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Help me find a Biblical/Hebrew name for a girl

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The name should

- have less or more than 6 letters

- not contain a 'B' in the name


The name we really like is Miriam (6 letters!:glare:) but I don't like the meaning.


Thank you for helping


Janae / Janai / Janay

It means "God has answered."



Also means "God has answered."

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We have a Miriam. We found an alternate meaning listed: "The hoped for child". It fit perfectly since I had waited a long time for her. That is the meaning we stick with.


It is a great name and no so popular that when you call her at the playground 4 little girls turn around.:D


Mim is the cutie in my avatar, but she isn't that little anymore.

Oh. my. noodness. That is the cutest!


I like Lydia, Naomi, Ruth, Jael, Priscilla, Sarai, Candace, Phoebe

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Eden (though technically not a Biblical woman name, but a place - I really like it though)


Havilah (unisex Hebrew name for stretch of sand - kind of odd definition but very pretty)

Kezia (daughter of Job)

Tabitha - the other name for Dorcas


Jemima or Yemima (Hebrew form of ancient Arabic Jemima and means dove)


Candace (owner of a Eunach that became a convert)

Julia (mentioned in greeting by Paul)

Joannah (some spell without the h but the h is typical of hebrew names and without the h is more Greek - with the h, seven letters).



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Avigail (gets rid of the b that way) means father's joy


Eliana (I know it is 6 letters that way but you could put in an extra l or an extra n) is more of a Hebrew/Israeli than Biblical but it means God has answered.


Another Hebrew/Israeli Nava means beautiful. Also Ziva which means splendor.

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What do you all think of Dorcas? I know it's 6 letters...


I'm sorry, but I always picture a "Dorcas" as a frumpy, slovenly, middle-aged woman. It's one of those "Bertha" names, KWIM?


I like Hadassah, Jemima, Johanna, Judith, Kezia, Leah, Lydia, Naomi, Rachel, Ruth, Sapphira, Sela, Shoshannah, Tabitha, and Zillah.

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Me too. I'm pretty open-minded about names, but that name in particular is one of the ugliest names I've ever heard. It just doesn't sound pretty or feminine to me. Not to mention the obvious tie-in with the derogatory term "dork."


I always cringe when I hear of little girls named "Dorcas."


Just my opinion, but you did ask. :001_smile:



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Beautiful suggestions!


This site might be helpful. http://www.learn-hebrew-names.com/listnames.aspx?GenderID=Girls


I personally like:









Lucia (or other feminine form of Luke/Lucius)





Charis/Caris (Greek for grace)










If you like Miriam but its too long, you could always go for a diminutive form (Miri or Mira). I liked Judah, my husband didn't, so we settled on Jude for one of our sons.


Thanks for posting this. I have all boys so it was really fun for me to visit all these possibilities.

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I love Esther and would seriously consider it if I ever had another dd. I might have to talk my dh into the name.


I don't like Dorcas...since you asked. :001_smile:


I like Naomi and Lydia too. And I don't think that father's wife's sister is close enough relation to influence you one way or the other. Go for it!

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