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What kind of shoes do you wear with....

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These are my every day shoes, usually from mid-fall through mid-spring. I love them. They are super comfy and go with jeans, long skirts, and even capris (we had a couple really nice warm days last week). These are my spring-summer-early fall shoes. (Well, the ones I have are 2 years old and pretty much all brown.) They too are comfy and go well with shorter skirts (still below the knee here) and capris. Otherwise, I have tennis shoes and UGG boots that I wear in the appropriate situation (exercising and cold nights at the baseball field, respectively). But otherwise, I am always in one of the two above linked shoes.

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OK, let me add another question... What kind of socks do you wear with these shoes? Can you tell I have feet issues?

Typically I don't wear socks, but when I do, I tend to wear a semi-mid-calf one with cute colors or prints (not plain white) or knee-high socks. But that's only when I wear my Merrells, not with the Teva sandals. :tongue_smilie:

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Heels! Yes, even when pregnant, I wear heels. Since I'm now almost 9 months I've gone down to a shorter heel (1.5"-2" and sometimes kitten heels), but still heels.

I ONLY wear tennis shoes (sneakers, trainers or whatever you call them) at the gym or if I'm going for a walk, doing some sort of moving, working on a painting project or cleaning. I have to say I HATE that most people now wear tennis shoes every day. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. If you don't want heels, there are cute flat shoes available. How about ballet flats? Look for some that have some sort of insole though. Cheap ballet flats with no insole will ruin your feet.

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I'm pretty much casual all the time.

I wear these daily in the spring and fall.



They get too hot in the dead of summer so I switch to flip flops.


I wear these with jeans for church and such. (Yes, I wear jeans to church.)


I also often wear my gym shoes with jeans.

I don't wear dresses so can't help you there.

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Whatever shoes I can find, since the kids seem to like wandering off with mine. I'm a skirt person, so given an actual choice I like to wear um, barn boots in the winter varied with LL Bean lace up work boots, then sneakers in the rest of the year varied with flip flops or goodwill sandals. I only wear socks in the winter and then they are knee high black socks, unless I can't find any then I wear DH's white athletic socks and hope the skirt is long enough to cover them.


If I could justify buying nice shoes for myself I would get either SAS or Birkenstocks. I had a pair of Birkenstock sandals years ago that were so amazingly comfortable that I wore then until they died. I wore SAS shoes when I was on my feet a lot at work and they were great too and they have some slip on styles that would look great with skirts. If you are not wearing boots I would suggest wearing knee high nylons with your nice shoes. If I had nice shoes I would have to get some nylons.

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I'm pretty much casual all the time.

I wear these daily in the spring and fall.



They get too hot in the dead of summer so I switch to flip flops.


I wear these with jeans for church and such. (Yes, I wear jeans to church.)


I also often wear my gym shoes with jeans.

I don't wear dresses so can't help you there.


These are so cute, I have to get some of those. I only ever wear tennis shoes (nikes) because I have a bad back and need a shoe with lots of support, but these look like they could fill that bill.

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I wear something similar to this in the fall/winter (with winter skirts and jeans). I don't wear springy-type skirts in the fall/winter.


I bought mine at DSW


I wear sandals in the spring and summer with everything. I love Columbia sandals. I buy them at Off Broadway.


I plan to buy some of these:






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I'm pretty much casual all the time.

I wear these daily in the spring and fall.



They get too hot in the dead of summer so I switch to flip flops.



I love these! Where can I get a pair? This thread is dangerous for me. Shoes are my weakness. I love shoes! I wear sandals in the spring/summer/fall...until it gets unbearably cold. My current favorite sandal is brown (sort of the look/feel of Birkenstocks but not). In the winter, I have a pair of croc-like shoes that I wear. I also have a new favorite pair of black heeled boots that I wear to church or for dressy occasions. I hate socks. If I must wear them (like in winter) I will typically wear a pair of thick, wool blend socks.

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I mostly wear tennis shoes with my jeans, but I've been looking for an alternate, so I'm loving these ideas.


I wear a black ankle boot with my jeans when I want to dress them up. They have about a two inch heel.


I can't help with the long skirt question 'cause I don't wear them.

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I don't wear jeans usually, but with lightweight, summery pants I wear a sandal of some kind (no socks. Please.); or a light-weight, closed shoe (usually not tennies; jeans and tennies are way overdone) with a sock of some kind (never white; a "trouser sock" if my shoes are lightweight). With heavier pants (such as in the winter), a heavier shoe and sock.


I only wear tennies if I'm doing something that's actually athletic. :001_smile:


With a casual skirt, I'll wear sandals if the weather is nice enough (which is many months of the year in Central Texas). To make that same skirt dressier, I wear--don't gasp--hose and a lightweight shoe, like a ballet slipper.


My favorite sandals: Merrels, Tivas; semi-closed/open, Keens (which I would never wear with a dress); athletic shoes: Natural Balance, Rykas (which I got from QVC; they're built like an athletic shoe, but their dark uppers look like leather, so they look like a nice leather shoe instead of tennies. If I'm wearing a dark pair of pants, I don't want white shoes flashing as I walk, lol). I also have a pair of penny loafers that I still wear sometimes, and a pair of bucks :D.

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I just bought a pair similar to these except the heel is chunkier to wear with boot cut jeans:




I always wear heels because I'm short, so I also wear boots and platforms with my jeans.


Oh, and I did NOT pay $109 for them. I got them at Marshall's for $30. :)

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I tend to wear boots in winter and lace-up shoes in summer. I have two pairs of boots for winter, something like these and these. In summer, I wear Eccos, something like these. I don't wear skirts.


I wear Smartwool socks in winter, black mohair socks in spring/autumn and a variety of coloured cotton socks in summer.



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For winter:http://www.famousfootwear.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?p=50156&pg=1012560 They come in black also. These shoes are like walking on clouds.


For summer:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002KMIFE4 These are so cute.


For winter dressy: http://www.famousfootwear.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?p=00864&pg=1021305


For summer dressy: http://www.famousfootwear.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?p=00691&pg=1020197

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I have both black and brown Oxfords that I wear with jeans. A friend got me hooked on them in college because she insisted they instantly dressed up your look. I find them comfy, too.


I have those!! And I wore them today (okay, I wear them most days, lately)!



OP - it really depends on the style of the jeans or skirt. If they are trendy and fit well (and you look fantastic in them), then I kind of match my shoe style with my top; dressy top = dressy shoes, ones with heels, sandals, cool boots, etc - there's really no limit to how dressy a shoe can be if the jeans are great and the top is snazzy. Lazy tops like sweatshirts and hoodies earn Converse hightops for me (I love those things). Boring old t-shirts or simple but nice sweaters get a casual shoe like AndyJoy's pic or fun strappy casual sandal, or understated boot, but it must be comfortable (like my shirt).

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With jeans I wear ballet flats (usually), sneakers (if I'm going to do a lot of walking), or ankle/calf boots (if it's snowy).


With skirts I wear heels, ballet flats, tall boots (stopping just below my knee), or "fancy" sandals like espadrilles (spring/summer). The shoe I choose depends on the season, the style of the skirt, and the occasion.


I only wear socks with sneakers or boots. I wear thick tights in the winter with boots or heels. I go with bare legs most of the time. :)

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I pretty much wear the same shoes with everything- some comfortable slip on Earth Shoes in summer, and some birkenstok clogs in winter (or sometimes some runners if I am going to be walking a lot, or on my morning walks). I wear some leather boots if I am going on the motor bike with dh. I wear cotton or woollen socks- I knit socks too and have several pairs of bright knitted socks.

I tend to wear my socks a colour to match what I am wearing- I have many different coloured socks.

I am very much into comfort when it comes to shoes, but I don't think they look bad either.

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