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Pray for my DH please...in hospital...

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Mr. BikeMan (DH) had surgery on his ankle two weeks ago for an injury that was just recently discovered, a result of his bike accident over 2 years ago.


He woke up this morning, and his ankle was at least 3x its post-surgical size, and the sutures had burst from the swelling. The incisions were oozing, and his whole foot and up half of his leg was angry red. It was obviously infected. He started throwing up.


I took him to the ER (PDG has the flu on top of it all...fever of 102 -- she's sleeping on the couch now), and I'd been up since 3:00 am with her.


I'm worn out already from caretaking DH for two weeks, since PDG and now I'm getting sick, I think...I don't know, maybe it's exhaustion.


He's been admitted to the hospital and is on two IV antibiotics. I'm so scared about the infection. There's a woman at our church who caught an infection after a simple injury and hospital visit, and ended up in ICU for 3 weeks and rehab for over a month.


Would you pray if you are so inclined? Thanks...

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Just got a call from DH. They are with-holding food. He thinks they may be considering some sort of surgery, or at least, keeping the option open. They can't get a hold of the doctor who performed the surgery, but have a call into the on-call orthopedist. He told me they are concerned about some sort of abscess. :crying:

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Just got a call from DH. They are with-holding food. He thinks they may be considering some sort of surgery, or at least, keeping the option open. They can't get a hold of the doctor who performed the surgery, but have a call into the on-call orthopedist. He told me they are concerned about some sort of abscess. :crying:


Still praying!


You don't have to answer this but is he in a military hospital?

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Mr. BikeMan (DH) had surgery on his ankle two weeks ago for an injury that was just recently discovered, a result of his bike accident over 2 years ago.


He woke up this morning, and his ankle was at least 3x its post-surgical size, and the sutures had burst from the swelling. The incisions were oozing, and his whole foot and up half of his leg was angry red. It was obviously infected. He started throwing up.


I took him to the ER (PDG has the flu on top of it all...fever of 102 -- she's sleeping on the couch now), and I'd been up since 3:00 am with her.


I'm worn out already from caretaking DH for two weeks, since PDG and now I'm getting sick, I think...I don't know, maybe it's exhaustion.


He's been admitted to the hospital and is on two IV antibiotics. I'm so scared about the infection. There's a woman at our church who caught an infection after a simple injury and hospital visit, and ended up in ICU for 3 weeks and rehab for over a month.


Would you pray if you are so inclined? Thanks...

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Just got a text. He's going to be in the hospital for THREE TO FIVE DAYS ON ANTIBIOTICS!!!!! What kind of an infection would that be??? MRSA???? major Staph?????? I'm gobsmacked right now.


From what you described, it sounds like nothing to take lightly.


If he's in good shape, he'll probably be there for the lower estimate.


Do you think they even have the cultures back yet?

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From what you described, it sounds like nothing to take lightly.


If he's in good shape, he'll probably be there for the lower estimate.


Do you think they even have the cultures back yet?


Cultures are pending... just talked to him. The morphine isn't even touching the pain :(


They are feeding him dinner (he's starving) but still haven't ruled out surgery.


He is physically extremely fit, but is weakened from the surgery two weeks ago.

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Cultures are pending... just talked to him. The morphine isn't even touching the pain :(


They are feeding him dinner (he's starving) but still haven't ruled out surgery.


He is physically extremely fit, but is weakened from the surgery two weeks ago.


That is awful.


I wish I could help. :grouphug:

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I just had hip replacement surgery 8 days ago and infection has been my greatest fear. It boggles my mind that he could have such a bad infection 2 weeks after surgery. Wasn't his incision healed by then? Hadn't it been checked by the surgeon yet at a post-op appointment? Stitches/ staples out? Or maybe this was an internal thing, not originating at the incision? Did he go from no sign of infection at bedtime to severe infection in the morning? What a nightmare. I'll get my staples out this Wednesday - 11 days post-op. I had no idea infection would still be such a concern after that. I'm so sorry this has happened to him. These kinds of infections are scary. I'll be praying for healing for all of you. Take care and please keep us updated. I will be thinking of him often. :grouphug::grouphug:


edited to ad: I'm sorry if I drilled a bunch of questions. They are more rhetorical questions. You don't have to answer. It's more like me pondering out loud, What the heck, you know?

Edited by katemary63
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I'll pray!!! I'm so sorry you're going through this. My dh was in the hospital for 4 days last summer with an unknown infection. It was HORRIBLE and SCARY and all. Do you have a friend who can help you at home? YOU need help too. Taking care of the home by yourself while your dh is sick is HARD!!! Do you go to church? Do you have a group who may help you?


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: We'll be praying for you here!!!

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