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They said what? Good thing they're homeschooled!


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I printed out some fun (I thought) math and logic activities for Halloween today. Which turned into a tirade on how wrong it was that kids were being inculcated with cisgenderism by math puzzles that assume that Jenny and Malorie might want to be a ballerina or cheerleader, but Jerry and Michael obviously would rather be a ghost or zombie.


She's now happily working on creating better puzzles that don't exist to prop up antiquated gender norms.

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I printed out some fun (I thought) math and logic activities for Halloween today. Which turned into a tirade on how wrong it was that kids were being inculcated with cisgenderism by math puzzles that assume that Jenny and Malorie might want to be a ballerina or cheerleader, but Jerry and Michael obviously would rather be a ghost or zombie.


She's now happily working on creating better puzzles that don't exist to prop up antiquated gender norms.


Both my DS and DD were male Ninjago characters :)

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I printed out some fun (I thought) math and logic activities for Halloween today. Which turned into a tirade on how wrong it was that kids were being inculcated with cisgenderism by math puzzles that assume that Jenny and Malorie might want to be a ballerina or cheerleader, but Jerry and Michael obviously would rather be a ghost or zombie.


She's now happily working on creating better puzzles that don't exist to prop up antiquated gender norms.


Ha! Oh yes. My 10yr old daughter gets on her soapbox over the gender stereotyping in junkmail catalogues for Christmas. She gets very worked up.

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DD working on a combinations problem (each group has three members, each member is in no more than 2 groups, no group has two members in common):


"What version of Agile (software development methodology) are they using? I mean, it makes no sense to make teams without considering individual strengths, weaknesses, and skills? What if C is a complete incompetent who shouldn't be allowed within a mile of A's code?"


Can you tell that she's the daughter of a software engineer who is very frustrated with just that sort of arbitrary team set up??

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  • 3 weeks later...

I overheard this one when I was helping out in Sunday School class:


Dd7 to teacher: Hey, cool, look! The seam of your skirt is shaped like a lower case lambda!

Teacher: What?

Dd7: A lambda, see. Here!

Teacher: Uh, you're right, it does. (Insert crazy look at me.)


Other kids: What's that mean?

Dd6: it's Greek.

Dd7: It's like the lowercase letter L.

Other kids: What is Greek?

Dd7: the language they spoke in Ancient Greece. You know, like Greek myths.

Other kids: What?

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Tonight DS10 comes in during bed time having finished "The Left-handed Fate" and looking for something else to read. I scramble around and find something...


ME: Here's "Itch" its about a kid who collects the elements and is sort of a mystery... I was going to pre-read it but haven't so I don't know much more...

DS10: Cool!

<various humorous comments about the protagonist being named Itchingham ensue and then>

DW: He better be careful not to set his room on fire when he gets to astatine.

DS10: Mom!<big eyeroll> Maybe you're thinking of flourine, it wants to be on fire. Astatine wants to not exist.

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Found in DD's chapter study guide today:


11. The prefix electro- means “electricity.†The suffix -phoresis comes from a Greek word that means “carrying.†How do these two meanings relate to what happens in gel electrophoresis?

An electric current moves, or carries, you might say, the fragments toward the positive electrode.


Followed by a drawing of the Electrode pokemon, complimenting the reader.


I think maybe she's trying to make sure someone actually reads the stuff!




Then, in the "Ethics of bioengineering"

2. Suppose you are a spokesperson for a group that is against genetic screening. Draw and write a one-page advertisement that focuses on the ethical questions surrounding genetic screening.




qwertyuiopasdfghjkllYour DNA is uniquely yours. Don’t let the government take it from you with genetic screening!

  • They say they’re screening your DNA to make sure you don’t have disorders. But what are they doing with it after they scan it?
  • If you might have a genetic disorder, will they force you to get scanned?
  • Once they know your DNA, they can know about everything you are. You could get cloned.





Sigh..... maybe she has a future writing conspiracy theory social media posts??




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You know that game where you take turns saying "I'm going on a trip and I'm going to bring..." and you add items to the list, going through the alphabet? Well, DD#1 and I were playing a version of that with "I went to the park and I [verbed] a [direct object]." For the letter U, she said, "I went to the park and I underestimated an undecillion."  :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Following a conversation last night about the line of presidential succession that I wasn't aware he was listening to, DS 2.5 at lunch today arranged his grapes from largest to smallest, gave them all titles (Grape President, Grape VP, Speaker of the Grape House, etc.), then proceeded to eat them in order and "inaugurate" new grapes. 

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Too cute! 



I couldn't make up these things if I tried.

She is quite a character  :001_smile:



There was one time she was swimming in our backyard pool and was trying to do as many laps as possible on one breath.


At one point, she came up gasping for breath and then shook her fist at the sky while yelling 'Curse you, Class Mammalia'.

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While I was working with Celery, Broccoli was answering some multiple choice questions about some text. One of the questions was about how strawberries tasted best. He'd circled "with sugar", then erased his answer, changed it to the correct (based on what the text said) "without anything else", and then wrote "which is not true" under it. :)

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DS (newly 7yo), reading Percy Jackson.  He got to the part where Annabeth practically smacked him upside the head for wanting to go in an airplane:  "Why didn't they just use the creeks and rivers?"

Boom!  Story line destroyed for me.  Because...yeah.  It would have been much easier on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, poor sweet 10yr old was up in the middle of night, throwing up. 

Which meant I was up in the middle of the night, holding back hair, making comforting cooing noises and giving gentle shoulder pats etc.


In the wee hours of the morning, post-spew, we were sitting together discussing the big issues.


If silicon is so chemically similar to carbon, why aren't we silicon-based life forms?

What is steel an alloy of .... iron and ?? Oh yes, iron and carbon.

Can you alloy an alloy with an alloy? What would you call it? Is it just a mixture then?

Is rubber a type of plastic?


Etc etc.

You can imagine.  



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Not nearly as cute at all these little ones, but....


DS (16) represented NZ at the IMO last year, and after taking his first practice SAT, he told me that he needs to review decimals.  :huh:


I can totally relate! :laugh: A few days ago, mine forgot that the 6th month is June!


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Just sharing a piece of DS 10's fiction because this part cracked me up,


"Then, as if the universe wanted to give them a reason to, there was a knock at the door. Mac answered it. “Excuse me, but who are you,†said Mac. “I’m a man,†said the man. “Okay,†said Mac. “I meant what is your name?†“George. Ronald George,†said Ronald George. “Alright, come on in,†said Mac “Why are you here?†“Oh, I almost forgot,†said Ronald George. “I dabble in science,†“I have created many devices to help the human race.â€
“As I am a scientist of course, I have also made some discoveries in chemistry many, many times,†said Ronald George. “Dude, do you have, like, a PhD,†said Guy. “No, only a master’s degree,†said Ronald George.




"Only a master's degree." says my 10 year old. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just sneaking some chocolate (Cadbury DairyMilk Peppermint, oh yum).


There was a sticky note on it, saying 'High in saturated fat'.  Hmmm. 


I noticed the salt shaker. A sticky note on it says 'think twice'.


The container of cashew nuts? "Only have 30g."


Who knows what else I'll find.




ETA: On the muesli:Contains palm oil!! 

ETA #2: The falafel mix says: Too much sodium!


Just realised they are colour-coded too. She's done a traffic-light system. The red ones are bad, bad, bad...she better not have put anything on my coffee. That would be crossing a line.  :001_smile:

Edited by chocolate-chip chooky
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  • 2 weeks later...

Doesn't quite fit here, but nonetheless...


DH joins the rest of us at dinner.  My 2 dd's are discussing some fine point of chemistry.  (Older dd had ap chem last year, and is helping younger dd who is taking regular chem now.)  So they're going at it about who knows what: acids/bases, balancing equations, whatnot.  DH sits down to dinner while all this technical discussion is going on and he says, "I feel like I've signed up for Honors Family," meaning, like if our family were a class, it would be honors level.  Then I joined in with, "Man, I really need an easy A.  I'm going to drop this Honors Family class and sign up for Regular Family, or Remedial Family or something."  

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DS12 is doing calculus homework and end up talking about











My physics "trivia" knowledge is getting enriched :)



Cereal Trivia related to Snap, Crackle and Pop that we didn't know

"You’re familiar with the elves, Snap! Crackle! and Pop! Their onomatopoetic names match the very cereal they’ve repped since the ’30s—Kellogg’s Rice Krispie" http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/untold-tale-pow-fourth-rice-krispies-elf-180949379/#koaEU616i2WZKMDR.99

Edited by Arcadia
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This also doesn't fit here, but I couldn't figure out where else to put it and it's not worth starting a new thread. I was tutoring a friend's kid through their homework (tutoring is stretching a point to describe what I do, but whatever). They were writing a response to a short piece on a gymnast, and after I'd gotten them up from a fairly awful "paragraph" to one that actually looked like a 10 year old might have written it occurred to me to ask "So, anyway, what are the Olympics?"


"Well... I think they're kinda like the Hunger Games, right?"


Kinda kid. Very kinda!

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This also doesn't fit here, but I couldn't figure out where else to put it and it's not worth starting a new thread. I was tutoring a friend's kid through their homework (tutoring is stretching a point to describe what I do, but whatever). They were writing a response to a short piece on a gymnast, and after I'd gotten them up from a fairly awful "paragraph" to one that actually looked like a 10 year old might have written it occurred to me to ask "So, anyway, what are the Olympics?"


"Well... I think they're kinda like the Hunger Games, right?"


Kinda kid. Very kinda!


S/he reads hunger games at 10(?) and connects it to Olympics!. Impressive..

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DD11 with her random tangential question of the day: "If the plural of bacteria is bacterium why is the plural for millennium =millennia?". Why indeed.


Because she has it backward. Bacteria is plural; bacterium is singular. 



DD#2 is writing a story and has announced that "no one is allowed to read this until it is published!" I'll be sure to let you all know when her bestseller hits the shelves.  :lol:

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DS7, approaching his dinner: "Mmmm! Ambwosia! The food of the gods!"


And during a Beast Academy lesson, "I shall now pwoceed to demonstwate..."

(And I didn't catch the rest because it took everything I had to keep a straight face!)

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I was just sneaking some chocolate (Cadbury DairyMilk Peppermint, oh yum).


There was a sticky note on it, saying 'High in saturated fat'. Hmmm.


I noticed the salt shaker. A sticky note on it says 'think twice'.


The container of cashew nuts? "Only have 30g."


Who knows what else I'll find.




ETA: On the muesli:Contains palm oil!!

ETA #2: The falafel mix says: Too much sodium!


Just realised they are colour-coded too. She's done a traffic-light system. The red ones are bad, bad, bad...she better not have put anything on my coffee. That would be crossing a line. :001_smile:

Is she posting these for you or for herself?


If they're for her I would actually be concerned about a developing eating disorder. Just seems a bit obsessive (eating disorders run in my family so I'm primed to watch for warning signs).

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