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s/o The Office Proposal thread: How did your spouse propose?

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I love good proposal stories. And bad ones, too, to be honest. Mine is horrendous.


I was 18. DH was 21. DH-to-be and I had known each other for two months and knew we were getting married because USCIS (INS at the time) had given him a 'leave by' date. It's a long story, and he wasn't here illegally, but getting married was the easiest/fastest way for him to get a green card, and I'd basically already said yes. I even knew what ring I was getting because it was DH's grandmother's old wedding ring (she had gotten a new one for her 20th anniversary). I was in my parents' bathroom getting ready to go out for the evening; DH-to-be was in my bedroom waiting. I heard the click of the box and knew even before I stepped out that he would be proposing. He was really cute and tried to pretend he'd dropped something, and it was all I could do not to laugh. I waited about five years before telling him I had known what he was doing before he did it. :D

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Well, I was 32 and dh was 42, and we had gone to Montreal for a long weekend to avoid having to decide whose family to go to for Thanksgiving. :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie: We had worked together for 5 years, but we had only been dating about 6 months. We were in our B&B room watching It's a Wonderful Life, and during a commercial, he reached into his bag and pulled out two rings and asked me if I wanted to get married and build a life together. The real ring (his grandmother's engagement ring) was still being repaired and spruced up, so he brought a couple of 'spares' because he wanted to propose on the trip. :lol: I said yes, but only on the condition that we didn't have to live in his condo and could buy an actual house! He agreed on the condition that the house be on the east side of town. :lol:

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My dh and I had not been dating too long, maybe 4 months. We had broken up and we were back on our first date, to the drag races. It was hot July, this was a local track so we were close to the action. We were sitting on wooden bleachers set on gravel. He was wearing denim shorts and a black INDY t-shirt (from the Indy 500). It was like 1991, he was stylin. We had briefly discussed marriage before we broke up. So were sitting there watching the race and he said.

"Do you remember what we talked about before?"


me (playing coy): "I don't know what do you mean?"


him: "Like when we talked about getting married,"


me: "oh, yes."


him: "Did you mean it when you said you'd think about it?"


me: something to the affect of "I did then." - I still hadn't forgiven him completely for breaking up with me.


him (getting down on one knee, in the gravel, he grabbed my hand.): Would you marry me?


me (shocked!): Yes!


He was so excited he got up and starting walking around telling everyone there.


Ironically, one of my friends and I had developed a plan. I was so mad at him that my plan was to win him back, get him wrapped around my little finger, and then break his heart. We called it the pinkie plan. 18 1/2 years of marriage and the plan is still in place. I'm sure I've broken his heart a few times over the years. :D

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At the time, dh and I had been working on renovating a local historic opera house. One night in July, after working on the building all evening, we were covered in dust and likely dried up pigeon poo. We went back to my apartment and while we were watching some documentary on Ancient Egypt, he got up to go to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came out, ring in hand and got down on one knee. I always tease him that he decided to ask me to marry him while in the bathroom but he had been planning to do it all along. It might not seem terribly romantic to some but I have always thought it was perfectly us. I didn't need bells and whistles, just him. We just celebrated our 12th anniversary in November and it has just gotten better.

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John took me to dinner at my favorite restaurant (Steinhilbers) and then took me to see the Swan Lake ballet (I had mentioned wanting to go). It was my birthday.


He had essentially given God six months to know for sure if he was to marry me. He hadn't dated anyone since his ex-wife had left him (four years prior), and he was concerned about Aaron getting attached to someone who wasn't going to stay around. We met at church, and the day we met, he sort of jokingly said, "I'm going to marry that girl."


So, he had asked my dad permission earlier that week. When we came back to his house, he read the main portion of Proverbs 31, said I was that woman, and asked me to marry him.


He then took me to a local jeweler where we had my ring made (we picked out the stone and the design). :D

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LOL, we were just watching The Office last night and talked about this.


We'd only been dating 2 weeks. We were driving in the car and he looked at me and said something like, "We're old enough to know what we want. I know we both want to be married. We're just that kind of people. We just need to wait a while so we don't feel rushed."


He was totally right. It's a second marriage for both of us, and we got married 2 years after we started dating. Not very romantic, but practical and true.


We chose the ring together, but when he picked it up after it had been sized, he got down on one knee to put it on my finger. Very sweet.



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Which time? The first time, we'd been dating for about 4 months, and we were walking through the mall when he pulled me into a jewelry store, and started looking at engagement rings, and asked me if I would like one. :glare: Um. No, thank you.


A year later, we found out we were expecting DS. He actually bought an engagement ring & proposed a week later, while we were at dinner with his parents to announce DS. This time I accepted his ring, but told him it would have to wait, because I would NOT marry him because he felt like he had to ask.


We finally decided to marry about a year after that, when DS was 4 months old.

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I met my dh online in an AOL chatroom on March 2, 1997. I flew to RI (from WI) on April 10th to meet him in person and stayed with him at his apartment until the 21st. On May 3, 1997 I got a certified mail package, with an engagement ring and a small note asking me to marry him. We were married on Friday the 13th of June, 1997.


When we were moving from the RI apartment a week after getting married (he's military and we were off to the next duty station) I found multiple drafts of said engagement note. I guess he wanted to make sure he got it right. :lol:

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I found multiple drafts of said engagement note. I guess he wanted to make sure he got it right. :lol:


Too cute. I love those little side-stories :)


My husband was stationed overseas, and I was visiting him. He told me to be ready, because when he got back home he was going to ask me to marry him. Whatever LOL we had only known each other for a few weeks while he was home on leave, followed by a few months of phone calls and emails. I flew back home, and not 48 hours later he was ringing my doorbell. True to his word, he asked me to marry him. Right there at my front door. No ring :).

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I've posted this a couple of times before (this question gets asked a lot):


We got engaged in an argument. We were at our favorite local diner and somehow we ended up talking about commitment and marriage. He sort of asked me, but not quite. For some reason he was a bit irritated when he did. That got me irritated. . . I do remember crossing my arms and telling him, "I am not moving from this chair until you actually propose to me." His reply was, "Fine, will you marry me?" No one in the diner clapped for us. . . (We almost got in an argument the next day when I asked if he had really meant his proposal.) Our first year of marriage was a bit rocky. . . That was 18 years ago.

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We got engaged on April Fool's Day.


He had intended to ask the night before, but he had not checked my schedule. I had a meeting with my college advisor, a sorority meeting, followed by a volunteer meeting, followed by an arrangement to work out with a friend. When I finally got back home, he had been waiting/spying on my apartment to ask if I wanted to go for a walk.. I told him NO it was 10:30 and I had to get up early for student teaching, and I was sweaty from the workout.


So he waited til the next day - and no one beleived that we got engaged, until they saw the ring. It was a lot of fun to fool everybody.


He still has not gotten the hang on checking my schedule.

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I knew I wanted to get married at Christmas. We were well into our second year of dating so I looked at him in June and said if we are getting married this year I need to call and put it on the calendar at church. He said, "Ok pick a day." I called the church and reserved it and then told my mom so we could start planning.

He still wanted to propose so I helped him pick out rings and waited. The night he proposed we had dinner at a nice restaurant in St. Augustine. When we walked out of the restaurant he had a horse and carriage waiting.

The driver took us around St. Augustine. DH told them when he was making reservations he wanted to propose on the ride. He subtly confirmed it with the driver that night. When we got to the "engagement tree" where the driver informed us everyone gets engaged he started the horses trotting. LOL I always joke that the driver thought we should not get married. The guy seriously talked the whole time. :lol:

I could sense DH getting frustrated so I said, "After this lets walk over to the fort. Someplace we can come back to year after year."

When the ride was over it was starting to thunder and lightening. We hurried over to the fort. Dh sat me on a bench under a tree (in a lightening storm FL style LOL) and asked me to marry him. Then the rain started and we ran to the car. I thought it was a sweet proposal.

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I was turning 28, but I ended up late because something came up at work that delayed me. I should have known what was up because he seemed VERY upset when I called to say I'd be late. He had been dumped by a woman 3 weeks before their wedding so I guess he was more nervous than usual.


We went to our "first date" restaurant. He proposed. The other patrons smiled approvingly!

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I was 17 he was 23. We were sitting on my parent's couch. He told me he wanted to be with me forever. I kind of giggled and said forever was a long time.


Well, after that, he assumed we were engaged and I never told him we weren't, but he never officially asked me. We went to a jeweler's and picked out rings without telling my parents. They found out by seeing the ring on my finger when I passed the potatoes at dinner.


It will be 30 years next year.

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It was over take-out Indian food in our apartment the night before we were leaving to go to Disney World for a week.


He waited until we were done eating, then handed me a Godiva chocolate box. That had been my favorite chocolate until I stopped eating processed sugar. I was confused, to say the least, until I opened it and found the ring.


He had it made for me, since I'm not big on diamonds. It has a large amethyst (my favorite stone, because it's purple) circled with tiny diamonds for sparkle.


Last month, we had our 17th anniversary. (I can't say "celebrated," because we were too busy to do more than wish each other a happy one that day.)

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We'd been dating for about a year and a half and he knew where I hid the engagement ring I'd inherited from my mom and slipped it into his wallet just before we left on our overseas vacation.


I was admiring the view overlooking Loch Ness from the tower at Urquhart Castle and as I turned back I found him down on his knee.


We'd done a packaged tour in Egypt, visited my sisters in London, driven a little red Rover through the most beautiful scenery in Wales and the Lake District and the last week of our vacation was in Scotland. Apparently he'd been waiting for the perfect moment for three weeks :001_smile:. We'd spoken of marriage, but I didn't expect him to propose while we were on vacation. We got married a year later.

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We were in the military. We had been friends for nearly a year, and apart for almost another year. When we met back up in Japan, we started dating. Within a month, we started talking about marriage, but decided to wait and have a formal engagement and wedding.

We had picked out rings. We had wedding bands, and he put the enagement ring on layaway. I was worying about it, because it was nearly time to get it out, and he only made $400 a month. I thought that if we lost the ring, it would be a bad sign.

New year's Eve 1999, we went to a party on the base where I worked. He had an awful flu, but insisted on going and staying. My BFF and her future DH went with us. Derek sat in a chair and sweated and shivered while I danced and had a great time. Just before the countdown, he got up and danced with me. During the countdown, he pulled the ring out of his pocket, and held it in front of me. I saw it at the stroke of midnight.


Even though I'd picked it out, and knew he'd gotten it for me, I had no idea he'd come into town and picked it up. I was SO surprised. I'd had numerous proposals, but no one had ever given me a ring before. For me, that sealed the deal. That night was more important to me than the wedding.

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My dh and I met working at an Episcoapl summer camp. We worked together and dated for several summers. In the summer of 1993, the counselors built a new chapel by the lake. It took the entire staff training to build and it was a wonderful project.

We both really enjoyed working with youth, so in the fall we volunteered to help with a youth retreat that was held at the camp. We helped in the kitchen and setting up various activities. After our evening jobs, we decided to go on a walk around camp and we ended up sitting in the chapel talking.


The topic became our future and he pulled out a beautiful ring and asked me to marry him. As a wedding present, a couple of other counselors drove to camp and took a picture of the chapel and had it framed. It hangs in our foyer to this day!!

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My dh and I met working at an Episcoapl summer camp. We worked together and dated for several summers. In the summer of 1993, the counselors built a new chapel by the lake. It took the entire staff training to build and it was a wonderful project.

We both really enjoyed working with youth, so in the fall we volunteered to help with a youth retreat that was held at the camp. We helped in the kitchen and setting up various activities. After our evening jobs, we decided to go on a walk around camp and we ended up sitting in the chapel talking.


The topic became our future and he pulled out a beautiful ring and asked me to marry him. As a wedding present, a couple of other counselors drove to camp and took a picture of the chapel and had it framed. It hangs in our foyer to this day!!


It wouldn't have happened to be Kanuga, would it? :D

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We met online and had been dating long distance, only seeing each other a few weekends a month, but I knew I was going to marry him the first time we "chatted". In fact, the minute I saw his picture I got chills and said "this is a man I could grow old with." Anyway...we dated for 2 years. On our anniversary he got us rooms at the Universal Studios resort in Orlando, where he was located. I was SURE he would propose on our anniversary. He took me to a "tasting dinner" at Emeril's, where we sat against the kitchen and had a chef prepare our food personally while we watched. It was great. He didn't propose!!! I had gotten all dressed up, done my nails, etc. I was so disapointed, but still happy.


The next day, while we were at the theme park, and I was sweaty and gross, he sat me down on some steps. We had sat there many times before. Then he started talking about the future, and how he couldn't predict what would happen, that he couldn't promise me anything, that he couldn't promise that we would be able to do fun things like this in the future. I was SURE he was breaking up with me!!!!!!! I was MAD. Then he opened the ring box and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!!! I was shocked. Heck, I was sitting on a dried up crawfish someone had dropped, wearing shorts and sweaty tank top! But he had wanted to do it there so we could always go back to that spot. I said yes and we told everyone we saw, lol.


I KNEW I was going to marry him :)

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We'd only been dating 2 weeks. We were driving in the car and he looked at me and said something like, "We're old enough to know what we want. I know we both want to be married. We're just that kind of people. We just need to wait a while so we don't feel rushed."


He was totally right. It's a second marriage for both of us, and we got married 2 years after we started dating. Not very romantic, but practical and true.



This is just like us, except we'd been dating a week and a half, we were in his kitchen when he said, "How long to we have to wait before we start talking about getting married?", and we were married a year and a half after we started dating.


I fell for him HARD on our first date when he picked me up in his old Volvo wagon, with his 3-year-old son in a car seat in the back. We went to the county fair and ate hotdogs.


It'll be 9 years next month.

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I think my husband deserves the "least romantic proposal site" award. He proposed in a cemetery. (BC that's where you make all your important decisions....) He laughs about it now. BTW, he is an incredibly romantic husband, so I don't hold the proposal against him. ;)

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We were both 28 when we got engaged.


Honestly, it wasn't eventful. We had been dating about 6 months and knew we were meant for each other and had discussed it. I don't remember any one knee involved.....just talking and saying we wanted to marry one another.


He isn't exactly the romantic type. But we are going on 16 years and going strong, so I guess it was good enough!



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There was supposed to be a proposal?

Ours was more like 5 years of negotiations, ending with getting married as a lark.


Seriously, we felt married from our first months together. We felt like we needed to get married officially when we wiped out our education debt and were ready to start a family. The actual wedding was on the beach with two strangers as witnesses.


12 years and 5 children later I don't feel like I missed anything.

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Dh and I were high school buds that reconnected (long distance) through emails and phone calls about two years after I left my first husband. He was fresh out of boot camp when we first got back in touch with one another; several months later he found himself stationed on the east coast. My son and I lived in Florida at the time, so dh drove down for a visit over a long weekend (he actually purchased his first new car on the way down just so he would have a nice set of wheels to impress me with, but I didn't know that at the time :D).


Anyway, we 'dated' long distance for about three or four months. He would drive down on long weekends, and I flew up once by myself to visit him at the base. He took time off in June that year to drive down and visit. We had taken my ds to a local playground for the afternoon and he surprised me by proposing there at the park. :001_smile:


My grandfather walked ds and I down the aisle together at the wedding a few months later; dh and I shared vows with one another and with ds. It was a very special day that I will never forget.

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I was 17 and dh was 22. He had just graduated from college in May, and in June we went to the lake. I said, "Do you want to sit on the grass?" and he said, "No, but I want you to be my wife." We had been dating for 6 months and got married 3 months later, 30 years ago this September.

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He was lying on my floor- we were both tired. And then he said, "hey... you wanna get married?" and I said "really?" and he said "yeah." I agreed on the condition that he come with me for my year of internship (I was in graduate school at the time), and it was a good thing he did, because our son was born during that internship year. We found out I was pregnant approaching our one year anniversary- in fact, we celebrated the announcement to his parents with our frozen wedding cake top.


Anyway, he proposed in July, two months after we met, and I wore a bubble-gum machine ring until the next Thanksgiving when he surprised me with a real, live diamond. We were married 10 mos. after we met. Our 18th anniversary was yesterday, and I think we are both better for having known one another. Still in love, too.

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We started dating just as George Strait's song "Check Yes or No" was being play 4,8,10 times a day. He proposed at the concert, during the song, slipped me a piece of paper with the lyrics tweaked asking me to be his wife. I thought he was being sweet - we had talked about marriage before. Then I noticed the ring... I couldn't tell you the next few songs during the concert. It was awesome!

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DH and I grew up together. I started liking him when I was 15, he was not of the same opinion. We went to the same school, worked together at A&W for 2 years, and went to the same college. Once we were in college I started flirting with him like crazy and he just didn't get it. My junior year/his sophomore year we ended up taking a bowling class together. After serious flirting and him remaining oblivious, one day after class we were hanging out at Beaumont Tower on MSU campus and I told him flat out that I liked him and that we were going to get married. He told me it wasn't going to happen, that I am like a sister to him. 9 months later he saw the light and asked me out.


Back story to say that DH proposed to me on the last day of finals in December by picking me up after my test and he had A&W root beer floats and said he wanted to go for a walk on campus. He parked near Beaumont and that's when I knew what he was going to do. We walked to Beaumont Tower and he proposed.

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We had been dating for a year and then living together for a year. We were in bed and I told him I wanted a baby. he said that sounded like a great idea. I told him I wanted the legal protection of marriage if we had kids together. He jumped out of bed and proposed. Then he had to get dressed and go to work.


But, FTR, I fell in love with him and knew we would be together forever the moment I laid eyes on him.

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On the hood of his car....:auto:


Actually it was more like this: we were talking about him moving 4 hours away because of a job. We didn't want to be apart. So he said...we could get married? I said ok, but I have to ask my mom :lol: (I was 16, and yes we asked, and we got married 3 months later)

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Hubby followed me into the bathroom while I was going to brush my teeth to get ready for work. He waited until I was brushing in our very,very small bathroom that barely even fit one whole person let alone another and he asked me right then.

He states it was so i could not say no and could not escape;).

Oh and our witness was one of our gerbils who used to love to escape her tank and sit on top of the toilet seat :001_huh:.

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For me, it was love at first sight. But I had to walk past him quite a few times before he noticed me :D We met in high school and started "going out" when I was 15 and he was 17. I wasn't "allowed to date" until I was 18 (my Grandmother's version of a date was the two of us going somewhere by ourselves.) But we went to shaperoned, group school dances, and later on I got to hang out at his parent's house. We had talked about getting married, and we had already picked out our 4 kids names (They're the same boy names we used years latter :D) and I was shopping with him and his parents at Walmart. I looked over coyly, pointed at one and said "Oo, I like that one." and moved on. He later went back and got it.


He proposed on our first "official" date, looking at stars cuddled under a sleeping bag. It was wonderful, except I had an ulcer and I just wanted the night to be done! :001_rolleyes:

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