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Another Ken Ham FB post

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Oh good grief. I thought I was searching for Ken Ham from my facebook page but accidentally posted his name to my wall. Help






Someone posted the cartoon a few posts above us if you want. If you type his name in FB search engine and then click on pages instead of people search then he should be at the top of the search list.

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Oh good grief. I thought I was searching for Ken Ham from my facebook page but accidentally posted his name to my wall. Help





I think you can delete it. If you hover the cursor over the post, you should see an "X" to the right of the post. Use that to delete (I think. I hope.) :001_smile:


Also, if you scroll up in this thread, the comic is posted in an earlier reply.

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These are the verses from the reference printed at the side of the cartoon, Luke 17: 1-2:

1 Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. 2 It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble."

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These are the verses from the reference printed at the side of the cartoon, Luke 17: 1-2:

1 Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. 2 It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble."


Now I have to agree with Spycar that's chilling. CRAP! See what happens?!

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That cartoon is one of the most insensitive things I have ever seen in my life.


I have no words. None. How anyone can defend him after this....

One of the comments left just turned my stomach, about how "of course" this issue (of the compromisers) is more important than the tsunami in Japan.
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I seriously can't believe anyone would have that poor of judgement as to post something like that. It's becoming harder and harder to even considering giving Ham the benefit of the doubt.


I hope all of his public "homeschool leaders" distance themselves from him after this!



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These are the verses from the reference printed at the side of the cartoon, Luke 17: 1-2:

1 Jesus said to his disciples: “Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. 2 It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble."


herm. I would think it would be causing people to stumble if they were suddenly not Christians because "he said so"

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One of the comments left just turned my stomach, about how "of course" this issue (of the compromisers) is more important than the tsunami in Japan.


Yeah, I saw that too. :glare: Thankfully I did see some calling him out over it. I'm not sure how long they stayed up though. He seems to delete any opposing opinions.

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Sink your mind a little lower and it might.

The nose is not an appropriate conduit for hot tea. Ouch, ouch, ouch!
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I think that this is very sad...He is talking about Peter Enns and SWB...If you read the words that are written in the water, it says...


"Paul was wrong"

"No literal hell"

"Adam is a metaphor"

"Days of creation are millions of years"

"Don't tell children about sin"

"God used evolution"

"Genisis 1 is creation on cosmic temple"


These are direct things he is accusing Peter Enns of either saying or believing, and has also insinuated that SWB agrees with these things as well...


This cartoon is a warning for them and their supporters...I think it is becoming more obvious now what is happening...It *should* be pretty clear, but for some reason, people are still supporting his efforts...

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It could very well, you are right.


I could just be seeing it through my filter. Of all the images of 9/11, I'll forever remember seeing, via live newsfeed, desperate people jumping from the Towers... just little silhouettes against the smoke and rubble... :crying::ohmy::crying:

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He's going after more than just Enns and Bauer.



This is about John Walton's book The Lost World of Genesis 1 (He's an OT professor at Wheaton College). Here is Ham's blog post about him from awhile back: http://blogs.answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2011/02/18/wheaton-college-and-false-teaching-in-tennessee/


Thanks for this info...I didn't realize that...

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So did the Japanese "deserve" this? :glare: Very poor taste, Pork and Beans. :(


Unfortunately, this is the kind of behavior that gives Christianity a bad name.

I am beyond perplexed that he would choose - of all things - a tsunami on the heels of the tsunami devastation in Japan. This shows not only extremely poor judgment but a blatant lack of empathy for his fellowmen. Did Christ not command us, above all else, to love?

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He's going after more than just Enns and Bauer.



This is about John Walton's book The Lost World of Genesis 1 (He's an OT professor at Wheaton College). Here is Ham's blog post about him from awhile back: http://blogs.answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2011/02/18/wheaton-college-and-false-teaching-in-tennessee/


And I assume the "No literal hell" is an attack on Rob Bell's Love Wins. Seems Ham has quite a few fish to fry with this one.

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Yes, I noticed that...I thought it meant the people who died in the Tsunami...


I think you are right.


I think those little tiny people are MUCH more than fodder for this piece of "art." They are human beings, made in God's own Image (a point that should be first in KH's mind!). The memory of their deaths are a reverent belonging to their families. It is shameful to use their deaths as...I haven't the words to put here...


I hope and pray that no tsunami victims have to endure seeing this. I can only imagine how painful!!!

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Here are some more id's of those statements (and they may not refer only to these people):


"God used evolution"



"Days of creation are millions of years"

Hugh Ross of http://www.reasons.org and author of


"Don't tell children about sin"

Peter Enns (out of context and misinterpreted as has been discussed elsewhere).


I'm not sure who is being targeted here: "No literal hell"


"Adam is a metaphor" could be Biologos and/or Enns (possibly both).

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And I assume the "No literal hell" is an attack on Rob Bell's Love Wins. Seems Ham has quite a few fish to fry with this one.

Ah, that makes sense. Haven't kept in the loop on him and wasn't sure who the 'hell' comment was referring to. But a google search brought up March 17, 2011 as a blog post by KH that refers to Bell's book/view on hell (the blog seems to be down right now so I don't have the direct link - ETA: link added).

Edited by Sevilla
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I showed my hubby the cartoon and he said it reminded him of Carl McIntire who liked to use cartoons to communicate his fundamentalist message.


"During the 1960s McIntire was the leading figure of the religious far right, targeting Catholic influences, “lenient†evangelicals and their hero Billy Graham, the civil rights movement, and anti-Vietnam protestors."


This is not to say Ken Ham thinks Billy Graham is too liberal (because I have no idea about his thoughts on Billy Graham) or likens himself to Carl McIntire. But McIntire and Ham seem to share the "crusade" approach to their ministries and communication methods.

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I don't think you ahve to have it. punch ken ham facebook into your search engine and it will come up with his page. the cartoon is in the slideshow.


Yup, this worked for me and I don't do Facebook.

Several people commented that they fear it may backfire for him and that its timing is questionable. I'll say.

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That is disgraceful. Shameful. The one thing it is not is surprising. This is old school discrimination and dehumanization as in, " you are not one of us therefore the rules of civil discourse do not apply. " Welcome to the experience of being a secular home educator. Our friends who do not home educate are threatened by our choices so we are outside of their purview and we enjoy pariah status there . Those who home educate for religious reasons are less than welcoming ,to be kind. Tomorrow I have the unpleasant task of taking dd to have her yearly testing mandated by the state of Iowa and being surrounded by people who do not speak to me or smile at my child. This is the reality of religious bigotry that many, many people have had to face for years. It is unfortunate that dishonesty with false accusations seem to rule the day but when you begin to judge people by their alleged religious beliefs rather than what they actually say and do you are in fact reaping what you have sown. None of this has any bearing on Dr Bauer being attacked by Mr Ham but it is beyond belief that so many here coming to her defense as they should since he is distorting her words and materials, fail to own their tendency to do the same things to those with whom they disagree. If you think I exaggerate go back and read the filth posted by those who are certain they have the final word on morality and truth as evidenced by the last election cycle. Mr Ham is not alone in his vituperation. Not by a long shot.

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One commenter said that SWB has made multiple attempts to contact Ham to discuss this. Is this something she mentioned doing somewhere? I'm just curious where they got this information.


Yes from Susan's post here.

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If one cannot get the link to work


Thanks for posting it--I think he deleted it from his page. I thought I saw it there a few minutes ago when I was looking for the Christine Field postings (I didn't open it to view it), but now it's not there.

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I showed my hubby the cartoon and he said it reminded him of Carl McIntire who liked to use cartoons to communicate his fundamentalist message.


"During the 1960s McIntire was the leading figure of the religious far right, targeting Catholic influences, “lenient” evangelicals and their hero Billy Graham, the civil rights movement, and anti-Vietnam protestors."


This is not to say Ken Ham thinks Billy Graham is too liberal (because I have no idea about his thoughts on Billy Graham) or likens himself to Carl McIntire. But McIntire and Ham seem to share the "crusade" approach to their ministries and communication methods.


He'd do well to study how Billy Graham has handled conflict with out losing his message. I'm glad he took that cartoon down. It was shameful and just disgusting.

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That is disgraceful. Shameful. The one thing it is not is surprising. This is old school discrimination and dehumanization as in, " you are not one of us therefore the rules of civil discourse do not apply. " Welcome to the experience of being a secular home educator. Our friends who do not home educate are threatened by our choices so we are outside of their purview and we enjoy pariah status there . Those who home educate for religious reasons are less than welcoming ,to be kind. Tomorrow I have the unpleasant task of taking dd to have her yearly testing mandated by the state of Iowa and being surrounded by people who do not speak to me or smile at my child. This is the reality of religious bigotry that many, many people have had to face for years. It is unfortunate that dishonesty with false accusations seem to rule the day but when you begin to judge people by their alleged religious beliefs rather than what they actually say and do you are in fact reaping what you have sown. None of this has any bearing on Dr Bauer being attacked by Mr Ham but it is beyond belief that so many here coming to her defense as they should since he is distorting her words and materials, fail to own their tendency to do the same things to those with whom they disagree. If you think I exaggerate go back and read the filth posted by those who are certain they have the final word on morality and truth as evidenced by the last election cycle. Mr Ham is not alone in his vituperation. Not by a long shot.


Hi Elizabeth,

I would not only smile, but I'd love to sit and visit with you while we wait. :) That said, I am very, very hopeful that MOST of us have learned a lot about ourselves these past couple of weeks and hopefully we can set the tone for things to be different. I think this is one GOOD thing that has come from this. Be encouraged :)

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I just keep think about...They will know us by our love for one another! I am reminded of how blessed I have been to have friends lovingly listen to me as I matured in my faith. Thank G-d he did not condem me for growing in my relationship, rather than expect me to be in prefect relationship instantly.


Also, I find it offensive that it appears (by those speak bottom line.) that I am to stupid to draw my own conculsions and that it must be spelled out for me!


I continue to pray for grace amoung my brothers and sisters in Christ, regradless of which side they fall on! Most important to me is that we know and love Jesus as our redeemer!

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religious bigotry that many, many people have had to face for years. It is unfortunate that dishonesty with false accusations seem to rule the day but when you begin to judge people by their alleged religious beliefs rather than what they actually say and do you are in fact reaping what you have sown. None of this has any bearing on Dr Bauer being attacked by Mr Ham but it is beyond belief that so many here coming to her defense as they should since he is distorting her words and materials, fail to own their tendency to do the same things to those with whom they disagree.
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Cannot believe he is using a tsunami graphic. Insane. Unbelievably insensitive to the suffering of thousands. In addition to everything else.




:iagree:Shamelessly taking advantage of the very emotional reaction the world is having to tsunami right now.

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Yup, my highschool friend and all her family... and all of Japan deserved it. Sure!! I mean... seriously?? How completely insane. I even think I understand what he could have... might have...meant... and it STILL doesn't make sense. AND, seriously... Japan wouldn't be the most deserving... :( Surely God ..... will show mercy to those who cry out for it. And we in America should be crying out for Japan ... not making cartoons about their devastation.

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You know I didn't see the people falling until today. There is no smiley to accurately state how I feel about that. You know what I dreamed about last night. 9/11 and people falling from towers. Seriously. There were no other stimuli in my brain about that event last night.


I've been starting to read on how the brain processes information and perception. I well believe that even though I didn't "see" the images with my eyes, my brain processed this information. 9/11 is the event on which it focused. Subliminal and sick.

Edited by elegantlion
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Yup, my highschool friend and all her family... and all of Japan deserved it. Sure!! I mean... seriously?? How completely insane. I even think I understand what he could have... might have...meant... and it STILL doesn't make sense. AND, seriously... Japan wouldn't be the most deserving... :( Surely God ..... will show mercy to those who cry out for it. And we in America should be crying out for Japan ... not making cartoons about their devastation.


We are showing mercy and compassion. My little church body has aggregated over $500,000 in donations specifically for Japan relief. The idea of making cartoons that reference it is inconceivable. I feel sorry for those who are not moved to compassion by this disaster. It seems like they are missing a heart.

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Yes, Carol,some are. Thanks! :) Even right after I messaged her to let her know that just at that point... we knew and churches here were praying. (It didn't seem like she knew that the US was aware... it was right after) And.. I can't help but think that he must have compassion and just used a cartoon in the very poorest of tastes. I actually like the curriculum (Science) and believe he needs to step away and re-evaluate.

I would love him to ...Step Away.... And it's because I want to use his curriculum that I'd like him to reposition himself and pray about how to heal things that he's helped to rip open.


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