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IMHO, go to the best place/doctor for cancer you can. It can make a huge difference. :grouphug: My df was able to receive a plan from one of the best doctors, which he then took home to the local treatment center. The center performed the treatments as per doctor's orders, and periodically he goes to the doctor for a check up. Just make certain you receive detailed, written instructions for the local center. :001_smile::grouphug:


Like I said, I have walked this road twice in four years with very close friends. . .


I would never stay local- in your shoes, if I could get to the Mayo, I would. Both my firends could have stayed locally and both were very glad they decided to go to the major cancer research university. Their care was hands down exceptional. I would see a top notch doctor at the Mayo and take his/her treatment plan to your local cancer treatment center. I would also have all necessary surgery at the Mayo.


I have lots of practical info, but I will save it for when you are ready. My one friend is a 4 year survivor of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma , stage III. She had a complete mascectomy and reconstruction. She was 34 at diagnosis. She is doing AWESOME. I'll save the other story for later, however, it may be worth sharing in the future.


Keep your chin up. Know there are many many folks praying for you.

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I am so very sorry that you are going through this.

2 years ago I was diagnosed with DCIS. (ductal carcinoma in situ)I had a double mastectomy in January '09 and reconstructive surgery the following May.


I started out with testing at MD Anderson, but in the end went to Methodist Hospital (in Houston) in order to get a (wonderful) surgeon who worked hand in hand with the doctor I had picked for my reconstruction.


Please be picky about your reconstruction. You want someone really good. I had the type of reconstruction called a DIEP. Can't remember what that stands for...but they take your abdominal fat and make breast out of it. Not an easy surgery, and my tummy is probably forever numb, but nice results.


If you come to Houston, check into Methodist. Dr. Baker is who did my mastectomy and Dr. Aldona Spiegel did my reconstruction. She is one of the best. I know MD Anderson is good for testing, but I would not want them doing my breast surgery. You are not much more than a number there. Dr. Baker is so very kind.


Breastcancer.org is a great place.


Please e-mail me if you need to talk or ask any questions.



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:grouphug: Continuing to pray for you Christine. If you are interested in foods, herbs, supplements that are supposed to help you might check out naturalnews.com. BEFORE YOU GO THERE, please know that they are VERY anti-traditional medicine. That stance means that they write some very concerning reports on chemo and radiation. Please, please, please take advantage of what they know about natural medicine, but don't take the more... anti-pink information too much to heart (or let it scare you). If you think it might, I could try cutting and pasting some articles into emails for you.



ETA, looks like I was an update behind :blushing: I'm glad you had a good visit with your brother and add me to the list of "go where you can get the best care" voters.

Edited by lionfamily1999
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Christine, I didn't see your update! You've been in my thoughts and prayers all week. I almost wrote to you last night to tell you that we're all praying for you and to please update us, but then I realized today was THURSDAY and not Friday. Please let us know how it goes tomorrow.


I'm SO glad you had a great visit with your brother! What a sweetheart to get to you RIGHT AWAY, and rent a car for that! I'm so glad you had him.


I pray that you have a good appt. tomorrow and that your going to start your treatment/cure soon!!!




We are here for you!!!

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Wow, I just saw this thread, read your previous threads about this and read all your updates. First I want you to know I said a prayer for you and will continue to do so.


I used to live in Michigan and there is a good cancer center in Grand Rapids. I know you are not close to Grand Rapids, but its a thought. http://lackscancercenter.org/


Lacks Cancer Center has a comprehensive Breast Center as well right within it




U of M also has a good cancer center




AND just in case they have an IBC clinic



God is with you. He will not leave you. My families prayers are with you.


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My name is Sumi. I have been coming to WTM forum way back when there was an old one. I have not been coming for a while now because I had to fight for my life because of breast cancer. I had the same diagnosis as you. For some reason, I wanted to visit WTM yesterday and today to see how things have changed, and I came across your post. I want to offer you a great hope that everything will be okay. I had to go through Chemo and a bi-lateral mastectomy. We have a blog/website that has some information on the choices that you have which most women don't know of. It is a blog about us and our life after breast cancer. Here is the link.

If you need more information, please contact me or my husband at the e-mail address at the website.




My heart broke when I saw your post. I know what you are going through. I am cancer free now because of my wonderful doctors. My doctors are world renown, some of the best in the world.


We are working on the Aloha Howdy Festival so that women will have more knowledge about breast cancer. I prayed for you. God bless you and your family.




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Hi, I'm so sorry for your diagnosis. I too was diagnosed with IDC back in June. I had a bilateral mastectomy and just finished my last chemo today! You're in the scariest part of your journey right now. Once you get your treatment plan in place you'll feel a lot better. I agree with the recommendation to check out the message board at breastcancer.org. It's a wealth of information and support. Hang in there. You can do this!!


PS: Here's a pic I took today. Bald but happy! And

to a speech I gave at a Breast Cancer Awareness luncheon last week. I hope my journey can inspire you a bit and show you that you can get through this with dignity and strength.



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Thank you to all those who have posted recently and to all the hive for supporting me.


I can't even remember what I updated last! I got into the ONcologist on Tuesday and had tests Tues and Thurs. Saw the doc again today. My bone scan is clean!!!! My organs look clean except they saw a little mass near my intestines but don't know what it is at the moment. It could be nothing.


I am going to Ann Arbor for the clinic on Monday and will have a plan. I am trying to get into their clinical trial study there. There are about 7 around the country of different drug combos. Right now I am really at peace with this decision. It will be All Saints Day the day that I am there and I believe all the saints in heaven will be praying for me. My son's life was also saved there almost 5 years to the date. It will be good.


My brother started his chemo yesterday. My doctor is wondering if we have Lynch Syndrome, a genetic trait that manifests itself in colon and breast cancer.


I will try to update again and maybe get a care page started.


Thank you everyone!



Edited by Carpe Diem
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Thank you to all those who have posted recently and to all the hive for supporting me.


I can't even remember what I updated last! I got into the ONcologist on Tuesday and had tests Tues and Thurs. Saw the doc again today. My bone scan is clean!!!! My organs look clean except they saw a little mass near my intestines but don't know what it is at the moment. It could be nothing.


I am going to Ann Arbor for the clinic on Monday and will have a plan. I am trying to get into their clinical trial study there. There are about 7 around the country of different drug combos. Right now I am really at peace with this decision. It will be All Saints Day the day that I am there and I believe all the saints in heaven will be praying for me. My son's life was also saved there almost 5 years to the date. It will be good.


My brother started his chemo yesterday. My doctor is wondering if we have Lynch Syndrome, a genetic trait that manifests itself in colon and breast cancer.


I will try to update again and maybe get a care page started.


Thank you everyone!



What comforting news! :grouphug:


Does Lynch Syndrome change anything (treatment options?)?




Continuing to pray for you :)

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So glad you seem to be feeling positive about the way things are progressing. My mil recovered from stage4 throat cancer just over a year ago. She is 78 and says she feels wonderful. Through the whole treatment plan she just kept talking about things she was going to do when she got better and how He kept her company through it all - she had such a wonderful positive disposition. She surprised all of her doctors.


Keep up the positive thoughts and have faith that He will be walking with you through this entire journey.


My prayers and positive thoughts are with you and your family.:grouphug:

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Thank you to all those who have posted recently and to all the hive for supporting me.


I can't even remember what I updated last! I got into the ONcologist on Tuesday and had tests Tues and Thurs. Saw the doc again today. My bone scan is clean!!!! My organs look clean except they saw a little mass near my intestines but don't know what it is at the moment. It could be nothing.


I am going to Ann Arbor for the clinic on Monday and will have a plan. I am trying to get into their clinical trial study there. There are about 7 around the country of different drug combos. Right now I am really at peace with this decision. It will be All Saints Day the day that I am there and I believe all the saints in heaven will be praying for me. My son's life was also saved there almost 5 years to the date. It will be good.


My brother started his chemo yesterday. My doctor is wondering if we have Lynch Syndrome, a genetic trait that manifests itself in colon and breast cancer.


I will try to update again and maybe get a care page started.


Thank you everyone!




Thanks for taking the time to update :grouphug:.

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Christine, that is such wonderful news that your bone scan is clean! I would feel very comfortable getting treatment in Ann Arbor. They're excellent. Plus that way you can be closer to home, and that's important, too.


I'll be thinking of you on All Saints Day and continue to keep you in my prayers.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Hi, I'm so sorry for your diagnosis. I too was diagnosed with IDC back in June. I had a bilateral mastectomy and just finished my last chemo today! You're in the scariest part of your journey right now. Once you get your treatment plan in place you'll feel a lot better. I agree with the recommendation to check out the message board at breastcancer.org. It's a wealth of information and support. Hang in there. You can do this!!


PS: Here's a pic I took today. Bald but happy! And

to a speech I gave at a Breast Cancer Awareness luncheon last week. I hope my journey can inspire you a bit and show you that you can get through this with dignity and strength.



You are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!! STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you to all those who have posted recently and to all the hive for supporting me.


I can't even remember what I updated last! I got into the ONcologist on Tuesday and had tests Tues and Thurs. Saw the doc again today. My bone scan is clean!!!! My organs look clean except they saw a little mass near my intestines but don't know what it is at the moment. It could be nothing.


I am going to Ann Arbor for the clinic on Monday and will have a plan. I am trying to get into their clinical trial study there. There are about 7 around the country of different drug combos. Right now I am really at peace with this decision. It will be All Saints Day the day that I am there and I believe all the saints in heaven will be praying for me. My son's life was also saved there almost 5 years to the date. It will be good.


My brother started his chemo yesterday. My doctor is wondering if we have Lynch Syndrome, a genetic trait that manifests itself in colon and breast cancer.


I will try to update again and maybe get a care page started.


Thank you everyone!



Christine, I somehow missed that your brother had cancer, too. I'm so sorry for both of you!


I am in awe of you. You are AMAZING. I'm so glad you are moving forward with grace and peace. I hope and pray God pour out his blessings on you, your brother, and both your families as you go through this journey.


Did the tests confirm IDC?


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I am in Texas and from personal experience I can tell you that MD Anderson is not as great as it is portrayed. You would definitely be a number at MD Anderson and it wouldn't be unheard of for them to make mistakes and drop the ball on treatments since it is such a huge place. They also have students/residents there since it is a teaching hospital. Sometimes that is a good thing if you are dealing with a rare difficult to treat cancer, but for other types of cancers I would suggest a different type of treatment center.


I think you would be best going to the best treatment center for the type of breast cancer you were diagnosed with that is within reasonable distance to your home or other family members. You will need that support.


Praying everything goes well for you.

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Hi, I'm so sorry for your diagnosis. I too was diagnosed with IDC back in June. I had a bilateral mastectomy and just finished my last chemo today! You're in the scariest part of your journey right now. Once you get your treatment plan in place you'll feel a lot better. I agree with the recommendation to check out the message board at breastcancer.org. It's a wealth of information and support. Hang in there. You can do this!!


PS: Here's a pic I took today. Bald but happy! And

to a speech I gave at a Breast Cancer Awareness luncheon last week. I hope my journey can inspire you a bit and show you that you can get through this with dignity and strength.




You're rocking that bald look! Thanks for sharing your positive story.

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