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If you've had a tubal, do you wish you hadn't?

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Here's my situation, I am 36, I have an IUD in, that I've been very happy with, but it's time to come out this fall (I've had it for 10 years) Insurance will not cover another one being put in, but it would cover a tubal. We know we do not want any more children, but dh didn't want me to have a tubal 10 years ago, but I just told him that it would be $1500 to have another IUD in. We do not have that kind of money really. I've had three preemie births and we are 100% sure that we don't want more kids. So I'm just looking at options now. My biggest fear of a tubal is weight gain. Every person that I know of that I know had a tubal is overweight. Has anyone experienced this? Any other things that I should know? Thanks,


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I had a tubal and I greatly regret it.

I do think I have many of the 'post tubal syndrome' symptoms,

but my biggest regret is not being able to have more children.

I was convinced that we were done - but as the years pass, you get to a different time and place in your life and things change. Now I have a hard time even being around a newborn because it tears me up so much emotionally.

I'd give anything to undo it.

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I had a tubal after my second child was born 10 years ago.


No, I do not regret it. I had gestational diabetes w/both pregs. and didn't want to risk a third. Also, I was 34 during my last preg. and didn't want to be having kids in my 40's like my mom. I also didn't want to be on BC pills indefinitely.


As to the weight gain, I didn't notice a difference. In fact, in the last year, I lost 12 lbs. just by reducing my food intake slightly.





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I would never get an IUD. I only got the tubal because the one circumstance in which I'd agree to have it done occurred: an emergency c-section after a difficult pregnancy that we had prayerfully decided would be our last one. It happened, so I did it.


I love not thinking about birth control!!!! I've lost weight since the birth of my last (and the tubal). I was 231 and lost about 50 pounds, stayed the same for a while and now I'm losing again. :hurray:


I knew the risks and was willing to take them to not ever be pregnant again. My body was put through the wringer with my pregnancies and miscarriage and I needed the closure on babymaking time so that I could get myself back together again. I won't regret more babies because I believe we got our answer 4 years ago when we prayed about it and if God wants us to have more, we can adopt. But He hasn't said so yet! lol

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I had mine after my third baby. I knew we were done and don't regret it. I had my first child when I was 18 and my youngest at 30. One in between. They were spread just far enough apart that I was changing diapers for 14 yrs. Yeah, i'm done with babies:tongue_smilie: I haven't had any weight issues...or any issues for that matter.

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I had mine after my third baby. I knew we were done and don't regret it. I had my first child when I was 18 and my youngest at 30. One in between. They were spread just far enough apart that I was changing diapers for 14 yrs. Yeah, i'm done with babies:tongue_smilie: I haven't had any weight issues...or any issues for that matter.


Yep, this sorta describes me. We had 3 planned babies spread far apart. We knew we were done and I don't regret it. I haven't noticed anything in the 6.5 years since I had it done. No weight gain from that - from eating too much - yes. Even since my oldest child has passed away, I do not regret my tubal. Many people have asked me if I would like another baby. I tell them that I didn't lose a baby, I lost a 21 year old. Having a baby won't help that.

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I wouldn't go that route myself, mainly because it's permanent (well, that's the intention - I realize some people do have successful reversals, but that's not the usual way of it) and while a person can be 100% sure of something at a certain time & place in their life, it's aways possible that thoughts might change down the road.

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Every person that I know of that I know had a tubal is overweight. Has anyone experienced this? Any other things that I should know? Thanks,



I didn't have tubal weight gain. I've met many patients with tubals and weight gain was never mentioned. (Nor with vas). People stop having kids when they get to middle age, and that's when they tend to gain weight. (:lol: I gained weight 21 years after getting my tubal, because I got it untied and got preggers. Never been the same.)


Why doesn't hubby get a vasc? Much less invasive, lower complication rate, etc. You had the kids, he can go through a snip in exchange.

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I've been seriously considering having one after this baby. I wanted DH to get a vasc but he doesn't have insurance, I do.


I have never heard anything about post tubal health problems. Now I'm a little nervous:confused:. Does anyone know how much it would cost if we paid for Dh to get a vasectomy?

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I've been seriously considering having one after this baby. I wanted DH to get a vasc but he doesn't have insurance, I do.


I have never heard anything about post tubal health problems. Now I'm a little nervous:confused:. Does anyone know how much it would cost if we paid for Dh to get a vasectomy?


I paid 150 bucks cash on the barrelhead with a BC urologist. He was an older guy who had an old fashioned office, and did zillions for cash. Call around.

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I had a tubal 19 years ago after my second dd was born. At that time I was sure I didn't want any more children. I absolutely hated being pregnant. Dh was completely on board with the decision.


And then I got divorced.

And then I got remarried.


I did regret the tubal then. My new dh had no children and wanted some. We considered a reversal but decided to adopt instead. We now have 7 beautiful children through adoption!

The tubal was the best decision!


Oh, no weight gain or any other problems resulted.

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I had one 10 yrs ago and have lived to regret it. It was the worst decision I've ever made-- but only because not a few months after having it, I realized I really did want more children.




However, it sounds like you've had a long time of being absolutely sure you do not want more children, so it might be a good option for you.


I have not gained weight due to the tubal. (still just over 100 lbs here... but I've always been pretty small)


Good luck with your decision!

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Rather than a tubal, I had Essure, which is essentially the same thing, but blocks the tube rather than cuts. I'm so very, very glad I had it done! No regrets at all. If we wanted to add to our family, we'd adopt. I had the procedure done, waited a couple of hours, walked to the car, and grocery shopped on the way home. I allowed myself a lazy day for the next day or two, but really needed no recovery time. I've not heard of weight gain or diminished desire as a side effect of tubal ligation, but I had neither of those problems. Actually, on the contrary, not having birth control concerns probably increased my desire exponentially. ;)

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I had a tubal ligation over 10 years ago & I always regretted it. I had a tubal reversal 5 years ago, but have not been blessed with more children.


You live with whatever decision you make. I had many issues from my ligation...it for me is one of my biggest regrets. Do what you must -just nothing permanent.

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I regret having my tubal. Not only did we decide later we might want more children, I also suspect it contributed to some other female issues.


Family history is obviously the biggest factor, but I think the tubal might have contributed to my starting perimenopause at only 34. I can't say for sure in my case, but I've read that decreased blood flow to the ovaries could cause them to slow down sooner than they might have otherwise.


I wish I'd investigated this before the tubal. If I'd known that my mom went through a very early menopause and that there was even the slightest chance that the tubal could increase my chances of it--I wouldn't have had the tubal. Dealing with the symptoms of menopause with young kids has been tough.


Unlikely that you'd be dealing with this same issue--but thought I'd throw it out there. I wish someone had mentioned this to me.

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I am so glad I had a tubal(6 yrs ago), if not I'd probably have had another child or two by now. You see, at least 1X per year I go through this "I want a baby" hormone thing. It only lasts for a little while then the rest of the year I'm so happy to NOT have more children. Because we are perfect just the way we are, and having another child would only take time and attention away from the ones I've already got. Also, when I got the tubal, I got a Thermal Ablation (spelling?). I don't want to be crass on a public forum, but you should look up the benefits of having this procedure done at the same time.

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Here's my situation, I am 36, I have an IUD in, that I've been very happy with, but it's time to come out this fall (I've had it for 10 years) Insurance will not cover another one being put in, but it would cover a tubal. We know we do not want any more children, but dh didn't want me to have a tubal 10 years ago, but I just told him that it would be $1500 to have another IUD in. We do not have that kind of money really. I've had three preemie births and we are 100% sure that we don't want more kids. So I'm just looking at options now. My biggest fear of a tubal is weight gain. Every person that I know of that I know had a tubal is overweight. Has anyone experienced this? Any other things that I should know? Thanks,



I regretted my tubal. It put me in early stages of menopause. Do a seach on PTLS. I had every symptoms listed. Once I reversed my tubes my health went back to normaland the symptoms went away. I am fine now. No more kids (sadly) but fine. My family dr and my gyn firmly believe tubal ligation puts woman at an early stages of menopause even at 28 when I notice the changes for the worst. (Had tubal at 27 years old then went into very early stage of menopause at 28, almost had an hysterectomy but family dr told me to hold on and sent me to a Christian gyn. She told me try tubal reversal first.) Now normal.


I strongly urge you not to do tubal ligation. NO WAY!! Again do a search on Post Tubal Ligation syndrome. Lots of women go through this horror including me.



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I had mine done after my 4th child was born. I have regretted it.

I have had many complications. including heavy cycles that come all at once, lack of desire, the clip rupturing my tube and getting embedded in my ovary and having to then have an operation to remove clip and ovary, and I have got pregnant twice ( miscarried one).

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I've been seriously considering having one after this baby. I wanted DH to get a vasc but he doesn't have insurance, I do.


I have never heard anything about post tubal health problems. Now I'm a little nervous:confused:. Does anyone know how much it would cost if we paid for Dh to get a vasectomy?


Just be aware/informed that PTLS is real: http://www.tubal.org/VGHPTS.htm

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I dont like messing with womens' organs.

I really think the best option is a vasectomy for the man.

But that is again hard to reverse so you would want to be sure. I regret my dh having one when I was only 28, but he was 41. He didnt want more kids, but I have had to deal with wanting more and not having them since for 15 years now.

But a vasectomy is a small operation- get the man to do it and leave your body alone. I am so glad not to have to worry about birth control and not to have anything at all interfering with my hormones which are whacky enough thankyou very much.

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I posted earlier, but for some reason it didnt go through. If my post doesnt eventually go through I will repost all the other information I had gathered earlier.


I had a tubal, PTLS, and then a reversal. I regreted the tubal and still do. My body got better after the reversal, but it has never gotten back to 100%.


Also to let you know, there are men that experience problems after a vasectomy. Look up Post Vasectomy Pain or Problems.


Basically, my opinion:

There is no way to determine if you are going to be one of the ones affected. Also, I am now a fan of keeping all of my original parts unless they must be removed b/c of disease or something along those lines. They are there for a reason, all body parts have an individual function and an intertwined collective function. Therefore, I do not recommend a tubal or vasectomy for anyone. I would pay the 1500 for an IUD any day over having the complications.

BTW, Tubal reversals range anywhere from $4500 (in TN.) - $10,000+ (local hospital).

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Something else to consider - several posters have said "If we want/ed more children, we would adopt" ... just thought I'd mention that this isn't always an option. People can be turned down for adoption programs for all sorts of reasons - age, income, health, backgrounds, etc. It's not something that I would count on being able to do as a certainty.

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I had a tubal after my 3rd, and I was and remain 100% sure there should be no more children. Mostly it's a financial concern. That said, I do get sad sometimes when I see a newborn baby, but I know I did the right thing. I did have a lot of pain from the surgery, but after about 5 days I was fine and have actually lost weight since then. Obviously there's complications, but you have to decided for yourself if you really don't need any more children.

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Then they'll be done?


Whatever happens, happens, and I don't plan on pining away over children I "could have had" because I want to extend the fertile time in my life as long as I possibly can. Seasons of life and I want to enjoy each one, even the ones where I'm not as young, being pampered as a pregnant lady.

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I had a tubal during my c-section with my third. I have absolutely no regrets, we were positive we were done. Our main reason was age, I was 38 and dh was 51 when dd was born.


That said, I researched a lot and if I didn't have a c-section where they could do the tubal at the same time - DH would have gotten a vasectomy. I would not go through surgery when there is a less invasive option. A lot of the problems people experienced after tubals seemed to be related to the practice of pumping air into the abdomen.


It doesn't seem to have affected my weight - I was fat before and I'm fat now. :tongue_smilie:

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I dont like messing with womens' organs.

I really think the best option is a vasectomy for the man.

But that is again hard to reverse so you would want to be sure. I regret my dh having one when I was only 28, but he was 41. He didnt want more kids, but I have had to deal with wanting more and not having them since for 15 years now.

But a vasectomy is a small operation- get the man to do it and leave your body alone. I am so glad not to have to worry about birth control and not to have anything at all interfering with my hormones which are whacky enough thankyou very much.




I honestly don't understand why anyone would accept having organs removed or "messed with" without a very, very serious health reason.

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Had mine 5 months ago during my c/s. I'd love more kids, but had a partial rupture and we just think it would be foolish after 4 c/s.


I am not pleased. I have been bleeding almost continuously since the tubal and am about to get an ulcer from taking so much Ibuprofen for the cramps.


I'm having a hysterectomy on Monday and cannot wait.

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I *love* my tubal.


Let me tell you, TeA without consequences is *fun* and you drink a lot more of it.


There are no organs taken out, just the fallopian tubes are cauterized. Hormones are fine, no side effects, no weight gain, nothing. The surgery for me was a breeze. I have one teeny scar deep in my belly button and that's it.


I had an IUD, and I loved that, too, but this is the next best thing. I encourage you.


My only caveat is that make sure you have a good Dr. No woodbutchers.


And, I was done. D.O.N.E. I have no regrets, I love kissing up other people's babies and giving them back. I did not want another surprise. I'm 39, dh is 48. Our season of babies is over and thinking of getting pregnant at 40+ is the stuff of my nightmares. 7 is enough for us. :p

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I had a tubal and I didn't gain weight or have hormone issues. I still ovulate and menstrate. It doesn't change that. I did regret it later, but only because I wanted more children later on. I looked into reversal and IVF, but decided that we wanted to be parents more than we wanted to be pregnant. So we adopted. It was much easier though even 8 years ago then it is now. We adopted a beautiful healthy baby boy. But it was easy and inexpensive because at the time people didn't want minority babies. Now more families want to adopt a baby of color so the agencies have jacked up adoption costs. We enjoyed the idea of continuing to parent so 2 years ago a wonderful 9 year old joined our family.


So I guess my answer would be if you are TOTALLY sure that you do not want anymore children, in any circumstance, then it is the best Birth Control around.

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I *love* my tubal.


Let me tell you, TeA without consequences is *fun* and you drink a lot more of it.




I had my tubal after my 6th c-section and have had no physical problems. I was at peace with not having any more children and even though I sometimes look longing at other people's sweet babies, I am happy at the stage of life we are in now.


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Let me tell you, TeA without consequences is *fun* and you drink a lot more of it.


So interesting. I would say the exact opposite. It is one reason I don't want anything permanent here. Without that potential of creating a life (however small), what little objective teA desire I might have had will go the way of the trilobite.


Pro-creative potential puts the spice in my tea.

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Hhhmmm... My mother had a tubal. She gained significant amounts of weight, suffers from depression, and up until menopause had debilitatingly heavy periods. Of course, I can't prove that it all started with the tubal during the c-section with my little brother, but looking at her history I won't go there.

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