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How many extracurricular activities do you put your kids in?


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I'm thinking I just might have overdone it this time!! I usually put the kids in one or two things outside of what we do at home. Not sure what's gotten into me here, but I think I just may have overdone it.


This fall he'll be in ice skating lessons for 45mins a week with other homeschoolers, taking weekly piano lessons, I've got him in for 6 weeks of 1.5hr art classes, I just signed him up for a year of dance/musical theatre, and he's in gymnastics, and of course there's Sunday School.


If my child were in ps all day, I would say this number of activites would stress a kid out. But, he is homeschooled, so he does have more free time than your average ps'd bear. And he's not in any more than one thing per day, with none of the activities any longer than 1.5hrs.


What's are your limits on extra curricular activities?

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My 8yo is doing 1 hour swim club, 45 minute swim lesson, 1 hour gymnastics, 1/2 hour ice skating lesson (followed by free skate), 45 minutes drop-in roller skating lessons maybe every other week (followed by free skate), and 1 hour of Brownies bi-weekly. There is also a 10 week basketball league in the spring (1 hour practice, 1 hour game weekly).


My 6yo has the same schedule, but without swim club or Brownies. Starting January, we'll may add in ballet.


My limits are pretty firm: we need at least one activity-free week day and weekend day; travel time will not exceed activity time; free/play time must exceed activity AND travel time, not counting weekends. This fall we have Mondays and every other Friday free. We're lucky because most of the girls' activities are shared or simultaneous; I'm not sure how we'd handle things otherwise.

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I don't worry too much about the activities that we do during the day as long as they don't interfere with our school work getting done. However, it's important to me that we don't spend our family time running all over the place, so we limit our other activities to 2 hours a week (like a 1 hour practice and 1 hour game). All of our family on both sides lives in town, so between birthdays and just general get togethers, our time is pretty full. Plus we have church 2x a week, so we try to keep it simple - just one 'after school' activity per kid.

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I do piano once a week for my 8 and 11 yr old.

Soccer is seasonal, but my 11 and 8 yr old do fall soccer and my 6 yr old does spring soccer.


That's about all we can afford right now. haha


However, our community has lots of homeschool resources - such as a co-op or a public school funded program which is a school just for homeschoolers. You can take just one or two classes a week or up to 8 classes a week. These are not done at any of the public schools, but rather a totally separate building across town that is really just a school for homeschoolers. It runs Tue-Wed-Thurs and you choose your classes and how many hours.

So this year I got excited and did all 8 classes/week for the boys. That means they go three hours on Tuesday and five hours on Wednesday. They are taking a variety of classes from karate to art to science to music classes. They really really like it so far.

In the future I may cut some time back on that, but it gives me a nice break in the middle of the week and it gives the boys a nice time out of the home to be around other kids and other adults as teachers. :) The classes are all really fun too.

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Indy has 3 this fall and I think it's too many! He has soccer twice a week (plus games on Sat!), Cub scouts (once a week) and violin (once a week). It's too much to me! Fortunately soccer is only through early Nov and dh takes him to practice (because I'm soooooo tired in the afternoons). He wants to do tennis in the winter, but I'm not sure. If the tennis center within walking distance of our house will do it in English (or at least a mixture of English and German), I'll let him, but if we have to go where he went last year (about 30 minutes away), then there will probably be no tennis. This would still be 3, but tennis would only be once a week and there would be no Sat games.

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My 7yo and 5yo both do swimming, gymnastics and piano once a week, plus a weekly playmeet with other home schoolers. We do other things as occasional or one off sessions. I would love to do more, because there are so many worthwhile activities out there, but we couldn't afford it and in any case I feel that what they're doing is probably the right amount for them at the moment.


Our Weekly Schedule goes like this:

Monday - morning attachment parenting playgroup, afternoon gymnastics for 7yo and 5yo

Tuesday - library story and craft time for 2yo, meet friends in playground or park (we don't do this every week)

Wednesday - morning swimming class for 7yo and 5yo, afternoon 5yo will be starting Girl Guides in a couple of weeks

Thursday - Usually our quiet day for catching up on schoolwork, housework and errands

Friday - Craft/play session with home ed group (most weeks - we'll skip this if we have had one off activities on the Thursday and need a quiet day, as we don't function well without one every week)

Saturday - Piano lessons for 7yo and 5yo

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Right now DD is in dance and a homeschool soccer group. She'll do those two pretty much year round.


And I just found a local place that does music lessons fairly cheap, so we may add that on.


This is another one of those things that can be so different depending on the child/family. If you are feeling stressed out over the activities, it is time to pull back. If the children start being very reluctant to go, it's probably time to pull back. If schoolwork/play time is suffering.... it's probably time to pull back.


I could foresee a time when DD was in an activity a day. (Well, since she will most likely be at her dance studio 4 days a week next year, plus 2-3 days of soccer... that day will come sooner rather than later!) As long as she wasn't getting burned out, schoolwork was getting done, and we still had a reasonable amount of family time, I'd be okay with it.

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My daughter is taking two acting classes, private voice/piano lessons, a choir class, a science course, and weekly swim lessons.


Her twin brother is in the science class, a Lego engineering class, drum class, band, and weekly swim lessons.


My youngest has piano lessons, choir, and swim lessons.


They all attend Sunday school.


They are busy, but they seem to do better when they are actively involved in several activities. I am the one who gets tired from all the running around.

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Ds (7) has tae kwon do three times a week, piano once a week, Cub Scouts once a week, and religious education on Sundays. He seems to like being busy, I like the stimulation and challenges he faces, and it's fun. Of course, school just started for us so I'll check in later this year and let you know :)


There's also a playmeet at the park once a week we haven't been able to make it to yet, with a few afterschool friends. Once a month is P.E. an hour away organized by homeschoolers. The library may organize another book discussion group, but I may save those for the Summer. I don't want to overschedule our family.


Dd (3) has ballet twice a week. Her request.


I teach both singing at home, and our youngest beginning piano, and our oldest gets once a week tennis practice with dh. Dh also teaches both art once a week.

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DD13 is a full time goalie - ice time 2x a week, with being a goalie will be goalie clinics which is once biweekly, she is also starting basketball, 2x/week. For 5 weeks we'll be doing swim lessons 2x/week but this will be day time. We have a once a month art class.


DD11 is on the ice 2x week, basketball 2x week, 5 weeks day time swimming 2x week, and 1 week piano lesson, as well as once a month art class.


DD6 is on the ice 2-3 times a week, basketball 1x/week, 5 weeks swim lessons 2x week and an art class once/mo.


Ringette and basket ball run end of September to mid-march(approx).


DS plays hockey 1x week. But he isn't homeschooled and works full time :lol:


We are considering 4H yet as well, with the dogs. that would be 1x/week for the 2 older girls. not sure if our schedule will allow it.

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DS has violin twice a week, 4H once every 2 weeks, and baseball in the spring, summer and fall. He also likes football and basketball. Every Tuesday morning is CC.


DD has dance for 1.5 hours a week, violin twice a week and baseball in the spring. But, she also currently attends Kindergarten 5 mornings a week. (That almost 2-hour commute a day is just about killing me! Please pray that dh lets me pull her out this year, instead of waiting for next year.)

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Soccer 2x week, plus games (in Sept/Oct), Dance 2x week.


DD also does a science class every other week, a co-op art class once a week, and a group music class, but all of those are things I consider curricular, since they replace some or all of the curriculum we'd do at home for that subject.

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I think it depends a lot on how many kids you have doing activities and how much time you need for schooling. When my oldest was the age of your oldest, she did tons of activities (ballet, ice skating, daisy scouts, church, nature walks, gymnastics, violin, harp, soccer. . .), so that in any particular season she had probably 3 weekly+ activities, plus two instrument lessons, plus lots of play dates. . . She thrived; we had plenty of time for schooling and regular life. . . So, what you're doing might just work fine for your family for right now.


But, once my next oldest child became activity-aged (4 or so), it soon became too much. Now that all 3 are activity-aged, we have to limit activities carefully in order to allow time for 'real life', schooling, and just plain peace.


Now, year-round, each child has one or two serious instruments that require weekly lessons + regular performances. Ds has boy scouts (weekly). Dds each have a monthly book club. Dd13 and ds11 each have paid jobs (music performance) 1x/mo (ds11) and 4x/mo (dd13). The older two have a regular volunteer/service thing they do once or twice a month.


We all do weekly ski club once a week during ski season. The olders have orchestra seasons for 2-4 months per year that require weekly rehearsals.


Beyond those ongoing commitments, I limit additional activities to one per season *at most* for each child (and NOT during ski season!). So, one sport or one drama/dance class, etc. I actually aim to not have all of them doing an 'extra' at the same time, especially if it's weekly. Generally, we try to only have ONE extra activity going at any given time. . . so, if it's something all kids can do, then they can all do it. . . but, if it's something for just one of them, then I try to rotate it so it's fair and meets the needs of the kids. (Dd7 gets priority since she has the fewest regular commitments and doesn't have as many friends yet as the older two.) I also think carefully about when/where an activity meets before making a commitment, as how things are scheduled makes a big difference on how it impacts the rest of our lives.



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My limit: nothing that happens before, oh, 3 in the afternoon. That is all.


I know that we can homeschool any time of the day because, well, we're homeschooling. :-) However, being gone so much during the day, especially before 3, on a regular, frequent basis makes all of us less satisfied to be home in the first place, and I miss prime teaching time. Barbara Shelton says it's that when you know you have to leave the house your mind is on getting ready to get out, and when you come home it takes more time to settle down and get to work (she says it much better, of course).


So my dds did classes/activities which were scheduled around public school hours, not homeschool classes which were scheduled in the morning (or before 3 in the afternoon).


Dds did Scottish Highland dance (one dd for 9 years), ballet, 4-H, Camp Fire (which we did as independents), marching band, and choir, as well as church activities like Missionettes, Pioneer Clubs and AWANA. I don't think they missed out on anything. :-)

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Monday evening: cub scouts 1x a week,

Tuesday 3-4pm: Spanish 1hr 1x/week


Wednesday 5:20pm: choir and kid's Bible study 1x/week

Friday all morning: co-op 2 x/month

Saturday morning 10:30 Piano 30 min 1x/week

Sunday school 1x/week


So with the exception of co-op on Friday morning, nothing else starts before 3pm for us during the weekdays for outside activities. Still this seems too much for me.

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This is year we only have two things going on....cub scouts for my oldest once a week and both boys have soccer once a week. We belong to a homeschool group that has activities/field trips here and there and we can just pick and choose what we want to do. I'm totally loving this light schedule! Last year we overdid it and I got really burned out. I am getting really picky about outside activities....I refuse to drive more than 20 mins, nothing in the mornings (this is our school time), and nothing that interferes with dinner (this is our family time). Oh, and it can't be too expensive either, lol. With those restrictions, I'm finding there's a lot of things we can't do, even if we wanted to. :)

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I am actually doing more this year than in year's past because after school, all they want to do is play video games and I would rather get them out doing something. Right now, both girls are in girl scouts and taking ice skating lessons (that won't last long because they both hate it). They are going back to science club at the local science museum which meets weekly and in January, they are joining 4H. My dd8 also participates in a local children's choir. We do a monthly homeschool science class at the science museum and one at the local university. We are doing homeschool gym classes at the local Y once weekly as well. Our local parks district has some excellent homeschool classes as well and we are doing a few of those. It seems like a lot but it works out to be good for us. I am not crafty or sciency at all so all of these activities help make up for my weaknesses in these areas.

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We have:

Park Day on Monday afternoons - time for kids to run and play and Mom to socialize

Music lessons on Thursday afternoons - half hour for each kid all in a row.

Swimming Lesson on Friday afternoon - just for my youngest, the older kids can already swim

Japanese School on Saturday mornings - for everyone including the adults


This is as busy as *I* can handle. The kids probably could do more activities but my tolerance for the go-go-go is at the limit. There is a possibility that my oldest will do Civil Air Patrol on Tuesday evenings after she turns 12 in October, but my husband would be in charge of transportation.

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We're probably at the extreme of doing a lot, but it suits us. Ds needs a lot of practice being in different environments to help him better deal with autism's inherent deficits and dd just loves to do classes. We don't have any budget constraints and I don't mind driving although I do try to have both kids in activities together now that ds is able to participate and age/grade groupings usually permit this.


The kids both do TKD, ballet, gymnastics, art, choir, museum science classes, Spanish class, a half-day drop off hs program, CCE and play group. Dd plays soccer in the fall, basketball in winter and softball in spring. She'd like to try swim team next summer. She also wants to try Girl Scouts. Ds does Special Olympics swimming, basketball and cycling as well as a social skills class and Cub Scouts. He may try table tennis and tennis this year as well. He also does Upward soccer in the spring.


We have enough time to do the 3Rs/Spanish/Oak Meadow 4 or 5 times a week which is fine because we school year round. We listen to read-alouds in the car and we do schoolwork if one kid is free while the other is at an activity. We've actually got a lot done so far this year and I'm not stressed at all. The secret was finding a babysitter for my oldest, it makes taking the other 2 out and about soooo much easier when I don't have to deal with his melt-downs.


I like to give the kids as many opportunities to try new things and develop their skills as possible. They enjoy their activities and haven't given me any complaints about getting ready to go.

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My guys do Judo 2X/week (at the same time), public speaking club 2X/month (at the same time), and piano 1X/week (at the same time). They also have a full day of homeschool enrichment 1 day a week.


This Wednesday, my dh is taking ds6 to try out a trampoline/tumbling class. He's very small, very athletic, and very energetic. It's the first time we've done an activity for just 1 child.

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My dd grade 6 does a lot too. She plays water polo 3x/week (1 1/2 hrs/time), does musical theatre 2x/week and competitive jump rope 2x/week. This all happens in the evening after "school" time. We also do Girl Guides on Monday afternoons. She would do more if she had time; she likes to be very active.

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I've over-committed ourselves this week, and I'm beginning to feel the stress of it, but only for my 7th grader. We do:


Mon: CC 1/2 day (I tutor), school in afternoon, dd10 has volleyball practice

Tues: mercifully nothing til volleyball is over, then all 3 will do martial arts

Wed: dd10 has choir during day, then all have swim lessns during afternoon DD6 has art lessons. After school they all do fencing.

Thurs: ds12 will start volunteering 2x/month at science museum. Older two will do catechism in afternoon. dd has volleyball. And Girl Scouts every other week.

Fri. All 3 have co-op w/literature, history, gym. We then go to another homeschool gym.

Sat. volleyball games



We do school some over summer and gets all of our history and CC review done in car. I'm trying to convince them to do science on Sat. And also trying to add piano lessons since we're dropping 4H. We'll see.

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That is a good question! I cut back this year. Last year my son took resource classes at a local school and was there all day Thursday and half-day Friday. I cut that back this year to just one day on Friday. It was interfering too much with our school.


So, this year he is at the resource school from 9:30 to 3:00 on Friday. He is taking 3 classes, Art, Chess and a problem solving/inventing class. Monday he has P.E. in the morning, Tuesday bible study with Grandma, Wednesday piano lessons and in the evening book club. It feels like too much and basketball hasn't even started yet, that will be in Nov sometime and practice will most likely be at the same time as book club, so we'll drop that temporarily. I'd like for him to be able to join Boy Scouts, but we simply can't take on anything else. And for some reason at this moment he is telling me he is bored..."Relax, its Sunday!! Go read a book! Go play outside!" LOL

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My DD-9 does piano lessons 30 min/wk, spring and fall softball, ballet and tap 2 hrs/wk, plays violin in a youth string orchestra 1 1/2 hrs/wk, Girl Scouts, and she will audition for a role in our community theater's production this fall. She's always been active and homeschooling is making fitting it all in much more manageable. As long as she can handle it successfully I don't mind.


DS #2 is involved in a time intensive Marching Band and pretty much nothing else. He was much more active when he was younger.

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My 12th grade son is in fall and spring soccer on a homeschool soccer team, and is involved in Bible quiz at our local church. He also is a member of the local National Homeschool Honor Society, and is president of his area chapter this year, so he has monthly meetings to plan for and be in charge of. He just finished 3 months of life guarding at an area swimming pool, so he can get back to concentrating on school again! He had taken 6 years of piano lessons on top of everything, prior to this year.


My 10th grade daughter loves musical theater - she is currently involved in a local production at a children's theater - which keeps her busy about 4-6 hours a week at night. She is also involved in Bible quizzing, and works in the church nursery on Sundays. She has taken 7 years of piano lessons prior to this year, as well as art classes.

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This will be our busiest year yet! We are doing:


DD9: Piano 1x week

DD7: Swim Team 2-4x per week (schedule varies)

DD4: Swim Lessons 1x week


All 3: All day co-op on Monday

AWANA on Monday night


All of the above (with the exception of the co-op on Monday) are at 4:00 or after. Kids and I do not do well with doing something in the morning and then coming home for school.

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dd is only 5 and ds is 2, so all of our at home schooling can be done before noon.


they have a few activities that i consider curricular; chinese class, spanish story time, PE, book club, nature center science class.


extras would be dance class, dance team, theatre class, tae kwon do, 4-H, horseback riding.


dd does less now than she did last year. i imagine that as my children age they will have to spend more time on academics, and they will also probably also cut back so they can spend more time on things they are really serious about.

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I pretty much don't have limits if we're all happy and it's working for us. We are one of those busy noisy households who have no desire to sit quietly. It's great if you do it's just not us. HS kids have Spanish and PE weekly. Nine yo ds has soccer x2, Cubs, Wednesday and Sunday church. Six yo has Daisy Scouts, soccer x2 and Wednesday and Thursday church. They will play basketball, baseball and summer soccer as season comes around. I would like them to take piano but they don't seem interested. They usually come along to their sibs events~cross country, basketball, soccer and swim meets. We usually have Friday night and Sunday free except for church. That's enough free time for us.

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After alternate years of overdoing it and then going the opposite direction with doing nothing, this year will be a happy medium. I am pleased with what we are doing. We live 45 min. away from the nearest city so this played a part in our declsion as well.


Each child will do one activity per their passion during the year. They will each take piano as well. I also wanted each child to do one church activity but there was a scheduling problem so my two youngest will not do Awana this year. Seeing that I am not a big proponent of Awana, this isn't a big deal. We also participate in any field trips offered by our homechool group.


Here is what each child will do:

H (11)--horseback riding lessons (in the spring-- 1 hr. a week), youth group, piano

D (9)--soccer (twice a week, 2X a week,) piano

M(7)--gymnastics (1 hr. a week), piano

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Thanks for sharing! When I mentally listed everything off, I was sort of shocked at how many things he was in, but I do want him to have a chance to experience several different things so he can settle on a few he really likes as he gets older. Plus less free time with the neighbourhood kids after school and less time to stare longingly at his video games (he's only allowed to play those after supper) also influenced my lack of restraint in signing him up for stuff!

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At 6 yo, my ds was in public school and we only did 1 extracurricular activity at a time--usually a sport.


Now, at 11 and in our first year of hs'ing I fear we've overscheduled as well: Piano lessons, 1/2 h, 1x week; Orchestra, 1 h, 1x week; FIRST Lego League, 2h 1x week (with more hours added on as competition date gets closer); co-op class (History of Ancient Warfare), 1h 1x week. That's only 4 1/2 h/week, but it still feels like a lot. We'll see...

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Guest janainaz
This fall he'll be in ice skating lessons for 45mins a week with other homeschoolers, taking weekly piano lessons, I've got him in for 6 weeks of 1.5hr art classes, I just signed him up for a year of dance/musical theatre, and he's in gymnastics, and of course there's Sunday School.


Art and music is great, and maybe one physical type of activity at a time. I think I would have probably skipped the ice skating and done either the gymnastics or dance/musical theatre. Doing ALL of that seems to be a bit much.


We usually do one activity at a time (per child). But if your child is happy and doing well, that is all that matters (and of course, you, as well!).

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The ones that are ongoing- my daughter (just about age 10) does two. Girl Scouts (once a week) and Gymnastics (once a week).


My son (just about age 5) does one. Gymnastics (once a week).


Then there are some "temporary" ones that we might add in. Like a "homeschool bowling league" that might run weekly, but only for two months. Or a "library book club" that might run weekly, but only for a few months.

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We cut back this year. We have 4H, usually once a week, usually on Tuesdays, for a variety of projects (science, nature crafts, etc.).


Both kids are in fencing one hour a week.


We do drop-in homeschool gymastics about 3 times a month on average, though we're aiming for weekly.


And we have a weekly Park Day.


That's it this year! Last year we had more going on and we just all felt burnt out.

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dd9 has fencing 1x per week, art 1x per week and a ps enrichment school all day 1x per week.

dd5 has ballet 1x per week and ps enrichment school all day 1x per week.

In the deep, dark, cold of the winter, they take a trampoline gymnastics class 1x per week and a swim class too just to make up for the lack of outdoor playtime.

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I don't worry too much about the activities that we do during the day as long as they don't interfere with our school work getting done. However, it's important to me that we don't spend our family time running all over the place, so we limit our other activities to 2 hours a week (like a 1 hour practice and 1 hour game). All of our family on both sides lives in town, so between birthdays and just general get togethers, our time is pretty full. Plus we have church 2x a week, so we try to keep it simple - just one 'after school' activity per kid.


This is very similar to us. We have church things 3x a week, but don't spend so much time with family. More with HS friends.


DD has ballet and DS has Kindermusik.

Next year we will probably add piano for DD.

We will do 6 weeks of swimming lessons for both in the late spring.


We are really trying to resist doing things because everyone else does and keeping our family time a priority. Hard to do!

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Wow, I am feeling like my kids don't get enough! My 2 bigs have a weekly class. My oldest DD is taking an art class and I think we are going to do 4-H once a month. My oldest boy would like to do a pottery class and my #3 just really wants to go to pre-school. Sigh.


I have steadily pared down the last couple of years. We dropped a science co-op we had done for a couple of years. I just really don't like constantly having to be some place. We need home time! I fully expect that to look different for my youngest and think part of my reluctance to be in a lot of outside activities stems from the fact that I have young kids and it is very draining for me to be out trying to entertain kids while someone is in class.

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Soccer: 1 Wed practice and 1 game per week (fri or sat)


Gym&Swim: 1 1/2 hour class at YMCA on Thursday afternoons. This includes swim lessons.


Piano: I'm teaching her piano at the moment, but she would probably have an instructor if I could afford it. We do piano first thing in the morning.



Soccer: Mon & Wed practices and 1 game per week (fri or sat). Fortunately, one of his practices is at the same time as DD's.


DS4 also tags along for DD's Gym&Swim class. He can't officially enroll until he's 5. They usually let him participate in the gym part. I used to have him in swim lessons 2x week, but we had to stop those for logistical reasons once DD5months had her hip surgery. The classes were at a really bad time for us anyway. We may end up joining the Y at some point and then just work with him in the pool once a week. But these plans are on hold until the baby gets out of her body cast.


So, Tues and Thurs evenings are free of activities for the kids, and Friday evenings are sometimes free. This is a schedule I can handle. It's a bunch of running around on weekday evenings that really wears me down.

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I feel so bad after reading all the wonderful activities everyone is doing! Between the difficulties of 2 of our kids and the expense my kids don't do anything outside of home besides church 2x a week. I really wish they could!


Don't feel bad, we don't do anything either other than AWANA, Sunday church and my dd takes that Friday sewing class for 9wks.


I like keeping my dc home. Nothing wrong with that;)

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