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I don't know who else to ask and I need to know if I'm the only one.


It's my period, Aunt Flo, the monthly curse, whatever you want to call it. The first day - no big deal. The second day, heavier, but manageable. The third day - I feel like I'm hemmoraging. I have to change overnight pads every hour or two. If I want to leave the house, I have to wear a tampon AND a pad - and I soak them both. At night I sleep with a dark red towel under me, and I get up at least twice to change my pad. Overnight is not overnight for me.


After 24-36 hours it's over and back to "normal" for a few days, then over.


Every doctor I've mentioned this to has raised her eyebrows, noted it in the chart, and said something along the lines of "interesting", but nothing more. If I press her, she'll say something nondescript like "well, everyone's different."


Does anyone else bleed this heavily? Or is this normal and "overnight" really doesn't mean overnight?

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I would talk to a competent gyn and have it checked.


I do have lots of natural tips on heavy menstrual bleeding, but I think you need to talk to a proper doctor first. But I'm not very concerned, since this only happens on 1-2 of the days. I'm not very knowledgeable about this, but I'd be far more worried if it went on for say 2 weeks or so, as I've heard some women have.


Let me know if you want the natural tips also. :grouphug:

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Have you talked to an actual gynecologist?


Yes - several. Each time the same - "interesting".


I'm not going to say whether or not it's normal, but I'm basically the same. Day one is "just" a period. 2- same. 3 is insane, pad and tampon. 4 back to normal. 5 normal. 6 it disappears. 7 it's back. over by 7.5-8 days.


I think the biggest thing would be how you feel during it.


This is exactly me. Including the "intermission" on or about Day 7.


I don't bleed that much & I take a ridiculous amount of blood thinners. So I bleed a lot (be it that time of the month or from a cut finger, whatever).... but that sounds excessive even to me. I would talk to another gyno... and another until SOMEONE pays attention.


That's why I'm asking. To see if this is something I need to push on or just let it go. It feels excessive. I don't ever feel faint, but I do feel exhausted and weak.

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It's nice to know I'm not alone!!! :D For me though it's a rough 18-24 hours. I really struggle if the lions share of that is during the night, every so often it is mostly the day and those are not to bad.


I sleep with a black towel ;). Red sounds so much more luxurious!!!

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Also, how old are you? Is it peri-menopause? Our cycles do change during this time. Oh, okay, your user name, you're probably born in '67. It may be partly peri-menopause. That's my initial hunch.


Yep - I'm 43. I would go with peri-menopause, but I've been like this for YEARS. Since before DD was born. It has gotten worse since her birth, though, so maybe that is what it is.


Time to see the doctor, again. This is a new one, so maybe I'll get an answer this time.

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Yes - several. Each time the same - "interesting".




This is exactly me. Including the "intermission" on or about Day 7.




That's why I'm asking. To see if this is something I need to push on or just let it go. It feels excessive. I don't ever feel faint, but I do feel exhausted and weak.


If it doesn't feel right to you, listen to your body. You shouldn't feel weak & exhausted the whole week through, I wouldn't think.

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It's nice to know I'm not alone!!! :D For me though it's a rough 18-24 hours. I really struggle if the lions share of that is during the night, every so often it is mostly the day and those are not to bad.


I sleep with a black towel ;). Red sounds so much more luxurious!!!


It's nice to know I'm not alone too!

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I do this about every other period. I have heard it can be related to fibroids, menopause or taking ibuprofen. I find that when I skip the ibuprofen and just deal with the cramps, it doesn't happen as often.


If I were you, I would push the issue with my doctor. Some women have endometrial ablation to alleviate the problem, but you must be finished with child-bearing to consider this. Good luck. It's miserable; believe me, I know!

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I have similar bleeding and have an appt with my gyn to discuss an ablation in two weeks. My iron level is low, and I am exhausted. I am 44. This ain't gettin' any better on its own.:glare: I work part time and if the heavy day falls on a work day, I have to be very conscious of dealing with it before it deals with me, if you know what I mean. I won't take birth control pills. Too many personal risks at my age with my medical issues. So I will be discussing an ablation to stop the insanity. When I asked my family doc (who did my last pap) if this was "normal" for a middle aged woman, she said it is for some and not others.

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I would push it with your gyno. Maybe "I am glad that you find it interesting, now could you maybe tell me why?" Also, just so you know, turns out that once we hit our 30's we can have an even heavier period than that. If it ever gets to the point that you are going through more than a pad in an hour, go into the hospital. It is a minor thing, but you might need some progesterone. It happened to my BFF, and the doc said that it is pretty common, that like 20% of women will get a crazy heavy period that needs to be treated. I don't remember that from health class.


One other thought, have you thought about doing 3-6 months on the pill to just get your cycle back into a better patten? Also, my gyno said that some women get the Minera (sp?) not for birth control, but it greatly reduces your bleeding.

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One other thought, have you thought about doing 3-6 months on the pill to just get your cycle back into a better patten?

:iagree: I have done this. I am not a big fan of the pill, but it really helped. I wasn't quite like you described, but pretty close: 1-2 days that were heavy enough to wear a tampon and a pad and I didn't want to go anywhere important.

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I don't know who else to ask and I need to know if I'm the only one.


It's my period, Aunt Flo, the monthly curse, whatever you want to call it. The first day - no big deal. The second day, heavier, but manageable. The third day - I feel like I'm hemmoraging. I have to change overnight pads every hour or two. If I want to leave the house, I have to wear a tampon AND a pad - and I soak them both. At night I sleep with a dark red towel under me, and I get up at least twice to change my pad. Overnight is not overnight for me.


After 24-36 hours it's over and back to "normal" for a few days, then over.


Every doctor I've mentioned this to has raised her eyebrows, noted it in the chart, and said something along the lines of "interesting", but nothing more. If I press her, she'll say something nondescript like "well, everyone's different."


Does anyone else bleed this heavily? Or is this normal and "overnight" really doesn't mean overnight?


This is how it's been for me for awhile. I don't have any medical advice, but I thought I'd let you know you aren't the only one. ;)

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I bleed that heavy. I use a Diva Cup and an overnight pad together. My flow is too heavy for tampons; they slide right back down. I avoid leaving the house on my 2nd and 3rd day, if at all possible. It wasn't until I started using the Diva cup that I was able to determine that my flow really is THAT heavy. I always thought it seemed heavier that it was because that's what the books back in 4th grade always said. 30ml is considered average, 88ml is considered menorrhagia, and I lose approximately 180ml.


One concern with heavy flow is anemia. Because I don't have anemia, the doctors are concerned.


Some people swear by cotton pads rather than conventional ones. I've tried them but I bleed right through them even with several inserts.


One thing that helps quite a bit is taking ibuprofen starting a day before your period and continuing through until it slows down. I take 800mg up to three times a day. It really does reduce the flow.


Antihistamines can slow it down, too. I had a GYN suggest them when I had a particularly bad period complete with the worst migraine I've suffered to date along with very heavy flow, even for me.


Anyway, I just had my first cycle since starting Zyrtec last month. It was W.E.I.R.D! I passed a few largish clots and had very little bleeding. I've been wondering if the Zyrtec caused that and if I need to be worried.


Mirena IUD is often recommended because it can drastically reduce or eliminate your cycles.


BCP are usually suggested. My cycle is heavy even on the standard pill. I just switched to Jolessa (generic for Seasonique) so I only have to deal with my cycle a few times a year. In my case, we're dealing with mood issues, too.

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I urge you to try chaste berry/vitex. It's a herb that balances hormones. My bleeding can get almost that bad, but when I see it getting like that I start with about 2 capsules every 3 hrs. In about 6 hrs my bleeding is way down. It works like a miracle for me. and my sister!

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I know not everyone wants to go on the pill (BCP) but for me, it has saved my sanity! I was having periods like you describe and just COULD NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE. I was also in a lot of pain...but the heaviness and not being able to leave my home was really affecting my life.


I had to have a stronger BCP to get it under control, but once we found one that worked I haven't turned back.

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I am so glad to know I'm not alone. I took BCP for years and years and it was better, but not completely relieved. Since getting married and having DD I've not wanted to take BCP as we had hoped that we could have more children. But this is getting insane. I counted today - I've changed pads on average every 1.5 hours plus one tampon (I hate tampons).


Ablation - never heard of it, but I'm not sure we're done with kids, despite my age. DH is quite a bit younger and he's still holding out hope that we will have one more. I do get anemic on occasion and had to take extra iron when pregnant with DD. My grandma was also chronically anemic. That whole side of the family has female issues left and right. I guess I'm just joining the club. :glare:


Calling the doctor tomorrow. Ugh.

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Mine used to be more like that, but that was pre-kids/breastfeeding. Also, you might look into things like a Diva Cup, as I have heard that the chemicals in pads and tampons actually can cause us to bleed more heavily.


I use a Moon cup. It hasn't decreased bleeding for me. Perhaps it would for some, but now I just know how far outside the "norm" I really am because there is a way to measure it.

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I am the same age as you. I wear overnight pads on day2.


But I can leave the house, and I can go about 3 hours before having to change it. On the first or second night, I wear 2 overnight pads and I can go all night, but they are soaked when I get up after about 8 hours.


My periods last about 5 days only. Day one not to bad, day two is the worse, days 3 and 4 light, and day 5 is just minimal spotting.


I can pass HUGE clots on day 2.


It is probably just perimenopause. I just deal with it. I was anemic, and started taking iron pills. I never felt bad or tired during my periods though.


I tried the Mirena, and had that sucker ripped out after 10 days. Terrible.


I will never have an ablation unless I hemorrage.


It is just part of the "change", and millions of women have dealt with it. It can be a pain, but I know it will be over soon enough. And then I will be glad I never had anyone fooling around with my uterus, or any artificial hormones.


I would try the Chasteberry Vitex, if I were to do anything. I have heard great things about it.

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Does anyone else bleed this heavily? Or is this normal and "overnight" really doesn't mean overnight?


I bled like this for a couple of years. Not being able to go anywhere those days, and feeling betrayed by my body, was rough. I did the nighttime towel, the extra and frequent pads. It was horrible, and my periods eventually lasted longer and longer.


I finally consented to an ablation, but it was after a lot of thought and not finding anything else that would give relief. (Actually, I had the procedure done by a different doctor, as I'd lost a lot of faith in my original gyno, and I didn't want the procedure he'd suggested.)


For now, remember to take care of your self and watch your iron. I would get terribly ill and didn't realize that I was anemic.


And no, this is not "normal," even if it's not uncommon.

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You just described me as well. However, my cycles became like that right after I had my tubes tied. It's only gotten worse the older I get (tubal was done almost 7 years ago). My doctor told me it was a combination of the tubal and my age. I'm a redhead, so we tend to bleed a little easier than most, and he didn't really seem all that concerned about it.

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Well...I just went through a pretty traumatic experience with this. My periods have been just as you've described for 1 1/2-2 years. I also talked w two different doctors--neither seemed concerned and quickly wanted me to try bc pill. I wore an ultra tampon plus pad--and had 2-3 days where things would just gush--often when I stood up; but sometimes even while sitting. The first time it happened, we were driving in the car, and I gushed so bad that my ultra tampon (which had been changed 1/2 hour previously) came out in my pants while I was sitting there. Talk about complete shock--it freaked me out so bad.


Second weekend in January, I was having a 'typical' period for me...gushing clots of blood all night long. My dh was on a scout campout; the next day, it continued and I just stayed in bed--not sure at what point it was serious enough to go to the ER or even call an ambulance. I mean, my doctors hadn't seemed too worried...I didn't want to go in for nothing and have to pay that money just for them to tell me to go home, take ibuprofen and put my feet up, y'know?


Anyhow...dh came home around 2:30 in afternoon...and shortly thereafter I started passing out. He took me to the ER--where they did an ultrasound, found polyps & fibroids, did a d&c, and gave me 7 units of blood. (Which apparently is A LOT...) Dr said it had been life or death there for a little while...I had no idea it was that serious. I keep thinking back to it and wondering at what point I should have figured out it was MORE than just a period and that I needed to get to the the ER. It kind of seems like that point is hard to figure out...and yet, once you get to the point, things go downhill VERY quickly.


A week or so later, I went in for a hysterectomy. We had already decided we were done having children and I was so scared to go through that trauma again.


Not that I wanted to 'air' all of my dirty laundry on this issue, but I just wanted to pipe in to say...get yourself checked...be insistent. Have an ultrasound done. If it is fibroids/polyps, a d&c can clear it out for awhile...if you're not done having kids, I'm sure there are more things to look into also. But I WISH that I had gone in to my dr and made more of a deal of things before it got so crazy.


Best wishes to you...it does help to know you're not alone, doesn't it? :grouphug:

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Mine have always been that exact way. My poor dd also inherited it. It's bad enough that I have been known to change my plans for the day or so that it's the worst. And my dh has even learned to sleep through my 2AM dash to the bathroom. It makes me REALLY look forward to menopause.

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Mine is similar although in the past couple of years I have gotten it to lighten up. I used to use 2 overnights during days 2 - 3.5 and by day 6 it disappears and then comes back lightly on day 7 at which point I'm done.


I have almost completely eliminated the clots and the cramping and lightened everything up by adding vitamin d3 to my diet. It took about 2 months of 2000 iu per day before I noticed a change. Then I decided to add in a multi-vitamin from vitacost (NSI brand) and that seemed to make the biggest difference. Basically, I think in my case, I was missing some vitamins and now that I'm supplementing my body has gotten to a more typical place.


Now, I still need to use 1 overnight for my heaviest days but I can go longer periods of time before changing. Anyway, I have been very pleased by the improvement.

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I have similar cycles as the OP. Glad to know I"m not alone. I think you should definitately not get worried that something is wrong, but when you go for another yearly ask about it again and ask if an u/s would show anything. I've had u/s and everything was clear. I get some awful pains on Day 4. I get the super heavy flow and change the thick pad every two hours. I wonder how some women go about working, driving, riding the subway, etc.. I would have to load up on Advil and pads!!! I do actually feel handicapped by the situation during those 2-3 difficult days. I also have the disappearing around day 6 or 7, then the reappearance for a day or two til it's gone.

Amazing, our cycle.

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I wore an ultra tampon plus pad--and had 2-3 days where things would just gush--often when I stood up; but sometimes even while sitting. The first time it happened, we were driving in the car, and I gushed so bad that my ultra tampon (which had been changed 1/2 hour previously) came out in my pants while I was sitting there. :grouphug:


My closest friend was like this. She even had a similar "car" incident!


Her first doctor blew it off, but she found another one who took her seriously. She ended up having several different issues going on, which led to a hysterectomy. Don't drop it until someone at least investigates a little further.

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I have similar bleeding and have an appt with my gyn to discuss an ablation in two weeks. My iron level is low, and I am exhausted. I am 44. This ain't gettin' any better on its own.:glare: I work part time and if the heavy day falls on a work day, I have to be very conscious of dealing with it before it deals with me, if you know what I mean. I won't take birth control pills. Too many personal risks at my age with my medical issues. So I will be discussing an ablation to stop the insanity. When I asked my family doc (who did my last pap) if this was "normal" for a middle aged woman, she said it is for some and not others.



my SIL had the ablation and was thrilled with the results.

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I'm the same way, except I wear 2 overnight pads at a time and still leak. All the women in my family are like this and my GYN feels like it is normal and has suggested an ablation. I'm not ready for that since we are still trying for one more.


I have had many tests run and all my levels are normal. Also, my GYN has told me that as long as my clots are not bigger than a golf ball it is nothing to worry about.

Edited by dakarimom5
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My cycle changed a few years ago from a simple, light deal to a heavy horrible catastrophy. And, I am so lucky that I get to bleed in the middle of the cycle too! YAY! *sigh* I have the intermission too. Mine goes like this: Spot on and off all month, heavier around ovulation and sometimes just as a fun surprise! LOL Otherwise, Day 1: spotting, Day 2: Normal Period, sometime during Day 3: HOLY MOLY. But my heavy bleeding lasts HOURS and not days. It will be 2-6 hours of big clots, saturating a tampon and pad within just minutes of changing them, and gushing! etc. Day 4: Normal, slowing way down, Day 5: Stop, Day 6: Stop...but toward the end of the day start spotting. Day 7: Back to red spotting. Day 8: stop...if I am lucky. If not, just spot on and off all month. *sigh*


What causes it (indirectly) is that your uterine lining is building up much too thick during the month and when you shed the lining, you are bleeding much heavier/harder to get all of that out. It is not necessarily "normal," but it happens...more often that most people realize. There are lots of things (from hormones to cancer) that can cause your lining to start getting thicker and you would need some testing to determine if any of those causes are of concern.


Progesterone can help. It comes in lots of forms - there is a pill called Prometrium that can be taken in a myriad of ways, you can get the OTC cream (which may or may not be totally effective), your doc can order cream from a compounding pharmacy, or you can try the IUD Mirena which contains no estrogen. After exhausting the others, I am actually getting a Mirena IUD next week to try and help my issues (which are more complex than just the heavy cycles alone). I have had every test in the world and the conclusion is just "my body is broken!" If the mirena doesn't work, it very well may be time for me to say "buh-bye" to the ol' uterus!


If this is a new thing for you, then you definitely need to have it checked and a gyn to do some testing - especially if you are over 40.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I urge you to try chaste berry/vitex. It's a herb that balances hormones. My bleeding can get almost that bad, but when I see it getting like that I start with about 2 capsules every 3 hrs. In about 6 hrs my bleeding is way down. It works like a miracle for me. and my sister!


Is this a brand name? Nevermind...found it!

Edited by happi duck
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I have similar bleeding and have an appt with my gyn to discuss an ablation in two weeks. My iron level is low, and I am exhausted. I am 44. This ain't gettin' any better on its own.:glare: I work part time and if the heavy day falls on a work day, I have to be very conscious of dealing with it before it deals with me, if you know what I mean. I won't take birth control pills. Too many personal risks at my age with my medical issues. So I will be discussing an ablation to stop the insanity. When I asked my family doc (who did my last pap) if this was "normal" for a middle aged woman, she said it is for some and not others.


I could have written this post.


I had the ablation done in January. Life is MUCH more manageable now. Ask your doctor about an endometrial ablation, specifically, the Novasure procedure.

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I could have written this post.


I had the ablation done in January. Life is MUCH more manageable now. Ask your doctor about an endometrial ablation, specifically, the Novasure procedure.


The Novasure does seem like the best option for an ablation. I am still weighing the pros and cons, but I am leaning towards it.:001_smile:

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It's like this for me too. I really hate the first 2-3 days. I did have a doctor once prescribe the pill for me to regulate it. She said it would decrease the flow and it did but it went back to the way it was when I stopped taking it.

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I just wanted to echo what others have said... push the issue with your doctor. My mom went through years of crazy heavy bleeding and her doctors always blew her off. She finally got one to listen when she went in and told the doctor that if he didn't fix it she would kill herself. I don't know if she was kidding, but it did get him to take her seriously. It ended up that she had fibroids and she opted for a hysterectomy. She reports that waking up from that surgery was like the first day of her life, and she has been happy as a clam ever since. (FWIW my mom never appreciated being female. She didn't have a great experience even without the crazy bleeding.)


But if your doctor doesn't take steps to investigate, push it. Especially since it sounds like you're unhappy with it.


Best wishes!

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Well I just wanted to say that there's a lot of great information here. I have the same problem as well. My first 2-3 days are horrible..I can use two overnight pads and a tampon and still flood. I've been like this since I was a teen, and my period lasted 7 days, 28 day schedule. Only recently has it changed to a 5 day event, still scheduled for every 28 days. I sleep with a towel. And because my furniture is light colored I sit on a towel for those for 2-3 days. Lately I become extremely exhausted right before as well. I've had 3 kids. I'm praying for menopause. :)

I have no advise to add, but it's nice to know that I'm not alone either. I thought I was the only one that had to sleep with a towel.

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Mine used to be more like that, but that was pre-kids/breastfeeding. Also, you might look into things like a Diva Cup, as I have heard that the chemicals in pads and tampons actually can cause us to bleed more heavily.

:iagree::iagree:I used to have a similar period--same timetable, too. It was crazy. I switched to the gross-sounding :lol: natural period products--Diva Cup & then mama cloth--and my cramping & bleeding cut in half, maybe more. It's about 2 days shorter now, too!!

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