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Ds *smells* sick. Can anyone else smell sick on their kids?

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Guest CarolineUK

Yes, definitely. Both DH and I are very aware of it. It's not an actual bad, 'sick' smell, just a different smell that we know always accompanies a tummy bug. I really don't know what it is, and DH has never volunteered an explanation, as a scientist he usually has a theory on most things like that. Thinking about it, we haven't had any tummy bugs for a while, oh, the memories, four children throwing up one after another :eek:.


Hope he's feeling better soon, and that it's not too hard on mama.

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He slept in over an hour later than usual this morning. He says he feels fine, but his breath has *the smell. You know, the same smell his breath has everytime he's sick. He says he feels fine, but, I'm skeptical.


So, am I weird, or can other people smell sick on their kids?


I don't have much of a sense of smell, but my husband call smell "sick" on our kids. He says their breath smells "metallic." He smells it before the kids start showing symptoms. Interesting :)

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My dh can smell sick. He has an over developed sense of smell. If my family had to rely on smell for survival we would have died out decades ago. I can, however, see the sick before symptoms really show up. My kids give it away with glassy eyes.

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I can 'smell' it. Strep, sinus, you name it. My older dd who has chronic lyme's, OMG -- I think I will know when she is finally rid of everything b/c hopefully the smell will be gone.


DD11, well, I don't smell anything right now, but I am watching her as I suspect that in about a day, she may need to have her throat swabbed. Mother's Intuition.;)

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I wander around all day going "I smell vomit!", "Don't you smell that?!", "How can you not smell that?", "Smell my hair...does it smell like vomit?". Then one of my kids throws up.


I've learned to listen to my nose now.


That. is. hilarious.


I mean, er, it's not funny that your kid got sick. But, you know, asking someone to smell your hair to see if it smells like vomit? That's kinda funny...

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Some germs smell funny/funky, sinus infection, strep, ear infections and a bunch of others to me too.


One of our old pediatricians used to have mine breath in her face to smell it. I remember thinking how strange it was. That was years ago, and I had no idea what she was doing. :bigear:

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Ok, he hasn't eaten, his belly and throat feel 'funny', and he has strawberry tongue. Plus, he's got the whole stinky, sick breath going on. No rash, white bumps in his throat, or fever (yet), but I'm calling strep.


I emailed his ped, she said to wait until tomorrow to bring him in. I was concerned that if it IS strep, the rapid strep test won't pick it up yet (since it JUST started), and it would just be too early to tell. So, if he's not back to better by tomorrow, we'll go in.

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Ok, he hasn't eaten, his belly and throat feel 'funny', and he has strawberry tongue. Plus, he's got the whole stinky, sick breath going on. No rash, white bumps in his throat, or fever (yet), but I'm calling strep.


I emailed his ped, she said to wait until tomorrow to bring him in. I was concerned that if it IS strep, the rapid strep test won't pick it up yet (since it JUST started), and it would just be too early to tell. So, if he's not back to better by tomorrow, we'll go in.


Yep, sounds like strep. When my kids get strep, they never have any white patches on their throat or redness. They have that raunchy breath, headaches, stomach ache and/or vomiting, and a fever. I'm sorry your little guy is sick. :(

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I can smell ear infections. Yes, it is as nasty as it sounds! It smells like day old chicken wings. Our old ped asked if I wanted a job walking around the waiting room and telling some moms to go back home and point out the ones that need to be seen!


I smelled my first ear infection about a year ago. I never had ear infections growing up but DD needed to sleep with us and I just noticed a strange smell. I made her brush her teeth again, thinking it was her breath. The next day she was screaming in pain because her ear hurt so much. :( So now I know what that smell is if I ever smell it again.


I did have a lot of strep throat growing up so I may be able to smell that. The smell of tonsil stones is just terrible.

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I can smell it! I thought I was just weird. Glad to see I'm not the only weirdo.


Hope you little guy feels better soon.




Definitely!! I can smell them getting sick two or three days before. I always tell my husband it's coming, and now he finally believes me!


Me to! :lol:


I can smell ketones a mile away and have been known to go up to strangers in public to let them know they smell ketonic:001_unsure:


I haven't told anyone in public, but I can definitely smell it in my dh. He's so slender, that if he doesn't eat when he's hungry, I can smell it. ;) I just about went nuts with my first pregnancy; we had a friend living with us on the Atkins diet. The smell of her diet and, unfortunately, herself, curdled my stomach. I never said a word to her about it, though. We'd sit across the breakfast table from each other, she with her plate of bacon, me with my banana, and she'd try to convince me I was eating the most unhealthy thing I could have chosen. That still tickles me. A banana! :lol:

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I cant smell it, but I can see it.


My kids never get fevers (each of them have only had one) or ear infections (none of them have had one) or strep (just one round of hand foot and mouth disease for the boys).


They however get a horrible round of stomach virus every.single.year. My DD gets it soo bad that she lands in the ER for dehydration. 24 hours before they get it I can see it in their eyes. They get really glassy. Not watery or red, just glassy. They remind me of my DH's taxidermy eyes :lol: He thinks I am nuts, but I can see it every time!!

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Greaaaaaaaat. He's not hungry for breakfast, because his 'tummy feels a little funny', and his throat is a little sore.


Oh pleeeeeeease, not strep. :glare:

That could be sinus drainage. Dh took dd to urgent care two weeks ago for what we thought was strep. Turns out it was sinus drainage making her throat raw.


And usually strep doesn't cause stomach upset. At least it didn't for me the 12 billion times I had it between birth and age 25.

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That could be sinus drainage. Dh took dd to urgent care two weeks ago for what we thought was strep. Turns out it was sinus drainage making her throat raw.


And usually strep doesn't cause stomach upset. At least it didn't for me the 12 billion times I had it between birth and age 25.


It could definitely be sinus drainage. My middle daughter has had strep 3 times in the last year, and every single time she has had vomiting, a headache, and fever, but no sore throat. It's kinda weird how strep affects people so differently, huh?

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