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We need a new board game to play

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We would have 3 players, the youngest being 8. I don't want a game that contains cards with trivia questions (or something similar) because once you've been through all the questions, the game isn't fun anymore. I would like for it to be educational but mostly fun. Any suggestions?

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Settlers of Catan

We just got it for Christmas and LOVE it. It says for 10 and up, but my 7.5 year old is playing it.


We like these card games that are spin-offs of classic games. They are cheap at Wal-Mart, too (just over $5).


Sorry Revenge

Monopoly Deal

Scrabble Slamm

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Qwuirkle Cubes, Blokus,Snorta ;)

These are all new games that we received this holiday season and are LOVING them.

Snorta is not really educational at all but cute and difficult at the same time. Works very well on memory and quick thinking.


I actually looked at Blokus the other day at WalMart but then put it back for some reason. And by the way, memory and quick thinking count as educational in my book!

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Settlers of Catan

We just got it for Christmas and LOVE it. It says for 10 and up, but my 7.5 year old is playing it.


Is it pretty complicated? How long does it take to play? That's a pretty expensive board game, if I remember right.

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There's a game about food chains and food webs called Into the Forest that gets a lot of play in our house.


And the card game Set is great fun. It's one of those games that doesn't require life-experience or knowledge of trivia to play, so you might find yourself getting whupped by your 8-year-old.

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I bet they loved that! I would have.


They did :D One year we did a "Journy through the Bible" with different stops along the way for different stories (matching animal cards for Noah's Ark, putting the 10 Comandments in order, etc) starting at Creation and going to Christ's ascension. The next year we had a "Straight and Narrow" path that was criss-crossed by a "Crooked" path. At each crossing they had to answer a situational question "What would you do if you saw someone being picked on?" and if they answered right they went on the shorter straight path, and if they answered wrong (it was multiple choice) they went on the longer path that also had a "pitfall" lose a turn spot. It took hours to set up, but it was worth it! In both cases the kids wanted to play multiple times :D

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We would have 3 players, the youngest being 8. I don't want a game that contains cards with trivia questions (or something similar) because once you've been through all the questions, the game isn't fun anymore. I would like for it to be educational but mostly fun. Any suggestions?



Don't know if someone else has mentioned this but we are LOVING Lego Minotaurus. It's fun to build -- everyone can help -- and it's very fun to play for all ages.

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We just got 10 Days in Africa and everyone loves it! We're going to get all the 10 Days... games because it's such an easy, fun way to practice Geography. I think the age on the box says 10+, but our 9yo had no problem with it. We help remind each other of the rules as we go along and it's pretty simple game play.


This isn't a game that we'd play for weeks on end at a time, but it's a great one to throw in the mix. :)

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Check out Dixit http://www.amazon.com/Asmodee-5511302-Dixit/dp/B001OH9EDW It's a beautiful game and you could easily use the images for writing prompts ;). We got it for Christmas and my 10 yo loves it.


Another favorite (though not a board game) from Christmas is Zombie Dice. http://www.amazon.com/SJG-131313SJG-Zombie-Dice/dp/B003IKMR0U/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1294192344&sr=1-1


Bananagrams and Blokus are also good, as is Fluxx, http://www.amazon.com/Distribution-Solutions-LLC-4098518-Fluxx/dp/192978001X/ref=sr_1_1?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1294192428&sr=1-1

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Is it pretty complicated? How long does it take to play? That's a pretty expensive board game, if I remember right.


I thought it would be complicated when I got the rule book out. Once we started playing, it wasn't nearly as complicated as I thought. There is a lot of strategy involved if you want to really work the board and win, but I think it's fun even when I don't win.


You can play online for free here. I think it may be you versus the computer.


I got it for a little over $30 from Rainbow Resource. It was on sale and they had free shipping at the time. I know that is a lot compared to some board games, but it was well worth it. I know we'll be buying expansion packs. Here it is on Amazon.

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Ticket to Ride!!! We love love love this game. We love it so much I want the Europe version as well.


We are also big fans of Settlers of Catan, but Ticket to Ride has edged that one out, which shocked me, because we love Settlers as well.


Both of these games are expensive as far a sboard games go, but completely worth it, IMO.


Other games we love are Blokus and Apples to Apples. Apples to Apples has cards, but we change it up a lot- like playing "Apples to Oranges" instead, so it keeps it fresh and fun.

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I love board games!! Our current family favorites are:


Dominion *

Settlers of Catan

Bohnanza *


Monopoly Deal *

Loot *

Ticket to Ride



*technically these are card games. Bohnanza, Monopoly Deal and Loot are easily portable, we often pack them for playing between games at weekend tournaments.


Funagain.com has lots of options and good idea lists & reviews



ETA my youngest son in particular really loves Slamwich. Another card game.

Edited by RanchGirl
one more idea.
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We got Wits and Wagers for Christmas and the whole family loves playing it. Sounds like you need adult knowledge, but you really don't. It'll ask questions like, how long (in feet) would a slinky be if you stretched it out? Everyone makes a guess on their pad. Then everyone gets to make two guesses as to whose answer will be closest. You get points for both guessing, and having made the closest answer.


Did you know a slinky is 89 feet? I didn't! (and the percentages of kids who own cell phones, or who go trick or treating, etc.)


There are also funky questions, like how many eyes a scallop has. The kids LOVE out-guessing us parents on these. (40 eyes, BTW)

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I love board games!! Our current family favorites are:


Dominion *

Settlers of Catan

Bohnanza *


Monopoly Deal *

Loot *

Ticket to Ride



*technically these are card games. Bohnanza, Monopoly Deal and Loot are easily portable, we often pack them for playing between games at weekend tournaments.


Funagain.com has lots of options and good idea lists & reviews



ETA my youngest son in particular really loves Slamwich. Another card game.


Love these games,but another suggestion -- oldie but goodie - Parcheesi. Easy for kids, but enough strategy for adults.


You can also use it to teach probability -- it's better to be 6 steps away from a goal, than one step away.... NCTM had a whole lesson plan on parcheesi.

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All the games I was going to recommend have already been mentioned so I'll just second those recommendations:


10 Days series (Awesome. DH and I even play this all the time. Great for sneaking in geography but it's such a fun game you don't notice.)

Carcassonne (Fantastic family game. I recommend this to everyone. Very easy to learn.)

Ticket to Ride (Another great game and the rules are only slightly more difficult that Carcassonne.)


Pandemic (A fun cooperative family game.)

Forbidden Island (A fun cooperative game that's a bit easier than Pandemic. The artwork is really pretty in this one.)


I know I'm going to be the odd man out but I hated Settlers of Catan. My mother gave the game to one of my children and I hated every second of playing it. It was all I could do to be a good sport and finish it with the kids. They will have to drag me kicking and screaming to ever get near that game again.


Me too. DH enjoys it but I detest it and that's rare. We play tons of boardgames at my house but this is one I just can't take. For me there's better games out there.

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10 Days series (Awesome. DH and I even play this all the time. Great for sneaking in geography but it's such a fun game you don't notice.)

Carcassonne (Fantastic family game. I recommend this to everyone. Very easy to learn.)

Ticket to Ride (Another great game and the rules are only slightly more difficult that Carcassonne.)


Pandemic (A fun cooperative family game.)

Forbidden Island (A fun cooperative game that's a bit easier than Pandemic. The artwork is really pretty in this one.)


I totally agree with the above.


There's also a ton of cool history-themed games, like 1960: the Making of a President (I would say this was more for older kids)or Memoir '44. Archaeology games like Thebes. Strategy/control games like Tikal or Stone Age. Puzzle games like Ubongo.

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Apples to Apples is a huge hit here. So is Connect 4 and Candy Land LOL. My son loves Sorry Slider (or is it Slider Sorry??) It looks like a cheesy game but it requires a lot of strategy and fine motor control to get the tokens to slide where you want them to end up. It has also been a hit with all of his friends.


Other favorites include

Dominos (chicken feet or Mexican Train sometimes)


King Toad by Gamewright

Zig Zag (similar to Blockus)

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