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They said what? Good thing they're homeschooled!


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DH recently bought a microphone and stand for his office. Ariel saw it and said "If I had that I would sing a song." When I asked her what song she would sing, she answered "The Love of My Broken Heart". I told her that sounded like a country song. She said it was and began to sing it. She made up the whole thing and even added a twang. I was pretty impressed.



We don't listen to country music. I have no idea where she came up with that. :confused:

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My dd is telling everyone that she wants twins when she grows up so that she can name them Bucephalus and Alexander :001_huh:.


:lol: I hope they're both boys. Though I can see Desi Arnaz coming through the door and calling "Bucy, I'm home!"

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DH recently bought a microphone and stand for his office. Ariel saw it and said "If I had that I would sing a song." When I asked her what song she would sing, she answered "The Love of My Broken Heart". I told her that sounded like a country song. She said it was and began to sing it. She made up the whole thing and even added a twang. I was pretty impressed.



We don't listen to country music. I have no idea where she came up with that. :confused:



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We were at a family occasion today and my FIL's sister approached my DD6 and said, "You probably don't remember me; I'm your daddy's aunt." DD6 responded, "Oh, that means you're my Grand-aunt."


A week or so ago, she came up to me out of the blue and asked, "Is the child of my first cousin once removed my second cousin?"


Okay, fess up, how many of you adults aren't sure if she got that right? (She did, assuming that she's the one who's further from the common ancestor; otherwise the child would be her first cousin twice removed.)

:lol::lol: Okay, I read your answer to be sure that you knew that your dd was correct. I can't tell you how many people call their first cousins once removed their second cousins and it is one of my pet peeves even though it's also something I let go since most people don't think it's that important :). We say great aunt, but I've gathered lately that some people say grand aunt which does fit with the whole grand parent thing, but isn't what people do where I grew up.

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Today at the pool....


Girl: Where do you go to school?

Dd8: I'm home schooled.

Girl: Cool. Do you like it?

Dd8: Oh, yes. I love it! I get to do fractions and 3-digit multiplication!


I smiled. :001_smile:


:lol: AWESOME.



We were at the university bookstore the other day, looking at the bargain bin textbooks. From behind me comes, "Mommy! It's a DNA book!!!!!" and my 3-year-old rushes up with a huge text on genetics. There was a split double helix on the front. :D

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  • 1 month later...

I have so many from DS (5), but I'll just share a few.


Recently he looked at the dog and informed me that she has "such a charming face." (the dog is a Rottweiler- charming wouldn't have been my first adjective of choice lol)


He ate something he really liked (I can't remember what it was now) but later he told me " it created a waterfall in my mouth, which tickled my tastebuds."


dd1 (3yo) jumped on DH the other day and shouted "Mommy, I sprung upon Daddy!"

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Mr nearl 5 is playing with marbles. I asked him to make sure they didn't hit the wall. Next round I hear a couple hit the wall then a very contrite DS came in:

"I'm sorry, mum, two hit the wall. I expected friction to slow them down a little more but I think I underestimated how much power I used. But I calculated correctly for the others, so those two must have been anomalous."

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Mr nearl 5 is playing with marbles. I asked him to make sure they didn't hit the wall. Next round I hear a couple hit the wall then a very contrite DS came in:

"I'm sorry, mum, two hit the wall. I expected friction to slow them down a little more but I think I underestimated how much power I used. But I calculated correctly for the others, so those two must have been anomalous."





Today dd was sliding off the recliner head-first verrrrrrry slooooooowly ("I'm pahoehoe lava!") and then very quickly and sharply ("I'm a'a!").

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Tidbits from the 3-year-old today: "This is like stew, because it has juicy flavors!" (while just stirring dinner) and on why we don't eat grasshoppers, "We're not carnivores--we're omnivores, because we're people!"

:lol::lol: Did you tell her that there are people in the world who do eat grasshoppers? A fun read is called It's Disgusting and we Ate It. We've even see a show that had people eating large tarantulas (ick!) and there are other insects people eat. Some foods are coloured with parts of insects, too, even in the US.

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:lol::lol: Did you tell her that there are people in the world who do eat grasshoppers? A fun read is called It's Disgusting and we Ate It. We've even see a show that had people eating large tarantulas (ick!) and there are other insects people eat. Some foods are coloured with parts of insects, too, even in the US.


:lol::lol: I wonder if it would traumatize her to inform her I have eaten some.... The Sponge keeps trying to convince the bugs she isn't threatening so they will land on her finger, and the "not eating them" was part of her spiel to the bug. The Drama was commenting on that. I would not put it past The Drama to eat a bug on her own either, actually.... :tongue_smilie:

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We were at the zoo on a tram tour and the guide was talking about the monkeys and asked if anyone knew what kind of tails they had. No one answered. Finally, my then 4 yo dd spoke up and answered prehensile, then explained what it meant, and added that opossums also have prehensile tails, as well as some other mammals. The tour guide was shocked and said that no one had ever answered that question before. My dd was shocked and asked (in all seriousness) how people could lack such basic knowledge about animals.


This was the same dd who, at 3 yo, was identifying the music playing in the background in the drug store. "Mommy, listen. They're playing Mr. Bach's music." (They were, and the people around us were quite surprised to hear dd identify it.) One person told her that she was precocious, and dd replied that she wasn't really, that she just liked music, and while she likes Bach and Beethoven's music, Vivaldi was her favorite.

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Hayden is a very bright child who *sigh* will probably never love school and still lives in this "imaginary world" at age 10. Greyson was born rather witty and gravitates to the academic. Greyson is two years younger than his brother Hayden. This lunch conversation tickled me:


Hayden: (eating) I'm just weird and I love it

Greyson: (glancing up from his plate) You aren't really that weird

Hayden: What am I then?

Greyson: An animal

Hayden: Yeah, like a wild boar *roar*

Greyson: No, like really, you are an animal on the scientific chart

Hayden: (missing the point) I'm not scientific

Greyson: Parts of you are

Hayden: No way, I hate science. (long pause) Which parts?

Greyson: Molecules. You are made of molecules. That is scientific

Hayden: (shock and awe) You are weirder than me

Greyson: (in a serious, thoughtful tone) Maybe

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I could list lots of stuff, but most of it isn't specifically the result of homeschooling. But one that comes to mind:


"Mom, I'm supposed to get homework too. Where is my homework?" (DD age 4 who is in day pre-K and HSing for KG. I bought some workbooks which we aren't really using much, but she feels like a second class citizen when her KG sister gets homework and she doesn't.)


ETA: OK, one more:


"r-e-d plus b-l-u-e equals purple."

Edited by SKL
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While working on SM recently, my big girl said "If you don't let me do more, I'll boycott math for the rest of the week!"


Last week, we were orally working in the Prufrock Primary Logic book and after two pages, she screamed (at the top of her lungs): "MOM! STOP! THIS.IS.BORING!!!!"

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I'd forgotten this one, but we had another strange grammar conversation today that reminded me:


About a year and a half ago, I was driving along somewhere when DS (then still 7) pipes up from the back seat, "Mommy, did you know that 'verb' is a noun?"


He really shouldn't say stuff like that while I'm driving. When I have to think that fast, my driving suffers.:D


(We did conclude that 'verb' is indeed a noun, as are 'adjective,' 'adverb,' etc.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
To my 8YO this weekend: What are you going to be for Halloween?


DS8: Sodium.


So how's he going to manage that? Maybe something grey and shiny, with flames coming out of his head??


At very least, it's creative!


If he's like my 13 yo, he'll come up with something himself! Not that she is a science buff, but she's very creative.


I'm glad this thread is still around.

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DD 5's exciting anecdote from the rare books section of the state library we visited on holidays;

"Did you know we got to look at an ancient Lepidoptera book and we had to wear white gloves to turn the pages?"

It was nice that the geekiness of our friends meant DD's zoological vocabulary got no more than a raised eyebrow and a smirk. The response would have been different with other folks we know.

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My nearly-4yo during his speech evaluation while explaining his drawing: "That's an A. That's an E. Thats a bald eagle. He's not really bald...he just has white feathers on his head. This is my hand. This a turkey because Benjamin Franklin wanted a turkey to be America's bird. That's a little silly and it's a good thing out bird is the bald eagle because we eat turkeys on Thanksgiving and it would be a little ironic if we ate our bird."


The SLP just raised her eyes while I nearly fell out of my chair that he remembered that! It wouldn't have been odd for my oldest to remember something like that, but I didn't expect it from him!

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So today I made a math station on the wall--numbers, operation signs, etc. on cards so the kids could create problems, do number order, whatever. As my 6 year old started out mapping out a ridiculously long problem, he asked, "Mom, why didn't you make any negative numbers?" After staring at him blankly, I recovered and told him to use the minus sign:D. Then he looked sheepish and said, "Oh, yeah--why'd I ask THAT question?" :lol:

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Not precocius but I thought it was cute what my 5yo said to avoid having his throat examined by the GP.


GP: Open you mouth.

DS( through clenched teeth): NO.

GP: I want to see if you have any germs in your throat.

DS: You can't see germs. They are too small. You need a micro...microscope.

GP: OK. I'll take a sample and put it under the microscope then.

DS (eyeing the tongue depressor): THAT is not a swab!


DS=1 - GP= Nil.



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Yesterday, dd3 was looking at the Magic Cabin catalog, and she noticed the Russian nesting dolls. She pointed them out to me and said, "Look, they have canopic jars!" :lol:


She then proceeded to ask where HER canopic jar was, swearing that she had one somewhere. I thought, oh honey, you don't want one of those!! :D

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Neighbor: What kind of transformer is your favorite?

DS(5): What do you mean?

Neighbor: You know, a transformer is a robot that turns into an airplane or a truck or a car.

DS(5): No it's not. A transformer steps down voltage.



I also :lol: at the response to the GP.

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