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You guys shared my pregnancy excitement in January...

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and I have yet to "introduce" my baby girl and she's 6 weeks old!


Here is Ember Anya (and many of you "attacked" her name on that other thread so we're off to a great start! :glare::lol:)



The first month was really rough for me with health problems and nursing problems but things have finally settled down into a great rhythm. Her older siblings adore her and of course her daddy and I do!

I only posted one picture here because I tend to overdo it with pictures without a limit but if you want to see about a million more you can look at my blog (link's in my signature).


Hopefully I'll start being more active on the board now that I have plenty of time to sit at the computer around 2, 3 and 4am while nursing ;)


OHMYGOSH!!! She is a real cutie pie. Welcome to the world little one!


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She's precious!!! If this were a IRL group, I'd only care if you'd let me hold her or not, not what her name is or isn't :D



As to people's opinions on names, that is their opinion and it may not be the right fit for their family, but may be for yours ;) I nearly snort everytime I see one of those threads, because I can only give my preference, but that really doesn't mean squat in the whole scheme of things :)

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She's so beautiful. I love the name Ember! It reminds me of my favorite Louis L'Amour poem. I know, laugh at the fact that some cowboy author wrote it. I don't care. I love it. Here goes...



An Ember in the Dark by Louis L'Amour


Faintly, along the shadowed shores of night

I saw a wilderness of stars that flamed

And fluttered as they climbed or sank, and shamed

The crouching dark with shyly twinkling light;

I saw them there, odd fragments quaintly bright,

And wondered at their presence there unclaimed,

Then thought, perhaps, that they were dreams unnamed,

That faded slow, like hope's arrested flight.


Or vanished suddenly, like futile fears--

And some were old and worn like precious things

That youth preserves against encroaching years--

Some disappeared like songs that no man sings,

But one remained--an ember in the dark--

I crouched alone, and blew upon the spark

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