Ours spend most of their time on the floor.:glare:


We have one of their doll stands, it is nice.



At the AG store, in the bathrooms, they have hooks that you can hang your doll on while you're going to the bathroom. They hook right under their armpits. I have been thinking putting some wall hooks up for the same purpose.


Oh, that's brilliant! I love the idea. Although, come to think of it, I'm not sure they have any wall space left in their room. :tongue_smilie:

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Can you buy these doll hooks like in the bathroom? That might be an idea. Mine sleep with their dolls right next to them. I couldn't bear to break their hearts and make them put them up... They are like their best friends. They change their clothes and take off their shoes every night and tuck them in next to them and read to them. But maybe I could hang one of those hooks over their beds, and maybe they would at least let them hang up each night.

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I saw this post about making a bed for an 18-inch doll:




I went to Michaels to look for the stuff and found these decorative paper boxes - actually heavy cardboard with a magnetic-closure flap:




I found some foam to make a mattress and then planned to make a bed and storage box for our "girls," but they usually just sit on top of the box when my daughter and I aren't playing with them. Is this why some of you have more children - so your daughter has someone else to play dolls with? :tongue_smilie:


But then I wouldn't get notes like this from my daughter:



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I saw this post about making a bed for an 18-inch doll:




I went to Michaels to look for the stuff and found these decorative paper boxes - actually heavy cardboard with a magnetic-closure flap:




I found some foam to make a mattress and then planned to make a bed and storage box for our "girls," but they usually just sit on top of the box when my daughter and I aren't playing with them. Is this why some of you have more children - so your daughter has someone else to play dolls with? :tongue_smilie:


But then I wouldn't get notes like this from my daughter:


My dd would love that bed! And I think that note is so sweet. :001_wub:Sounds like the kind of note I would get from dd9. (I have two kids but for some reason ds13 isn't interested in playing dolls with her. . .:confused: :D)

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All over the house. While they are special and pricey, we got them for her to play with.




My dd plays with hers, but she puts them away when she's done, just like any other toy. And the OP specifically asked about where people keep them when they're not being played with.


I don't think it's weird or overly fussy to want a safe place to store them. All of my kids' toys have a 'home,' whether it is a $1 ball or a $100 AG doll.


Otherwise, we'd never be able to vacuum the floor! :D

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My dd has them sitting on a lower shelf in our living room. Neither of my kids play in their rooms, we keep them for sleeping, toys don't go there.


The shelf works great as she has 3 AG dolls and several other 18" dolls she has gotten from Target along with her Barbies. They all go on a couple of shelves actually and make a rather neat display. When she wants to play with them she simply pulls them off the shelf and sits in front of it.


My dd does play with but when she if finished they all have to go back on the shelf. We simply don't have the room for any other option.

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I just went and looked at the price. :svengo: Ugh. $159 each :svengo: And we were planning to get each girl one more AG doll (plus more outfits) for Christmas. :svengo::svengo:


Beautiful though. I can't even bring that up with dh, he'll put an end to the whole AG thing now. :lol:


Wow, they've dropped in price! When we bought the trunks in the early '90s, Samantha's was $195, Molly's $175 and Kirsten's $150. I also think we paid $195 for Felicity's wardrobe. But like I said, now that they are being comfortably stored for granddaughters....well worth the price. The larger pieces (desks, beds, tables and chairs, etc., etc.) are stored in sealed Rubbermaid containers. One per doll. Did I mention we have 9 AG dolls in this house....with all their repspective accoutrements? :glare: They take up an entire wall in my basement storage room.

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My DC got a pair of Bitty Twins for Christmas. (DS was the one pushing for it-- we looked EVERYWHERE for a quality boy doll that looked "like me, Mama! I like to be the daddy!" Then MIL got an AG catalog in the mail. They were leafing through it, and DS saw the blonde blue-eyed Bitty Twins. He was in LOVE!) DH built them each a trunk that is also a bed. I made them mattresses. The dolls "sleep" on the beds when they're not being played with, and the trunks are big enough to hold the dolls (they hate the idea of putting them in trunks at this point... but when they're older it will be nice to have the storage space), plus all of the clothes they have. At 2 & 4, they understand that these dolls are very special. They really treat them like their own children.


I just went and looked at the price. :svengo: Ugh. $159 each :svengo: And we were planning to get each girl one more AG doll (plus more outfits) for Christmas. :svengo::svengo:


Beautiful though. I can't even bring that up with dh, he'll put an end to the whole AG thing now. :lol:


Mine, too. He has no idea how much the AG things cost-- he would have a heart attack. My mom, however, loves to buy them AG things. All I had to get were the dolls.

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In her bedroom, along with a plastic storage box for clothes and accessories. Kaya spends a lot of time sitting on her horse when she's not being actively played with. Since Kaya's hair has never been unbraided except by my mother (who loves playing with hair, and who re-braids it before she goes home), Kaya's holding up pretty well.


We're going to the AG store next month since I have a conference in Atlanta. I'm debating whether or not to buy myself Molly-for my 39th birthday ;).

Edited by dmmetler
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Did I mention we have 9 AG dolls in this house....with all their repspective accoutrements? :glare: They take up an entire wall in my basement storage room.


I certainly hope that all of you people with basement storage have the proper sympathy for those of us who live below sea level :glare:

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I certainly hope that all of you people with basement storage have the proper sympathy for those of us who live below sea level :glare:


Attic? On boards on rafters in garage? This is where we stored stuff in S. California (I never saw a basement until moved to Illinois.)

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We found a carrying case at Target for $20 that is very much like the AG one that sells for $60. It has little pockets for shoes and small accessories and she keeps the doll and all the clothing in the large compartment. Then when she goes to play AG at a friend's house, or isn't playing with it, she's got a nice place to keep the doll/stuff contained. Works great for us, and far cheaper than the storage options AG sells. It was a stretch for us to buy the doll and my FIL bought all the outfits. We just can't be spending hundreds on doll storage. Check out Target.

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Attic? On boards on rafters in garage? This is where we stored stuff in S. California (I never saw a basement until moved to Illinois.)


Attic, yes, but . . . //whines// . . . it's pretty small and not like you can even stand up in there, very handy for Christmas decorations and the big suitcases but that's about it. And with the heat and humidity, we certainly can't store anything 'nice' like AG dolls in there, they'd be ruined.


I'd choose a basement over an attic, but everyone I know who has a basement has an attic too. It's not fair, I tell ya.

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My dds made beds out of the boxes they came in and they stay near the dd's beds. I don't really worry about them being messed up though.

I flipped the box over and we made it into a bed. I got a sprip of lace to make a bed skirt, and we sewed a mattress and pillow. Then she made a fleece blanket. I also got one of those cheap plastic drawer storage units from WalMart to use for clothing and hair accessory storage. She keeps all this on the bottom shelf of her book case.

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A friend of mine has 4 girls and all of them have AG dolls all over the place. They built 3 tiered bunks for their dolls and they were so cute!! They just used small pieces of wood and paneling for the bed part. 2 dolls can actually fit on each bed, or 3 can sit on the top bunk together.

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We're going to the AG store next month since I have a conference in Atlanta. I'm debating whether or not to buy myself Molly-for my 39th birthday ;).


Umm...you're debating this?!! WHY?!! Bring her over so we can play dolls!!! Felicity would love to meet Molly! :lol:

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:001_huh: But, then they CANT BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I still had quite the stuffed animal collection when dh and I got engaged. I knew I had made the right decision when we were packing to move to Florida, and he put air holes in all the boxes that held my stuffed animals!


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I still had quite the stuffed animal collection when dh and I got engaged. I knew I had made the right decision when we were packing to move to Florida, and he put air holes in all the boxes that held my stuffed animals!



ummmm....that has got to be the sweetest thing I have ever heard! :001_smile: You are a lucky gal!!!

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DD just got her first AG doll (Rebecca) last week, so right now the rule is to place her on the bookcase in DD's room, but I am probably going to get this one ($24.99) for a long term solution:




The reviews are not that great in terms of quality, but my daughter is not wild with her belongings, so it might be ok. It might bind us over until something better comes along.

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My daughter loves to play with her AG dolls. She has several since she is the baby of 4 girls! She is lucky enough to have gotten her sisters dolls once they out grow them. She keeps them in her room, usually on the floor by her AG doll clothes. They are well loved. I want her to enjoy playing with them and not worry about keeping them in like new condition!

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Ours spend most of their time on the floor.:glare:


Here, too. Well, the floor and a couple of shelves in her closet. It's a 50/50 split.


At the AG store, in the bathrooms, they have hooks that you can hang your doll on while you're going to the bathroom. They hook right under their armpits. I have been thinking putting some wall hooks up for the same purpose.


I LOVE that idea! I bet it would keep them off your floor.

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