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Barnes and Nobles question... (kinda shocked and upset here)

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Let me start by saying I love this store and spend alot of time (and money) in it. :D


In our local store, they have the Love and S*x section located directly outside the (only) bathroom....so when I'm coming out with my kids you see all those books.


Now, I understand they are a bookstore and are going to sell them, and they have to put them somewhere...but is this where they are located in all B & N stores?


My issue is that last night when we were coming out of the restrooms, one of the books was faced out (someone had pulled it out, not the store) and the picture on the front was, to say the least shocking. It was a Kama Sutra book and while the woman did technically have her back to the camera, she was angled so that you could see quite clearly what's in front :001_huh:.


Has anyone else had issues with this? I mentioned it to the lady at the help desk and she just put the book back on the shelf so the cover was not facing out. But this could obviously happen at any time... and quite frankly I don't want my 3rd grade son seeing this.

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I'd also speak to the manager.


It's not the norm. I was just there yesterday. As soon as we come out of our restrooms, we see the dictionary and globe sections. Walking down the aisle we see foreign language reference and then... Homeschooling stuff!

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Dh complains a lot about this sort of thing and has had great success with businesses who care about what parents and children think. Unless people speak out, businesses won't bother checking themselves. He's had luck with the local grocery to nationwide chains (in various locations).


His habit is to bring the book up, smile, and thunk it down on the desk. After the initial shock of soft-porn being thrown in the cashier's or managers view they can understand why a parent or child would object to having these in the checkout aisles or other high-traffic areas. :)


He's very polite about it! Sometimes they pull things then, sometimes it takes a call or letter to the higher ups or the chain HQ, but businesses in general really do care about what their customers have to say!

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Yes, definitely speak with the manager and if that does not work, go to corporate. Their books and shelves are easily moveable. They can put adult sections in a more secluded location where kids with watchful parents will not be exposed to the material.

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I'd also speak to the manager.


It's not the norm. I was just there yesterday. As soon as we come out of our restrooms, we see the dictionary and globe sections. Walking down the aisle we see foreign language reference and then... Homeschooling stuff!


This is the layout in the store closest to us, as well.


I'd try the method of the PP's DH. It couldn't hurt!

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I have no idea if it's that way here or not - it's hard to believe but I don't know that we've had to use the bathroom there! I will pay attention next time though.


I know we were at a Borders, I think, and they had a "bargain" sex book right up with all the little Golden nature guides for children. My friend and I complained about it - you know people put stuff out who don't have children and don't even think twice about it.


What a bizarre store layout. I am not sure where they can put it that kids will NEVER see it, but outside the bathroom? Really? When parents of preschoolers will have to go in there at least 3 times every visit?

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Let me start by saying I love this store and spend alot of time (and money) in it. :D


In our local store, they have the Love and S*x section located directly outside the (only) bathroom....so when I'm coming out with my kids you see all those books.


Now, I understand they are a bookstore and are going to sell them, and they have to put them somewhere...but is this where they are located in all B & N stores?

I'm pretty sure this was how it was setup at the B&N store we used to live near. I never took the kids to that particular store, so it never really jumped out at me as an issue.


This is a situation where I'd either send a letter to the store or go find the oldest, most conservative-looking employee I could find. The typical childless young adult working at the customer service desk is more likely to just be amused at the complaint.

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I am not sure where they can put it that kids will NEVER see it, but outside the bathroom? Really? When parents of preschoolers will have to go in there at least 3 times every visit


Yes, this is exactly what I mean. EVERY time we are in there at least one of my kids has to use the bathroom. Thanks everyone. I'll try writing to the manager and see if anything happens...

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In our local store, they have the Love and S*x section located directly outside the (only) bathroom....so when I'm coming out with my kids you see all those books.




Gross. This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when George takes a coffee table book off the shelf to take into the bathroom at Brentano's, with no intention of buying it. Then he gets mad when the store tells him he has to buy it.


I think there are a number of good reasons to move those books away from the bathroom.

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Ours has the very exciting "Essays" section at the bathroom exit. The sex books are deep in the ranks next to psychology and self-help.


Yes, I think it's worth a letter to the manager. It's the sort of thing a store manager should deal with to make the store a comfortable place for everyone.

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Gross. This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when George takes a coffee table book off the shelf to take into the bathroom at Brentano's, with no intention of buying it. Then he gets mad when the store tells him he has to buy it.


I think there are a number of good reasons to move those books away from the bathroom.


This is what I was thinking too...for the store's own sake, I would think they would move that section farther away from the bathroom, so those books don't migrate in there.


Our B & N has the cookbooks near the bathrooms. I'd complain as well.

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I think each store is set up differently (I've even been in a multi-level B&N and the bathrooms were in the back of the children's section). I would simply call and ask to speak to the manager.


Yes. The one at our local B&N is located between Starbucks and the magazine section. But they also rearrange the store on a regular basis (which drives me cRaZy but that's another post. . . ). I'd start with the store general manager and work my way up the food chain.

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This sort of thing is why I never go to Blockbuster anymore. When my then 8yo ran to find the Hannah Montana movie and drew back freaked out over the Halloween movie next to it I never went back. I had complained before about other parts of their store layout and was told that the corporate office made every store follow a set layout and that they stores had no choice how to display things. Wow, that Blockbuster is going out of business. It is not a surprise, since they made it plain they didn't care about customers.

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I had a similar problem with our local library. Most of the tables that aren't in the "quiet study" section are in the periodicals section. So when ds and I headed to the library for schoolwork, we'd spread out at a table next to the magazines. You wouldn't believe how much soft p*rn shows up on the cover of mainstream magazines these days - Vanity Fair & others. The first time I saw n*ked Jennifer Aniston on a cover, I brought it over to the librarian and told her I thought it was inappropriate to be on display. She put it behind the counter and said she'd bring it up with the head librarian. A month or so later, there was another n*ked lady on a cover - again, I took it to the desk. This time a different librarian took the magazine from me, but informed me that this was the "adult" section of the library so she didn't think there was anything they could do. So, I was supposed to make my 14yo ds hang out in the kids section? I was just shocked because this is a library in a very conservative family-friendly community.

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That just doesn't seem like a great plan. I worked at a B&N Cafe a little over 10 years ago. We would, on a regular basis, remove such titles from the men's restroom. Having them right there by the bathroom seems like it would make that issue even worse.


ETA: I see that that others had the same idea.

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Wow, weird. I think it's essays outside the bathrooms here, too. And in the B&N in our old 'hood, the bathroom was buried deep in the kids' section, then right outside that was parenting, and then religion. I'd definitely say something; I have to imagine the manager would want to know that.


My ongoing problem with B&N is that the cashiers keep acting like I'm trying to shoplift when I use my Educator card, "Is this for classroom use?" "Yes." Dubious look. "Where do you teach?' "We homeschool. How much do I owe you?" But that's a different post.

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Ours are across from the sports aisle. I know this b/c one day I was looking for a book for dh and had dd(then 4) w/me. As I was going through the titles, she was standing on one of the stools looking at the books behind me. I didn't realize what she was looking at. Some non-English speaking man tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to her w/a smile on his face. I thought he was saying something like it was surprising she could read at that age. After I got my book, I went to her and saw the book, immediately slammed it closed, which brought my other two running to see what the commotion was. I don't think it was the Kama Sutra, but I did see extremely graphic photos. I've always wondered what was going on in her head while she was looking at it.

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Several years ago when our local Borders opened, these books were on the direct route to the bathroom. You couldn't get there without going past them and the section was huge. Not only that, they were immediately adjacent to the children's section. I complained to the store manager and she told me that the "corporate office" told them how to set the store up and suggested I go online and make a comment. I did exactly as she said, making sure I put the store number, city and state in my comment. I also made sure that I was respectful and realistic in my request. I didn't ask them to get rid of it, I just asked them to move it so that children could not accidentally come across the section. I went in there the following week and the entire section had been moved.


So, I recommend that you talk to the store manager, but also tell them that you feel strongly about this and you will be contacting those further up in the decision chain.

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Dh complains a lot about this sort of thing and has had great success with businesses who care about what parents and children think. Unless people speak out, businesses won't bother checking themselves. He's had luck with the local grocery to nationwide chains (in various locations).


His habit is to bring the book up, smile, and thunk it down on the desk. After the initial shock of soft-porn being thrown in the cashier's or managers view they can understand why a parent or child would object to having these in the checkout aisles or other high-traffic areas. :)


He's very polite about it! Sometimes they pull things then, sometimes it takes a call or letter to the higher ups or the chain HQ, but businesses in general really do care about what their customers have to say!


I agree. The manager may not have even thought of it from your point of view. I would politely speak with the manager... maybe even have that particular book in the shelf the way you noticed it and point it out. It wouldn't take much for them to do a little rearranging.


If you don't get the results you would like, I'd contact B&N corporate. I am rather certain they would help you achieve the desired results.

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I tried to complain once about the "P*rn For Women" sign that was prominently displayed as you walked out of the children's section. Yes, the actual books were about food, not anything X rated, but the actual sign said "Porn for Women." I did not want to have a child innocently ask "mama, what's p*rn"? They didn't see why it was wrong.

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I used to work at B&N a few years ago. Ours was just in a small area mixed in with the rest of the non-fiction books. It was an area where very few children would go. We were also told explicitly to not put them facing out. We did live in a very conservative area, though, and there were tons of kids in our area.

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Neither our b&n or the next city over have this layout. I would calmly but sternly stand your ground until it is moved. There is absolutely no reason that those books have to be there.


And, thank you for taking a stand to protect the innocence of all the children that will frequent this store in the future! :001_smile:

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We don't often get to Barnes and Noble because there isn't one close. We where in it this past week and needed to use the rest rooms. I had to laugh because all the shelves by the door where filled with bibles and Christian literature. Maybe the manager has been reading these threads!

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The science section is outside our restrooms. The sexuality books are near the front of the store.


And about Blockbuster-not only do they not care about their customers, but they never stand up for their employees either when they are being blasted for things out of their control by customers. They have always lined up new releases alphabetically though, so that is prob. the reason for Hannah M. and the latest Halloween movie.

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I complained to the store manager and she told me that the "corporate office" told them how to set the store up and suggested I go online and make a comment. I did exactly as she said, making sure I put the store number, city and state in my comment. I also made sure that I was respectful and realistic in my request. I didn't ask them to get rid of it, I just asked them to move it so that children could not accidentally come across the section. I went in there the following week and the entire section had been moved.


So, I recommend that you talk to the store manager, but also tell them that you feel strongly about this and you will be contacting those further up in the decision chain.




Clearly this is what I will need to do.

Last night I called the store and talked to the assistant manager and he basically blew me off and said that they had tried other layouts but this is what works best !!


I pointed out that they had only switched to this layout in the last year and that it had always been somewhere else before, but he acted like he was amused by the whole conversation.


I plan to talk to the actual manager on Monday (she is a lady, and that might make a difference, who knows?)


But his attitude was really infuriating...I've worked at a bookstore during college. I felt like telling him that "I" could certainly rearrange the books if he was incapable of it (lol!)

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Clearly this is what I will need to do.

Last night I called the store and talked to the assistant manager and he basically blew me off and said that they had tried other layouts but this is what works best !!

I wonder if it's in good view of customer service or the security cameras there or something like that. Otherwise, I really can't see that layout working best for all the reasons that have been brought up!

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Clearly this is what I will need to do.

Last night I called the store and talked to the assistant manager and he basically blew me off and said that they had tried other layouts but this is what works best !!


I pointed out that they had only switched to this layout in the last year and that it had always been somewhere else before, but he acted like he was amused by the whole conversation.


I plan to talk to the actual manager on Monday (she is a lady, and that might make a difference, who knows?)


But his attitude was really infuriating...I've worked at a bookstore during college. I felt like telling him that "I" could certainly rearrange the books if he was incapable of it (lol!)



When you speak with the manager I would certainly bring up how the assistant manager treated your complaint.

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The s*x section at our store is tucked away pretty well.


I did however, work at B&N for a couple of years in the children's section. You would have been shocked at some of the books and p*rn magazines that were left there by people. Most of the time they would just leave them lying on the little tables, but sometimes people would even mix them into the spinner racks with the Dora the Explorer type books....just waiting for a child to come across them.

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Umm, having worked in several bookstores over the years, I think right by the bathroom is THE most disgusting place possible to put those books. Easy access for the p*rvs, IYKWIM. :glare:



That is what I was thinking. And do you want pervs getting all worked up next to a bathroom where the kids are DEFINITELY going to be. I'd almost consider that set-up a liability. It's like an incident waiting to happen.

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That just doesn't seem like a great plan. I worked at a B&N Cafe a little over 10 years ago. We would, on a regular basis, remove such titles from the men's restroom. Having them right there by the bathroom seems like it would make that issue even worse.


ETA: I see that that others had the same idea.



Maybe it's there so the employees don't have so far to walk to put the books back....

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  • 2 months later...

I'd talk to the manager and also send corporate a letter. I would also encourage all my friends to say something to the manager because the more that is said the more they might listen and move the section.

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We have a large B&N near us, as well as a large Borders. The B&N bathrooms are located near art and architecture and children's games. Our Borders is a huge problem, however.

To get to the bathrooms at borders you have to pass directly by the adult books, which are usually very brightly colored, with large, bold-faced titles. The adult books go all the way to the floor, so they are at eye-level of any child. To add insult to injury, right around the corner (actually connected to the adult books) are the parenting/education books, including pre-school toys. Directly behind the adult books is the children's section, so the adult books are directly in the path between the kid's section and the bathrooms, so it's a very high traffic area for kids.

I've written to them about this, and complained to an employee we're friendly with, but of course they're not going to change anything.

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We had a similar set up in our old B&N (we have since moved). We complained to the manager and things were moved.


We also complained about inappropriate books that were placed in the children's section - a cute little book on LOVE that was placed in the Valentine's Day display. Although it looked like it was for young children - when you opened it and read it -- it was clearly for adults -- making most adults blush! Once we brought it to their attention that was quickly taken away as well.


Say something, I'm sure they will move it.


Deb in NJ

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Say something, I'm sure they will move it.




Well, I've given up actually. I called corporate and lodged a complaint and so did several of my hs friends from town and some others (all the same week). Supposedly someone was suppose to come out that week to see 'if it could be moved.' (clearly they didn't hear me when I said it had never been there before). The store manager called back to say they 'were looking into it'. That was in March, and it hasn't been changed. I also haven't taken my kids back. If they want to lose business, that's their choice I guess. Amazon has become my new best friend since shipping over $25 is free. :D

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Amazon has become my new best friend since shipping over $25 is free. :D


I would again write a polite letter indicating that nothing has changed since many complaints were first brought up in March. Then, definitely tell them that, as much as you liked B & N, b/c no changes have been made you have begun to use Amazon with free shipping.



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I'd also speak to the manager.


It's not the norm. I was just there yesterday. As soon as we come out of our restrooms, we see the dictionary and globe sections. Walking down the aisle we see foreign language reference and then... Homeschooling stuff!


This is how my local store is set up as well.

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