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How certain are you?

How certain are you that your belief system is correct?  

  1. 1. How certain are you that your belief system is correct?

    • 100 percent
    • 75-99 percent
    • 50-74 percent
    • 25-50 percent
    • 0-25 percent
    • other

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Agreeing with Nayfies Mama -- if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't ascribe to it. But I voted 75% to 99% because to me 100% indicates that there's never a time of doubting. And I don't think anyone can say they never doubt (ever, ever. Ever. E.v.e.r.).

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I voted 100%. If I feel the percentage points dropping, I tweak it. I likes me a bit o' DIY.





DIY religion - I like it!


I would say I don't have a belief system. I have some ideas I toss about periodically, but I'm not sure enough of anything to call it a belief.

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if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't ascribe to it. But I voted 75% to 99% because to me 100% indicates that there's never a time of doubting. And I don't think anyone can say they never doubt (ever, ever. Ever. E.v.e.r.).



I answered 75% to 99% for the very same reason.

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Yeah, I should have voted other, but I voted 100%. I'm 100% sure there's no belief system to believe in.

Couldn't that, in itself, be a sort of belief system?


Now I'm wondering what makes a person's beliefs a "system". Does it have to do with the internal logic of what one believes about...reality, or whatever you want to call it? Or is it to do with the process by which one's point of view was developed? Or how many other people subscribe to a substantially similar point of view?


Hmm....must ponder.

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I would say that the things I "believe in" I am 100% sure of. There are other things about which the jury is still out for me--and I'm ok with that. But even there, it's not so much that I am not sure whether what I believe is 'right' or 'wrong', so much as it's a matter of being 100% sure I don't have enough information on the subject to even form a solid opinion and I would say I don't really have a "belief" about that thing one way or another. Does that make sense?

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I answered 75% to 99% for the very same reason.


I will admit that I've been part of a different belief system a couple of times before (Christian, but different forms that couldn't all be right, since they're somewhat opposite in what they ascribe to), all with "75% to 99%" certainty when I was in them. And I still came to believe something different after all, and changed. I'm done changing, though. When we were converting this last time, I said a few times "If this isn't it, I'm done with Christianity" (not because I don't want to change again, but because if what we've found isn't it, then I don't think Christianity is true). And I'm pretty sure I mean it, too. 75% to 99% sure. :D

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Other: I don't think any one religion/belief set has it all correct. The Bible was translated by man, and man is fallible, thus the Bible, as written can be flawed. I believe all belief systems are flawed by the authors experiences, education, and personal interpretations. I extend this same logic to other beliefs, and their significant books as well.


I also don't think that anyone is supposed to have it all correct. I believe that this was by design.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I put 50%.


I believe in Jesus and what he did for me. Of that I'm sure.


As for application of this, and theology, and politics, and all those other grand questions in life, I figure I'm about half right and half wrong. I'm probably more wrong than right, so maybe I'm closer to the 25% mark. My confidence is not in my ability to be right, but it's in God's ability to guide me.

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Agreeing with Nayfies Mama -- if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't ascribe to it. But I voted 75% to 99% because to me 100% indicates that there's never a time of doubting. And I don't think anyone can say they never doubt (ever, ever. Ever. E.v.e.r.).


:iagree: I voted 75%-99% because there's some wiggle room in my beliefs, not as in if there's a God, or even who He is, but in how He works, reveals Himself, mixes & mingles, etc. with His creation, and what that all means. Yeah, I'm currently between branches of Christianity which means there's some wiggle room, but not too much to totally derail my beliefs to lower than 75%. :D :lol:

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Other: I don't think any one religion/belief set has it all correct. The Bible was translated by man, and man is fallible, thus the Bible, as written can be flawed. I believe all belief systems are flawed by the authors experiences, education, and personal interpretations. I extend this same logic to other beliefs, and their significant books as well.


I also don't think that anyone is supposed to have it all correct. I believe that this was by design.

:iagree: I think my denomination has the closest truth about 90% of the time. At the core, the most basic of tenets, I 100% believe. As for the "trappings" I don't think any one group has it 100% correct.

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Couldn't that, in itself, be a sort of belief system?


Now I'm wondering what makes a person's beliefs a "system". Does it have to do with the internal logic of what one believes about...reality, or whatever you want to call it? Or is it to do with the process by which one's point of view was developed? Or how many other people subscribe to a substantially similar point of view?


Hmm....must ponder.


Wow, politics, religion, and now existential philosophy. It has been a busy day on the boards. :tongue_smilie:

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How sure are you that your belief system is correct?


I haven't read anyone else's responses.


I pray about what I believe and pray for God's guidance in my belief system. I read my bible and I just know in my heart that what I believe is correct. When I hear something, whether from the pulpit or not, that isn't in line with my beliefs I know it.


I also believe that every person's belief system is personal. Each person's relationship with God is none of my business. I wish to live my life in such a way that others will ask me why I am at peace or how I handle problems in my life. That is my opportunity to witness. My actions are my witness.


I do not believe that it is a mere mortal's job to decide whose belief system is correct and say who will have salvation. That really makes me mad.


If a Buddhist truly believes in her heart the tenets of her religion who am I to say she is wrong? I might be wrong. But I live out my belief system and believe in God's guidance in my life. I believe that as long as I am true to that, how can God fault me?


If you look hard enough, you can find parallels in most religions.


I know this all sounds confusing and self-serving, but it's what works for me.

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Agreeing with Nayfies Mama -- if I didn't believe in it, I wouldn't ascribe to it. But I voted 75% to 99% because to me 100% indicates that there's never a time of doubting. And I don't think anyone can say they never doubt (ever, ever. Ever. E.v.e.r.).



I like the way you've said this. My vote has moved much higher over the years as dh and I have hit trials and challenges. For us, our faith grows stronger as it's been tested.

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To those of you said you had no belief system:


1. Did you mean no religious belief system?

2. Don't you have a belief system about how to live your life? Do you have a "yard stick" to measure behavior? What's right or wrong and how do you know?


I'm seriously asking. I'm only curious. Feel free to tell me it's none of my business. :001_smile::tongue_smilie::001_smile:

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I know my belief system isn't "right." None of them are "right," in the sense that they're the perfect, true way for everyone. I think that, what's important about religion is just to have faith in something, whether it's God or humanity, and to find your own way to reach the divine.


Yeah, I put "other," in case you hadn't guessed yet.

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Other: I don't think any one religion/belief set has it all correct. The Bible was translated by man, and man is fallible, thus the Bible, as written can be flawed. I believe all belief systems are flawed by the authors experiences, education, and personal interpretations. I extend this same logic to other beliefs, and their significant books as well.


I also don't think that anyone is supposed to have it all correct. I believe that this was by design.

:iagree: This is why I voted 0-25% as I don't believe what I believe, let alone what anyone else believes is *the* belief. I do believe we are all drawn to that which we are drawn because that is where we need to be, but I don't believe any belief system, or science, has all the answers. So when asked if I am certain my beliefs are correct, my answer is not at all. But, they work for me at this time and I am always up for them to evolve as I grow and learn.
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Perhaps, but I interpreted the poll (maybe incorrectly) to mean religious belief system. I have no religious belief system. And I'm as certain that there are not gods as believers are certain there are.


Eh...makes sense to me. :)



Wow, politics, religion, and now existential philosophy. It has been a busy day on the boards. :tongue_smilie:


Sorry. I'm really not trying to start a philosophical discussion. I just got to thinking....and it came out my fingers. It happens sometimes. Feel free to ignore it.;)

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As soon as I recognise I have a belief I tend to question it.

I voted other because its not really a relevant question for me. It is part of my spiritual path to question my beliefs constantly and not to hang on to them- and to stay open to new ideas, as well as my own experience.

I dont really believe in beliefs :) I mean, everyone believes different things, often according to where they were born, their parent's religion, what books they read etc, so I just never understood how that was a solid foundation to base my spirituality upon. My spirituality is to realise what is beyond belief :)

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I also believe that every person's belief system is personal. Each person's relationship with God is none of my business. I wish to live my life in such a way that others will ask me why I am at peace or how I handle problems in my life. That is my opportunity to witness. My actions are my witness.


I do not believe that it is a mere mortal's job to decide whose belief system is correct and say who will have salvation. That really makes me mad.


If a Buddhist truly believes in her heart the tenets of her religion who am I to say she is wrong? I might be wrong. But I live out my belief system and believe in God's guidance in my life. I believe that as long as I am true to that, how can God fault me?


If you look hard enough, you can find parallels in most religions.




Well said.


I voted 75-99% because I think it's part of the spiritual journey to question. If you're not seeking, you're not growing.:D

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To those of you said you had no belief system:


1. Did you mean no religious belief system?

2. Don't you have a belief system about how to live your life? Do you have a "yard stick" to measure behavior? What's right or wrong and how do you know?


I'm seriously asking. I'm only curious. Feel free to tell me it's none of my business. :001_smile::tongue_smilie::001_smile:


The questions don't bother me, and I don't mind answering them.


1. Yes, that's what I meant.

2. I think a lot of people have trouble understanding how one can have a sense of right and wrong without some kind of religious guidelines. However, I think people have an innate sense of right and wrong. While it's true that morals and values vary with different societies and ethnic groups, the basics of right and wrong seem to be there. Our primate cousins have shown values too, so this isn't just limited to humans. I believe people are generally good.

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