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x-post..what's the story behind your username?

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Mine was created by a pirate name generator on Talk Like a Pirate Day. I'm a fairly straight-laced, people-pleasing, introvert masquerading as an extrovert, so I like to think of dirty ethel as my alter-ego. Sort of like Clark Kent to Superman :)!


There was an influx of Ellen's on the board (I know very few Ellen's IRL). I needed a new name.

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My brother once told me that my personality reminded him of Unsinkable Molly Brown, survivor of the Titantic. He meant it as a compliment and I took it as one! I decided to use it as my board name. It sometimes keeps me from complaining about things on the board...I'm afraid some one will say: "Hey! You're supposed to be unsinkable! Buck up!"


My "real name" is Mary Louise but I was always called Molly.

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Back, way back then, when MSN was trying to become an AOL competitor (I mean, really, when MSN launched for the very first time!) my future husband created my account as a surprise. He picked the name of our cat: Cleo. So I became Misscleo (no the fraud of the same name wasn't around at that time). We're talking 1994 here. An eternity ago, in internet time.


When we actually got married, I switched to Mrscleo.


Then I got in Starwars fandom, and switched to Darth Cleo.


I simplified all things to become just Cleo, and added Qc since I live in Quebec.

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I remember a lot names from the old board :)


My name is Liza (pronounced Lisa) and the Q is for my maiden name.


In high school I had a good friend named Lisa so we were often referred to as Liza Q and Lisa N.


When I was first married I was working 2 jobs (full-time office and part-time retail). At the retail job we used name tags and there was already a Lisa. I suggested that I use Liza D (for my married name), but she was also Lisa D! So I went with Liza Q and it felt like home - not that I ever regretted taking my husband's name but it was fun to be my old self in some way, if that makes sense.


Since my initials are LQD I often use *liquid* when I want to be anonymous.

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I used to be LB in Seattle, but after being here for 6 to 7 yrs, there were starting to be lots of names with LB in them, so I wanted something interesting. Also, at this time, I shaved my head for the first time- my family started calling me Spike, Lance, and Needleroozer- all names for a little porcupine in a picture book we love. So, I became Needleroozer, and it has stuck, and I love it. It also works as a name for me as I do mixed media and fabric art, and work with needles.


I knew what your name meant the first time I saw it! My dd LOVES Fluffy! :lol:

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When I started visiting this board, there were several Michelles, some in "NC" or other states. A couple of times, in the old format, while learning my way, I would realize that someone else had the same id as me. I could never keep it straight who I was supposed to sign as, so I finally put Just Me, and it worked for me! :001_smile:


On other boards, I am msdunny. I call my dh "dunny", a nickname of our last name, and I am msdunny. I am thinking of asking for a name-change here, but just haven't gotten around to it! :toetap05:


Oh, and HI!! Nice to meet 'cha!

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I have 3 children.


They have read hair.


We live in North Carolina.


I used to be 2lilreds before Schmooey came along, and then I was 2.5lilreds while I was pregnant. See how tricky I am?


And here is a gratuitous picture of my children, just so you'll know I'm not lying. :D



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I am a BIG LOTR fan, as are many of my friends. When I was in high school I was (still am) tall with dark hair. (My hair is white now.) One of my friends was really short. She nicknamed me Strider partially because of being tall and dark and scruffy, and partially because I had a tendency to leap out of the shadows and fight for justice (purely figuratively).


At times I wish I had gone with the username Peabody because many of my current friends laugh over my similarities to Amelia Peabody (from the mysteries by Elizabeth Peters). I also wonder if that would be a better username because Strider is a male character in LOTR, whereas I am female.


The other one my husband suggested was Eowyn--he likes to think of us as Eowyn and Faramir. I was put off by her being blonde, but wonder at times if her character fits mine better than Strider.


Whaddya think?

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I'm a Mom. I participate in Judo, along with my boys. buddhabelly helped rename me on the old boards. Before that I was threelops, but that was mostly from my pre-mom days (the last of the 3 bunnies died 4 or so years ago).


So I became JudoMom. Or JudoLops, depending on who's addressing me (ain't that right, DeBbi in TX :tongue_smilie:?)

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Tap, tap, tap is the past, present and future of my family.


Tap #1= An abbreviated form of my childhood nickname

Tap #2=The sweet tap of a baby's hand on your shoulder when they are tired and falling asleep in your arms.

Tap #3=The tap of my key board



When I was figuring out my user name these were a few things that came to mind and I thought it was interesting how they all tied together.



It is kind of a trio of the past, present and future of childhood. My own childhood, my children's childhood, and the future of my children as I come here for advice and learn new things that will effect our future.

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Parabola, (pronounced puh RAB uh luh....more or less) is a mathematical term, it involves a line and a point and many other points and its basically not very interesting to most people.


It is ALSO the name of a song on the album LATERALUS by the band TOOL. The music this band makes is the most open-ended, intelligent, thought-provoking, mind-blowing, poetic, philosophical heavy-metal/alternative/PROGRESSIVE rock music that I've ever been privileged to contemplate.


I'm a fan. :D


Ergo my name. :tongue_smilie:

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I think this is the funniest thread I've read here yet.


I've gone by a couple variations of my actual, legal name, Rose Drake, since I gave up the completely random AOL moniker I had in the 90s, UrpleKai: Rose Draconis, Rose Draiocht. If anyone knew a Rose Draconis in 1997 on a homeschool forum, that was me. (Or if you knew UrpleKai on the REM fan forums on AOL . . . can't believe I'm fessing up to that one.)


This is just another twist, playing on the visual imagery. It seems fitting as a poetic description of the order (flower bed) and chaos (dragons) that is classical homeschooling, and it's all old things -- flowers and dragons are old things, and classic ed and homeschooling are both old things.

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I rarely post, but I used to post more on the old boards, and especially on the Curriculum board. I originally posted at "Jennifer W. in TX" but then I moved to Florida and started posting as "Jennifer in FL". We moved back to Texas and I had to try to undo my my handle, so I started using "Jennifer in FL, now back in TX" (or something like that). When the new board started I decided that my family has a pattern of moving too much to attach my name to a specific location. Since I'm pretty sure I can at least say I'm staying on earth, I decided to pick a location I can always rely upon. :tongue_smilie:

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I was wondering if this was you and was just about to p-mail you the other day and then I got sidetracked. I remember you from the Sonlight boards, and we corresponded a little around the time you were diagnosed.


I am so glad you are here and doing well.


I noticed you have "College Student" in your description. What classes are you taking?

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Mine comes from our school name, Frontier Christian Academy. We are want-to-be cowboys and cowgirls and consider homeschooling to be a New Frontier for us.


Since I live in the 'burbs, I like the name and my avatar that shows me at the computer with books. Pretty much defines my life.

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While I did not attend the University of Arkansas, my husband did. Their mascot is a razorback, but they are often known as "hogs" since a razorback is a wild boar. At any rate, even though I didn't go to school there, I am a Razorback fan, so I chose Hoggirl. I did wonder if folks would think I either ate like a hog or raised hogs when I chose it! I definitely don't do the latter, and I TRY not to do the former!

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I was wondering if this was you and was just about to p-mail you the other day and then I got sidetracked. I remember you from the Sonlight boards, and we corresponded a little around the time you were diagnosed.


I am so glad you are here and doing well.


I noticed you have "College Student" in your description. What classes are you taking?



Are you the one that sent me the Bible? Just wondering as I started looking at it the other day and was racking my brain trying to figure out who that was. Yes, I am taking online college classes at Liberty University. I am getting my degree in psychology. I just finished my 2nd year. whew!!! 2more to go.

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I have two kids. My older child's first two initials are E.R. and my younger child's first two initials are E.K. So I became erek's mom -- all lowercase letters and with no periods because it's easier that way! On another board several years ago, the webmaster said I couldn't use the apostrophe, so I became ereks mom, and that's the board name I've used ever since. :)

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