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Pray for my DH please...in hospital...

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Not sure... I know that they're flooding with 3 or 4 GALLONS of solution. The surgery has been delayed for want of an open OR (they're squeezing him into the rotation), and I have not yet met with the surgeon. That is a question I will ask. Anything else I should ask???


Gosh, Steph, I don't know what else I'd ask specifically, I'd just want to know everything they could tell me! Did they set his ankle with any sort of pins? That might be a factor. It's interesting to me that two weeks went by, then, bam! Tremendous sudden infection. I know you'll want all the details when the culture results come back.


Hopefully the next post from you will give us word that successful surgery is now complete!

Edited by AuntieM
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Not sure... I know that they're flooding with 3 or 4 GALLONS of solution. The surgery has been delayed for want of an open OR (they're squeezing him into the rotation), and I have not yet met with the surgeon. That is a question I will ask. Anything else I should ask???


Probably too late but did they x-ray for anything left inside that isn't supposed to be there?


DH says that surgical stuff now has some coating (forgot the exact word) that will cause it show on x-ray.

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Got home from hospital about an hour ago. I'm WHOOPED.


Doctor found evidence that the infection is in the bone :(


We'll know the results of the pathology tomorrow.


He won't be going home until the doctors are reasonably certain that he is on the correct antibiotics.


If things don't make marked improvement, they'll go back in and do it again.


G'night everyone, and thanks for your prayers and well wishes.


Sorry PMers, I still haven't responded. I'm pooped out. The wifi at the hospital wasn't working this afternoon, so I couldn't respond. Too tired to do it now.

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Got home from hospital about an hour ago. I'm WHOOPED.


Doctor found evidence that the infection is in the bone :(


We'll know the results of the pathology tomorrow.


He won't be going home until the doctors are reasonably certain that he is on the correct antibiotics.


If things don't make marked improvement, they'll go back in and do it again.


G'night everyone, and thanks for your prayers and well wishes.


Sorry PMers, I still haven't responded. I'm pooped out. The wifi at the hospital wasn't working this afternoon, so I couldn't respond. Too tired to do it now.






praying for chad & the whole family!

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Got home from hospital about an hour ago. I'm WHOOPED.


Doctor found evidence that the infection is in the bone :(


We'll know the results of the pathology tomorrow.


He won't be going home until the doctors are reasonably certain that he is on the correct antibiotics.


If things don't make marked improvement, they'll go back in and do it again.


G'night everyone, and thanks for your prayers and well wishes.


Sorry PMers, I still haven't responded. I'm pooped out. The wifi at the hospital wasn't working this afternoon, so I couldn't respond. Too tired to do it now.


Praying for you all.

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fwiw, when i had a staph infection in britain, they used magnasulph in conjunction with antibiotics. the infection was at least 25% of my face. it worked wonders... it dehydrates, and miraculously left no scarring.


i don't think it is licensed for use in the usa, because (i think) it needs to be managed carefully or the results are Very Bad....




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Wednesday am update


He's coming home today!!! (As it stands...) Though, I can't say I'm not nervous about this. His pain is NOT managed, we have multiple stairs in our home, and I get to clean the wound, though I believe a visiting nurse will be coming for a few days.


BTW, it was common staph, not MRSA or hospital-borne MRSA.


I'll update again.


THanks for your prayers!

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Wednesday am update


He's coming home today!!! (As it stands...) Though, I can't say I'm not nervous about this. His pain is NOT managed, we have multiple stairs in our home, and I get to clean the wound, though I believe a visiting nurse will be coming for a few days.


BTW, it was common staph, not MRSA or hospital-borne MRSA.


I'll update again.


THanks for your prayers!



Still lifting you up ;)

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Oh, thank GOD. I totally get all the reasons you're concerned about him coming home, and I agree with them, BUT I think he will heal better there and not be exposed to more nasty stuff. Park him on a floor with a bathroom and leave him there. :D


Cleaning the wound - I had to do that when dh had part of his ear lobe removed for skin cancer. It was awful, but I lived through it. Sending many, many hugs and prayers your way because I know it will be so hard! I am VERY glad to hear a visiting nurse will be coming, at least for a little while.

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He's home! He wanted pizza on the way home from the hospital! He is reading a magazine! He watched American Idol and made snarky comments (per usual)! He's even grumpy! These are all VERY GOOD THINGS!


The home infusion nurse came this morning, changed his PICC dressing and taught me how to do the infusion. I was so nervous the first time that I pulled the plunger all the way out of the syringe (glad it was the saline) and spilled water all over the floor. He sort of giggled. But, now I've done 6 syringes, and have given him his first antibiotic treatment, and I feel like an old pro! :)





ETA: If you want to see, there are pix on the blog. No pix of the wound. It is definitely a little bit too NCIS/CSI-looking. Not that anyone really WANTS to see a PICC line...

Edited by BikeBookBread
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