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Do you like receving homemade greeting cards?

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I really enjoy receiving the scrapbooking kind of greeting cards and appreciate the thought that goes in to them so much that I've decided to learn the craft. I'm wondering if others like receiving these cards are think they are cheesy. Opinions? Anyone enjoy doing this craft?

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I really enjoy receiving the scrapbooking kind of greeting cards and appreciate the thought that goes in to them so much that I've decided to learn the craft. I'm wondering if others like receiving these cards are think they are cheesy. Opinions? Anyone enjoy doing this craft?


I make them.


nestof3 is awesome at rubberstamping & papercrafts!

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I appreciate the thought and work that goes into them, but I never keep cards. I throw them out, and tossing homemade ones makes me feel guilty. :)


:iagree: They are always so pretty, and I guess I've kept one or two from special events, but I usually throw them out and then feel terrible about tossing someone's hard work and money.

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I love making and receiving homemade cards. It is so fun to see the talent that is out there. I also know who really appreciates the homemade ones and I always make those extra special. The cards are often still on display long after the occasion the card was made for is over. I have one friend that will save the cards until the holiday comes around again when she will replace the sentiment on the inside and send it back to me or off to someone else.


Wish I had time to make more. Darn school work.

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I really enjoy receiving the scrapbooking kind of greeting cards and appreciate the thought that goes in to them so much that I've decided to learn the craft. I'm wondering if others like receiving these cards are think they are cheesy. Opinions? Anyone enjoy doing this craft?


Don't enjoy making them. I have a couple of cousins who stamp. I love the cards they send. I don't think they are cheesey at all; they are much nicer than cards out of the box, and I always marvel over the work that went into the card!

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I appreciate the thought and work that goes into them, but I never keep cards. I throw them out, and tossing homemade ones makes me feel guilty. :)


This is me too. I do appreciate the thought that goes into them but I am not one for keeping everything, so unless they are the sort of thing I might frame, I might toss it after a while OR I might cut the back off it and use the front part as a card and forward it to someone else. I really appreciate it when people dont write on the back of the front of the card, for that reason.


I also like making home made cards (although I usually get dd16 to do them), but I wouldnt want anyone to feel obligated to keep it (clutter and all) so I try not to get too invested in it, and keep it simple.

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At the risk of becoming very unpopular on the board, I really don't like getting them. I don't like the way they look and I toss them in the trash pretty much right away. I don't even feel guilty.


But I don't keep store-bought cards, either. I'm just not into cards.

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At the risk of becoming very unpopular on the board, I really don't like getting them. I don't like the way they look and I toss them in the trash pretty much right away. I don't even feel guilty.


But I don't keep store-bought cards, either. I'm just not into cards.

I like the one's that have actually had some effort put into making them.


But there have been a few I did think were a little "cheesy" but it's not something I would ever communicate to the sender, of course. One of the "cheesy" ones was just a piece of very thin gift wrapping paper cut and folded with the senders signature.


The "cheesiest" card I ever received was an index card sent as a Christmas card. Yes, just a white 3 X 5 inch index card with something written on it like "Have a wonderful Christmas" and names signed. I just don't get why someone would spend postage on that. I happen to know that the man who sent that to us also sent the same thing to everyone on his Christmas card list. His wife told me.She was lamenting some of his behavior and this came up at the time too but she thought this was something "nice" he did. But I do wonder what was up with that. Maybe he has some kind of condition like Asperger's or something similar. I really don't know.


Oooops, I had "homemade" in general in mind, rather than the scrapbooking kind. The one's I thought were "cheesy" didn't fall into the category of "scrapbooking".

Edited by Miss Sherry
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At the risk of becoming very unpopular on the board, I really don't like getting them. I don't like the way they look and I toss them in the trash pretty much right away. I don't even feel guilty.


But I don't keep store-bought cards, either. I'm just not into cards.

Hahaha This made me laugh. Do you also throw away store bought cards as soon as they arrive in the mail ? :lol:

I have stacks of cards I've saved for years. Even a few from the 70's my Dad gave me. I couldn't bare to get rid of them after he died.

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I really enjoy receiving the scrapbooking kind of greeting cards and appreciate the thought that goes in to them so much that I've decided to learn the craft. I'm wondering if others like receiving these cards are think they are cheesy. Opinions? Anyone enjoy doing this craft?


My sister-in-law used to always make her Christmas cards and sometimes birthday cards. I have them in my scrapbooks. She passed away 7 years ago and I love being able to go back and see what she wrote to me in her handwriting. I absolutely cherish them and I rarely keep store bought cards. I think it is a wonderful gift to people.

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I like them, but I don't keep them. I try to keep as little as possible! What are you supposed to do with cards, anyway? To me, they seem like little missiles directed at my home, designed to seek, clutter and destroy any effort at simplifying! LOL.

No, really, I think the sentiment is extremely sweet, and I appreciate any kind of personal note. But I still toss them within 24 hours.

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I despise store bought cards... I think they are both a waste of time & money.


I have not ever (yet) received a hand-made card. But my DD has just begun to make them and practice calligraphy. The effort and thought she just poured into one for her great grandmother makes me appreciate the handmade aspect very much. (I adore handmaking things and appreciate when people know what went into making something unique for them.)


A handmade card is a VERY different animal than Hallmark.

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Thanks, you've given me just the information I was looking for. I think store bought cards are usually a waste too and so often now-a-days they don't express what I'm thinking. I'm not looking for people to keep my cards, but just not feel :ack2: when they open the envelope.

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They just are.:001_smile:

I guess it's a matter of personal taste. I like store bought cards better, unless the homemade ones were made by one of my children. My oldest daughter has made some really nice homemade cards with watercolor paints.


I'm so glad store bought one's are available. I don't want to have to make a card myself every time I want to send one.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I guess it's a matter of personal taste. I like store bought cards better, unless the homemade ones were made by one of my children. My oldest daughter has made some really nice homemade cards with watercolor paints.


I'm so glad store bought one's are available. I don't want to have to make a card myself every time I want to send one.


I think it's funny how many store-bought cards are following the trend of looking like someone made them. They intentionally look like cards a person would make with scrapbooking supplies.


I love all cards. I'm even tempted to buy store-bought ones, but I usually decide I can make one that looks the same with what I already have.


One problem I have with store-bought cards (unless they are blank inside) is that I rarely find one that I can honestly give because the wording isn't something I would say. I have an issue with that.


I have to say that I never get the positive reactions from store-bought cards that I get from homemade ones. Though I love receiving all cards, I know the person spent not only money but time making a homemade card. I don't feel less thrilled about a store-bought card, and I certainly don't expect everyone to share my papercrafting passion.

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I despise store bought cards... I think they are both a waste of time & money.


I have not ever (yet) received a hand-made card. But my DD has just begun to make them and practice calligraphy. The effort and thought she just poured into one for her great grandmother makes me appreciate the handmade aspect very much. (I adore handmaking things and appreciate when people know what went into making something unique for them.)



A handmade card is a VERY different animal than Hallmark.


I'd love to send you one. It can even be blank so that you can send it to someone else. I do this often when I give a card to someone. I write the note on a little piece of cardstock -- that way the card can be used again by those who aren't into saving cards. ;)

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  • 7 months later...

I love them, and you know what else is nice? Homemade wrapping paper, made from brown-bag paper with hand-drawn or stamped pictures. My son received a gift in some brown-bag paper once. The giver had drawn all kinds of "boy" pictures on it. I don't remember any of the gifts my son received at that party, but I'll never forget the homemade wrapping paper. And to think the mom had used it because she didn't have any birthday wrapping paper in the house! She didn't think it was anything special, but it was special to us.

Edited by Rebecca VA
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I like receiving anything anyone wants to send me that shows they were thinking of me even for a few moments. But I feel badly when it comes time to dispose of cards - both homemade and store bought. That feeling has never overcome my need to not hoard paper though so eventually the cards get thrown away.

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I enjoy making them, but am not very good at it. I do like sending them to people, especially for birthdays.

Hey, I looked up "ournestof3" cards, and they are indeed beautiful. Nice inspiration! Do you use a particular brand of stamps/supplies?

Be well




Oh my, thank you so much. I love so many different brands and supplies, but my favorites are Hero Arts and Stampin Up stamps.


There are some new Paper Hugs I would like. They are adorable.


I try to buy whatever I can on sale. I have a great Hero Arts supplier that sells to me for 40-50% off retail. I place two orders a year from her.

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I used to make cards. Elaborate, beautiful cards and they took a lot of time to make. But, I noticed that no one really seemed to appreciate them more than store-bought cards, or even notes just quickly created on the computer. So, since it's expensive for all of the supplies and I'm now considering all of the card giving to be, well, a waste of trees - I know, I'm being a stick-in-the-mud - I don't do any regular cards made or store purchased. Instead, I make a small post-card on the computer (I'll actually make them three per page so it conserves paper) and adhere it to the package.


I also reuse gift bags given to our family so I can't remember the last time I wrapped anything and for Christmas, I made beautiful, big gift bags from quilt fabric for each family member. I "wrap" the presents in tissue paper (I tie with ribbon but do not tape) so we can use the tissue paper for more than one year before it gets too damaged from the corners of boxes.


But, I can understand how you feel. I used to not only love the fun process of planning and making beautiful cards, I also enjoyed receiving them. I just felt that for us, I needed to adopt a more financially and environmentally conservative approach.


Happy scrapping! It is a very satisfying thing to do.



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I guess I'm the weird one, but I love the art work on store bought cards. So many of them have beautiful illustrations that were drawn by someone. I think so many of them are very pretty.

I hope that isn't weird. I think some store bought cards are so beautiful, I even bought one for my dh to give to me. (It was ok with him, and it was done with a sense of humor. It wasn't a gushy card.)


I have friends that make beautiful cards and I love them. And I hope that people who receive my store bought cards (I'm not a stamper) appreciate that I took the time to be in touch. I hope they don't roll their eyes because I didn't make it or because I cluttered their home with a card. I don't keep every card I receive, but unless it is really strange, I do appreciate getting one. Better than junk mail and bills. One of my friends make cards that are so funny and I love getting them!

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I hope that isn't weird. I think some store bought cards are so beautiful, I even bought one for my dh to give to me. (It was ok with him, and it was done with a sense of humor. It wasn't a gushy card.)


I have friends that make beautiful cards and I love them. And I hope that people who receive my store bought cards (I'm not a stamper) appreciate that I took the time to be in touch. I hope they don't roll their eyes because I didn't make it or because I cluttered their home with a card. I don't keep every card I receive, but unless it is really strange, I do appreciate getting one. Better than junk mail and bills. One of my friends make cards that are so funny and I love getting them!


Trust me, I appreciate any card I get. Mail is so rare these days! Though I stamp, I LOVE store-bought cards. I just have to talk myself out of buying them because I have so much money invested in supplies. It's hard, though.

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