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what have your kids done to TOTALLY embarrass you?

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Today I was MORTIFIED. Dh and I decided to have a nice day going to my favorite greenhouse, then to Homegoods to see if I could get another beautiful glass art plate, then to run an errand. We want to have an enjoyable weekend because I have a hard time with the holidays.


It was a LOVELY day. Until.......................


The girls behaved all day, just as they normally do. I noticed they started to get a little antsy towards the end of the day but didn't think much of it. As dh went to stand in line to check out, I went down one aisle looking at the frog displays when I noticed two large, beautifully colored chaise's that would look perfect by our pool. I am a person who LOVES color so I exclaimed, "Girls! Look at those pretty colors!" The girls ran to the chaises claiming their colors, "I get the green!" "I get the orange!" All of a sudden




People came running. I felt this big.


Apparently, the backs of the chairs were right against a display of tin stands/garden decorations, most of which were about 3 ft. tall. They went crashing to the floor but it was SO LOUD. People came running to see what had happened (customers, NOT employees!) and I was MORTIFIED. I VERY FIRMLY told the girls to go to their father RIGHT NOW and don't touch a thing. As I put everything back up on display, people still came to see what the ruckus was. Did I mention that I was MORTIFIED?


When I went back to the line to meet up with dh and the girls, people were still staring at me. (I was irritated by this. Honestly, I can't remember anything like this EVER happening with my girls!) I again VERY firmly told the girls, "That will NEVER again happen in this lifetime, will it." That was a declarative sentence/statement and not a question. They looked at me with puppy dog eyes and said, "No." Dh stood by silently because truly, there was nothing more to do/say.


I came home and mixed myself a drink. It's kind of funny, really, but MAN was I embarrassed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Denisemomof4
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I have a son that never fails to embarrass...and I mean it is always big time. So I'll share one... when standing in line at the YMCA to get checked in, an elderly gentleman came up behind us and started to talk very kindly to my 2 younger boys. He said something alone the lines of "Hi there! How are you?" I can't really remember since the first thing out of my son's mouth was...MAN ARE YOUR TEETH YELLOW!!! BOY ARE THEY OLD AND UGLY!!! He was just a nice old man, really didn't deserve the insult and critique of his teeth. I was horrified. Later, my dh took said son around the Y looking for the man so he could apologize. We were all too shocked to do anything right when it happened and the gentleman quickly excused himself after it happened. They never found him. Oh, it was awful. I could probably recount dozens more regarding this child that has no filter between his brain and his mouth...but that would just be too depressing for me!! :tongue_smilie:

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The biggest one was when kiddo was 3. There was a bathroom in a restaurant that had one of those taps you could turn on a little and it would go BANG BANG BANG. My son thought it was hilarious, but he thought the noise was coming out of the open drain.


FYI, he called "the women's room" "the woman's".


So, we leave, and he has to share the joy, and runs ahead of me to a pack of teenaged boys, points back at me, and shouts "There is a funny noise coming out of that woman's hole". I kept right on going and ate some where else. All the boys just froze, and looked as I went by, snatching kiddo as I passed.

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I would have been embarrassed too, but frankly, I think it's the store's fault. Who on earth would think it was a good idea to put furniture against a stacked display?? Open furniture is always an invitation for customers to sit down whether the store intends it to be or not.

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So, we leave, and he has to share the joy, and runs ahead of me to a pack of teenaged boys, points back at me, and shouts "There is a funny noise coming out of that woman's hole". I kept right on going and ate some where else. All the boys just froze, and looked as I went by, snatching kiddo as I passed.


:smilielol5: OMG, I can't breathe! I know it wasn't funny for you, but I have tears in my eyes from laughing!

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A recent one was when I was chatting to a woman with a 9yo dyslexic child. Peter and Susan read so much that she was asking me for pointers on getting kids to want to read. Susan lifted her head up from her kindle and heard the conversation, and the lady said to her,

"What are you reading?"

"A Christmas Carol," said Susan.

"Oh." Awkward pause. "You must be good at reading?"

"Yes, of course. I read so well. I can read everything."


The conversation fizzled after that. :glare: We've had a lot of conversations since then on not blowing your own trumpet.

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I have a son that never fails to embarrass...and I mean it is always big time. So I'll share one... when standing in line at the YMCA to get checked in, an elderly gentleman came up behind us and started to talk very kindly to my 2 younger boys. He said something alone the lines of "Hi there! How are you?" I can't really remember since the first thing out of my son's mouth was...MAN ARE YOUR TEETH YELLOW!!! BOY ARE THEY OLD AND UGLY!!! He was just a nice old man, really didn't deserve the insult and critique of his teeth. I was horrified. Later, my dh took said son around the Y looking for the man so he could apologize. We were all too shocked to do anything right when it happened and the gentleman quickly excused himself after it happened. They never found him. Oh, it was awful. I could probably recount dozens more regarding this child that has no filter between his brain and his mouth...but that would just be too depressing for me!! :tongue_smilie:


:lol::lol::lol:I'm sorry but this made me LOL!!!!!


My younger ds was around 3 when we went to the lake. We laid down our blanket, set up our picnic basket, and only then did ds notice a very large woman who was right next to us. He said, "Boy is she FAT!" :svengo: I apologized to her and made ds apologize. I didn't know if we should move or not so we didn't. The rest of the day went on without issue.


Another time younger ds (AGAIN!) and I went to get a treat after dropping older ds off for school. (he was in a private school for 6 weeks in the 1st grade) We had to go to the bathroom REALLY bad and were waiting outside for the longest time. I thought I was going to pee my pants! FINALLY the door opened and the woman inside had had explosive diarrhea all over the toilet and floor. She left it there and didn't even try to clean anything up. The second the door opened ds exclaimed, "BOY! WHAT A PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!"


I had to pee so bad that I didn't even address the situation. I didn't have time to make ds apologize.


By the way, I do understand there are medical issues, but to leave it all there for someone else to clean up?


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The biggest one was when kiddo was 3. There was a bathroom in a restaurant that had one of those taps you could turn on a little and it would go BANG BANG BANG. My son thought it was hilarious, but he thought the noise was coming out of the open drain.


FYI, he called "the women's room" "the woman's".


So, we leave, and he has to share the joy, and runs ahead of me to a pack of teenaged boys, points back at me, and shouts "There is a funny noise coming out of that woman's hole". I kept right on going and ate some where else. All the boys just froze, and looked as I went by, snatching kiddo as I passed.


:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: OH. MY. GOSH. I'M. DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I would have been embarrassed too, but frankly, I think it's the store's fault. Who on earth would think it was a good idea to put furniture against a stacked display?? Open furniture is always an invitation for customers to sit down whether the store intends it to be or not.


I only thought of this once I was in the safety of my car.;):lol: Really, I do understand now, but in the store I was just absolutely MORTIFIED!!!!!!!! They are NOT those obnoxious, badly behaved children we all see out in public!

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A recent one was when I was chatting to a woman with a 9yo dyslexic child. Peter and Susan read so much that she was asking me for pointers on getting kids to want to read. Susan lifted her head up from her kindle and heard the conversation, and the lady said to her,

"What are you reading?"

"A Christmas Carol," said Susan.

"Oh." Awkward pause. "You must be good at reading?"

"Yes, of course. I read so well. I can read everything."


The conversation fizzled after that. :glare: We've had a lot of conversations since then on not blowing your own trumpet.


I understand!


Not that bad, but yesterday we went to the library and my kids are usually very well behaved. Yesterday DS7 and DD3 decided to have a screaming match over who got to press the button that opened the door on our way out. I was pretty embarrassed.


WHY do kids find it necessary to do that??!!!

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:blush::blush::blush::o:o:blush::blush::blush:I don't think I can type my stories. Just thinking about typing them is making my blood pressure go up. I haven't read any of the other's yet because...embarrassment is something I feel so keenly. But maybe if I read some of the other stories, it will give me perspective...maybe...you think???

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:blush::blush::o:o:blush::blush::blush:I don't think I can type my stories. Just thinking about typing them is making my blood pressure go up. I haven't read any of the other's yet because...embarrassment is something I feel so keenly. But maybe if I read some of the other stories, it will give me perspective...maybe...you think???


Well I'm telling you that you can't type something like that and then NOT share! Go read the other stories and then post your own. It's not like we'll come pounding at your door! This is cyberspace!!!:001_smile:

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At one point my neice got into trouble at the mall. She was told she was going to get it when they got into the car. She started running from her mom screaming at the top of her lungs, "I don't know this lady someone help me, this isn't my mommy"!!! I had just been there I had nothing to do with any of it but I was still :glare:. It was bad.


My kids have had moments doing stuff mostly smart mouthing that sort of thing except my daughter when she was 4....


Shortly after 9-11 her pre k started selling lolli-pops. She called them olli-pops. An electric sign was posted down the road from our house flashing Let's get them bast@rds!!! People were screaming that at the top of their lungs so yes she overheard.


I took her to my work to sell her olli-pops and this is what happened WITH MY BOSS!!!!!


dd-Mr. Dew will you but my olli-opos?

Drew-Sure Dev what are you selling them for?

here is the whole speech

Them B@stards done stoled our airoplanes. broked our buildings, killed our peoples so here I am sellin olli-pops for the red square.


She ended that speech with a big toothy smile. We were speechless but between my boss and the other employees she sold over $100 worth :lol:

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At one point my neice got into trouble at the mall. She was told she was going to get it when they got into the car. She started running from her mom screaming at the top of her lungs, "I don't know this lady someone help me, this isn't my mommy"!!! I had just been there I had nothing to do with any of it but I was still :glare:. It was bad.


My kids have had moments doing stuff mostly smart mouthing that sort of thing except my daughter when she was 4....


Shortly after 9-11 her pre k started selling lolli-pops. She called them olli-pops. An electric sign was posted down the road from our house flashing Let's get them bast@rds!!! People were screaming that at the top of their lungs so yes she overheard.


I took her to my work to sell her olli-pops and this is what happened WITH MY BOSS!!!!!


dd-Mr. Dew will you but my olli-opos?

Drew-Sure Dev what are you selling them for?

here is the whole speech

Them B@stards done stoled our airoplanes. broked our buildings, killed our peoples so here I am sellin olli-pops for the red square.


She ended that speech with a big toothy smile. We were speechless but between my boss and the other employees she sold over $100 worth :lol:


:smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5: TOO CUTE!!!

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Well I'm telling you that you can't type something like that and then NOT share! Go read the other stories and then post your own. It's not like we'll come pounding at your door! This is cyberspace!!!:001_smile:


Send them to me, and I'll post them "anonymously". :)


But guys, I've been working really hard at repressing these memories! Nice work with this thread here...these memories are really getting raked up! I never should have opened this up....;)

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Well mine was just yesterday. We went to a beautiful piano concert in a gorgeous theater with a packed house. Between songs when it was very dark and silent, my son says very loud, "Mom!! I think I pooped in my pants!!!" Yea, :blush::blush:!


I whispered quietly that I think he probably just tooted and he said very loudly, "No! I think a lot of poop came out!!". :blush::blush::blush:


Btw, it was just a toot!

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It was a horrible experience. I've never seen my 3yo behave that way and I was so embarrassed and ashamed of my child's behaviour that I cried all the way home.


ETA: Out of the whole large waiting room that day, nobody else had kids with them. I couldn't decide what was the bigger spectacle- having the larger family with the misbehaved child, or the fact that my older kids are clearly of school age and we're the larger homeschooling family with the misbehaved child. Or maybe it was the frazzled-I-haven't-slept-in-weeks look I likely had on my face. Ugh.


:grouphug::grouphug: I vaguely remember some days like that. I've mostly repressed them. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Oh dear. These are making me :lol::lol::lol:


I will share one. My mom has a very dear friend who carries all her weight in her bottom. Once we were visiting my mom and her friend was there as well. When Carol stood up to leave, Anna, who was 3 at the time, said, "Mom, she has a GIANT BUTT!" :svengo: I was truly mortified. Carol kept walking and never mentioned it, but I thought I would die.


Okay, here's another one that's not as bad. We went to Tractor Supply the other day to pick up chicken feed. Cora and Emma walked about 6 feet away from us to look at the bunnies, which were in a huge metal tub. No more than 60 seconds later, I hear, "Young lady, we do not climb in with the bunnies!" from a store employee. Oh yes, Cora did. She "just wanted to pet them." :tongue_smilie:

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The biggest one was when kiddo was 3. There was a bathroom in a restaurant that had one of those taps you could turn on a little and it would go BANG BANG BANG. My son thought it was hilarious, but he thought the noise was coming out of the open drain.


FYI, he called "the women's room" "the woman's".


So, we leave, and he has to share the joy, and runs ahead of me to a pack of teenaged boys, points back at me, and shouts "There is a funny noise coming out of that woman's hole". I kept right on going and ate some where else. All the boys just froze, and looked as I went by, snatching kiddo as I passed.


I was going to comment, but I think this one may just take the cake!:lol:


Oh, I'll comment just to make Denise feel better.


There was the time ds (about 4 at the time) decided to pull down his pants and show all the kids at the pack ball field his new underwear.


Or the time I was talking about how ds was advanced and we were going to hs him. As I pointed him out to the lady to whom I was talking, he was pulling down his pants and scratching his bum on the packed soccer field.


Or the time dd10 asked LOUDLY "Mom, is that a man or woman?" I left the store in a hurry because I really couldn't tell either.


Or the time dd3 saw someone at our local library and said LOUDLY "That guy is reall fat. Is he on Biggest Loser?"


Or how any time we have company over, dd3 has to poop with the door wide open and yell "Can you please wipe my booty?"


Or the time my little country boy, accustomed to peeing outside whenever the urge hits, pulled down his pants in town, on a busy street, and went right there on a tree.



Kids keep me humble.

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Plain Jane:



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm so sorry! My oldest was a complete angel most of his life, but he had ONE day like you mention above. ONE. I hope the same for you!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


:lol: I wouldn't describe this one as an angel but he's never before caused such a scene. It's discouraging because the rest of my crew are all well behaved but all it takes is one, isn't it? :tongue_smilie:

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When my oldest was three and I was pregnant with my youngest we had passes to a local waterpark. I took my oldest to change with me and my son went with my husband to change. We walked into the changing room and helped my oldest change into her swimsuit and then started to change into mine. This was about the point Abby declared, "Wow, Mom! Your nipples are really huge!" :glare: It would have been one thing, but a few seconds later my husband texted me asking how big my nipples really were. The men's changing room shared a wall with the women's and she was heard through BOTH changing rooms. :blushing:


About four or five months later, at church, she saw a handicapped gentlemen who was fairly hefty. It was during the Sacrament (partaking of the bread and water; a VERY quiet period during the service) when she announced, "Look, Mom! That man is so fat he has to use a wheelchair!" :001_huh:

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I just found out that while we were in Baton Rouge, my son did not realize that my fil and his lady friend were sitting outside, a few yards away, when he quipped to my husband, "Dad, is Miss Thelma mooching off of Pa?"


Now, my fil is VERY hard of hearing, but SHE is NOT. OY vey....... And since he was saying it to my husband, rather than to me, I'm sure the assumption will be that he heard ME saying such a thing and that's where he got it (he didn't). Why do I always get the blame for everything????


This child, in particular, seems to have a penchant for saying inappropriate things in front of others....

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So I was shopping with a stroller once and had put some stickers in it that I was going to buy, but then forget to pay for them. I explained to the kids what happened and we went back to the store and paid for them.


Later, we were walking out of a bookstore and my 4yo says, "MOM, DID YOU STEAL ANYTHING THIS TIME?"

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When Boo-Boo was 4, we started taking her to homeschool science classes at the local science museum. She had been having a lot of potty accidents because she wouldn't take the time to go to the bathroom and I counseled her many times before class that she needed to not wait until it was too late and tell the teacher. Well, the preschool class at the museum had a non-functional toilet in it as part of a center where the kids could take things apart, see how they work etc. I know what you are thinking and yes indeed she did. She was taken to the bathroom a few minutes later because she just pulled down her pants right there in class. I was mortified. A few minutes later, I saw the toilet being wheeled out of the classroom by maintenance.


In the "I am so glad my child doesn't go to ps category", this same child recently had an assignment to do a journal entry at home. The topic given to her was "What makes me laugh". Her response was: It makes me laugh when Mommy sneezes and piddles on herself. This was accompanied by a picture of me in my favorite blue fleece robe except, in her picture, the robe is yellow at the bottom. It also depicts me blushing. If she had done something like that in a school setting, I could just see it hung on the wall in the hallway for parent teacher conferences.


My Sweet-Pea has never done anything to embarrass me yet. She is only 9.

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The kids and I were walking to our car after shopping for groceries and two people were walking in front of us. When we got in the van, one of my kids asked me if one of them was a transvestite. I told them that, yes, it was. My youngest son who was about four at the time, asked what a transvestite was, so my older son told him that it was a man who dresses as a woman.


Our next stop was the bank, where I happened to run into an aquaintance I had not seen for a while. She is a tall, big-boned lady. My then 4yo looked at her and proceeded to ask his big brother LOUDLY, "Is she a transvestite?"


I could have melted into the floor. It was silent for a moment and then we just carried on as if we hadn't heard him. I think about it every time I see her now, and wonder if she does too.

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My friend thought my then 3 year old boy that it was O.K. to pee in a river (running water). Two weeks later, my boy climbs out of a swimming pool, pulls down his pants and pees into the pool full of people. I didn't know if I should grab him or run and pretend he wasn't my kid. :001_smile:

Edited by Roadrunner
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when one of my ds was about 3 (strange I can't remember which one--must've blocked it out) we were at a playground one day. He had recently heard a new word and decided to try it out--LOUD. "VAGINA!!!" he yelled several times.


Can you say mortified??!! I swear, I think he had no idea what it meant and neither ds has said it to this day.

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Joseph (my 4yo) has a tendency to slap people on the butt. Usually just people we know well, family or close friends. We have had MANY conversations about keeping our hands to ourselves, not touching people on their booty, etc. His first t-ball game he is in the field and the coaches wife (who we had only met 1x before) was standing near him and he walked right up and slapped her on her butt. I wanted to die.


Once in church, we had a missionary speaking and Micah (7, but was 4 at the time) heard him mention frogs. He loudly said, "When I fart sometimes Nana says I have a frog in my pants, but I don't. Just a fart." People all over our section heard and I saw shoulders start shaking from laughter.

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Years ago when dd8 was 4 we were visiting a friend of dh's in the town he used to live in. We were all standing around the back yard of the friend's parent's house chatting (they lived on the same property) when dd announced that she had to go to the bathroom. Two things came into play. First: dd has a thing about clean bathrooms... she will not use a bathroom if she finds it to be dirty. Second: these people were not clean people.


The mom walked us into the house to show us where the bathroom was and as soon as we stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light dd says very loudly and indignantly, " I can not use this bathroom. It is disgustingly dirty. Don't these people ever clean! " I quickly shut the door and put my hand over her mouth to keep her from blurting out anymore. She wouldn't go and I don't blame her...I whispered to her not to touch anything...but we stayed in there for a couple minutes and then came out. I was so embarrassed. When we finally came out the mom wasn't around and my husband was wrapping up his conversation anyway so I said my quick goodbyes and shooed the dc to the car.


Today, we were outside washing the van. The little boy that lives across the street was yelling out his upstairs window at ds4. He kept asking ds questions about silly 4 and 5 year old things. It was annoying so I told ds to stop responding to him. He asked why and I said because yelling out windows is obnoxious and I wanted him to stop. Right when the little boy's dad came out to check his mail ds yells back to the little boy, "My mom said I have to quit talking to you because your obnoxious!" I wanted to climb under the van.

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Let me see if I can do this justice.


When oldest son was around five, we had a hired hand. We'll call him Al. So son and I had to pick Al up from a field and take him to another field. Al is in the middle seat of the van and son is up in front seat. Son says "Something smells in here mom, smells bad mom, smells really bad" Then he sniffs around like a dang hound dog, turns around and says "IT'S YOU, AL !!!!"


Al says "No, it's not me" and son says "yes, yes it is you, you smell BAD!"


Fast forward a few days and we have to move Al again. This time I tell son "Don't you dare say a word to Al about how he smells. Keep. your. mouth. SHUT!!"


So darling son keeps his mouth shut. But when Al gets in the van he SNIFFS and SNIFFS AGAIN and he SNIFFS LOUDLY. He does an imitation of a bloodhound on a trail. He obviously and obnoxiously sniffs the fragrance that was always Al. But he didn't say anything.


I thought I was going to bust a gut.

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My daughter was around 3 or so.


She loved to come up behind my husband or I and stick her head up under the backs of our teeshirts.


We would reach round to pat her head going, "Hey! Where's Alexa? And what is this lump on my butt?"


And she would crack up.


It was funny until the day we were standing on a long check out line at the supermarket and Alexa, growing bored, asked loudly:


Daddy, can we play the butt game?

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The most embarrassing thing I can think of that my son did recently was, when we had some friends over for dinner one day, the kids were eating in the kitchen and we were eating in the living room. my daughter came into the living room, and loudly announced that my son had told their son that there was no such thing as santa. (we had already told our kids, but they were still encouraging it in their kids). we were MORTIFIED. how do you take something like that back? we were so embarrassed.

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Some years ago, we were visiting my in-laws and the television news came on. My son wandered into the room, glanced at the TV, and said, "Grandpa, why are you on the news?" Of course, Grandpa was not on the news. Saddam Hussein, however, was.


My late FIL actually did resemble Saddam. A lot. Everybody knew it. Nobody mentioned it. FIL was rather sensitive about many things, including his appearance, and nobody wanted to touch that one. Awkward...

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When my older DD was younger, we read Follow the Drinking Gourd and some other similar books and talked about the Underground Railroad. Later that day, my in-laws arrived to spend the weekend. At some point DD was talking to her Poppy and started cracking an imaginary whip and telling him to "pick that cotton!" [insert mortified smiley here] Not exactly the lesson I intended for her to take away from our discussion...

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We were in Corner Bakery and my then 4 yo saw a man who was on the heavy set side. He exclaimed, "Wow! Mom, that guy is 60 degrees!" (I don't know where he got the term but it obviously meant big.)


The man looks at me and I say, "He's been trying to figure out everyone's age lately." I figured that was safe enough as the guy looked in his early 60's.;)


So, the man looks at my kid and says, "So, how old do you think I am?"


He says, "Uhhh....about 90!"


I say, "He's obviously not very good at guessing yet."


Here I thought I was covering his comment on the guy's size pretty well and then he pops out with that.:001_huh:

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When my older DD was younger, we read Follow the Drinking Gourd and some other similar books and talked about the Underground Railroad. Later that day, my in-laws arrived to spend the weekend. At some point DD was talking to her Poppy and started cracking an imaginary whip and telling him to "pick that cotton!" [insert mortified smiley here] Not exactly the lesson I intended for her to take away from our discussion...




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